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单词 Buzz
1. Did the alarm clock buzz?
2. I love the buzz of a big city.
3. Give him a buzz.
4. The buzz of the Entryphone interrupted our conversation.
5. I'll give you a buzz on Monday.
6. I'll buzz you at work.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. I'll give you a buzz next week.
8. Just buzz off and leave me alone!
9. A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.
10. I wish he'd buzz off!
11. Buzz off, I'm trying to work!
12. You can sense the creative buzz in the city.
13. I'll buzz you after work.
14. Playing well gives me a buzz .
15. I get a buzz out of public speaking.
16. I've finished everything, so I'll buzz off now.
17. Sex education in schools was the buzz topic.
18. I'll give you a buzz on Monday, OK?
19. Flying gives me a real buzz.
20. Tell her to buzz off and leave me alone.
21. She gets a buzz out of her work.
22. Neil gets a buzz from drinking one beer.
23. A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd.
24. The first person to buzz may answer.
25. Performing still gives him a buzz.
26. He got a buzz from creating confrontations.
27. There's a buzz going round that the boss has resigned.
28. A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as the defendant was led in.
29. She could hear him over the buzz of conversation and laughter.
30. I've got some stuff to do at home, so I'm going to buzz off now.
1. Did the alarm clock buzz?
2. I love the buzz of a big city.
3. Give him a buzz.
4. I've got some stuff to do at home, so I'm going to buzz off now.
5. A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.
31. The girls fell in love with Dublin on previous visits. They said that what they liked was the buzz about the place.
32. The buzz of conversation suddenly stopped when she came into the room.
33. Buzz off, I'm busy!
34. Hundreds of flies buzz around us, and the workman keeps swatting them.
35. I love cycling fast - it gives me a real buzz.
36. "There's no buzz, there's no oomph about the place," he complained.Sentencedict
37. Just buzz off and let me get on with my work.
38. There was a buzz of excitement all round the room.
39. I heard a buzz and then saw the plane in the distance.
40. The electric bell began to buzz for closing time.
41. I heard the tail rotor buzz again.
42. The buzz made it hard to think straight.
43. Still whistling, Buzz laid the tray.
44. I was just trying to get a buzz.
45. The buzz of conversation filled the hall.
46. I liked the commercial buzz of their environment.
47. It just gives you a buzz.
48. Our coach gave them a real buzz.
49. The incessant buzz of conversation filled the student cafeteria.
50. He heard the high buzz of a small plane.
51. From the next office came a buzz of voices.
52. The buzz is that Jack is leaving.
53. Immediately Buzz knew she'd broken her hip.
54. All the pre-race buzz among the 12(),000 crowd had been about Ben Johnson.
55. Buzz lay on a high, black-barred hospital bed, in a pale green room as small as a shoe box.
56. Today, South Park offers a self-fulfilling buzz, a spot with that proverbial Left Bank feel about it.
57. The training officer lifted the phone, and the buzz in the room subsided in a split second.
58. It gave her a perverse buzz to be amongst them, knowing she was doing her bit to bring about their defeat.
59. Only in the frankly imitative words like buzz and lisp do hint and pointing coincide.
60. Was Buzz Calkins' narrow victory over Tony Stewart enough to keep them interested?
61. No more the buzz of playing before a packed house at Twickers.
62. From inside the house, we heard the buzz of helicopters overhead.
63. This makes the treasury secretary more secure than most of those who buzz around the honey pot of power.
64. Wishing that they'd buzz off and leave you to watch Bergerac.
65. He'll buzz along now.
66. A speeding motor boat sliced the waters with the grating noise of a buzz saw.
67. A second later there was a loud click and buzz which could only be the black box alarm being activated.
68. I could hear the buzz of a chainsaw far away among the trees.
69. A loud buzz erupted above his head,[] and sharp pains tore at his cheeks and scalp.
70. The adrenalin was amazing, the buzz palpable, the girls so close I could see every pore.
71. He found he enjoyed the buzz of the work and became involved in training other volunteers in the use of computers.
72. Jamie answered on her first buzz, and the door clicked open for her.
73. We were kept awake by the continual buzz of small planes overhead.
74. Some linoleum tile, maybe some plywood, maybe the buzz of the fluorescent tube light.
75. Dragonflies dip and buzz, their prismatic wings turning the waning sunlight to diamonds.
76. There were flies now-a low droning buzz that swelled up from somewhere deep inside the village.
77. You could feel the excitement, hear the buzz of anticipation.
78. Users claim Ecstasy gives them a buzz and an energy high.
79. That question alone gives the campaign more buzz than it had a week ago.
80. Her reverie was rudely interrupted by the buzz of the entryphone.
81. She shivered and watched Mrs Frizzell apprehensively as the buzz of conversation continued.
82. They just clean up and try to recreate the buzz rush of drugs through art.
83. The circulation of Good Housekeeping keeps going up and up, which gives us all a great buzz.
84. Having finished her bag of chips, Buzz licked her fingers, switched the light on, and prepared for bed.
85. Superorganism was a buzz word among biologists in the I920s.
86. If this is the case, slacken the rod by small increments until the buzz goes.
87. You can't beat playing a gig, you get such a buzz off it.
88. The buzz at Geneva last week was about smaller cars, wholesale commitment to environmental protection and rationalised, merged conglomerates.
89. There is a buzz of chatter with an occasional burst of laughter.
90. At first Buzz saw nothing, but then she gasped in horror.
91. He'd put one foot inside the entrance when the buzz of an engine stopped him in his tracks.
92. Already attracting Oscar buzz, and one of this year's earliest must-see movies, this is an unmissable opportunity.
93. These days the buzz phrases in the Department of Health are equal access for everybody and winning more resources.
94. It's obvious: unless work gives us a buzz, we won't give our best.
95. It isn't a perfect gig, but there's a fair buzz.
96. No sooner had they found a likely-looking mountain than aeroplanes or helicopters would buzz around[http:///buzz.html], like insects around an eagle.
97. So, once again, Anabelle was awakened in the middle of her sleep by the buzz of loud voices outside the nest.
98. There was no sound but the high buzz of flies.
99. There is no doubt that she gets a buzz from her work.
100. They get a buzz when I go out there and race against the Lewises and people like that.
101. While the record was playing, a little signal on the wall began to buzz.
102. Can of beer number three was already giving him a nice buzz.
103. She was only eighteen when they were married in London, with buzz bombs screaming overhead.
104. I could smell sawdust in the cold, damp air and hear the buzz of the freezer.
105. She bit her lip(), then turned the bell key and heard its jarring buzz inside.
106. When I got back I could hear the buzz of the audience as they filed in.
107. Runners buzz through Chinatown on their way to the finish.
108. The flies buzz and the sun is hot on my spine.
109. It made short runs, and at each stop I heard a very brief buzz that sounded like some giant fly.
110. A buzz of wordless terror went up from the men around him as they craned over his shoulder to look.
111. The tantalising aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them, over the buzz of voices and laughter.
112. Advertisements for houses for sale often refer to their proximity to Buzz, Go and EasyJet destinations.
113. Ideas buzz around like busy bees, but the sting that's left behind is always in the heart.
114. As she and Adam left, Buzz turned back to see Elinor silently looking at the ceiling.
115. If she mentioned paranoia, Buzz would insist that Elinor was the victim of a lot of quacks.
116. Though modest, Lucy admits she gets a buzz from seeing the characters she creates come to life on the screen.
117. Buzz off, the police is coming!
118. I get such a buzz from eating betel nut.
119. I'm the Sheriff, not Father Christmas. Buzz off!
120. Sounds good. That can build a lot of buzz.
121. Now be quiet and buzz off.
122. He told the boy to buzz off.
123. Buzz off, you nasty little child!
124. My cassette deck has a buzz.
125. Buzz off, you nasty little boy!
126. An excited buzz ran around the courtroom.
127. The flight school was in a buzz[http://], he said.
128. My brain was in buzz.
129. Buzz off, can't you see I'm busy!
130. Tell her buzz off and leave me alone.
131. Well buzz off(), I'm busy!
132. Well, I must buzz along.
133. Rather than plug away at the much-ignored Google Buzz, Google could use Wave's tech to feed off of all the other social network players.
134. We'll give him a buzz when we get to Maybury Street.
135. In July 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon.
136. Amy: Sammy! I've tried to be polite. The answer is no. buzz off will you?
137. The U.S. Middle East peace effort ran into the buzz saw of Hamas-Fatah internecine strife combined with a Palestinian inability to abandon the narrative of victimhood and vilification of Israel.
138. The purpose of a balanced line is to transfer a "signal" from one place to another while rejecting "ground noise", which is not white noise or hiss, but power line related hum and buzz.
139. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut.
140. Far off , I could hear the wich and a locust's somnolent buzz, otherwise silence.
141. An added indignity was the complete shutout of "True Grit" from Golden Globe nominations — a measure of a movie's advance buzz, if nothing else.
142. S. Middle East peace effort ran into the buzz saw of Hamas-Fatah internecine strife combined with a Palestinian inability to abandon the narrative of victimhood and vilification of Israel.
143. Woody: Oh no, no no no, no. - Buzz look, an alien!
144. As a REST-compliant API, the Google Buzz API supports the use of regular HTTP verbs to indicate the type of action required.
145. Besides the buzz, his appealingly unique name generated further interest.
146. In April, Google reached an out-of-court settlement with a US policy group over its rollout of Google Buzz, a previous social effort.
147. Gift: A military - style buzz cut to alleviate the stress caused by Sasha's thin headband.
148. David Copperfield's stupefying rendition of the Death Saw illusion, where a gigantic industrial buzz saw sliced a shackled Copperfield cleanly in half?
149. Elsa and I will buzz on to the Raffles bar.
150. Buzz Lightyear, Hamm, Rex and their alien friend are on a car-chase adventure in the Pizza Planet delivery truck!
151. My mother has taught me to put people with advanced degrees on pedestals, so I can't help but be stunned that legions of Googly Ph.D.'s missed this by integrating Buzz into Gmail.
152. Also hitching a ride to the space station is Buzz Lightyear.
153. But the influx of Hollywood star power has its downside as well: providing made-to-order videos for celebrities shopping for buzz is hardly in the renegade spirit of the Web.
154. It is interesting to note, that the Nazis developed the first practical pulse-jet engines for their V-8 rocket "buzz bombs."
155. With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee "buzz pollinates" a deadly nightshade flower.
156. Reaching Skagway involves a border crossing into the United States. I was fingerprinted, photographed and questioned by a gun-toting official with a buzz cut.
156. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
157. As night came, the buzz saw of cicadas and the pestering croaks of geckos rose through the downpour.
158. For Liu, lanky with a buzz cut and thick black glasses, it was love at first bite when he tried Camembert, a creamy and often pungent cheese.
159. Stagflation is a very unpopular buzz word in the business world.
160. The sheik in particular caused a slight stir and buzz.
161. Ram took a memory chip from his shelf and handed it to Buzz.
162. Over the past week or so buzz has continued to swell over the much talked about, but still unconfirmed Arrested Development movie.
163. The electrifying stare and trademark buzz cut won't be back in action until March.
164. Almost a decade later, there's a buzz of excitement around the firm's headquarters in Plano, Tex.
165. Clive Williams Henley on Thames, Oxon, UK discovered a carrot that looks like Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story while digging up his vegetable patch.
166. Okay, now that I've probably walked into another buzz saw of my own making here's the formula for unsullied, heterosexual, male/female friendship.
167. Buzz off, you stupid kids, " he said when they knocked on the door. "
168. The picture a real buzz in the internet becoming a very well known meme.
169. The morning crowd at the Four Points has that same sort of anticipatory buzz.
170. None of that jello crap. Mama needs to get her buzz on.
171. When her boyfriend arrived late for their date, Susan told him to buzz off.
172. Buzz off, you children, I don't want you in my house.
173. Photo: Buzz Aldrin has just set up seismographic equipment on the surface of the moon, July 20, 1969.
174. And I'll buzz over to talk some sense into old Ocker.
175. GREGG: Yes, that should be OK. I'll buzz Diane if there's any botheration.
176. Sohaib Athar was jolted upright by the buzz of low-flying helicopters passing over his home next to the Jalal Baba auditorium in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
177. THURSDAY, Feb. 22 ( HealthDay News ) -- What's the health buzz on honey?
178. Photograph by Mark W. Moffett – With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee "buzz pollinates" a deadly nightshade flower.
179. "There seems to be less buzz," said Susan Boyce, an executive with a major U.S. software developer. "This is the big day, I would have thought."
180. But consumer-oriented companies that abjure the blogosphere are missing out on opportunities to generate buzz, monitor customer concerns, and -- perhaps most importantly -- show their human side.
181. It’s the perfect place for a retired cabinetmaker. It’s relatively quiet except for the buzz of the bees and the occasional cadence of horses galloping in the distance.
182. Buzz 9 is one of the most popular restaurants/cocktail bars in Melville, while Mezzaluna restaurant serves delicious lamb, oxtail and salmon. Head to Soi if you are in the mood for oriental cuisine.
183. What's more, as users chase the caffeine buzz, their intake climbs--sometimes to 1, 200 mg a day or more, leading to jitteriness and sleeplessness.
184. Given the buzz attached to his name in the hallowed halls of Apple, Jonathan Ive might be expected to be something of an egomaniac.
185. It also reflected, in the title's reference to African-American culture, the buzz of the "Harlem renaissance".
186. Subsets of noise are AC power-related hum and buzz, electronic crackling, vinyl record clicks and pops, between-station radio noises, tape modulation noise, and the triboelectric cable effect.
187. There were the crowds, hurrying with the same buzz and energy - yielding enthusiasm.
188. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans on the moon.
189. One of the other reasons there might be less buzz around this Super Bowl is the match-up.
190. The reporter downloaded on the net " super midge bully " software, buzz is heard only when moving, still feel some are swimmy with tinnitus.
191. As the buzz fades, your perceptions of each other may fluctuate disconcertingly during the days or weeks after passionate encounters.
192. And there's been a lot of buzz about a Massachusetts town. That's because tens of thousands of honey bees have invaded downtown Pittsfield.
193. Technorati catches a fair amount of flack these days, but it is still a pretty good tool for picking up on buzz in the blogosphere.
194. A huge part of SEO is the power of the inbound link – and social media is a great way to generate that buzz!
195. And there's been a lot of buzz about a Massachusetts town. That's because tens of thousands of honey bees have invaded downtown Pittsfield. A beekeeper has been called in to take care of the problem.
196. TOP BUZZ - High speed multidirectional movements guaranteeing the riders a space travel like disorientation experience.
197. In another direction, Perdue was able to generate a substantial buzz with its precooked poultry Shortcuts by cleverly merchandising them in close proximity to pre-washed salads in the produce aisle.
198. Jasmine, Aladdin and Genie, Woody, Buzz and Jessie are among the more than 25 Disney stars featured in this jam session fit for the entire family!
199. We worked on and on, with Buzz writing it all into the memory chip.
200. The automatic alarm system in some thermal power plants will send out monotone alarm ring or buzz with the fault points blinking on CRT screen in response to the alarm information.
201. Space shuttle Discovery performed a slow back flip and then docked at the International Space Station. It's delivering a massive lab and two new occupants : a NASA astronaut and Buzz Lightyear.
202. New in 0.8.4: BSI Lista Polska has been removed because it hasn't been updated in several months and causes problems with Google Buzz.
203. Twentieth Century Fox, the studio behind the film, was counting on critics and strong word-of-mouth buzz to draw in moviegoers.
204. Wether or not thats true there is big buzz again about making money with real estate.
205. Top photo: Buzz Aldrin has just set up seismographic equipment on the surface of the moon, July 20, 1969.
206. This buzz was being caused by the train of very short pulses of microwave signal, each pulse causing a single click.
207. All this has created vibrancy and buzz, but also dislocation and often a sense of grievance.
208. The tea list is impressive, including a rare and valuable 'white tea' (completely unfermented, it's even sweeter than green tea) and caffeine free teas for those who just don't need the buzz.
209. High quality stereo and dual sound for a TV receiver require improvements in the dynamienoise performance and the intercarrier buzz.
210. For the first time, social media are being embraced both by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Oscar show sponsors and others looking for a way to cash in on Oscar buzz.




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