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单词 Omnivorous
1. Brown bears are omnivorous, eating anything that they can get their paws on.
2. As a child, Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits.
3. She has always been an omnivorous reader.
4. Pigs are omnivorous animals.
5. Yet saw-fly larvae are actually pretty omnivorous.
6. A voracious appetite, omnivorous, suitable for a bear.
7. The omnivorous black rat consumes seeds, flowers and fruits, and many small animals.
8. Most of all, I loved her omnivorous passion for me.
9. All were white caucasians on an ad libitum omnivorous diet.
10. Man is an omnivorous animal.
11. He is omnivorous of books.
12. The painter has omnivorous exploratory gaze.
13. The animal, an omnivorous rodent with puffy cheeks and that chillingly familiar rat body and tail, weighs 10 to 15 pounds and thrives in colonies of up to 20 all over sub-Saharan Africa.
14. They are nomadic omnivorous, and roaming like a wild donkey.
15. The omnivorous White-Headed Weng has already gradually invaded the territory of the Wu-T'ou Weng.
16. Like most of the omnivorous animals, they hibernated only after storing enough energy.
17. They are, however , omnivorous although their preferred food is fruit. They will eat small and invertebrates.
18. Compared with omnivorous pheasants,[sentencedict .com] insectivorous birds and raptorial birds Koklass's digestive system is similar to the typical phytophagous birds.
19. The spines of the omnivorous pencil-spined urchin (Eucidaris thouarsii) extend outward from its body. There are some 700 species of sea urchins worldwide.
20. It was an omnivorous grazer , sweeping up drifting fish , jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants .
21. Snakes are omnivorous animals.
22. To be omnivorous is one pole of true love; to be exclusive is the other.
23. Learning becomes even more important in the feeding of so omnivorous an animal as the rat.
24. Most fruit-eaters require other kinds of food as supplements, and they tend to be generally more omnivorous in their habits.
25. What the opportunist had neglected to consider in his scheme was the omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous Presence.
26. However, suspicion would be caston this theory after cave bears were proved to be omnivorous.
27. But cats are from the noble lineage Carnivora and, unlike some of its lesser members, such as omnivorous bears or, even more appalling, herbivorous pandas, they exclusively eat meat.
28. The woman is lithe and graceful in its movement, especially the American variety (felis pugnans), is omnivorous and can be taught not to talk.
29. The carp has widely takes in food ability, is the omnivorous habit fish.
30. Also, in a time when ingenues are rewarded for cuteness and a certain dewy sexlessness, Angelina projects the most modern of sexualities " carnivorous, omnivorous, and unapologetic."
1. Brown bears are omnivorous, eating anything that they can get their paws on.
31. Some animals, including human beings, are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables; others are either carnivorous or herbivorous.




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