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单词 Slumped
1. The value of property has slumped.
2. Profits slumped by over 50%.
3. Net profits slumped by 41%.
4. Ollie gasped with pain and slumped forward.
5. Tired from her walk she slumped onto the sofa.
6. She slumped against the wall.
7. Sales have slumped this year.
8. The paper's circulation has slumped to 90 000.
9. He slumped down exhausted on the settee.
10. He had slumped into a state of torpor from which nothing could rouse him.
11. Ben staggered and slumped onto the floor.
12. She slumped into a chair.
13. Shares in the company slumped from £2.75 to £1.54.
14. She slumped to the ground, near to heat exhaustion.
15. Sales slumped by 20% last year.
16. He slumped back on the sofa in tears.
17. His eyes dulled and he slumped to the ground.
18. She slumped to the ground in a faint.
19. The loser sat slumped in dejection.
20. Martha was slumped gracelessly in an armchair.
21. She slumped dejectedly over the wheel.
22. Her shoulders slumped and her eyes filled with tears.
23. His health slumped after a long illness.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Carol slumped back in her chair, defeated.
25. He slumped down into a chair.
26. The currency slumped to a record low.
27. She slumped to her knees.
28. She slumped into the chair, exhausted.
29. The old man slumped down in his chair.
30. He tottered to the fridge, got a beer and slumped at the table.
1. The value of property has slumped.
2. Profits slumped by over 50%.
3. Net profits slumped by 41%.
4. Ollie gasped with pain and slumped forward.
5. She slumped against the wall.
6. Sales have slumped this year.
7. The paper's circulation has slumped to 90 000.
8. He slumped down exhausted on the settee.
9. He tottered to the fridge, got a beer and slumped at the table.
10. He had slumped into a state of torpor from which nothing could rouse him.
31. The old woman slumped in the sofa.
32. He slumped against the wall.
33. She slumped back in her seat.
34. Oil prices have slumped quite badly in recent months.
35. Profits slumped by 70 per cent.
36. Car sales have slumped dramatically over the past year.
37. The pound slumped to 2.47 against the Deutschmark.
38. He saw the driver slumped over the wheel.
39. The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel.
40. The rand slumped by 22% against the dollar.
41. They found her slumped over the steering wheel.
42. The old house had slumped.
43. The group's pre-tax profits slumped to £25.5m.
44. He slumped back, gulping for air.
45. Ben, drunk and incoherent, slumped in a chair.
46. Ominously, car sales slumped in August.
47. There was a slumped figure in the chair.
48. She slumped to the floor with injuries to her back and neck.
49. They were rowed out and slumped over their oars at the finish line.
50. Match receipts slumped by £89 000 compared to last season.
51. I slumped down in my usual armchair and felt around for the newspaper.
52. Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices as the pound slumped again.
53. He was found slumped in a pool of blood by security guards.
54. He had a vision of Cheryl, slumped on a plastic chair in the waiting-room.
55. He slumped his back and took the boy in his arms.
56. He slumped forward, the knife buried deep in his chest.
57. Government popularity in Scotland has slumped to its lowest level since the 1970s.
58. He is very tired so he slumped into a chair.
59. He sat slumped over his desk, the picture of misery.
60. Adam lay slumped and motionless beside her.
61. Rachel staggered to the bed and slumped on it.
62. I slumped down in my chair.
63. He was slumped on the sofa, staring straight ahead.
64. Theresa found him slumped over the keyboard.
65. Granny's head slumped forward against the iron again.
66. Ruth slumped back into her chair.
67. He slumped back against my chest.
68. The second Elizabethan Age had slumped into depression.
69. The pilot was slumped over the controls.
70. She slumped on his shoulder and burst into tears.
71. Chopra staggered, and slumped on to the floor.
72. He slumped forward on to his controls, unconscious.
73. But as he turned to flee, Derek slumped at the wheel, clutching his chest.
74. Hilary Robarts had been slumped back in her chair, her eyes fixed on Lessingham.
75. Blood pressure and lumbago have left these shrimps - pink and puffed as a rowing eight, slumped over their needles.
76. The men found Dunlap's lifeless body slumped in the front seat of his car.
77. Tragic six-day-old Natalie died of a brain haemorrhage when Alan slumped forward, squeezing her skull.
78. Once Ari had gone, Leila slumped, letting out a sigh.
79. He falls asleep sometimes, slumped in the chair, a hand curled bri the broadloom rug.
80. By the time we got back Tam had stopped going on about the Hall Brothers and slumped into oblivion.
81. In its last year, Owners Abroad profits slumped 19% to £25.5m.
82. A young man sat slumped there, his index finger hooked down into his water glass, stirring the ice cubes around.
83. The property sector slumped 1. 2 %, but utilities turned in a good performance after lagging recently.
84. He slumped there on the wet street, coat muddied and stained.
85. She was slumped over the steering wheel of her car.
86. During that initial visit, the team found undernourished children whose slumped posture made it difficult for them to eat.
87. Micron fell 2 7 / 8 to 33 and Intel slumped 1 / 4 to 56 5 / 8.
88. Trafalgar shares have slumped from a peak of £3.96 three years ago as the recession has bitten into profits.
89. Worldwide membership of the 13-year-old Eastwood Appreciation Society - which produced a monthly magazine - had slumped from 1,000 to just 87.
90. His head was slumped against a leather strap chained to the headboard of the king-size bed in the sparsely furnished living room.
91. Its pre-tax profits slumped 10 percent to £91.7m in the half year to the end of July.
92. She slumped down, near to heat exhaustion, and raked her jet hair from her temples.
93. Bond prices initially slumped after the report showed hourly wages rose 0. 4 percent last month and rekindled inflation concerns.
94. He had actually slumped down at the breakfast table before he became aware of Kelly's presence.
95. He awoke several hours later to find Barrow slumped in a chair by his bedside, soft snoring noises droning from him.
96. Doctor Horatio Holliday has been found strangled to death in his home, slumped over his dining room table.
97. I stopped and slumped dazedly back on my heels, facing utter defeat.
98. Obviously upset, Cox fidgeted and slumped, struggling to endure the postgame press conference.
99. He pried off his shoes; loosened his collar; slumped in his seat like an opium smoker.
100. I found him there alone, slumped at an old pine farmhouse table, a mug of tea sitting in front of him.
101. Sitting like that, slumped and half-naked, he looked almost dissolute.
102. Unemployment rose from 7.5 million to nearly 10.5 million in 1938 as industrial production slumped.
103. The lobster slumped instantly, to all appearances dead, and being limp was easier to place in the pot.
104. After the profits warning was announced, the shares had slumped by up to 100p.
105. Why add them, with their evocation of the doddering loon, slumped, with listless ear-trumpet, over the board table?
106. As a result of controls and the land reforms which the government carried out, agricultural output slumped.
107. Semiconductor, software and computer companies slumped in price because of concern that earnings may not be up to snuff.
108. Big men with big grins slumped half-sideways on their seats, shouting remarks to their neighbours.
109. He slumped on to the floor, curling into a ball.
110. Brad was slumped in front of the television watching the game.
111. Pins pierced his body; he screamed, twitching in agony, then slumped to the ground.
112. Bradstreet survey released today showed business confidence slumped to its lowest level in more than three and a half years.
113. Shares have slumped from nearly £4 apiece at their peak five years to ago to just 9p last night.
114. But then a major collapse set in and they slumped to 132-7 before.
115. Clarisa looked sad, slumped in the car with her head on her chest.
116. Now the judge slumped and stared ahead, his eyes open and blank.
117. Maybe she had tried, but in her sixties she had slumped into forgetfulness.
118. Soon afterwards police arrested a man with a gunshot wound to the chest found slumped nearby in an alley behind Copperfield Street.
119. He would be only too happy to dial 911 when Walter slumped over in shock, unable to speak.
120. At about 2 a.m. he had fallen downstairs and slumped in a heap by the front door.
121. The Nasdaq composite index slumped 20. 33 points, or 1. 2 percent, at 1, 650. 92.
122. Pre-tax profits slumped from £25.0 million to £8.1 million in the 12 months to December.
123. Judge: But this programme is balm to millions, many of them toothless, gaga and slumped across a Zimmer frame.
124. But this slumped to a third quarter loss of £126 million. Current estimates suggest fourth quarter profits of around £24 million.
125. Tay's earnings per share slumped from 5.5p to 3.04p, though turnover rose from almost £25.5 million to £27.2 million.
126. Blanche sat slumped in the armchair, arms, legs and shoulders aching.
127. Group profits slumped by 40 percent to £16.9 million last year, of which houses contributed three-quarters and development, a quarter.
128. Revenue reached $ 4. 82 billion that year, and slumped to $ 4. 65 billion the next year.
129. Then the gunman slumped, and Ellis remained standing, and she realised that the shot had missed.
130. Even before the securities houses announced their decision, the advantages of issuing new equity had slumped along with the Nikkei.
131. As house sales have slumped, so has spending on department-store specialities like furniture, carpets and electrical appliances.
132. Darren, looking small and extremely disgruntled, was slumped in the front left-hand seat.
133. With a sigh she slumped back into herself, shoulders hunched.
134. Her shoulders slumped a little as she sucked the smoke into her lungs.
135. The rear gunner was killed by that burst, as his gun swung up to a vertical position as he slumped down.
136. A few minutes later she slumped back into the front seat of the Granada.
137. Despite a variety of advertising programs and discount offerings, sales at the branch slumped to an unprecedented low.
138. For an hour or so they continued to travel through the sighing trees, Cleo slumped against Dauntless's back.
139. Umberto, tonight's guard, was slumped against the bottom of a tree, an empty bottle at his feet.
140. They point out that corporate bad debts have soared as the economy has slumped.
141. The baby sleeps, slumped like a bean bag in her chair.
142. Match receipts slumped by £89,000 compared to 1991, but profits were boosted by staging two Simply Red rock concerts.
143. Hoskins looked in her direction on occasion, but he generally sat slumped in his chair.
143. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
144. Denis was slumped in his seat, his chin sunk into his chest.
145. The 52-year-old husband was slumped over the steering wheel of the Volvo.
146. Busacher slumped into the passenger seat and sat catching his breath.
147. The refrigerator door was wide open, and he was lying just behind it, slumped face downwards.
148. Derek was trying to pull Kitty into a sitting position, but she slumped to one side.
149. The victim was slumped over a freezer where he had been searching for a gas leak.
150. He lay on the seat, banged his head against it, slumped on to the floor and cried relentlessly.
151. Mum was slumped in a chair, glass-eyed, her face mottled by tears.
152. But after the hoopla, the exposition slumped, admissions at first numbering only fifteen or twenty thousand per day.
153. They left him slumped in a drunken stupor against the church wall.
154. His son Lutz was still at home, slumped for ever in front of the television set.
155. He slumped further forward, his lips parted and his eyes closed.
156. Then it was done and the old man slumped forward, the knife buried deep in his chest.
157. She slumped in her chair and waited to be told off.
158. A young man sat slumped behind the hotel desk, showing little interest in the new arrivals.
159. The lamp's dim yellow light showed him to be seated, or rather slumped, in his big armchair.
160. He finally slumped against the nearest crate and stared at the dimpled area around the bung.
161. During November 1992 and January 1993,() its value some times slumped by over 10% in a week.
162. A baby with low muscle tone has a slumped posture and is slow to sit up.
163. I let go a lungful of air, slumped back against the parapet and lit another Capstan.
164. Annual profits have slumped from over £100 million to an expected £45 million this year.
165. The superintendent sat back, shoulders slumped, her eyes bleary with fatigue and thoughtfulness.
166. The effort was wasted of course, and the part-time barman slumped away into the darkness taking his scotch with him.
167. With a groan of defeat he slumped back against the reception desk, jamming his elbow against the counter.
168. She made herself some tea, hunted for headache tablets and slumped down into a chair.
169. Polly put down the receiver and slumped into her office chair, which was actually one of her kitchen chairs.
170. She sits like that, slumped, head covered, in the last seat, for a long time.
171. Read in studio Sales of Rover cars slumped last year by nineteen percent.
172. But production has slumped by 45 percent because of the plunge in demand - and there's no end in sight.
173. If team performances slumped, as they did in 1910-11, attendances fell disastrously, sparking off a financial crisis.
174. There was a black bag over his head and he was slumped forward.
175. Former dockyard worker Jim Smith slumped to the floor gasping for breath.
176. Lazio, the pre-tournament favourites, slumped to the bottom of Group D with no points from two games.
177. Everyone talked like Amis wrote, and the dialogue slumped into an undifferentiated brawl of voices.
178. In the far corner was a bed and, beside this, slumped like a disused doll, lay the witch.
179. Some sat up straight, others slumped down in their chairs.
180. By now Souness was the one slumped in his seat.
181. His grandmother had slumped into a heap but when Asik tried to lift her head he realised that she too had died.
182. Uranium prices had slumped. New reactor orders were virtually non-existent.
183. Witnesses said Camby held his head and slumped to the floor.
184. Behind, lay a pile of chained human bones, a slumped fettered skeleton.
185. The heaviest gales were felt on the technology heavy Nasdaq market, which slumped 3. 25 percent for the day.
186. The superintendent sat slumped back in her chair, cupping her chin in her hand.
187. He slumped down on his bed and gave way to a brief and painful fit of crying.
188. Emily Williams, 75, was found slumped on her bedroom floor at Rumney, Cardiff, by a neighbour.
189. Relax, I told myself again; but was relieved when finally he slumped over into sleep.
190. He slumped forward in his seat, supporting his arms on his knees, when the jury foreman announced the verdict.
191. It hurt her all the more and she slumped to her knee.
192. He slumped to the floor and she tried to drag him clear.
193. Louis and Madeleine were slumped on the sofa by the fireplace.
194. I had slumped down on a high, three-legged stool in back of the metal washtub.
195. Harris stopped breathing and slumped over the stern be-fore midnight.
196. The engineering and industrial products group's pre-tax profits slumped to £25.5m in 1991 from £70.3m in the previous year.
197. Ranulf sat slumped in the bench beside him, groaning and muttering at his master.
198. By three to four minutes their whole bodies slumped in despair.
199. The fingers gripping her windpipe slackened and Irina slumped backwards against the desk and slid to the ground.
200. Utterly wearied, I slumped into the chair.
201. The ice cracked and he slumped into the cleft.
202. Business in down - town Nairobi , the capital, and in provincial towns across the country, has slumped.
203. A neighbor found her slumped over the kitchen table. "
204. The market slumped after that high point,() only to bounce back strongly.
205. Property prices have slumped in this neck of the woods.
206. Chris slumped down in the chair Mrs Tennant had just vacated.
207. Frank sat slumped tiredly, sipping cup after cup of tea.
208. Other Asian markets slumped in tandem. European shares also tumbled.
209. He slumped down on the couch and closed his eyes, panting hard.
210. New orders for durable goods slumped by 6.2 % - more than double most Wall Street forecasts.
211. Number three had rowed himself out and was slumped over his oar at the finish line.
212. The customer fired into his body again and the counterman slumped to the floor.




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