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单词 Cradle
1, The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. 
2, What's learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb. 
3, Life is a battle from cradle to grave. 
4, What is learned in the cradle lasts [is carried] till [to] the grave [tomb]. 
5, What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave [tomb]. 
6, What is learnt in the cradle lasts (or is carried) to the grave. 
7, The baby slumbered in his cradle.
8, The child slept soundly in her cradle.
9, Greece was the cradle of western civilization.
10, The nurse rocked the cradle.
11, I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.
12, She rocked the cradle to quieten the child.
13, What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave.
14, What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.
15, She lived in the same village from the cradle to the grave.
16, Greece was the cradle of Western culture.
17, Tokyo was the cradle of Japanese culture.
18, The baby slept peacefully in its cradle.
19, The searchlights wove a cat's cradle of light.
20, He fixed the towing cradle round the hull.
21, She replaced the receiver on the cradle.
22, They knew each other from the cradle.
23, The baby was rocked asleep in the cradle.
24, Athens is often regarded as the cradle of democracy.
25, She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.
26, Fossil records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution.
27, Mali is the cradle of some of Africa's richest civilizations.
28, The bond of brotherhood was one to last from the cradle to the grave.
29, As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.
30, He sat on his heels,[http:///cradle.html] weaving an intricate cat's cradle of thread for the ship's rigging.
1, The baby slumbered in his cradle.
2, The child slept soundly in her cradle.
3, The nurse rocked the cradle.
4, I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.
5, She rocked the cradle to quieten the child.
6, She lived in the same village from the cradle to the grave.
31, The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.
32, The sea is running high; the boat is rocking like a cradle.
33, Like most Catholic children, he had heard stories of Ireland from the cradle .
34, He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.
35, People used to say:The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
36, How many years can a person live from the cradle to the grave?
37, From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.
38, A man called Steve welcomes you into the cradle.
39, Leipzig was the cradle of East Germany's pro-democracy movement.
40, I put the phone into its cradle, extremely gently.
41, This region after all is the cradle of civilisation.
42, Yearning made a warm cradle in her stomach.
43, He must have knocked the receiver from its cradle.
44, My hand would return the phone to its cradle.
45, We are pornographers in the cradle ....
46, Out of nowhere came a gold incense cradle.
47, Inside the cradle of my legs I carry hunger.
48, The baby rested peacefully in his cradle.http://
49, It is not a cradle or a hideaway.
50, She felt the soldier's hand gently cradle her face.
51, Lying in a cradle close by are two babies.
52, It was also the cradle of the nation's aircraft industry,() starting with A V Roe's historic flight in 1908.
53, Her hands lifted to cradle his head, and hold him against her, her fingers raking through the crisp dark hair.
54, Not from his cradle of course, since his sailor suit days.
55, On yet another world, intelligence had been born and was escaping from its planetary cradle.
56, They should also inform shoppers as to the product's environmental friendliness from cradle to grave - evaluated according to standardized criteria.
57, Nearby sat two effeminate-looking men; there was also a baby in a cradle.
58, Knocked from its invisible supporting cradle of needle-thin tractor beams, the effigy swayed.
59, It was too easy to just reach out from under the duvet and clunk the receiver up and down in its cradle.
60, As a cradle of the coal, iron and steel industries many of its age-old traditions still continue to this day.
61, But not for long, for they make another pledge by tying themselves together in a cat's cradle.
62, Because you've been crackers about Christopher, in love with him from the cradle.
63, When finally he fitted his lean hips into the cradle of hers she was ready for him, impatient for his possession.
64, I sat on my cot, playing cat's cradle with handcuffs, and kept quiet.
65, These are specially designed to cradle the fish securely in a comfortable position without wiping away a great deal of their protective mucous.
66, I was born on the crest of a wave and rocked in the cradle of the deep.
67, The boy stroked the girl's side, twisting the walkman lead around his fingers in a one-handed cat's cradle.
68, Western officials promoted the site as a cradle of local entrepreneurship that would provide an economic springboard for the country.
69, Her life, comparative ease from the cradle up; she had to thank her father.
70, The bows of the boat rocked as gently as a baby's cradle.
71, She replaced the receiver in its cradle and walked back to her chair.
72, Jane put Chantal down in her makeshift cradle in the corner and hastily tidied herself up.
73, Even when she strokes my inner thigh, back and forth like rocking a cradle, I hardly notice what she is doing.
74, He had heard stories of Ireland from the cradle, as most Catholic children had.
75, Zeke's big hands cradle the ball on the artificial turf, the laces facing away from the kicker.
76, The chassis is a steel cradle frame with an aluminium subframe.
77, Hermann Goering put the receiver in its cradle slightly downcast.
78, They are electrically powered and operate from supports built on rails with vertical and horizontal movement controlled from the cradle.
79, The man in the cradle was whistling to himself and coiling a length of rope.
80, In it was a single bed and also the cradle in which she and Jessie had lain many years ago.
81, Hayman dropped the receiver back into its cradle and lolled back in his chair,[] sighing to himself.
82, The superintendent slipped the phone back into its cradle and a crease of worry tucked itself into her forehead.
83, Gazzer looked down into that cat's cradle of turning metal.
84, I curse myself for not strangling you in your cradle.
85, All told, the cradle of civilization has been tearing asunder for some 30 million years.
86, If she cried he rocked the cradle and sang to her tunelessly.
87, Webs of dust made a cat's cradle about the space.
88, He put the phone down on the cradle and stared at it.
89, Practices which have characterised the details of your daily living from the cradle upwards are dealt a swift and final blow.
90, He was reclining on the lounge chair which had been his cradle during his trip through space.
91, When we hear Frau Braun coming, I hastily drop the gauze over the cradle and hide behind the partition.
92, When John Logie Baird was born I do not doubt that a star stood over the little saviour's cradle.
93, She rocked the cradle and in a moment the babies were asleep.
94, I imagined Richard, my massive hunk, sheltering a tiny kitty in the cradle of his arm.
95, He pressed down on the cradle, waited a moment then dialled again.
96, As the drop-ship yawed away, fleeing, a hem of the cat's cradle dipped towards it.
97, The baby never has colic, thrush, diaper rash, infant acne, or cradle cap.
98, Democracy of the shared class-room experience is the cradle of democracy in the outside world.
99, Allegra leaned forward a little and delicately laid her fingers and thumbs on either side of the cradle.
100, In the living-room, Fara was asleep on a rug beside Chantal's cradle.
101, This was the Cradle: the country of violent birth and violent death.
102, Its mast hung in a cradle from the ceiling,() and its sails were folded in neat bundles on the deck.
103, A field of enormous white microwave dishes, each large enough to cradle a school bus, is set on a hill.
104, Heavier plate ensured attachment to the fuselage and the team created a crude cradle for their baby.
105, The satellite was hooked to the arm for about an hour before it was slowly returned to its cradle and latched down.
106, Ancient Athens is generally thought of as the cradle of democracy.
107, He took the phone off the cradle and stared at the wall.
108, Elizabeth was propped up on the pillows,[http://] with the baby lying in the cradle by the bed.
109, Our carpenter is aboard the Angelina, building a cradle for the bomb according to the specifications the Pentagon gave us.
110, In school we sang Hail to thee, Lake Wobegon, the cradle of our youth.
111, We had to construct a cradle to support the roof while parts of the wood beams were replaced.
112, A flashlight showed the creature roaring, teeth entangled in a cat's cradle of rope.
113, Why did Bob persist in attempting to rob the cradle?
114, Glenda sat beside the cradle, gently rocking it from side to side.
115, The state now provided something of a protective safety net from the cradle to the grave.
116, When the telephone rang, it was like a rude interruption into a special cradle of time.
117, When he was a baby, just rolling in his cradle, the sound would knock over trees for miles around.
118, Bib: Look at the baby, cradle.
119, a cradle swathed in draperies and blue ribbon.
120, For your cradle, your home, and your bier?
121, We have known each other from the cradle.
122, The hand cradle measures GSR or body energy.
123, Greece was the cradle of Western civilization.
124, The Yellow sea is the cradle of Chinese Civilization.
125, Mountains Jinggang is the cradle of the Chinese revolution.
126, Cradle cap may be unsightly , but it is a common, usually harmless, phase in many babies' development.
127, Wife: No. I think a crib is better than a cradle.
128, What learn in the cradle is carry to the grave.
129, From cradle to grave, the Pashtun woman's lot is one of shame and sadness.
130, Tip:When using for cradle cap, massage gently but with a little more vigor than normal to work off the patches of scaly skin.
131, Well, I am a cradle robber too. My hubby is two - year younger than I am.
132, The idea is that Italy is the cradle of European civilisation.
133, Now, the short track speed skating is the keystone of China winter sports events and the champion cradle of Olympic winter games. Unluckily, the both development in long distance events is regretably.
134, It also soothes itchy cradle cap, bug bites, scrapes, chicken pox, minor rashes, burns and, yes, more scrapes.
135, Begin by having your baby take his daytime naps in a lit room where he can hear the noises of the day, perhaps a bassinet or cradle located in the main area of your home.
136, Mount Wudang not only has all features of the 5 Sacred Mountains—magnificence, precipitousness, uniqueness, quietness and beauty, but also is the cradle of Wuhan boxing.
137, Crete Island is the cradle of the ancient Aegean culture.
138, The foot on the cradle, the hand on the distaff,[http:///cradle.html] a sign of good housewife.
139, Furthermore, every child represents a new chances to build cradle - to - grave brand loyalty.
140, Four groups of water - jets are woven into a cat's cradle of thirty - two interlacing streams.
141, Life is a battle from the cradle to the grave.
142, China has been drawn into a cat's cradle of regional and sub - regional co - operation.
143, In this country the government looks after you from the cradle to the grave.
144, The koseki is your ID, from cradle to grave, based on the family unit.
145, Trainee manager Program is the cradle for our program manager.
146, Modern advanced automatic winder tension control and automatic pressure control cradle organically through the computer together.
147, Should avoid rawish effect as far as possible in strangling the problem in the cradle!
148, Gentle enough to use everyday and it is effective against dandruff, cradle cap, dermatitis, and lice.
149, The cradle is made from biological degradation material and has fasciculation and micro filament structure. The outside is coated by film. Thus, it forms tubular cradle.
150, Called Theobroma, this cocoa-based brew was hatched from a chemical analysis of 3,200-year-old pottery fragments from the Cradle of Chocolate, the Ulua Valley in Honduras.
151, Cat's cradle is one of the most universal games in the world. It is played in almost every culture.
152, Social security was made available from the cradle to the grave in Britain.
153, Playing the game Cat's Cradle is popular among kids both in and abroad.
154, When I was a little bitty baby, my mamma used to rock me in my cradle.
155, It really soften my sons skin and helps with his cradle cap.
156, Good fortune followed him from the cradle to the grave.
157, The author of such clean novels as "Slaughterhouse-Five" and "Cat's Cradle" has died. Kurt Vonnegut suffered brain injuries several weeks ago in a fall at his home in Manhattan. Vonnegut was 84.
158, The cradle of human civilization the Tigris, Euphrates River,[] has fertile soil into desert.
159, The road of salvation was mapped out from the cradle to the grave.
160, The company's general manager was caught in a cat's cradle of problems.




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