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单词 Ageing
1. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.
2. John lives with his ageing mother.
3. Pushing 40, he was an ageing rock star.
4. Memory loss is often a part of ageing.
5. Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections.
6. The buildings are ageing, and some are unsafe.
7. He takes care of his ageing mother.
8. It was felt that the ageing of society was socially and economically undesirable.
9. An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.
10. Ageing is accompanied by a slow degeneration of his mental faculties.
11. The ageing president is preparing to transfer power to his son.
12. Years of caring for her ageing parents had embittered her.
13. Excessive exposure to sunlight speeds up the ageing process of the skin.
14. Some of the best services for the ageing are sponsored by philanthropic organizations.
15. Grief over ageing is a source of distress to men and women.
16. Let us begin with social attitudes to ageing.
17. Other evolutionary theories of ageing have been proposed.
18. Together, intrinsic and extrinsic ageing will determine apparent age.
19. Ageing and the elderly; Economic history.
20. Ageing by sutures has now fallen into disfavour.
21. Cancer, genetic defects and accelerated ageing can be caused by exposure to low level radiation.
22. The structural analysis of ageing has become increasingly prominent in recent years.
23. They calculate that the ageing population is adding 1 percent annually to health service costs.
24. Even without ageing, organisms are at risk of death and impaired fertility from disease, predation and accidents.
25. Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process.
26. It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process.
27. There was always the real ale to stave off the effects of ageing for a while.
28. Although earlier crude categories survive in some influential textbooks on ageing, a subtler stance has gradually emerged from this controversy.
29. It is very difficult to understand the significance and meaning of ageing without an appreciation of this crucial factor.
30. Top left: A series can be colour coded to represent an ageing process, thus revealing multiple occupancy.
1. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.
2. John lives with his ageing mother.
3. It was felt that the ageing of society was socially and economically undesirable.
4. An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.
31. Like the sun's rays, sunbeds accelerate ageing and increase the chances of getting skin cancer.
32. Many factors can contribute to thinning hair, including stress, diet, illness and even pregnancy as well as the natural ageing process.
33. Similarly, basal serum gastrin concentrations do not alter with ageing in healthy men.
34. Ageing railway wagons continue to run along old lines, now turned orange with rust.
35. Ageing people usually relish any opportunity they have to express their feelings.
36. A positive attitude towards ageing doesn't happen overnight, it comes with age.
37. An ageing leaf, suggested by random blobs upon a shape evocative of a leaf.
38. One of the biggest articulated vehicles on the road, the 44-foot long unit replaces an ageing, converted lorry trailer.
39. The region as a whole suffers from significant air pollution from ageing heavy industrial plants.
40. Increased basal serum gastrin is related to both atrophy and H pylori infection but not to ageing perse.
41. The party's ageing faction leaders, says Mr Segni, have turned into pure power brokers.
42. Neither of these two basic approaches provides a completely satisfactory framework for understanding the experience of ageing.
43. By shutting all the ageing Magnox nuclear reactors, demand for coal could be boosted by nearly 25%, it claimed yesterday.
44. The party is not a motley collection of ageing hippies, but an arm of a wealthy and complex organisation.
45. A Sylvie who abhorred her ageing image in the mirror.
46. They are to be used in West Yorkshire and the Birmingham and Manchester areas to replace ageing diesel and electric rolling stock.
47. All these are symptoms of a simple dietary deficiency but often are mistaken for normal ageing processes.
48. Second, the discrimination which emanates from ageism can appear to result from the natural process of biological ageing rather than social creation.
49. The fact is no government can meet the insatiable demand for ever more sophisticated medical technology by an ageing population.
50. The very existence of all these middle-aged people was inescapable proof of one's own ageing process.
51. Yet daytime is also believed to be responsible for about 75% of the visible signs of skin ageing.
52. Nor are states of health and states of dependency automatically related to the biological facts of ageing.
53. Affirmation depends on negation: white is valued at the expense of black; youth acquires status through the devaluation of ageing.
54. Nevertheless,() the empirical evidence is that these contribute little to individual ageing.
55. Attitudes to ageing and to elderly people in a multiracial society Ageism permeates society at both ends of the life-cycle.
56. While these general observations about the ageing process can be made, there are extensive gaps in our knowledge about ageing.
57. It was rather pathetic, like an ageing colonel looking back on the days of Empire.
58. The ageing king, Al-Kadir, was murdered and one of his viziers proclaimed the new overlord.
59. A great deal of research has been carried out with respect to the effects of ageing on physical and mental capacities.
60. There are some doubts about Wigan's ageing pack but the former Canberra second - row David Furner should shore it up.
61. It looks at the ageing process with optimism and hope rather than despair.
62. There is much more to civic provision than ageing pop groups or racist comedians.
63. The magazine will just have to lurch along snuggled up to me and my ageing haemorrhoids for a few weeks.
64. All that is left for a man with only an ageing cohort of supporters, is to rant.
65. In healthy men without atrophy, gastric acid secretion is preserved with ageing and is independent of H pylori status.
66. However, over-exposure to the sun or insufficient protection is a major cause of premature skin ageing.
67. It has a natural affinity with oak ageing, and yet it can be fresh and light.
68. The ageing Rodin hacked with a scalpel at the sensitive, sinewy perfection of his clay figures.
69. The ageing of the elderly population itself is now of particular significance.
70. No one pretends that ageing has no ill-effects: the argument is that birthdays do not signpost them.
71. Ageing(), inadequate labs and equipment serving too many short term researchers.
72. Typically, the amplitude of slow waves in deep sleep becomes smaller with ageing.
73. Possibly the earliest attempt at a scientific study of ageing, he wrote it when he was himself 62.
74. Recent theoretical work has clarified two possible causes of ageing.
75. Fought low, can this ageing black man rise and escape the curse of his anger?
76. An ageing population is both less productive and a more costly burden on the health services.
77. Often they are organized by younger people who merely expect ageing members to be passive recipients of organized events.
78. Many older disabled people may also perceive themselves as ageing more rapidly than their non-disabled contemporaries.
79. Now, Nell could not conceive of love between a man and a woman, could not bear the thought of ageing.
80. As stated earlier, subjective responses to ageing are also shaped by social and material resources.
81. Once Jonadab had threatened physical violence, the son realised that he was more than a match for his ageing parent.
82. How this rock widow and ageing wild child cons, manipulates and exploits the sharks makes for a delightful tale of revenge.
83. It has an ageing population and social security laws which will generate a massive public expenditure burden and necessitate tax increases.
84. The F-111s are ageing and their credibility as a deterrent depends upon their ability to penetrate increasingly sophisticated Soviet air defences.
85. As in many areas, an increasingly ageing population was becoming an added drain on scant resources.
86. It has been proved that sunbathing causes premature ageing of the skin.
87. Outmigration has led to severely unbalanced social structures in many areas, with an ageing and less productive population.
88. Mr Clinton's only crime so far is to have been accused by an ageing cabaret artiste of infidelity.
89. Around £300,000 a year has been spent patching up its ageing landing stage.
90. Clearly, this emphasis on subjective experience and meaning can help to further an understanding of ageing with a disability.
91. Does it therefore follow that an ageing population inevitably implies some impoverishment, if not among elderly, then among younger people?
92. Indeed, even today, the social history of ordinary ageing in this country has barely started.
93. Ageing is a fundamental feature of social structure and social change.
94. Can a younger lover beat the ageing blues - or would a change of style do the trick for you?
95. Jack Price had never married, and he lived with his ageing sister who was also unmarried.
96. To what extent are some of the so-called characteristics of ageing in fact social artefacts?
97. Ageing could evolve as part of an optimal life history.
98. Practically nothing is known about the race dimension to ageing with a disability.
99. She is also living proof that stress and hard work need not necessarily be ageing.
100. We have been trying to stop the deteriorating effects of ageing on our skin since the times of the pharaohs.
101. And he's so scared of ageing that he tries every anti-wrinkle cream available.
102. To overcome this problem many policy papers which examine population ageing produce a variety of projections using different fertility assumptions.
103. But other big industrial countries will be ageing even faster.
104. Take up walking to the shops or school. 4. Visit my ageing aunt. 5.
105. His father was ageing, unsure, falling back on old prejudices to defend his position.
106. Worse, really, because with ageing there's not the least possibility of a safe return.
107. Such approaches have been criticised for failing to take account of external or structural factors which influence people's experience of ageing.
108. Alzheimer's is often seen as an inevitable part of ageing.
109. They do not want to be reminded of their own ageing by the evident blooming of youth at such close quarters.
110. Other former Eastern bloc countries also face growing concern over their ageing nuclear power stations.
111. Awareness of personal attitudes to ageing has to start young.
112. But such stresses are caused by uncoordinated movements which accelerate the process of ageing.
113. Reprocessing is becoming an increasingly costly item in the fuel cycle of Britain's ageing Magnox reactors.
114. As the ageing body loses its ability to cope with alcohol, the amount that can be consumed has to be reduced.
115. Two ageing rock stars in front made it look easy and Hebbert was fooled.
116. Their suitcases had been seized by the hall porter and an ageing bell-boy, both avid for Kent cigarettes.
117. Use moisturiser or skin-conditioning cream at night, particularly if skin is dry or ageing.
118. The apparent increasing prevalence of depression and mental-health disorders in ageing and socially fragmented urban populations.
119. Merrick offered a revealing critique of Stephen Sondheim's high-concept Follies, a musical about ageing showgirls in midlife crisis.
120. Essentially, it's the ageing drivetrain that lets the side down.
121. Edgar put out the ageing Donald's eyes and consigned him to prison.
122. They can no longer rely on conventional market research to predict accurately the spending habits of ageing baby boomers or their children.
123. Throughout 1838, Darwin had been allowing for Lyellian competitive defeats to extinguish some species before their predetermined ageing overcame them.
124. Neither does it deny the ageing process, or the ultimate destination of life itself.
125. Less readily acknowledged are the social and emotional problems that ageing can bring.
126. The task of discovering whether an ageing individual has a drink problem requires considerable tact and sensitivity.
127. This is not just because of the enormous scale of the demands which an ageing population puts on caring organisations.
128. How can health services be restructured to meet the needs of ageing populations more appropriately?
129. The ageing orchard is full of spring bulbs and old fruit trees.
130. For most purposes a rectangular distribution is the most desirable because it provides the appropriate mix of youthful enthusiasm and ageing experience.
131. The amount of standing genetic variation for ageing within populations, and the number of genes involved, are not informative.
132. These signs of age, of the ageing process, she greeted and greets with curiosity, with a resolute welcome.
133. It's believed that pollution can form substances in our body known as free radicals which speed up ageing.
134. For many people, ageing is associated with a decline in emotional well-being.
135. Only ten refer - usually more briefly - to their elderly parents, and only eight to their own ageing.
136. Despite claims made by skincare manufacturers, the effects of ageing are irreversible.
137. Intrinsic ageing refers to the inevitable changes built into tissues like skin which are largely determined by genetics.
138. The majority of holdings in the uplands of Great Britain are farmed by owner-occupiers with an ageing population of farmers.
139. Ageing has to be recognized as a process, a gradual transition, rather than a once-for-all event.
140. It is possible that the younger control subjects with a high LI% may develop an adenomatous polyp as an ageing phenomenon.
141. A change in body weight with ageing may be partly the result of an increment in fat mass.
141. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
142. Aluminium in water is now being linked with premature ageing.
143. He is fifty-three ageing, losing his sight, and should prepare for death.
144. There is however a growing body of work which challenges the models of ageing which underpin current policies.
145. an ageing pop star trying to stage a comeback.
146. An ageing society is not, primarily, a demographic crisis.
147. "Do you worry about ageing?"— 'Not in the slightest.'.
148. The struggle against ageing turned into self-harming and self-mutilation.
149. They are low poisonous and high in ageing properties.
150. A rapidly ageing population makes pensions a particular worry.
151. Conduit ageing is slack, it is moment was updated.
152. The problem's getting worse because of the ageing population.
153. However, the ageing former paediatrician has none of the charisma of Bin Laden.
154. This paper deals with the low frequency damping of ZA27 alloy with solid solution treatment after natural ageing stability.
155. To increase our understanding of the health implications of ageing, particularly in less developed countries, WHO is undertaking the Study on global ageing and adult health (SAGE).
156. Such not only can the bilge that complete cleanness conceals in pore, still can the corneous layer of purify ageing, restore facial ministry luster then.
157. A flagging libido and a drop in sexual performance are all part of the ageing process.
158. The natural ageing properties of polypropylene textile were studied under simulated climatic environment formed by accelerating tester for weather in this paper.
159. Unlined foreheads, bagless eyes, supple skin: today's celebrities have stopped ageing.
160. The Taskforce Work and Ageing supported this research, but for the actual execution participation by a number of companies is essential.
161. Other common causes include exposure to excessive noise, head and ear injury, ageing and the use of ototoxic drugs.
162. The production process of the cosmetics resisting skin ageing includes heating triterpene glycoside containing hydroxyl group to 80 deg. c for dissolving, and mixing with other cosmetics materials.
163. Each day, for about 10 minutes, bend towards centre back, left back and right back ------ Bend Back Exercise, that improves health and prevents ageing.
164. Nowadays, the ageing population has more and more actual, the current "social raised founds combines the individual account of old age insurance system has gradually produced difficulty."
165. The ageing of water supply pipe may lead to decrease of water conveyance capacity, higher fault rate and deterioration of water quality.
166. One heavy storm can cause ageing urban sewerage systems to overflow.
167. Pitting corrosion and filiform corrosion occurred after solution treatment and ageing treatment.
168. Light failure small (its brightness half-life) 2000 hours ageing test light failure is less than 2%.
169. The results showed that HALS had an effective function on light stability and thermal stability of PP fabric. It had a long-term antivthermal ageing effect on PP fabric.
170. The effects of the loading of CLD on curing characteristics, cross-linking densities, mechanical properties, thermal properties and thermo-oxidative ageing properties were evaluated.
171. Population ageing is a natural pattern of the development of a society.
172. A kind of curing agent is prepared and thereof consists of the part of the adhesives which have showed good performance in the ageing test process.
173. Both must be extinguished within the citta, for the avijj?-citta is the essence of the world of rebirth, the essence of birth, ageing(), sickness and death.
174. Human society is experiencing the double test of ageing population and the threat of infectious diseases in the 21st century.
175. With China's rapidly ageing population, the number is rising quickly.
176. The effect of plasticizer DOP on the ultraviolet light(UV) ageing properties of PVC was studied by means of mechanical properties test, SEM and FT-IR.
177. The yellowing-resistance test uses UV accelerated ageing test method that is widely used at home and abroad. It is proved a much feasible test method now.
178. Youngsters decamp as soon as they can to work in towns near and far, leaving their ageing parents to till the soil.
179. Close relationship of the ageing characters of residual life function(RLF) to that of life function is expounded and the characters of mean residual life function(MRLF) is given.
180. A red bus, a pop singer, an ageing rocker and an overpaid ball kicker was awful.
181. In the West, in Europe and America, the big economic story is a demographic one — a rapidly ageing population and a dwindling tax take with which to support our increasingly doddery citizens.
182. The rubber antioxidant is of excellent ageing resistance and is free from problems of serious color deterioration, fusion and agglomeration.
183. Results: EEP can increase the level of thymosin synthesis of ageing mouse.
184. Various numerous skin care products and cosmetics have emerged for delaying consenescence and skin ageing.
185. Loren was 5ft 8in of Italian voluptuousness, while Ladd was 5ft 5in tall and, in his own words, a man with "the face of an ageing choirboy and the build of an undernourished featherweight".
186. Purely traditional winemaking methods, ageing in vats and oak barrels for 12 months. Intense, deep colour, with a bright, complex nose, offering generous aromas of ripe fruit and spices.
187. Scientists would soon be able to manipulate human genes to control the ageing process.
188. As Blum says of the current face of ageing, "I think it puts women on high alert all the time.
189. Rigorously selected, late-ripening Carmenere was hand harwested, ageing in French and American oak barrels enhanced the complexity and finesse.
190. The ageing time of stuffed polyolefins materials could prolonged when added metal deactivator.
191. High-voltage electric field combined with high temperature may lead to thermal breakdown and ageing of insulator for ESP.
192. A social worker suggested that she institutionalize her ageing father.
193. Ageing warmheartedness and kind-hearted natural . has ready in the interest of the peace undertaking to expend self capability.
194. The list starts with ageing (aetatemophobia) and ends with vomiting (emetophobia).
195. Have special effect to ageing skin, it has fight anile action, also be a kind of very good antidiarrheal at the same time.
196. Pale straw yellow in colour with abundant fine bubbles. Fine aromas with fruity tones predominating; well harmonised with the aromas of ageing.
197. The results are based on the findings of a two-year study of a cross-section of the British population which examined the effects of ageing on the cardiovascular system.
198. More speculatively, it could make long-distance space travel more feasible by slowing down ageing and reducing the consumption of oxygen and food.
199. Telomere and telomerase are the focus of modern biological study. There are close relationships among telomere loss and cell ageing, activation of telomerase, cell senescence and immortalization.
200. He's a real Dorian Gray, apparently untouched by the ageing process.
201. This paper studied thermal ageing properties of two kinds of SBR modified bitumen (SBR MB) and a kind of SBR modified bitumen (SBS MB).
202. The ageing strengthening of semi solid die castings is more significant than that of liquid die castings for ...
203. With an ageing population,(http:///ageing.html) the importance of looking after the health of the elderly is self - evident.
204. In the lounge, his new guardian cried too on hisbehalf, and patted the head of her ageing Springer spaniel.
205. The photo-oxidation ageing process of polypropylene filaments was studied by artificial accelerated ageing test using different intensities of UV irradiation.
206. The triangular romance, however, is but a come-hither[6] to the novel's weightier themes, which are all about rust, ruin and decay—all metaphors for ageing.
207. The, for 1420 alloy at double - ageing, the maximum corrosion depth was consistent the Gumbel distribution law.
208. Food restriction therapy, anti-oxidant treatment and hormone therapy have already become modern anti - ageing effective methods.
209. It can even be done by more low-tech means: changing the chemical environment of the body by altering the diet or by injecting certain hormones can slow ageing, too.
210. an ageing rock star.
211. Some of its efforts to deal with an ageing society are positively unnerving.
212. Steel welding construction through vibration ageing or anneal with sufficient strength and rigidity and high accuracy.
213. Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease can be caused by ageing or repetitive injury and leads to damage of cartilage and bone.
214. Women are using Aloe Vera to maintain their ageing and beauty.
215. Hormonotherapy, Chinese traditional medicine and exercise can effective prevent skeletal muscle ageing.
216. The line being butyl rubber results in the effect of excellent ageing resistance, tightness and insulation.
217. It includes SPA, medical cosmetology, anti - ageing therapy, body check and preserves one's health etc.
218. Sarcous flexibility increases, can prevent body exhaustion and functional ageing effectively.
219. China formally entered the ageing society in 1999, now it has been in the aging acceleration period.
220. The results showed that the seed germination percentage, germination index, dehydrogenase and acid phosphoesterase activity decreased in the process of ageing.
221. TWO common drugs have reversed the effects in mice of progeria, a rare genetic disease that causes premature ageing.
222. In order to improve the effect of antioxidant D on the thermal oxidative ageing properties of natural rubber (NR), antioxidant D of different purities are added in NR.
223. Helps to stabilise mood swings, prevent ageing skin and reduce freckles.
224. In the mass market, there is less disguising the modifications made for ageing consumers.
225. According to the conditions of ageing test within endurance test, the expected operation life of a high-voltage shunt capacitor which operates under the standard condition is estimated.
226. And tests showed that there are considerable advantages for aluminium triformate in area yield, area weight, firmness properties and ageing stability.
227. Why young women are supposed to care about what an ageing misogynist finds erotic, I don't know.
228. The changes in mechanical and physical properties and chemical structure of polyvinyl formal (PVFM) foam caused by hygrothermal ageing tests were studied by means of IR and other measuring methods.
229. The application of the model to dam foundation ageing analysis of the right section of the Xin'anjiang Dam shows that the model is reliable, practical, and fast in calculation.
230. I'm Dan Walker Smith and in today's programme Kate and I are talking about ageing and getting old.
231. The aches and pains begin as the ageing process inexorably sets in.http:///ageing.html
232. That is why the solderability was measured before and after ageing also.
233. But one day, she will be in your eyes, instant ageing ... So, how could they be your speech, to describe? To praise? To Sweet Honey language statement?
234. We are to properly analyze the ageing characteristics as well.
235. But Japan's household savings rate has collapsed due to an ageing population which no longer saves.
236. TGA and DSC were adopted to evaluate the ageing properties of CPE rolling roofing sheet.
237. The results have shown that the hot-oxygen ageing properties of NR would be obviously improved after adding the purity increased antioxidant D.
238. Used for light fastness, weather fastness and ageing test of all kinds of coloured textiles.
239. The author discusses the starch's gelatinization, ageing mechanism, condition and uses in food processing for reference.
240. High-temperature ageing could promote lipolysis and speed the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid, and decrease the content the polyunsaturated fatty acid and TBARS value significantly.
241. Cardiac injury after orthopaedic surgery is an increasing problem particularly in ageing population.
242. For GD series electronic ignitor, this paper proposes the necessity of ageing pretreatment for its reliability.
243. Complex flavours of red berries and spice are interwoven with subtle dark chocolate and mocha characters from the wines 14 months ageing in French and American oak barriques.
244. If Japan can find a way of dealing with an ageing and falling population, its neighbours will be all ears.
245. Ageing: In stainless steel tanks, with 2 racking and a light micro - oxygenation.
246. "It appears epicatechin treatment combined with exercised could be a viable means to offset muscle ageing, " said Dr Malek.
247. The EPDM/PA thermoplastic elastomer with PA 35 phr had good mechanical properties, resistance to solvent and thermal ageing properties.
248. But some regions of Europe see an opportunity in catering for an ageing population.
249. XLPE insulated pre-fabricated branch cable has good thermal stability and ageing resistance.
250. These measures indicate clinically defined testosterone deficiency, referred to as hypogonadism, as opposed to a tailing off in levels of the hormone as a result of ageing.
251. Light ageing properties of poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC) by the carboxylic ester rare earth salt and the organotin have been compared by artificial ageing test.
252. With an ageing population comes greater spending on eye care and good prospects for growth.
253. Traditional vinification in stainless steel vats under controlled temperature. Ageing in oak barrels during 12 months.
254. With the formation of T - T Dimer, DNA cells cannot function properly and lead to ageing problem.
255. Efficiencies: The gentle formula can quickly cleanse the impurity and dispel the ageing cell of scarfskin , reduce moisture loss by cleansing. After use, let skin refreshing and nutritive.
256. In ageing, when the matrix is at super saturation state, the control of precipitated structure mostly depends on dynamics of process.
257. Efficiency: Richly contain relieving lavender essential oil and lycine essence to tender skin, perfectly relieve ageing and chapped skin, and make you feel like in the romantic Provence.
258. The application of ultraviolet spectrometry in characteristics analysis of quality of ageing brandy is reported firstly . The result shows that ultraviolet spectrum of ageing brandy is red-shift.
259. A long-term study on female mice fed on a genetically modified soybean: effects on liver ageing. Malatesta M. et al. , Histochem Cell Biol.
260. Has the advantages, adiabatic, fire prevention, high temperature resistance, ageing resistance, bibulous rate is lower notable features.
261. Used for light fastness, weather fastness and ageing test of all kinds if coloured textiles.
261. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
262. Lignin has influences at different extents on mechanical properties, ageing property, thermostability and thermal degradation of plastics.
263. The ageing body is like a field self-sown with mines.
264. There are no obvious precipitate free zones along the grain boundary in both peak-aged and over-aged alloys under different ageing temperatures.
265. Ageing hippies are responsible for only a few such operations.
266. A new format would alienate its ageing readership without attracting young readers.
267. Subacidity moisture retention formula, mild property, rich delicate foam, it can clean the grease and dirty while gently removing the ageing cutin, make the skin delicate and soft with elasticity.
268. Three kinds of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene terpolymer (ABS) samples were tested by the methods of natural exposure, xenon-arc lamp ageing, and humid-hot ageing.
269. During hydrogen gas heat - treatment, hydrogen purity had strong effect on soft magnetic property and artificial ageing.
270. There always severe lumping phenomenon during the ageing stage of the sintered ceramic abrasives forming materials.
271. The author points out that it is full feasible to use the Yellow River silt to produce sintered multiple-hole brick. The technology key is effective ageing and homogenisation of raw material.
272. The recounts of the usability, restricted condition, ageing stability of PAG quenchants, the design calculation related to modified quench system where PAG quenchants are used are also described.
273. Hype is an occupational hazard of anti - ageing research.
274. This decline in vigor with the passing of time is called ageing.
275. The mechanical properties of BR/OMMT nanocomposites improved greatly and heat-oxidative ageing properties was excellent when compared to pure BR.
276. Raising the ageing temperature will increase the conductivity, and for the hardness of the alloy there is an optimum value of this temperature.
277. First signs of skin ageing appear in the face the d é collet é and the hands.
277. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
278. If we can use her DNA to find that mutant gene then we can test it in laboratory animals to see if we can switch if off and slow down the ageing process at will.
279. The storage life of an anaerobic adhesive was studied by accelerated ageing test.
280. The ageing process and regularity of the asphalt coating have been studied with indoor artificial accelerated ageing test.
281. AGEING: Red , soft crushing, complete skin maceration and short transfer to barriques.




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