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单词 Poorly
1 The movie is poorly acted.
2 The street is poorly lit.
3 Jana's doing poorly in school.
4 Badly worn type prints poorly.
5 The movie was poorly dubbed.
6 The job is relatively poorly paid.
7 The onions bulb poorly in this cold wet season.
8 Our candidate fared poorly in the election .
9 Health care in the capital compares poorly with that in the rest of the country.
10 He is poorly remunerated for all the work he does.
11 If the patient is poorly nourished, the drugs make them feel nauseous.
12 The book has been poorly researched.
13 They did poorly in the examination.
14 He entertains his guest very poorly.
15 Matt's wife's been very poorly.
16 The article was poorly written.
17 We're poorly off for coal at the moment.
18 I've just phoned Julie and she's still poorly.
19 Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.
20 These tyres perform badly/poorly in hot weather.
21 Women are limited to the more poorly paid jobs.
22 She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.
23 The widow and children are very poorly off.
24 The team performed poorly on Saturday.
25 The child has been poorly all week.
26 I'm just a poorly paid teacher.
27 These streets are very poorly lit.
28 The actors were poorly rehearsed.
29 The car performed poorly at high speeds.
30 The manifesto is long-winded,() repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.
1 The movie is poorly acted.
2 Jana's doing poorly in school.
3 Badly worn type prints poorly.
4 The movie was poorly dubbed.
5 The job is relatively poorly paid.
6 The onions bulb poorly in this cold wet season.
7 Our candidate fared poorly in the election .
8 Health care in the capital compares poorly with that in the rest of the country.
9 The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.
10 He is poorly remunerated for all the work he does.
11 If the patient is poorly nourished, the drugs make them feel nauseous.
12 He entertains his guest very poorly.
13 She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.
14 The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make It'safe.
15 The dishes were many, but they were all poorly cooked.
31 She was poorly prepared for the examination.
32 His poem compares poorly with yours.
33 The poorly sealed can blew.
34 They were poorly informed about their rights.
35 Their schools are very poorly equipped.
36 You look rather poorly to me.
37 'Othello' was rendered rather poorly.
38 The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make It'safe.
39 The roads around the town have been very poorly maintained.
40 According to a hospital spokesman, his condition is said to be poorly, but stable.
41 "State-owned industries will always perform poorly," John Moore informed readers.
42 A business as poorly managed as that one doesn't deserve to succeed.
43 During the first week, the evening meetings were poorly attended.
43 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
44 I welcome the proposal to reduce taxes for the poorly paid.
45 Guilt for poorly behaved children usually lies with the parents.
46 Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrible conditions.
47 That is the fact of Hungarian football — they can play very well or very poorly.
48 This fish travels poorly.
49 Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.
50 The dishes were many, but they were all poorly cooked.
51 He says he's feeling poorly and he's going back to bed.
52 My daughter's a bit poorly today, so she didn't go to school.
53 Religious education is poorly and superficially taught in most schools.
54 The geographical spread of the industry in the 16th century is hard to ascertain, for much of it is poorly recorded.
55 The effects of these chemicals on the body are still poorly understood.
56 The proposal is so poorly designed, they won't even get to first base with the directors.
57 The company has been performing poorly over the past year.
58 The baby had been poorly but seemed on the mend.
59 The country was so poorly off it had to close many of its embassies abroad.
60 Some of the clauses in the contract had been very poorly drafted.
61 The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make it safe.
62 This period of barbarian rule is poorly represented in the archaeological record.
63 Some are living in poorly built dormitories, even in tents.
64 The report found that safety equipment had been very poorly maintained.
65 But how dull a poorly constructed fugue can be.
66 It gets on poorly with other genres.
67 The archaeology of this region is poorly documented.
68 The army was inefficient and poorly equipped.
69 But back then, he says, aerodynamics were poorly understood.
70 The proposed law is poorly written and inflexible.
71 His lands were poorly farmed.
72 The mechanisms underlying the inflammatory process are poorly understood.
73 It's often caused by poorly installed gas appliances.
73 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
74 Darlington is poorly served for car parking.
75 A poorly nourished woman becomes small and thin.
76 The article is really poorly written.
77 Port lawyers at the time drew up poorly worded contracts that do not properly protect district interests.
78 Vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge is one of the commonest female complaints and one that is in general poorly understood and looked after.
79 The rhythm section of these hits then began cutting behind the poorly shouted vocals of a white keyboardist named Harry Casey.
80 The director blocks the exchanges poorly, frequently keeping one of the participants in darkness.
81 The equation of state of molecular hydrogen at high pressures and temperatures is particularly important and yet it is poorly known.
82 He pledged that his administration would defend the principle of states' rights, which augured poorly for civil rights enforcement.
83 Very little material was ever screened, other than poorly made Soviet documentaries designed for propaganda.
84 Most, if not all, of our parents were either out of work or poorly paid.
85 So Britain is poorly equipped to even consider making any comparisons of the productivity or usefulness of research.
86 We went to eat lunch in a restaurant frequented by poorly paid clerks and secretaries and, no doubt, messengers.
87 The little girl replied that Mary would be feeling very poorly because of the bump on her head.
88 Those at risk-overly sensitive, poorly assertive children-have not achieved the emotional mastery necessary to be successfully separate from parents.
89 To us poorly equipped and half-starved rebels it was a revelation.
90 There were hardly any well known names; the recently purchased Simon Vouet is very poorly executed.
91 No company wants its employees treated poorly or unfairly by the health insurer administering the self-insured plan.
92 The cell chemistry of these insects is, for the most part, poorly understood.
93 They were just movies that didn't come together - poorly executed, I guess.
94 Tom believed that the encyclical was poorly reasoned, but his objections were more pastoral than they were doctrinal.
95 Belowdecks, the crew was jammed together, 150 men to each open, windowless, poorly lighted, ill-ventilated bay.
96 But both seem extremely problematic and poorly thought out, and if implemented might just result in an increase in infections.
97 The state also fared poorly in the teen birth rate category.
98 For the poorly paid, the twelve-cent round-trip fare could eat up 10 percent or more of their wages.
99 For years after Franco's rule, the army, badly paid and poorly equipped, was viewed with suspicion.
100 He has been very poorly indeed and the doctor says it is diphtheria.
101 The report also mentions poorly designed and inefficiently used dust yards as a major source of secondary emissions into the atmosphere.
102 Since metastases of unknown origins are usually poorly differentiated the sensitivity of testing with these antibodies would also be reduced.
103 Low morale among poorly paid health workers has led to strikes and lessened the quality of care.
103 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
104 Their spree of corporate takeovers is, for the most part, wildly ill-advised and poorly executed.
105 The jobs themselves are poorly paid, but the benefits, especially in higher education, are incalculable.
106 It was poorly and sparsely furnished; a brave effort had been made to keep it tidy and clean.
107 Marie's still rocking - hugging herself like some of the poorly kids at school used to.
108 Executives in charge of poorly performing companies or departments generally find their jobs in jeopardy.
109 Several reports from the older literature indicate that tetany may occur in association with hypokalemia, but the mechanism is poorly understood.
110 But by no means do all ordinary children do well, nor all deprived children poorly.
111 There is an occasional poorly executed sketch of a tiny organism or of a bone and muscle structure.
112 Numerous surveys show how poorly equipped students are to enter a work force that faces increasing technical complexity and intensifying competition.
113 Absorption from such sites is very likely to be erratic, leading to poorly controlled diabetes and possibly unexplained hypoglycaemia.
114 He led a rebellion by poorly organized indigenous people that lasted 10 days and resulted in at least 140 deaths.
115 All of which explains why his traditionally strong leadership skills aside, he did so poorly at leading the division through change.
116 As a result, poorly leached hevea latex made its way into many products, including medical gloves.
117 The general impression has been that major capital schemes not requiring Treasury approval have been poorly appraised.
118 Other omissions include small fragments of mosaic and mosaics which were very poorly recorded.
119 She could only get a poorly paid job as a sales assistant in a King's Road shoe boutique.
120 It was poorly lit, with burning torches hanging from the walls, casting long shadows across the cold floor.
121 Welds split because of continual use, and poorly constructed boreholes let sand and grit into the well water.
122 Astronauts have learned that we live on a delicate planet whose complex workings are poorly understood.
123 He adds that the line between accession and adhesion is poorly defined.
124 He had left the gas low so that the room was poorly lit, but he could see well enough.
125 The expatriate's role is often poorly defined; instead of genuine capacity building, expatriates simply plug gaps.
126 When he'd first been taken poorly, Baby had been driven in an ambulance from one hospital to another.
127 It is not just that the ideas which underpin progressive primary methods have been, with a few notable exceptions, poorly articulated.
128 A poorly fitted saddle will affect the performance of rider and horse, he explains.
129 The public health infrastructure of this country is poorly prepared for the emerging disease problems of a rapidly changing world.
130 This prompted two Republican candidates who are faring poorly to invite Mr Weicker back to the party; he refused.
131 The meeting hall was an elongated poorly lighted room bordering on bareness.
132 Only Torbay, with its high proportion of elderly and retired persons in owner-occupied accommodation, is more poorly provided.
133 He also treated the little gray man poorly and was likewise cursed.
133 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
134 There is also the legacy of cramped, poorly lit housing.
135 Because of this people were willing to accept poorly formulated religious explanations which had little or nothing to do with the Bible.
136 The exact cause of hypercalcemia in this disorder is poorly understood.
137 Compared with her predecessors Elizabeth was poorly placed to raise loans, especially during her later years.
138 Higher percentages of the elderly than of the general adult population live in accommodation built before 1919 that is often poorly maintained.
139 However, the groups are poorly financed, too few in number, and only found in major cities.
140 So if yours is looking poorly, hack it out and replace it.
141 She was so poorly versed in the emotions that she failed to comprehend its true nature.
142 Left to their own devices, the Confederates dealt poorly with the management problem of their enormous hostile slave population.
143 Schuler4 suggests that dollarization is appropriate when a country's central bank has performed poorly.
144 Automakers are chary about shipping base cars for test drives, because those cars sell poorly.
145 For one thing, in terms of buying power(), Congress is probably more poorly paid today than it has ever been.
146 But the lunar gravity field was then so poorly mapped that the chances of achieving a successful preprogrammed landing were very small.
147 But the rest of the acting is either poorly thought out or downright amateurish.
148 Our results show that poorly controlled surgical pain significantly reduces tissue-oxygen tension.
149 The inclusion of measures of social deprivation is also poorly thought out.
150 Care management goes live in April 1993 but is still poorly rehearsed and its performance may yet disappoint.
151 Little mineral exploration has been carried out in the area which is poorly exposed except in coastal sections.
152 Writers were poorly paid, rarely given a screen credit and never encouraged to take a fresh approach.
153 The small number of white troops available for defense were poorly equipped and seldom paid.
154 Here the homeworkers poorly paid job dovetails neatly into the work for which she is not paid at all.
155 Aged about ten months, he sports a poorly, red button of a nose, barnacled with encrusted snot.
156 The pressure on Sainsbury will continue if it performs poorly, he said.
157 At the Games: Poorly organized and poorly attended, the Paris Games turn into a disaster.
158 Most schools are in such poor physical condition and are so poorly equipped that this is unlikely to be a viable option.
159 It could be argued that a poorly performing ICU is unlikely to occur in isolation.
160 Because it's a loose filling there can be problems with it shifting in a poorly designed bag.
161 The military operation, on April 25, 1980, was poorly planned and badly executed.
162 Experienced researchers are wise to all the tricks used to camouflage a poorly prepared document, so do not encourage criticism.
163 Despite research contributions for many countries the normal and pathological motor function of the colon remains poorly understood.
164 We know, for instance(), that dyspnoea is distressing and often poorly controlled.
165 Environmentalists, claiming that the plant is poorly constructed, have for years objected to its opening.
166 Shiraz fitted the bill perfectly, but because it was widely planted it was poorly regarded.
167 The next morning, we got a particularly depressing sample of how poorly our intelligence-gathering system worked.
168 The cost of these complex operations is considerable but poorly known.
169 When you're a little girl and you're poorly, all you want is your mum.
170 Despite feeling outside the mainstream and frustrated at being so poorly prepared for college work, Tanya perseveres.
171 Megan Wai-la was as beautiful as the elegant Jennifer Sung-ah, but was poorly dressed.
172 The root cause of these crises is not that things are being done poorly.
173 Conversely, pursuing a mundane, poorly paid job or no job at all may provoke a sense of alienation from society.
174 Until now all that women were taught to do, from housework to carpet weaving, was devalued and poorly paid.
175 But he was 175 disappointed with the exposition and wrote to Holtz that it was poorly organized, boring and provincial.
176 Human waste fed to cattle could perpetuate these parasites, some of which are picked up by humans from poorly cooked beef.
177 A disturbing tendency is that some adolescent work-inhibited students narrow their peer relationships to others who also do poorly in school.
178 Gus's neighborhood was poorly lighted and the yards were flat patches of dirt, graced with occasional palm trees.
179 Peasant violence was generally localized and poorly organized, but there were serious risings in almost every decade of the seventeenth century.
180 The pathophysiological importance of the ulcerative colitis associated perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies is still poorly understood.
181 There was excessive dependence on foreign borrowings and the banks were poorly supervised.
182 In all likelihood they do poorly on tests and other measures of performance and suffer humiliation and self-concept-destroying consequences.
183 Last night the hospitals said Jason was poorly and Neil was in a stable condition.
184 However, the density of that material is poorly defined by these observations.
185 Failure may motivate the bright and able child yet discourage and handicap the child who is already doing poorly.
186 Religious activities are just as poorly represented, leaving aside the possible temples already described.
187 Poorly performing schools are rarely closed and reopened under new management.
188 Walker poorly: An elderly walker was still poorly in hospital yesterday after being rescued by helicopter from the Yorkshire Dales.
189 A combination of lax discipline and hostile attitudes on the part of both parents encourages very aggressive and poorly controlled behaviour in their offspring.
190 Likewise, the myriad consumer products we savor and benefit from, if poorly made and haphazardly serviced, can present hazards.
191 Finally we locate the top pitch, a fine crack and poorly protected traverse.
192 Most noticeably the troops were poorly equipped to deal with riots.
193 But widespread inclusion of line supervisors is the best insurance against a poorly managed crisis.
194 Physical education classes were difficult at times, for Sean performed poorly in most competitive games.
195 Debuting conductor Jiri Kout exerted considerable control over the 95-member Opera Orchestra, though the final chords were poorly spaced.
196 They rarely publish their arguments in the technical literature; when they do, the arguments usually fare poorly.
197 London is relatively poorly served in this respect, as are historic towns subject to significant Conservation Area protection.
198 In most cases, such changes are poorly documented, if they are recorded at all.
199 However, Sean performed poorly on tasks that required him to use a pencil or pen to perform copying assignments.
200 Have you ever noticed how poorly standard floral colognes imitate real flowers?
201 It is one the region is still poorly equipped to manage.
202 He wears his native costume, is neither extravagant or frivolous in his clothing, nor is he ever poorly dressed.
203 The onions bulbed poorly in this cold wet season.
204 They were dressed and fed poorly.
205 The patient was but poorly able to sit up.
206 The Congreve rocket was cumbersome and poorly stabilized.
207 This is often difficult because the causation of diseases like cancer is so poorly understood.




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