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单词 Thinly
1) She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.
2) Sow the radish seeds thinly.
3) Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly.
4) The ointment should be spread thinly on the bruised areas.
5) Pizza dough should be rolled thinly.
6) She made a lot of thinly veiled accusations.
7) The novel is a thinly disguised autobiography.
8) This area is thinly populated.
9) Slice the mushrooms thinly and fry in butter.
10) It was a thinly disguised attack on the President.
11) Spread the toast thinly with jam.
12) They complained that resources were spread too thinly.
13) The paint should be applied thinly and evenly.
14) Spread the bread thinly with mustard.
15) Peel and thinly slice the onion.
16) 'I'm impressed,' said Greg,[http:///thinly.html] with thinly veiled sarcasm.
17) Sow the seeds quite thinly.
18) This is lust thinly disguised as love.
19) He looked at Frank's new car with thinly veiled envy.
20) Slice the cucumber thinly.
21) In her speech she made several thinly disguised attacks on the president.
22) Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country.
23) Slice the bread thinly.
24) Mrs Brown wrapped the thinly clad man in her fur coat.
25) Slice the potatoes thinly.
26) Thinly slice the cucumbers.
27) For best results, sow the seeds thinly in early March.
28) The speech was seen by many as a thinly disguised attack on the president.
29) Spread the butter thinly.
30) The mountain regions are more thinly populated than the lowlands.
1) She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.
2) Sow the radish seeds thinly.
3) Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly.
4) The ointment should be spread thinly on the bruised areas.
5) She made a lot of thinly veiled accusations.
6) This area is thinly populated.
7) In her speech she made several thinly disguised attacks on the president.
8) Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country.
9) Slice the potatoes thinly.
31) Much of the speech was a thinly disguised attack on the management of the company.
32) Yes, the recent big paintings are painted quite thinly.
33) Wilson smiled thinly at that bit.
34) Thinly veiled corporate speak acknowledged the clash.
35) The wolframite is scattered extremely thinly throughout the granite.
36) I think I smiled thinly, however[], because he was.
37) Roll thinly and stamp out 16 small leaves.
38) Vic glances in his rear-view mirror and smiles thinly.
39) Peel maincrop potatoes thinly, preferably using a potato peeler.
40) The island is thinly populated.
41) He smiled thinly and motioned the tall man back.
42) Let stand 15 minutes, then slice thinly.
43) Mayli just smiled thinly, weakly.
44) Chop garlic and onions; thinly slice carrots.
45) In most firms, top management incentives are thinly disguised executive perks: not in Hanson.
46) No question, a lot of corporate take-overs are shams, thinly disguised.
47) Thinly veiled portraits of actual people in fiction vastly outnumber this type of unlucky strike.
48) Poach remaining apples for two mins in enough water to cover, then slice thinly and fan across the puree.
49) At the other end of the scale of desirability are thinly scattered customers in remote areas, and those in poor neighbourhoods.
50) The ozone molecules are very thinly spread within this area but their fragile existence nevertheless serves a vital function to life.
51) The promoters were willing to put aside their thinly veiled racism in order to sell tickets.
52) For holly ribbon, thinly roll out some of the burgundy icing and cut out small holly leaf shapes.
53) Rose Newbigging reports Without doubt the White Paper is a thinly disguised blueprint for the privatisation of health care in this country.
54) She was only thinly veiled, and Rostov could see that although she was beautiful, she was old.
55) Some one must lose, even if the losses are spread thinly.
56) Pastrami on rye Butter sliced dark rye bread and spread thinly with mustard.
57) I think she smiled thinly, said little, and later put the brush in a drawer.
58) Thinly sliced Edam or low-fat hard cheese on wholemeal toast with tomato.
59) Cover with thinly rolled out shortcrust pastry, brush with water and sprinkle with sugar.
60) Groundwork Prepare a really fine seedbed and sow the seeds thinly to avoid unnecessary thinning.
61) Flatten the bread with a rolling-pin, then spread each slice thinly with mayonnaise. 3.
62) Drain thoroughly and then slice them thinly on the diagonal.
63) The Stinkdolomit is composed mainly of dark, thinly bedded and dolomitised carbonate mudstones.
64) Just before you toast the bread, halve,[http:///thinly.html] core and thinly slice the pear.
65) Sometimes, when the clouds were stretched more thinly, the confines of their world extended.
66) You could also thinly spread some glue on the cracker and sprinkle some glitter powder over it.
67) His thinly disguised hatred of rock-n-roll had made him an unpopular journalist.
68) Pair the rounds with steamed red cabbage and thinly sliced zucchini.
69) Almost all his climbs have a certain something: a thinly disguised air of intimidation often allied to a raw brutality.
70) Mrs Thatcher's public speeches contained thinly veiled warning messages to colleagues who doubted the strategy.
71) Integrity is vital but in all types of organisations including schools there are examples of thinly disguised contempt for customers and consumers.
72) I should hate to give the impression that my love for you is but thinly disguised lust.
73) Thinly roll out the icing on a surface dusted with icing sugar.
74) Then add the Port-Salut, minced as thinly as possible, the kirsch and a pinch of Cayenne pepper.
75) As an ideology it thinly veneered our often brutal economic exploitation.
76) Spreading the benefits too thinly, however, might undermine the viability of the most needy practices.
77) For the striped ribbon, thinly roll out the burgundy icing and cut into thick strips.
78) Any thinly sliced salami works well, also cold roast meat with garlic and chilli sauce.
79) The rest were spread rather thinly across the categories of employment listed in Table 4.11.
80) Served very thinly sliced Pepper p50/ A common seasoning obtained from the dried berries of the pepper plant.
81) The mountain goat's food supply is thinly distributed over the mountain slopes and cliff ledges, and so are the goats.
82) Peel and discard rough outside husks of lemongrass stalks, then thinly slice cores that remain.
83) Many practices have applied to run health promotion clinics for managing stress, which are thinly disguised counselling sessions.
84) The stock is thinly traded, meaning that price swings can be dizzying.
85) This was a thinly disguised device designed to give Harleston the opportunity to ease Jeffries out painlessly and to find a replacement.
86) There is always a danger that it becomes a thinly veiled therapeutic exercise.
87) Overall, though, it's a case of spreading a good idea a little too thinly this time around.
88) Zenobia wore a crown of thinly sliced shaped ivory leaves.
89) The salmon was fairly simple, just some thinly sliced grilled fish on unremarkable toast points.
90) Quickly pour into the 2 buttered pans and spread thinly over entire surface of each.
91) Caledor Caledor is a thinly populated, mountainous realm to the west of Eataine.
92) Set aside one cake for the top and thinly spread the rest with jam.
93) Even grass grows so thinly that cattle can't feed properly.
94) Wipe off all excess fat and slice thinly to serve.
95) The opposition leader has made thinly veiled threats of violence.
96) She smiled thinly and ran her index finger over the Biro scribble.
97) Surface waters in contact with melting ice tend to be very thinly populated with zooplankton.
98) Both, however, were under external threat from barbarians more or less thinly disguised.
99) She looked at Hitch and smiled thinly, wetting her lips slightly with the tip of her tongue.
100) Both are thinly populated areas far from departure and arrival points presently used by local commuters.
101) Mostly they turned out to be thinly disguised candidate ads, a violation of the spirit of the law at best.
102) Thinly pare the rind from 1 orange and cut into narrow strips.
103) Formerly the Amazon region was more thinly populated than the Sahara, containing perhaps some 50000 people, and importing food.
104) Outside, the wind whistled thinly along the fluted tiles and stirred the open window sash.
105) Carol smiled thinly in response and picked at the piece of toast on her plate.
106) There is also the danger of spreading resources too thinly and separating teams from local authority power structures.
107) Thinly washed colour was applied, then blended with the brush and pushed around until it felt right.
108) Shiona smiled thinly, but refrained from voicing her suspicions out loud.
109) Lunch Two slices of toasted wholemeal bread spread thinly with Flora margarine and topped with 2 oz. grated cheddar cheese.
110) Water the containers and allow to drain, then sow the seed thinly over the surface.
111) The flesh was thinly spread upon the elongated skull, the motionless hands were bony claws.
112) Chop garlic and onions; thinly slice carrots. Pour 3 tablespoons olive oil into a large skillet.
113) And Nina, crouched in a chair, weak and pale as though any movement might shatter her thinly held composure.
114) Hardly compatible with discretion, that I should ride to the Palace in so thinly disguised a vehicle.
115) Dole passed up two thinly veiled invitations by moderator Jim Lehrer to address so-called character issues.
116) Peel the ginger, slice thinly with the grain, and cut the slices lengthwise into thin shreds.
117) To serve, slice thinly and serve with cornichons and chutney.
118) Chop the dill cucumber thinly and add to the bowl.
119) Utricles thinly walled, ovoid or globose, dehiscent by lid.
120) A small voice cuts thinly through the bass chorus.
121) Broadway was thinly peopled with pedestrians.
122) Roll the pasta out as thinly as possible.
123) Thinly paint the lamb with Dijon mustard.
124) Leaf blade thinly leathery; fruit with coarse pubescence.
124) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
125) Small trees became thinly scattered among less dense thickets.
126) Battlestar Galactica: Using a campy old sci-fi series as the source material for a thinly disguised examination of post-9/11 America?
127) Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta cheese over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple.
128) Can converge into the rivers to flow trickling sluggishly and thinly.
129) These, together with the variations of tone within the surrounding black area and thinly splashed and spotted ink over the central white zone, interact with the powerful two-dimensional central motif.
130) They are thinly foliated and at places laminated, both structures being probably caused by tectonic overprinting.
131) Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space.
132) Coat Anti-seize Compound (MP-1) thinly on clamp screw when insert is fixed.
133) Mr. Bush makes thinly veiled threat of reprisal against his backers in Afghanistan.
134) Milk white smoke was stinking thinly and smokily as rolling up in puffs from the nattierblue flames.
135) Leaf blades thinly hispid on both surfaces; tubercle-based bristles present on margins for most of length from base.
136) Only small villages are thinly scattered in this remote and inhospitable region of Arctic tundra bordering the Beaufort Sea.
137) This one was made famous by Chicago hot dog stands. It's made with thinly shaved slices of garlicky wet-roasted beef mounded on a long roll that has been dipped into the meat juice.
138) Such legends seem to be a thinly veiled version of pre-Christian fertility rites, rather than an allegory of Christ's resurrection.
139) Democratic governments can withstand some consumer disgruntlement, especially if it is too thinly spread to swing many votes.
140) It's the story of an Italian film-maker – a thinly veiled version of Fellini himself – who's trying to figure out his next movie.
141) This satirical address was a thinly disguised stricture against the doctrine of the rights of man.
142) a thinly veiled threat.
143) The actual chrestomathy of each life castaway, so deft that can pull pull, thin resemble a book thinly, let you place in a certain position arbitrarily in the aperture in a certain space.
144) These securities collateralized debt obligations , are thinly traded investments that include pools of loans.
145) IBM made one terrible mistake by spreading resources too thinly and attempting to port OS/2 from x86 to the PowerPC in the middle of the fight with Microsoft.
146) Tax-loss sales can depress stocks in mid-December, especially small stocks that are thinly traded.
147) Antennae yellowish brown thinly clothed with grey pubescence, scape and 2nd segments dark reddish brown, apex of 3rd to 10th segments pitchy .
148) We mainly produce by the polytetrafluoro second grade thinly, gather seal products and so on amine fat, metaformaldehyde , nylon, rubber.
149) Or, since the class B voting shares are publicly (though thinly) traded, someone could mount an old-fashioned proxy fight to reform the board.
150) Thinly shred the cucumber, carrot, apple and spring onion. Rinse the arugula, drain and pat them dry. Crush the peanuts lightly.
151) Wilson smiled thinly. "We have decided to name the new Home after Councillor Minford.".
152) Believed the fat person can change thinly, believed oneself does not have the question!
153) If a text-editing application were to rely on Linux/UNIX system resources, it would rely on a thinly disguised locale() call to provide sufficient information to be able to code a basic text editor.
154) Leaves alternate, petiolate, thinly leathery or papery, margin dentate in apical half , rarely entire, lateral veins 2 or 3 pairs, lowest triplinerved.
154) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
155) Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in cole slaw and other salads.
156) Centaurus population is thinly spread across these colonies, now totalling approximately 5 billion human beings.
157) Culms up to 1. 5 m; upper glume of sessile spikelet thinly pilose.
158) Thinly coat the center section of the back of the glass plate with the glue.
159) Might his entire oeuvre be a thinly disguised ode to unfettered man love?
160) Meanwhile, the owner, George Koril, kept busy constructing a fresh ziggurat of shawarma, layering slabs of thinly sliced raw beef onto a vertical spit capped by a ripe tomato.
161) Thinly slice the fennel. Wash and dry the salad vegetables.
162) In a televised speech, India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, blamed forces "based outside this country" in a thinly veiled accusation that Pakistan was involved.
163) Uncooked cabbage , cut sim thinly, is using used in coleslaw and other salarssalads.
164) Keep greenhouses well ventilated and sow seeds thinly to avoid overcrowding.
165) Although hemp lever is resembled thinly when the university when, little stomach also can resemble a persnickety ball after eating a meal.
166) The companionship of these friends may not sound very hip, but I found it more fun than the thinly veiled distress of my pothead buddies.
167) What I've done is looked to the most recent social science data to find out if what men want in women is nothing more than a thinly veiled desire to copulate.




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