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单词 wearer
释义 Word family  noun wear underwear wearer adjective wearing worn verb wear  Related topics: Clothes & fashionwear·er /ˈweərə $ ˈwerər/ noun [countable]  DCsomeone who wears a particular type of clothing, jewellery etc 〔服装的〕穿戴者;〔珠宝等的〕佩戴者 Bicycle helmets offer wearers protection against head injury. 自行车头盔可以保护骑车者头部免受伤害。 hearing aid wearers 戴助听器的人Examples from the Corpuswearer• Headphones are not practicable for hearing aid wearers because the proximity of the headphone causes acoustic feedback in the aids.• Maker and wearer share a breathtaking expectation.• But they do recommend that headphone wearers use caution.• They are used to increase the comfort of dry eye sufferers and contact lens wearers.• Can irritate sensitive eyes or those of contact lens wearers.• Many manufacturers offer packs with adjustable harnesses, allowing the wearer to get the correct fit.• Each company sells clothes which have a clear identity allowing the wearer to convey a particular image to the outside world.• The structural invisibility enjoyed by the uniform wearer is a strange matter to experience.wear·er nounChineseSyllable  who someone clothing, Corpus wears etc jewellery particular type of a




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