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单词 Raising
1. The old man likes raising rabbits, dogs and horses.
2. They capitalized on their success by raising prices.
3. "Really?" she said, raising a sardonic eyebrow.
4. We thank you for raising the issue.
5. 'Really?' she said, raising her eyebrows.
6. The new profuct of youdao mobile is raising its veil.
7. Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general.
8. The speaker gesticulated by raising his arms, pounding the desk, and stamping his foot.
9. Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming.
10. The children are raising the roof in the next room ; tell them to keep quiet.
11. There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.
12. They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.
13. Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money.
14. They're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.
15. The government are set against raising taxes.
16. Raising income tax is considered politically dangerous.
17. It's difficult raising a family on a small income.
18. Raising kids can be a difficult job.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. He set about raising an army.
20. They designed that scheme for raising money.
21. The kids next door were raising hell last night.
22. I must warn you against raising your hopes.
23. He pitched into the idea of raising taxes.
24. They are raising funds to help needy youngsters.
25. She had some rather unusual ideas about raising children.
26. Raising taxes before an election would be political suicide.
27. I'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money.
28. In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
29. Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
30. There is no objection, as far as we are concerned, in raising the prices.
1. The old man likes raising rabbits, dogs and horses.
2. They capitalized on their success by raising prices.
3. "Really?" she said, raising a sardonic eyebrow.
4. We thank you for raising the issue.
5. 'Really?' she said, raising her eyebrows.
6. The new profuct of youdao mobile is raising its veil.
7. I'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money.
8. Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general.
9. In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
10. The speaker gesticulated by raising his arms, pounding the desk, and stamping his foot.
11. Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming.
12. The children are raising the roof in the next room ; tell them to keep quiet.
13. There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.
14. They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.
15. Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money.
16. There is no objection, as far as we are concerned, in raising the prices.
17. They're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.
18. We began this club as a way of raising money.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. Her disability made taking care of the home and raising a family doubly difficult.
20. The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.
21. Half of these plots is devoted to raising improved seeds.
22. They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.
31. We bedded up the dirt for raising flowers.
32. Raising interest rates might dampen the economy.
33. Companies were accused of raising prices willy-nilly.
34. The museum needs to find ways of raising cash.
35. We are raising money for charity.
36. Can I enlist your help in raising the money?
37. She has a genius for raising money.
38. Gooch will be raising money for charity.
39. Stock raising is actively carried on.
40. Companies are having difficulty in raising capital.
41. There are ways and means of raising money.
42. The recession is again raising the spectre of unemployment.
43. They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money.
44. Cares interchange with pleasures in raising a child.
45. They have succeeded in raising consciousness on many issues.
46. You mustn't complicate the problem by raising new issues.
47. Raising taxes on small businesses will stifle initiative.
48. Yeast is the raising agent in bread./raising.html
49. The fear of dismissal inhibited employees from raising problems.
50. 'No,' he said without raising his head.
51. The campaign has certainly succeeded in raising public awareness of the issue.
52. Jerry Lewis is out there all the time raising money for disabled kids.
53. She had given up her career to devote herself to the task of keeping house and raising a family.
54. Raising self - reliant children requires parents at times to lead with their heads and not their hearts.
55. The old man moved away, raising his hand in salutation.
56. They're raising three kids on one small salary so money is very tight.
57. Politically, raising the minimum wage is good for the Democrats.
58. There are ways and means of raising the money that we need.
59. We still don't know how the company proposes raising the money.
60. A broad and balanced education is an imperative for raising standards.
61. Rail chiefs came under fire after raising train fares for the second time this year.
62. You cannot cut a budget deficit simply by raising taxes.
63. Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity.
64. He traveled the length and breadth of the country raising funds for the party.
65. Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections.
66. We began this club as a way of raising money.
67. They keep on muddying the waters by raising other political issues.
68. Raising interest rates could send the economy into a tailspin .
69. He was valued for his skill in raising money for the company.
70. We can ponder over the ways and means for raising funds before the construction work starts.
71. The organization has enlisted the support of many famous people in raising money to help homeless children.
72. Banks are expected to follow the building societies in raising mortgage rates.
73. The shops are cashing in on temporary shortages by raising prices.
74. He accused Mr James of mischief-making by raising allegations against Mr Aitken.
75. I'll just run through the minutes of the last meeting, raising those points which still have to be actioned.
76. The raising of taxes without the assent of Parliament was declared illegal.
77. She had this trick of raising her eyebrows at the end of a question.
78. The hens darted away on all sides[sentence dictionary], raising a cloud of dust.
79. Some enterprising members found ways of reducing their expenses or raising their incomes.
80. Airlines are raising fares to cover the rising costs of fuel.
81. Her disability made taking care of the home and raising a family doubly difficult.
82. The organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities.
83. The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.
84. Half of these plots is devoted to raising improved seeds.
85. They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.
86. The couple spoke about how they would co-operate in the raising of their child.
87. The boss testified his appreciation of Tom's work by raising his pay.
88. At the moment our work is primarily consciousness raising.
89. Raising the retirement age will not be popular.
90. She was responsible for raising her baby brother Aaron.
91. He would have no difficulty raising campaign money.
92. Saturated fats are more potent in raising cholesterol levels.
93. She continued to juggle multiple responsibilities, raising six children and building Copley into a huge and successful enterprise.
94. It's not for nothing that Cimarusti married Christina Echiverri, a retired pastry chef now raising their new baby girl.
95. Some Democrats on Capitol Hill have joined in the call for an independent counsel to investigate campaign fund raising.
96. Procedure within the financial accounts Many larger companies adopt the procedure of raising a debit note for any errors on invoices.
97. That leaves politicians with the painful choice of raising taxes or cutting services.
98. Desiderius responded to the Pope by raising an army and seizing Sinigaglia and Urbino, hitherto papal cities.
99. I was asked particularly to notice the very simple but effective apparatus for raising the coaches.
100. Whatever Messrs Mondale, Foot and Kinnock said about raising taxes in the 1980s, they were going to be beaten anyway.
101. The only hope of raising this money starts with creating a climate of confidence attractive to foreign investors.
102. The major benefit would be in raising awareness of this potentially devastating condition.
103. The adverts were designed to generate some sales leads as well as the main aim of raising awareness and these will be handled by.
104. Currently grandparents are raising 3. 4 million children; 6 million families depend on grandparents for primary child care.
105. In 1974 congressional committees began raising questions in public about the security and usefulness of the atomic weapons.
106. Raising additional funds on this narrow tax base will mean very significant increases in the tax.
107. Names had hoped that Lloyd's might help by raising money through a bond issue.
108. What they are now doing is compromising, in this half-baked manner, by raising the ante to 70.
108. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
109. Under our eaves, a pair of house martins are raising a late brood after having to rebuild a nest.
110. We believe a well-run, carefully controlled form of national lottery would be popular, while raising money for many good causes.
111. The few who have seen Durdiyev lately describe him as disoriented, raising concern that he may have been force-fed medication.
112. Their traditional ways of raising cash are too expensive: big firms can save millions by borrowing in New York or London.
113. The authors seemed puzzled that so few Sioux were interested in raising sugar beets or working in a house-trailer factory.
114. It was found that scant attention had been paid to raising the cultural level of party members.
115. They proposed raising the age of consent from thirteen to sixteen and extending the provisions of the Industrial Schools Amendment Act.
116. Yet awkward circumstances can arise, sometimes raising questions of abuse of process.
117. The program has succeeded in changing attitudes toward family size and raising contraceptive prevalence to Western levels of 70-plus percent.
118. The government firmly believes in the value of competition among schools as a means of raising standards.
119. Place the dough on greased baking sheets, raising the edges of each piece slightly to contain the topping. 5.
120. We must begin the process of raising awareness among our white brothers and sisters so that they realise that they are hurting us.
121. They have a horrid vision of Mr John Smith raising inflation from the dead with the blessing of our Euro-competitors.
122. At the current time over 1,000,000 men pay no contribution whatsoever towards the cost of raising their children.
123. At some level they still cling to the idea that tender loving care is the only factor in raising kids.
124. Another reason for the boom in fund raising activities is an increasing awareness of the school's place in the community.
125. An estimated 12, 000 new apartments are scheduled to be built in 1996, raising the flag about too many apartments.
126. The only alternative to raising huge sums of money is to have it already.
127. But by the time Daley was born, most people had stopped raising cabbage and had taken to raising politicians.
128. They are marvellously done, and they have caused a stir of approval in this country, while also raising doubts.
129. The poll highlights the problems Labour would have in raising business confidence.
130. The Democratic National Committee, in its failed attempt to match Republican fund raising, went a little bananas.
131. A person may design a better way of raising children primarily to escape from children who do not behave well.
132. For three generations, her family has been raising free-range cattle at the El Ombu de Areco ranch.
133. I am grateful to my hon. Friend for raising an important constituency point.
134. For Republicans running in blue-collar districts, where raising the wage attracts support, the argument hurts.
135. Perhaps we have Pat Buchanan to thank for at least some of this raising of consciousness.
136. The Palace has launched a friends association with the aim of raising funds for its ongoing restoration programme.
137. As well as raising several thousand pounds for charity, the Crusaders also won 24-14.
138. Meanwhile Fund raising events continue,[] your support is always appreciated.
139. The bidding continued and Kilpatrick stayed with it, raising it to £7,000 and later to £8,000.
140. Similar accomplishments can be found in the raising of many almost-extinct species of game birds, such as wild turkey.
141. Congress was frantically trying to complete a bill raising the federal debt ceiling in time for President Bush to sign today.
142. Can the right hon. Gentleman explain how the costs of extending national insurance or raising taxation will help employment?
143. I agree with points raised in the correspondence regarding muscular build raising suspicion of abuse.
144. Today's approach to raising children is very different from 40 years ago.
145. She was active raising awareness and money for serious diseases.
146. Through a major media campaign it is seeking to obtain funds by raising public awareness of the museum's past history.
147. He proved his professionalism when he helped police catch two armed robbers at the site after raising the alarm.
148. Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.
149. Indeed, I know that some members of that governing body will also be raising discreet cheers.
150. The council race is non-partisan but party affiliation often helps in recruiting volunteers and raising money.
151. The Equal Access Act was challenged in several cases, raising questions about its constitutionality as violative of the establishment clause.
152. However, most leases incorporate a rent review clause which provides for the periodic raising of the rent.
153. Love can produce the children, but it has nothing to do with the raising of the children. Brooke Shields 
154. Labor Secretary Robert Reich said the report proved that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs.
155. How many more outrageous examples of excess in political fund raising and spending do they need to be called to action?
156. Perhaps unwisely, Clinton has apologized for raising taxes in 1993.
157. My mother does a lot of fund raising for local charities.
158. At one time this requirement was construed broadly, so that words merely precatory were accepted as raising a trust.
159. Mr. MacGregor I assure the hon. Gentleman that the smile was not about the issue he was raising.
160. Raising the pensionable age, however, was not enough to meet the Treasury's requirements.
161. Guests at the Award ceremony were invited to arrive in good time so that they could take part in the fund raising.
162. Anaerobic training Work on anaerobic endurance at the same time that you are raising your aerobic platform.
163. Do 20 walking jogs(), raising the arms up and down.Then jog properly for as long as possible.
164. The slight raising of the Iron Curtain brought cultural contacts with the West.
165. The number of deals will grow as the finance ministry eases restrictions on raising capital offshore.
166. Panda Drinks will be raising at least £30,000 a year to be spent on our highest priority conservation projects.
167. In conducting this review the University has taken into account the feasibility of raising the necessary funding from outside sources.
168. Megan set about raising standards wherever they were needed, using her political skills and considerable personal charm.
169. He had won that place by raising cattle on pastureland made from scratch.
170. Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
171. The raising of taxes or the dispensing of laws without the assent of Parliament was declared to be illegal.
172. One of the most characteristic signals of a cat entering or leaving a social group is the raising of its tail.
173. In the warm yellow light of the dining car windows I caught a glimpse of a woman raising a wine glass.
174. They recorded and toured together, raising a ruckus as well as awareness about violence toward women.
175. That would contribute towards raising their pay by up to 9 %.
176. Twenty green-minded companies set up the network with the aim of raising awareness of environmental issues.
177. Authorities said the welders failed to extinguish the blaze and then fled without raising an alarm.
178. They wanted induction and training for all management committee members and for the management committee to take a lead in fund raising.
179. Much of Namibia is arid country and only fit for raising goats.
180. Raising the image of the whole educational system is of benefit to all schools.
181. Dietary cholesterol, found only in animal products, appears to have only a small effect on raising your blood cholesterol.
182. In other environments the raising and lengthening rule does not apply.
183. We have begun the job of raising educational standards and breaking down the barriers between the vocational and the academic routes.
184. What is more, with the momentum his way the president is raising awesome amounts of money for Democratic campaigns.
185. The only cloud on the immediate horizon is raising a mortgage - especially if you are a first time buyer.
186. Tire companies therefore compensated for larger losses on tires sold to car makers by raising their margins on retail sales.
187. Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
188. Almost all household chores and the raising of children is left up to the wife.
189. Colette had continued to type like an automaton, never raising her eyes from the page she was copying.
190. But in other circumstances returns will be maximised by raising prices.
191. Besides raising important matters of principle, the ban proved unwieldy in operation because of the great breadth of the civil service.
192. The acidity in the citrus is excellent for raising the acid level in the compost heap.
193. Fund raising and development of new academy facilities will likely command the attention of her successor.
194. But the audacity practiced by Democrats and Republicans in raising and spending campaign money in this campaign was unprecedented.
195. For many abolitionists emancipation was celebrated by raising Buxton to the pantheon of heroes.
196. He set about raising all army of his own to win back the lands lost in the recent campaign.
197. The question which feminists are raising then strikes at the very core of Christology.
198. The doctor is pleased the actor is raising awareness of tinnitus.
199. Music has the power of raising the human spirit,[http:///raising.html] and promoting human courage and bravery. Dr T.P.Chia 
200. Companies already listed on the Stock Exchange have two basic methods of raising additional equity capital: 1.
201. It also became apparent that a means of removing hardness salts in water was necessary, particularly for steam raising boilers.
202. And higher rates also tend to crimp corporate profits, by raising the cost of borrowing.
203. He vigorously applied Charles's policy of raising money by reviving the ancient Forest administration.
204. The classic form of induced altruism in the animal world is, of course, the bird raising the cuckoo's egg.
205. Crilly gets a job raising curtains at a West End theatre and I become a barmaid at a busy Soho pub.
206. New storage areas have been created by raising the Planning floor to mezzanine level.
207. Instead of economic insecurity, they argued over raising the federal minimum wage.
208. Within months, he established the Lois Joy Galler Foundation, which is dedicated to raising public awareness about the food-borne illness.
209. It adds to the cost of dividends and so to the cost of raising capital from shareholders.
210. Cavalry, raising clouds of choking dust, went past endlessly.
211. She looked up at me significantly, raising an eyebrow.
212. The consensus has clearly shifted in favour of raising the nuclear threshold.
213. Mrs . Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in distain .
214. Mammy straightened up and, raising her apron , dried her streaming eyes.
215. Consultancy and advisory roles for internationalization , fund raising and IPO activities.




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