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单词 Secrecy
1. You are under pledge of secrecy.
2. A shroud of secrecy surrounds the plan.
3. His sister had been bound to secrecy.
4. The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
5. The plan was made in secrecy.
6. I must stress the need for absolute secrecy about the project.
7. We were all sworn to secrecy about the plan.
8. Silence and secrecy surround the murder.
9. His work was shrouded in secrecy .
10. Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy.
11. He had been bound to secrecy .
12. I am very conscious of the need for secrecy.
13. I can understand her wish for secrecy.
14. Secrecy is crucial to this police operation.
15. Complete secrecy surrounded the meeting.
16. He shrouds his business dealings in secrecy.
17. They were sworn to secrecy.
18. The details of the evacuation are veiled in secrecy.
19. The work is shrouded in secrecy .
20. Secrecy enshrouded the Party's central committee.
21. The whole affair is still shrouded in secrecy.
22. I've been pledged to secrecy.
23. Employees were pledged to secrecy .
24. A blanket of secrecy surrounded the tribunals.
25. The trial was conducted under a blanket of secrecy.
26. Perhaps, when you've heard me out,() you'll appreciate the reason for secrecy.
27. Their work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy.
28. Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.
29. All the researchers on the project are sworn to secrecy.
30. The sale was transacted in conditions of the greatest secrecy.
1. A shroud of secrecy surrounds the plan.
2. His sister had been bound to secrecy.
3. The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
4. The plan was made in secrecy.
5. Perhaps, when you've heard me out, you'll appreciate the reason for secrecy.
6. Their work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy.
7. Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.
8. All the researchers on the project are sworn to secrecy.
9. The sale was transacted in conditions of the greatest secrecy.
10. I must stress the need for absolute secrecy about the project.
11. Complete secrecy surrounded the meeting.
12. They were sworn to secrecy.
13. Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.
31. The talks have been cloaked in secrecy.
32. The drugs squad operates in the greatest secrecy.
33. The negotiations were cloaked in secrecy.
34. They were all pledged to secrecy.
35. Everyone was sworn to secrecy about what had happened.
36. All the research was conducted behind a screen of secrecy.
37. The organization has managed to maintain secrecy about its activities.
38. Her whereabouts have been shrouded in secrecy since she received the death threat.
39. The work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy.
40. The inquiry was conducted under a blanket of secrecy .
41. The truth about the accident remains hidden beneath a shroud of secrecy.
42. She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.
43. By breaking the rule of absolute secrecy, he became a marked man.
44. The need for secrecy is secondary to the need to take immediate action.
45. The company directors are bound to secrecy about the future of the company.
46. The new Secrecy Act will muzzle the media and the opposition.
47. There has been strong criticism of the secrecy surrounding the negotiations.
48. Watson deserves credit for lifting the veil of secrecy surrounding Brenda's death.
49. I swore her to secrecy about what I had told her.
50. The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules.
51. Before telling her what happened(), I had sworn her to secrecy.
52. I must lay great stress on the need for secrecy.
53. In the field of drug development, the culture of secrecy is deep and strong.
54. Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.
55. Mr Braley has been made aware of the need for absolute secrecy.
56. The nuclear project was cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
57. I have urged upon him the need for extreme secrecy.
58. The country is ridding itself of its disgraced prime minister in a veil of secrecy.
59. They have been accused of secrecy and high-handedness in their dealings.
60. Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy.
61. Relations between the two groups are often enveloped in secrecy.
62. The government has been urged to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding the minister's unexpected resignation.
63. I told him the truth under a promise of secrecy.
64. But what else could explain this shroud of secrecy?
65. Such societies or covens batten on their own secrecy.
66. They swore one another to secrecy.
67. He carried his penchant for secrecy to great lengths.
68. You must make him understand the need for secrecy.
69. The layers of secrecy have come unstuck with time.
70. The first is the need for great secrecy.
71. Here(), all is shrouded in secrecy.
72. Secrecy was a necessary ingredient of Rufus's life.
73. The very idea of secrecy made him frown.
74. I interpreted his secrecy as emotional avarice.
75. It was negotiated in almost total secrecy.
76. The entire project has been shrouded in secrecy.
77. The President has been accused of secrecy and deception.
78. Washington was concerned about maintaining secrecy and preventing leaks.
79. Lois had sworn her to secrecy.
80. She swore him to secrecy and asked him to build the barrel.
81. They are content to maintain their secrecy and carry on business as normal.
82. This is less than convincing and the suspicion exists that the true reason for secrecy is to protect governments against criticism.
83. The client has thrown a veil of secrecy over the development,(http:///secrecy.html) with contractors reluctant to discuss the project.
84. This means that the bidder will lose some control over the secrecy arrangements and may face a premature announcement by the target.
85. By the very nature of the case, the demands of commercial secrecy, this is difficult to research.
86. Defoe's talents of impersonation and habits of secrecy have left academics to argue over what he did actually write.
87. The period can be extended if continued secrecy is deemed to be in the public interest.
88. However this work is shrouded in secrecy because of the patent lawyers.
89. The federal appeals court agreed with him, saying that the White House demand for secrecy would lead to abuses.
90. Amy told no one else except her younger brother Howard, and she swore him to secrecy.
91. Holmes sought their identities, so he could prosecute them for violating laws regarding grand jury secrecy.
92. Until radicals grasped the need to conduct their affairs in absolute secrecy, their chances of conspiring effectively were remote.
93. We suffer a great handicap in dealing with a Government who are obsessed with secrecy.
94. All the talk of weddings made Anne feel downhearted and impatient with the secrecy that John insisted on.
95. Unprecedented secrecy and conflicting information surrounds the launch of the book.
96. Whitehall's obsessive secrecy may have a more humane base than generally allowed, though that seems rather unlikely.
97. The secrecy which surrounded the location of a world under survey evaluation was essential in most instances.
98. Sam saw no need for further secrecy over her affair with Quinn.
99. The two-hour trip, complete with bodyguards and close aides, was conducted in secrecy.
100. They are the first tests of legal reforms introduced two months ago to allow judges' secrecy orders to be reviewed.
101. She'd phoned the apartment umpteen times, always in secrecy, but never got an answer.
102. Other cracks in the wall of secrecy have appeared in recent years, as we shall see in Chapter 5.
103. At the time these were two of the world's most advanced designs and the subject of much secrecy within Britain.
104. A 10-year life span for classified information, unless an agency specifies that the information must have continued secrecy.
105. Even where secrecy was not ordered from above, the squabbling Soviet bureaucracy worked against the efficient collection and distribution of data.
106. Secrecy was out of the question; it would riot have been psychological warfare.
107. This is so despite falling tax rates in many industrialised countries and bank secrecy legislation designed to curtail their attractions.
108. What could explain the shroud of secrecy surrounding the project?
109. The country's reputation for political stability and banking secrecy still brings in footloose cash from trouble-spots around the world.
110. For the MoD it is a test case on which its whole culture of secrecy depends.
111. In the darkness Thisbe crept out and made her way in all secrecy to the tomb.
112. In practice, they so mistrust the secrecy and alleged profligacy of Central Office that they refuse to shell out.
113. It had what all lovers lovers, seek, secrecy, privacy, exclusivity.
114. The Skibo Castle nuptials are surrounded by maximum security and secrecy.
115. He had apparently recovered from his visit to Johanna, hiding his feelings behind the usual veil of secrecy.
116. Secrecy sang in the static air, like an old valve radio with the volume turned down.
117. Jane herself had been unhappy with the secrecy to which she had agreed only so that Frank could avoid offending his aunt.
118. The eleven faculty members who made the decision are sworn to secrecy.
119. Why all the secrecy? You've got nothing to be ashamed of.
120. The negotiations were in total secrecy - not even his Cabinet were informed.
121. Before then all fusion research had been conducted behind a screen of secrecy.
122. As with the guberniia committees, the small Pomgol presidium conducted nearly all the business, and in considerable secrecy.
123. It lays out constitutional rules on secrecy that any White House could claim.
124. John Thaw says he knows, but is sworn to secrecy.
125. She alleged that the preparations for that contract took place in an atmosphere of secrecy.
126. By eighth grade John had come to realize that secrecy carried its own special entitlements.
127. Apart from any moral objections, researchers are scared that they will be deprived of fame and fortune by military secrecy.
128. The secrecy touches all who work there; even the cafeteria staffers must have security clearances.
129. Holmes had subpoenaed Lenhart to name the jurors, so he could prosecute them for violating laws requiring grand jury secrecy.
130. An operation involving 100 officers from London and Kent was set up in total secrecy.
131. They were given uniforms; there was a rudimentary organisation; they practised drilling and, in secrecy, weapons training.
132. But the main reason for my silence was that secrecy and deception had by then become second nature to me.
133. It was also the first use of extreme secrecy about government activities, justified on the grounds of national security.
134. Mia swore me to secrecy after she told me about the affair.
135. Interpreting the new rules could prove a very difficult task in a political culture where the limits of secrecy are never defined.
136. The gunmen tracked down their target, despite the shroud of secrecy surrounding his whereabouts.
137. Not only is secrecy important in order to comply with the Code, but it is commercially desirable.
137. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
138. Bidwill is notorious for his secrecy while searching for a coach.
139. Ranulf was sworn to secrecy, but there was worse to come.
140. This contrasts with the secrecy that surrounded the companies Pike set up under his 1995 agreement with the Population Council.
141. Worse still, they are accused of invoking official secrecy to conceal the deception.
142. But the high toll and the helicopters' plunging on to civilian areas made secrecy impossible.
143. The secrecy envelope is put in a pile with other such envelopes that are later opened and the ballots counted.
144. Nothing seemed to have come of the silver salver idea, no doubt because of the continuing need for secrecy.
145. He had been trained at the Douai seminary and had been taught the art not only of argument but also of secrecy.
146. In implementing his plan, Reagan operated in the utmost secrecy.
147. The crisis of visibility concerns the notorious secrecy that surrounds prisons and what goes on inside them.
148. The expansion of citizen participation is greatly threatened today by government secrecy, industrial monopolies, and a closed media.
149. But this sort of secrecy can often produce more anxiety than if parents explain the facts clearly and simply.
150. Secrecy Rule 2.1 stresses the need for absolute secrecy before an announcement is made.
151. This I did in what I thought were circumstances of great secrecy.
152. Jett swore me to secrecy, with particular reference to you.
153. There is a great deal of secrecy within the organization.
154. Any attempt to impose some sort of external watchdog that might apply a degree of accountability is rejected as compromising its secrecy.
155. The news can not be suppressed despite the most stringent efforts to maintain secrecy.
156. The secrecy which, in my adolescence, surrounded menstruation was an indication of the inferior status of women in that society.
157. Since its beginnings in the mid-1950s, the secrecy surrounding Sugar Grove has been intense.
158. In the area of basic national defense the frequent need for absolute secrecy is, of course, self-evident.
159. In the past secret agreements allowed for breathing space, which by virtue of that very secrecy was only temporary.
160. Finally, there is the secrecy and confidentiality which is so typical of public bureaucracies.
161. Nobody knows much about the organization because its members are all sworn to secrecy.
162. Hierarchy is perceived to operate very strongly and there is a great deal of secrecy surrounding ideas.
163. The decision to release the documents reverses a Red Cross policy of secrecy.
164. Most top intelligence bosses like the secrecy, arguing that revealing even a total budget will increase pressure to release details.
165. An indication of the secrecy surrounding Buckley is an episode that took place in September 1977.
166. Berri also criticized the government for excessive secrecy and nepotism.
167. There was no secrecy about its contents, although it is delivered in limited and carefully controlled amounts.
167. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
168. The strictest secrecy was maintained during the subsequent discussions, for premature disclosure of what was afoot was obviously undesirable.
169. Now these men were involved in a long-term operation and total secrecy was essential to its outcome.
170. His friendship with Fujimori gives him unusual access to a president with a tiny circle of advisers and a penchant for secrecy.
171. Properties and bank accounts used for laundering guerrilla funds would be confiscated, with bank secrecy laws lifted in order to facilitate investigation.
172. Because of the secrecy of the proceedings, nobody knows the exact numbers of those executed.
173. Few such blemishes, given the secrecy of organizational practice, came to light.
174. No, surely he would swear her to secrecy - if he really did agree in the end to Miguel's request.
175. And initial notification of such a takeover bid is almost never made by letter, for secrecy reasons.
176. The military in the Soviet Union tended to be shrouded in even more secrecy than most other Soviet institutions.
177. Starr had argued that there never should be a right to such secrecy in the face of a grand jury subpoena.
178. It is hoped to gain some knowledge of how families view the role of secrecy as the child grows up.
179. They also found experts who questioned the secrecy of the information concerned.
180. But the London office checked it out and confirmed that the sheer secrecy of the Bedford police gave credence to the story.
181. Alternatively, a courier will smuggle often millions of pounds at a time to a country where banking secrecy offers greater protection.
182. The secrecy that surrounded Emor had been a large part of its charm.
183. It is hard to establish the truth, because the procedures are shrouded in secrecy.
184. All those voters who shamefacedly backed the Tories in the secrecy of the polling booth are probably feeling vindicated.
185. Anna swore me to secrecy on the subject of her family until her book came out.
186. He swore his family to secrecy and tried to continue living a normal life, making regular stage appearances and several movies.
187. Secrecy is a weapon in the political armoury of bureaucracy.
188. We were anxious to preserve total secrecy on the new product to protect our legal rights.
189. If the secrecy restrictions are sometimes a nuisance, Beach says, they also can forge a powerful bond.
190. They tell their lady friends, and then all secrecy is lost.
191. This is made possible by different cultural attitudes, secrecy in government and the sinews of party.
192. Not that his pursuers would be distracted from finding him by such petty secrecy.
193. Secrecy confers power on those who know the secret while those who do not are at a disadvantage.
194. And, with great secrecy, she bought a Christmas tree, and decorated it herself when Susan was asleep.
195. It is organised into small cells and therefore hard to infiltrate, particularly as total secrecy is demanded of its members.
196. Perhaps, no decision caused more trouble for the past council than the secrecy that surrounded the deal.
197. Our commanding officer emphasized the need to maintain the utmost secrecy about the operation at all times.
197. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
198. Justice can not prevail under a veil of secrecy or behind doors that do not open.
199. Or are you inhibited from doing so by the secrecy rules themselves?
200. Four Ministers apparently tried to cover up the truth by hiding under a cloak of secrecy.
201. Sufficient they must take; but too many would be counter-productive and would militate against surprise and secrecy.
202. Central government is hamstrung on the notion of secrecy, which is the major impediment to any meaningful development of accountability.
203. This government has developed an unhealthy obsession with secrecy.
204. Germany has beaten up tiny Liechtenstein over secrecy.
205. Did France's Secrecy Cause a Nuclear Submarine Collision?
206. Orders to intelligence operatives often enjoin secrecy.
207. The era of banking secrecy is over.
208. The law imposes upon each grand juror a strict obligation of secrecy.
209. The British government has thrown a blanket of secrecy over the details.
210. The secrecy speech communication method resisting to desynchronization attacks is presented based on information hiding technology.
211. In the middle ages a rose was suspended from the ceiling of a council chamber, pledging all present to secrecy,or sub rosa ,"under the rose".
212. The at a private auction house in Geneva was shrouded in secrecy.
213. We will maintain the business secret by discussing its secrecy, value, and distinction.
214. It has the properties of fairness, non - repudiation, secrecy, termination, etc.
215. Despite its prevalence, schizophrenia has existed behind a wall of secrecy for years.
216. The work is a meditation on the nature of secrecy and the elusiveness of truth, its message written entirely in code.
217. Geography, the combatants ' compulsive secrecy, and the subsequent outbreak of World War II in September 1939 all combined to overshadow the most massive use of tanks theretofore recorded.
218. Bankers also said they expected little impact on banking secrecy, since it was too important a pillar for wealth management in countries such as Switzerland.
219. Trade secrets are incorporeal property, which keep non - visible by means of maintaining secrecy.
220. Even before this month's developments on bank secrecy, most private banks were curbing their expansion plans.
221. Kamen's conviction that the Segway would revolutionize the transportation industry made him fanatical about secrecy, limiting his staff's ability to test market the device before its release.
222. Since the one-time pad is theoretically proven to be undecipherable , quantum cryptography is the key to perfect secrecy.
223. The early declassification or the extension of secrecy period of a state secret shall be decided by the organ or entity which originally determined the state secret or by its superior.
224. Avoid any temptation to employ secrecy or subterfuge in your actions.
225. In some countries that secrecy stemmed from the military uses nuclear fission.
226. The scheme has high quality of secrecy and low channel transmission amount.
227. As former Chief Justice Warren Burger declared in Buckley v. Valeo, "the enlightened labor legislation of our time has enshrined the secrecy of choice of a bargaining representative for workers."
227. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
228. The industry became a byword for mendacity, secrecy and profligacy with taxpayers' money.
229. "The banking secrecy of the past must come to an end, " said Britain's prime minister.
230. The secrecy policy causes search engine technology black art and to be advertising oriented.
231. A tradition of banking secrecy, which protected clients from tax collectors, is giving way to an era of more transparency.
232. That he held this heresy was a further aggravation of his silence and secrecy and inwardness of disposition.
233. The secrecy and opaqueness of the current pricing system is behind the initial allegations by China this month that four of Rio Tinto's iron-ore executives were involved in bribery and espionage.
234. Server firewall, user ID and password is used in security and secrecy.
235. Due to its high secrecy, the working system of Peer Review System remains uncovered.
236. The selective dissemination of information is related to many legal issues, such as copyright, secrecy and contract.
237. Switzerland chose the latter route because of its banking secrecy laws.
238. Of course, at this time of bank secrecy laws also exist in name only.
239. The secrecy policy causes search engine technology to remain largely a black art and to be advertising oriented.
240. That would also explain the government's incoherent secrecy demands in cases like the De Sousa suit.
241. Is secrecy being asserted to protect legitimate state secrets, or to cloak a government employee who has acted capriciously?
242. How to take a secret interview is a difficult process since it involves extraordinariness in means and contact to privacy and secrecy.
243. The SPARTAN - III program had to remain under a cloak of absolute secrecy.
244. Citizens'communication freedom and secrecy of communication is a civil right that our constitution gives us.
245. After enjoining my secrecy, they told me they had a mind to FIT out a ship to go to Guinea.
246. The development of China's stealth bomber has been shrouded in secrecy and generated headline grabbing reports that the technology was gleaned from a downed U. S. fighter jet.
247. UBS is fighting the civil suit and says compliance would require its employees to commit fraud in Switzerland, which jealously defends its bank secrecy legislation.
248. On software it's composed of audio-video processing function, audio and video synchronizing function, audio and video data secrecy function , multicast transmission function.
249. Aim In order to solve the trouble of the lack of forward secrecy and intermediator attack in current WTLS protocol.
250. To maintain secrecy he wrote always in a mirror image from right to left.
251. Liechtenstein's move is likely add pressure for nations such as Switzerland to alter its bank - secrecy practices.
252. In some countries that secrecy stemmed from the military uses of nuclear fission.
253. The talks were conducted on a basis of secrecy and the Spanish minister of foreign affairs had decreed that if the news leaked the whole affair would be denied,(http:///secrecy.html) according to van Hensbergen.
254. Organs and entities shall determine the specific secrecy period, declassification time or declassification conditions according to their respective work needs.
255. He inherited characteristic Puritan preoccupations with sin, with gilt and with secrecy.
256. Disbelieving in the necessity of large - scale production in the modern world , he is passionately devoted to excessive secrecy, both in finance and ( in ) method of production.
257. Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy parochial view of their responsibilities.
258. XXVIII. When state secrets are involved in technical cooperation and the overseas business activities, the state secrecy department should be asked for instruction.
259. One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out, the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker.
260. The poor fellow had got the attorney to promise secrecy.
261. Switzerland and Luxembourg fear - not without cause - that giving up banking secrecy would hit their private - banking business.
262. It ends a long-running dispute between the US and Switzerland who had argued that handing over the information would violate banking secrecy laws.
263. The secrecy and swiftness of the invasion shocked and amazed army officers.
264. The 66-year-old German, who was apppointed Thursday to lead day-to-day operations at the ailing Swiss banking giant, said banking secrecy could continue if aspects of it were changed.
265. Executionstake place in extreme secrecy under the auspices of the Justice Ministry.
266. Different from other systems, E-Government has a high requirement to security and secrecy, so the physical isolated network has been applied to E-Government system.




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