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单词 Dissemination
1) He promoted the dissemination of scientific ideas.
2) He was fully bent upon the dissemination of Chinese culture all over the world.
3) We have triumphed over the unprincipled dissemination of facts.
4) Its objective goes beyond the dissemination of knowledge in recommending an active and intimate engagement within popular subjectivities and forms of signification.
5) A typical user will contact the Census Dissemination Unit for a registration pack, or collect one from his or her institution.
6) Moreover, the questionnaire permits the almost automatic dissemination of information in directory format, and it is then a saleable product.
7) But it is also useful to plan formal dissemination in advance.
8) The dissemination of music by radio and gramophone record permeated the whole country and every social stratum.
9) Impose strict limits on dissemination of passenger travel data and the use of overly intrusive searches.
10) For the dissemination and reception of popular music, the approach is weaker, as we have seen.
11) He took a great interest in the dissemination of science to the public.
12) Dissemination of these objectives should provide the business with a coherent policy to which management effort can be directed properly.
13) Numerous assaults,(http:///dissemination.html) cases of window smashing and the dissemination of graffiti continued unabated.
14) Still another factor contributing to rapid dissemination was widespread travel and mobility.
15) Dissemination through publication Indeed, the origins of both traditions lay more in publishing activity than in organizing mass political movements.
16) The possible dissemination of tumour by percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology may result in these becoming the diagnostic techniques of choice.
17) The charter states that the press shall be devoted to printing and publishing in the furtherance and dissemination of knowledge.
18) The involvement of the Archive in a venture of this kind has represented a new departure in the dissemination of its holdings.
19) A well-established standard process for processing credit card purchases has contributed to the widespread dissemination of credit cards.
20) The major objection to the percutaneous approach is the possibility of tumour dissemination in the track.
21) Aspects of the Westland case also showed the dangers of a government monopoly over the dissemination of information and its resultant debate.
22) The cost in terms of technological advance and the dissemination of fresh and stimulating ideas, is incalculable but colossal.
23) The Northern Ireland Panel was dissolved in December 1984 after making arrangements for the evaluation and dissemination phase of the research programme.
24) Symptomatic coccidioidomycosis has a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from mild influenza-like illness to serious pulmonary disease to widespread dissemination.
25) Catering for more than 100,000 students a year, the Millars had a major influence on the dissemination of socialist ideas.
26) Their role as forest gardeners in the woodland ecology is often vital in the dissemination of tree seeds.
27) Information is the fuel that feeds the otaku's worshipped dissemination systems - computer bulletin boards, modems, faxes.
28) The worst is often passionately intrusive, while the best is readily eclipsed by noisier and more persuasive methods of dissemination.
29) The City is concerned that the original proposals would have hindered the dissemination of information from companies to investors.
30) The underlying concept is that those who have produced a knowledge product should control its dissemination and should benefit economically from it.
1) He was fully bent upon the dissemination of Chinese culture all over the world.
31) But funding has been significantly less than other programmes, dissemination of materials less effective and leadership less dynamic.
32) The flow of information, visits to the company and discussions with management are strictly controlled to ensure equal dissemination of information.
33) Haematogenous dissemination of metastases is less common.
34) The dissemination of error does people great harm.
35) Any kind of virus's dissemination all needs a carrier.
36) This conforms to the light straight line dissemination rule.
37) Tension between copyright protection and information dissemination tightened again.
38) Knowledge information dissemination; Service function; Ningxia Guyuan.
39) The dissemination of information via cable.
40) The college maintained a close connection with the dissemination of agricultural knowledge to the farmers.
41) This "mesh topology" would ensure that vast amounts of data can be relayed reliably from central dissemination centers out to entire cities, towns or regions.
42) Adults eat leaves, is E - seedling pests, but also dissemination of Chinese cabbage soft rot.
43) Media power is the basis of information dissemination and a recessive power of social control.
44) The first post set off an avalanche of further tweets and retweets, in the form of information dissemination as well as jokes at Mr. Giggs's expense.
45) And overlong copyrights often limit, rather than encourage, a work's dissemination, impact and influence.
46) With the cultural dissemination, other ethnic groups in west Asia and southwest Asia adopted cuneiform.
47) By fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is presented, the teachers' teaching knowledge dissemination of vertex weight of complex network size, the vertex weight computing added.
48) KODAK IS 2000 MM could be used to monitor tumor metastasis and dissemination non - invasively.
49) The seed tubers with sclerotia are the source of primary infection in next year and are also the main way for long distance dissemination.
50) The last chapter is a brief introduction of Pearl Buck's great contribution to the cultural exchanges between the Occident and the Orient and the dissemination of Chinese culture.
51) The objective of data dissemination in mobile peer-to-peer networks is to maximize the number and timeliness of matched data delivered to the interested users.
52) The synthesis resin appeared a dissemination in the WAXD curve the diffraction peak was still only the crystalless state of aggregation.
53) Dissemination Information Package (DIP): The Information Package, derived from one or more AIPs, received by the Consumer in response to a request to the OAIS.
54) This rarely results in hematogenous dissemination, identical in appearance and histology to miliary TB, but easier to treat.
55) Adopting rigid quarantine, agricultural control, physical control, chemical control and so on may effectively control the dissemination and spread of pests.
56) The weaknesses are the backward operating institutions, lower management level , fall behind ideas, rare reserve of talents, lack of journal characteristic, and slow dissemination of information.
57) Do not use high resolution image or audio information contents nor dissemination of information.
58) Through information dissemination and support functions for the enterprise to facilitate staff in their daily work, such as the issuance of a notice of meeting and coding enquiries, and so on.
59) The index combines six measures of commercial power, including flows of finance, mercurial vapor, volumes of business and the creation and dissemination of knowledge.
60) The network has become an important platform for media and information dissemination.
61) Since metastasis is the major cause of death for cancer patients, there is an urgent need to develop new therapies to control hematogenous dissemination of cancer cells.
62) Though the official awards and family education were among the reasons of their emergence, the stress and dissemination of the Confucian duteous concepts was actually of more importance.
63) The reform of China's marketization is in essence a process of system transition, which is characteristic of gradual advance, experiment and dissemination and non-radical.
64) The dissemination of information should be accurate, definite, recognizable and moderate in length.
65) In the process of dissemination, breakup and atomization of liquid, the transient period from primary breakup to secondary breakup is a very important phase.
66) So some criminals began committing perpetration through QQ, such as some illegal operation or deal, seduction of some pure young lady or dissemination of some pornographic picture or live show.
67) Figure 2-3 The same patient. Figure 2 was the pre-treatment CT image, the left lobe consolidation with tree-in-bud in lingular lobe(dissemination).
68) The air current dissemination funation of the spore of rice false smut, Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) Takahash, is confirmed by capturing air-bornetechnique.
69) Agrotechnique extending center should be taken as main channel, worker's professional quality should be improved and great information dissemination route of collecting should be fully utilized.
70) The reformation and development of "dualized" news dissemination should make for the dual track system, realize graded management and legalization.
71) The chief function of a newspaper is the dissemination of information to public.
72) The electronic books has one kind of bidirectional interaction dissemination pattern, it has changed the uniflow spreading process of traditional books.
73) What is more fearful,(http://) the new dissemination technology strengthened the medium authority disassimilation.
74) Disease and coincident dissemination of virus may occur to produce an epidemic.
75) Conclusions It is an important measure for preventing AIDS from dissemination to provide health education focuses on knowledge regarding AIDS timely, advisably and moderately.
76) Output 6 : Research, collation and dissemination of best practice and knowledge, and strengthening of internal capacity.
77) This article explores democracy web dissemination which is the special form in the common field of modern society.
78) The fourth part, the question which exists to the contemporary Northeast culture dissemination in proposes the rationalization proposal.
79) Spirit dissemination is different from public dissemination and social dissemination.
80) Hence, according to the relationship between social dissemination and mass sports, it will more effectively promote the mass sports by making some specific disseminative principles.
81) To further improve dissemination and reporting system of technical regulations.
82) The emerging business model is ill-defined at present, but limiting Google free dissemination of news is a vital step toward any attempt to erect pay walls.
83) On windows, a cooling tower dissemination Unit sirocco coming waves, heat is pressing, but its operation, the boring beep It also makes people feel who are unsettled.
84) What it means to publish an electronic text in view of the ease of duplication and dissemination and the informality typical of the process, is not at all clear.
85) The Blog is propagated as a new form of revolution, realizing the worldwide dissemination and common share of news information in an up-most free and open, low-threshold and low-cost way.
86) The selective dissemination of information is related to many legal issues, such as copyright, secrecy and contract.
87) In contrast, dissemination via alternative methods, such as surface mail, has recently proved quite effective.
88) This can be achieved by the dissemination of information from the control systems.
89) The Paleontological Society is an international organization devoted exclusively to the advancement of the science of paleontology through the dissemination of research by publication and meetings.
90) "The dissemination effort is scattershot at best," said Revanche Jefrizal Kabuik, head of the Tsunami Alert Community, also known as KOGAMI, a non-governmental organisation in western Sumatra.
91) Our Electronic Tendering System is one of the first Government electronic tendering systems in the world that allows both tender dissemination and submission of tender offers.
92) The light coloured nephrite, which formed on the contact zone of the dolomitic marbles and the granites, has more translucency and practically has not ore dissemination.
93) We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press.
94) Any unauthorised use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
95) This citation index allows me to track the future dissemination of my own ideas.
96) With the development of Internet technology, network information dissemination makes great progress.
97) Congress rightly felt that it was inappropriate for a military intelligence agency to have control over the dissemination of unclassified information.
98) Dissemination of the infectious agent (M. tuberculosis, fungi) may produce a similar pattern in other organs.
99) This paper the influence and theaffecting the production, dissemination and use of scholarly and scientific information.
100) So the water stress adaptation of Phyllitis japonica is the bottleneck for application and dissemination.
101) Electronic-book is an important complement, which give publicity to paper-books in dissemination and distribution.
102) Any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication by the unintended recipient is strictly prohibited.
103) Organization of Chinese and Western medicine Huitong social,(http:///dissemination.html) academic dissemination.
104) But as a business entity, how to network through virtual effective dissemination of its own?
105) Cu-Pb-Zn ore bodies are located in outer contact zone of intermediately acidic granite(partially layered skarn) and the ore occurs as dissemination and fracture-filling.
106) The molybdenum ore bodies favorite skarn, with molybdenite commonly enriched at the concentration of garnet, in dissemination or veinlets.
107) Be to be worth application and dissemination , drawing lessons.
108) In addition, the damage of the motor nerve caused by neurolytic block with ethanol and phenol also limited the dissemination of this therapy in the pain clinic.
109) News news and information dissemination system is one of the main.
110) Depend on the graphic art language to realize an aim of dissemination.
111) Therefore, we must pay more attention to readers s role in the dissemination of Hua Jian Ji, and thus to encourage the research on the acceptant history of it.
112) HIPAA also requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to define rules for the dissemination of healthcare information.
113) The patient presented with a clinical picture of primary rectal signet ring cell carcinoma with peritoneal dissemination and gastric secondaries.
114) We significantly influence or control the selection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information.
115) Should sickness propagation mode be diverse, by through crowd intimate contact dissemination primarily.
116) The network media by the use is by actually the disassimilation medium authority, is only this kind of medium authority on the pretext of for some kind of dissemination technology.
117) In directed diffusion, flooding is used for dissemination of interest and exploratory data, which will bring broadcast storm resulting in substantial energy consumption of networks.
118) NET technology which has function of the production command information dissemination and processing, resource management and applications, network operating condition monitoring and data analysis.
119) The advent of the fashion plate allowed for wide dissemination of popular styles.
120) Objective To study the role of milky spots in the omentum on dissemination and metastasis of pancreatic cancer in Syrian golden hamster model.
121) Therefore Miri Mitter to maintain own rights and interests, therefore the shade will consider the court, and requests stops "Mei Lanfang" the production, the release and other dissemination behavior.
122) The paradox of knowledge production and dissemination of China's higher learning comes from too much incentive for scientific research and too little incentive for teaching.
123) A fundamental GIS (FGIS) is a special computerized information system used lor the collection, storage, management, representation and dissemination of geospalial data.
124) The unique ways of dissemination of poem are the important links in its process of ethic canonization.
125) Selective Dissemination of Information Service is one of the services provided actively by library and focuses on patron's personal information needs.
126) For information dissemination, hundred appraisal, inspection and other activities abroad.
127) Biophysical Society encourages development and dissemination of knowledge in biophysics.
128) Scope Note The field of information science concerned with the analysis and dissemination of medical data through the application of computers to various aspects of health care and medicine.
129) Conclusion: Transrectal ultrasound can early diagnosis of contractile function of seminal vesiculitis and is worthy of wide dissemination and application in clinical.
130) Its common feature is:The multiplex propagation mode, the dissemination behavior personalization, accepts the way mobility and disseminates the solid current events.
131) The type of veinlet like and dissemination like uranium mineralization mainly is fracture and breccia type.
132) Actually the annular virus is mainly through the fecal oral route dissemination.
133) It meets the dissemination requirements of humidity value in this range.
134) Control and dissemination of information to internal staff and External bodies ,[/dissemination.html] where required.
135) As in patients with miliary metastases, the small nodules can sometimes be seen in relation to small pulmonary vessels, an appearance that reflects their mode of dissemination.
136) The paper reviews the advancement and dissemination of Burton - Kebler function and MoTbleB revised function.
137) It could provide faster real-time response, and shorten the dissemination cycle of information, and realize data sharing.
138) The important prognostic factors of primary appendiceal cancer included histologic subtypes and the extent of dissemination.
139) This paper examines several approaches for resource status dissemination. A new concept called the Grid potential is introduced in this paper. This concept is used to control the extent of...
140) The syphilis is one kind of dissemination disease which syphilitic spirochaeta (spirochetes spirochaeta pallida causes by, is one kind of whole body chronicity infectious disease.
141) After the dam area in the wide dissemination of antique name stamp down on the old.




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