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单词 wearisome
释义  wear·i·some /ˈwɪərisəm $ ˈwɪr-/ adjective formal  TIREDBORINGmaking you feel bored, tired, or annoyed 令人厌烦的;使人疲倦的;让人讨厌的 a wearisome task 烦人的任务Examples from the Corpuswearisome• It seemed to be essential to her sense of identity, but I was finding it wearisome.• It's hard to describe just how wearisome all this is in performance.• The fear of protracted, wearisome and painful dying can be stronger.• a wearisome bus ride• This is a familiar, even rather worn-out and wearisome form of irony.• But Dole, at 73, comes to bat very late in a long and wearisome game.• It gives readers that necessary tug which will take them through all sorts of possibly wearisome matters to the final page.• Waiting is the most wearisome of all activities - if, indeed, it can be called an activity.• But before I had finished this wearisome task, the cheque arrived out of the blue.wear·i·some adjectiveChineseSyllable  you annoyed Corpus tired, feel or bored, making




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