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单词 Wrath
1, Let not the sun go down upon thy wrath
2, Let not the sun go down on your wrath
3, A soft answer turneth away wrath
4, A soft answer turns [turneth] away wrath
5, The play has incurred the wrath/anger of both audiences and critics.
6, His wrath knew no bounds.
7, He was warned to fly from the emperor's wrath.
8, God's wrath will be visited on sinners.
9, He fled the country to escape the king's wrath.
10, She feared her father's wrath.
11, He incurred Helen's wrath by arriving late.
12, What had she done to provoke his wrath?
13, He was scared of incurring his father's wrath .
14, His wrath got out of hand.
15, He vented his wrath on his colleagues.
16, The children's unruly behaviour incurred the headteacher's wrath.
17, The people feared the wrath of God.
18, Jane braved the wrath of her parents by refusing to marry the man they had chosen.
19, This remark brought the judge's full wrath down on Sergeant Golding.
20, He incurred the wrath of the authorities in speaking out against government injustices.
21, This is the second hotel to feel the wrath of the bombers.
22, He takes his wrath out on the chair.
23, Getting to Cape Wrath is rather chancy.
24, He would have to be prepared for Godolphin's wrath.
25, The local shop girls never risked her wrath.
26, I will not risk Penumbra's wrath.
27, His silence marked his wrath.
28, They saw the floods as a sign of divine wrath.
29, If the prime minister fails,(http:///wrath.html) he will face the wrath of the voters.
30, They left gifts for the gods to appease their wrath.
1, They saw the floods as a sign of divine wrath.
2, The play has incurred the wrath/anger of both audiences and critics.
3, He incurred Helen's wrath by arriving late.
31, The full weight of community wrath was brought down firmly on a few who tried to speak their own minds.
32, To use live penguins, while adding an audible dimension, might incur the wrath of the animal rights lobby.
33, Aggressiveness I was angry with my friend I told my wrath, My wrath did end.
34, Their site is over the sea west of Wrath, at the eastern side of the Isle of Lewis.
35, Furthermore, organizations may find themselves trying to sidestep the wrath of those who are disenfranchised.
36, One confirmed that the Wrath eagles had been exterminated and that eagles of grim Caithness had infiltrated westward.
37, As the Gospel narrative unfolds we are quickly made aware that the good news signifies more than rescue from divine wrath.
38, They have cleared their shelves of anything that could offend the public or bring down the wrath of the tabloids.
39, Say it for publication,() and risk the wrath of the judges?
40, Susan replied with her usual gentle dignity, but a soft answer does not invariably turn away wrath.
41, To deny this magic is to incur the wrath of a great number of people.
42, Always a forthright woman, she incurred the wrath of the anti-abolitionists and her life was threatened.
43, The adult response of reason is swept away to reveal the small child cowering under parental wrath.
44, Dwindled by distance, comical in its wrath since it came from good-humored Ken, the deep voice would rise higher.
45, Dhalia produced some effective, speedy long range punching but also incurred the wrath of referee Ron Hackett for frequent clinching.
46, If any of the beaters did incur his wrath, they were sent home.
47, This incurred great wrath on the part of my father,(/wrath.html) who finally issued an execution order.
48, The destruction of beauty, in any of its forms, is sure to bring up wrath and sadness.
49, What rouses its wrath is the belief that Waco revealed the ruthlessness ofthe federal government when liberals are confronted with armed opponents.
50, The water in the marsh is hosting a fire that feeds untended like jealousy or wrath, choler on black bile.
51, It was this implied indictment that was soon to bring so much wrath down on his head.
52, He decided to risk the wrath of the hospital authorities.
53, Steinbeck's novel "The Grapes of Wrath" was an indictment of agricultural labor relations.
54, White had to flee to London to escape the wrath of Cavaliers, and he was old and ailing when he returned.
55, They fold their arms when they should lift their hand in wrath.
56, However, those privileged to make the journey to Cape Wrath can be sure of a memorable experience.
57, Here, in 1989, an exhibit of photographs by the late Robert Mapplethorpe aroused the wrath of art critics in Congress.
58, Besides, he didn't want to awaken the wrath of that turbulent priest again.
59, Then they soared into the sky as one, to make flight north as a pair along the coast to Wrath.
60, He knew the time had come to head directly north along the western coast and investigate Cape Wrath at last.
61, Mrs Gore even risked the wrath of the record industry by campaigning to have warning labels put on particularly offensive records.
62, Bestial Wrath no longer costs focus.
63, The wrath of summer's heat has enveloped the valley.
64, It's called the "Dies irae"--the "Day of Wrath."
65, Shall we prostrate ourselves and deprecate his wrath?
66, seemingly sturdy objects quail before her wrath.
67, The Grapes of Wrath was written by John Steinbeck.
68, Lope de Aguirre: I am the wrath of God.
69, But wrath has come upon them to the uttermost.
70, John Steinbeck: East of Eden, The Grapes of Wrath.
71, " I don't see where your wrath comes in.
72, Offerings of propitiation, to appease the wrath of an offended God, or to satisfy the demands of justice, have been common in every period of the world.
73, the wrath of God.
74, Here I believe Van Til is simply making the traditional distinction between natural theology as communicating God's nature and wrath, and revealed theology, as communicating the gospel.
75, There are seven deadly sins Captain. Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Pride Lust Envy.
76, None of them had the courage to interpose between this incensed king and his wrath.
77, We need to remember that God's wrath does burn against impenitent sinners (Psalm 38:1-3).
77, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
78, Totem of Wrath - No longer requires points in Lightning Overload.
79, He went away in wrath and reported that I was hiding behind my ramparts and would not give battle and that I disheartened my army.
80, The five coverings which usually are the hurdles in practice, such as avarice, wrath, dullness, agitation and doubt, can't cumber him.
81, The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.
82, KJV Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
83, This adapted version of Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary contains words like brute, gallows, damn, wrath, and X.
84, O Lord, rebuke me not in Your wrath, And chasten me not in Your burning anger.
85, Save it were the cankered wrath of an old witch, like Mistress Hibbins," added he, attempting to smile, "I know nothing that I would not sooner encounter than this passion in a child.
86, He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on wrongdoer.
87, The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath.
88, Cenarius: Who dares defile this ancient land? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and elves?
89, It was obvious that he was pleased with his own display of anger, and that, walking through the regiment, he was trying to find a pretext for wrath.
90, O Lord , do not rebuke me in Your anger, Nor chasten me in Your wrath.
91, Some spells in Wrath will knock back enemies, some will pull them towards you.
92, The latest drop in house prices meant that the cost of real estate has fallen by 33% since the peak – even bigger than the 31% slide seen when John Steinbeck was writing The Grapes of Wrath.
93, The paper is supposed to reveal, from the pagan culture perspectives, the archetypal image:the Great Mother, through the analysis of The Grapes of Wrath of the American novelist John Steinbeck.
94, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
95, Ho ! Assyrian , the rod of my wrath, the instrument of my punishment!
96, When you are slow to speak you will be slow to wrath.
97, Fair words slake wrath; fair words hurt not the mouth.
98, Parents in the past would readily enter a child's room, or read a child's letters, without asking, says Mr Lu, but today are likely to incur the wrath of their privacy- conscious children if they do.
99, TV presenter Sara Carbonero, 25, who was reporting on the game from the touchline, has incurred the country's wrath.
100, She treasured in her heart the wrath and hatred that her husband excited in her.
101, I blast out the ghastly contents of philosophically whited sepulchers and laugh with sardonic wrath!
102, Wrath of the Lich King will add a new option to the game's class roster with the introduction of the first hero class, the necromantic death knight.
103, We only fear a Day of distressful Wrath from the side of our Lord.
104, She had incurred the wrath of her father by marrying without his consent.
105, Shall I be offended and deal out holy wrath like in your storied days of old?
106, Men who are denied affection for too long devolve into some kind of rage-filled hominoid. Their anger becomes palpable. You can almost feel the wrath emanating from their pores.
107, It is then they discover that they have roused the wrath of Orcus!
107, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
108, If you don't change your ways, you'll call down the wrath of God upon yourself.
109, The princes of Juda are become as they that take up the bound: I will pour out my wrath upon them like water.
110, And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
111, Fair words slake wrath.
112, In the Catholic cathedral, the athlete shouted out his wrath in the athletic oath.
113, Affliction will still do horrific DPS come wrath, Destro will make us a crappy fire mage, and Demonology will probably still fail.
114, Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the wrath of God. Who else is with me?
115, Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
116, And when the third year was over, and on a day that was a holy day, the Priest went up to the chapel, that he might show to the people the wounds of the Lord, and speak to them about the wrath of God.
117, He was a good man , but always forebear his wrath and complaint.
118, The Grapes of Wrath, novel by Steinbeck, was published in 1939 and awarded a Pulitzer Prize.
119, For a fire has been kindled by my wrath, one that burns to the realm of death below. It will devour the earth and its harvests and set afire the foundations of the mountains.
120, In wrath You march through the earth, In anger You thresh the nations.
121, By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people.
122, Feierbin and Lipa are two famous persons, do not know how many people "do" in their wrath, but Yao Ming has a unique skill Asians, two roosters top back.
123, Would you risk the wrath of our cosmic head honcho and does this mean Trey and Matt are atheists?
124, Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
125, She falls in love and incurs the wrath of her father.
126, In other words, as journalists often like to point out, online feuds lead to vigilantism, and missteps on Chinese soil can draw the wrath of Chinese hackers.
127, But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck , in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
128, And to the already existing synonyms, English wrath and Old Norse anger, the French added a third word— ire.
129, Incurring the wrath of their God would have dire consequences as well.
130, Grimgor returned to the Worlds Edge Mountains in a fury that boded ill for those that stood in his way. As it happened, it was the Skaven of Clan Mors that fell foul of this wrath.
131, He is God's servant an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
132, The approach has earned the NCC the wrath of other activists,() who threw eggs at members engaged in talks in Cairo last week.
133, Cease from anger and forsake wrath ; Do not fret ; it leads only to evildoing.
134, Nothing he did could mitigate her wrath; she was unforgiving.
135, Though his favorite movies include classics like Citizen Kane, The Grapes of Wrath, and Stairway to Heaven, Sondheim says he dislikes movie musicals.
136, According to local legend, the falls were formed when two star-crossed lovers incurred the wrath of a vengeful god.
137, In the sanctum of the Living Computer, the Invid brain seethed with something very much like wrath.
138, Her wrath would never wreak itself in one fell blow.
139, The seven deadly sins of Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Lust, Envy and Pride.
140, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King will add a new option to the game's class roster with the introduction of the first hero class, the necromantic death knight.
141, The Hellion is the beating heart of the volcano, the surging force of nature's bloody wrath.
142, Babbitt had recovered form his touchy wrath before Joe returned.
143, Htan Dah's parents were among the first wave of Karen to flee the wrath of the Burmese army.
144, The wrath of Mr. Arthur Pendennis rose at the poor old fellow's feeble persecution.
145, Scorners set a city aflame , But wise men turn away wrath.
146, " Marius' cold tone, that double reply of "I know it, " his laconicism, which was not favorable to dialogue, stirred up some smouldering wrath in the stranger.
147, The Devil’s Dictionary: This adapted version of Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary contains words like brute, gallows, damn, wrath, and X.
148, Sellers is too much a projection of the author to engage his wrath.
149, In 24: "There will be great distress on earth and wrath, they will fall by the edge of the sword and be taken away as captive among all nations.
150, This reward awaits those who are brave enough to tempt fate and face the full wrath of the Lich King!
151, Beast Within active or hunter pets with Bestial Wrath active.
152, In the time of wrath the iniquitous perished, but the ark became the shelter for the righteous man.
153, Even the wrath of ungodly men brings praise to Him ( Ps. 76:10 ).
154, Item - Druid T10 Balance 4P Bonus - (Updated) Your critical strikes from Starfire and Wrath cause the target languish for an additional 5% of your spell's damage over 4 seconds.
155, It is also generally thought that he created the Warp storm known as the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath during the Age of Apostasy .
156, Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou afflicted me with all thy waves. Selah.
157, My three-year-old daughter can break things that I can't even take apart; seemingly sturdy objects quail before her wrath.
158, The bells were not enough to stay the wrath of the saints.
159, You are an interloper in my world,(http:///wrath.html) grudgingly tolerated at best. Beware my wrath. I can kill you on a whim.
160, To take a liberty would call down her Majesty's wrath.
161, Rom. 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness.
162, A king's wrath is like the roar of a lion; he who angers him forfeits his life.
163, You should take the stairs if traveling between one or two floors, barring personal injury, lest incur the wrath of those traveling to the 32nd floor whose trips are delayed due to your laziness.
164, Hip-hop house, hip-hop jazz, with a little pizzazz From the Queen, the Queen of Royal Badness Remember me from "Wrath of My Madness?"
165, She hardly knew how to answer this, and yet her wrath was not placated.
166, For the wrath of the Lord was against Jerusalem, and against Juda, till he cast them out from his presence: and Sedecias revolted from the king of Babylon.
167, His sharp cannibal teeth revealed by cold and wrath, gleamed through the dark.
168, Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.
169, Melanie smiled at him through sparkling tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals.
170, Had the poor man been apoplectic, he could never have recovered from his paroxysm of wrath.
171, Cease from anger, and forsake wrath : fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
172, At about the same time, Joseph Smith founded a new American religion—and soon met with the wrath of the mainstream Protestant majority.




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