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单词 Disguise
1. No words can be the disguise of base intentions. 
2. You'll have to travel in disguise.
3. She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
4. She disguised herself as a man, but she couldn't disguise her voice.
5. Maybe you could disguise yourself as a waiter and sneak in there.
6. A blessing in disguise.
7. She usually goes out in disguise to avoid being bothered by the public.
8. I didn't recognize him: he was in disguise.
9. He is a master of disguise.
10. She couldn't disguise the fact that she felt uncomfortable.
11. His disguise didn't fool anyone.
12. Nobody saw through his disguise.
13. She made no attempt to disguise her surprise.
14. The chairman tried to disguise his mortification.
15. He went among the drug dealers in disguise.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. He was a master of disguise.
17. She wore glasses and a wig as a disguise.
18. She couldn't disguise her glee at their discomfiture.
19. She could not disguise her amusement at his mistake.
20. They tried to disguise the modesty of their achievements.
21. There's no way you can disguise that southern accent.
22. This false beard is his disguise.
23. The star travelled in disguise .
24. He made no attempt to disguise his agitation.
25. I couldn't disguise my anger.
26. Afflictions are sometimes blessings in disguise.
27. He went about in the disguise of a sailor.
28. He was wearing that ridiculous disguise.
29. "Well, I have shown you how to do this before, " she said, unable to disguise her impatience.
30. Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.
1. You'll have to travel in disguise.
2. She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
3. "Well, I have shown you how to do this before, " she said, unable to disguise her impatience.
4. She disguised herself as a man, but she couldn't disguise her voice.
5. Maybe you could disguise yourself as a waiter and sneak in there.
6. She usually goes out in disguise to avoid being bothered by the public.
7. He went among the drug dealers in disguise.
8. This false beard is his disguise.
9. Afflictions are sometimes blessings in disguise.
10. He went about in the disguise of a sailor.
11. The spy's disguise was soon penetrated.
12. The firm tried to disguise its failure in false statements.
13. It is impossible to disguise the fact that business is bad.
31. He tried to disguise his accent.
32. She couldn't disguise her glee at their embarrassment.
33. She tried to disguise her real feelings.
34. The spy's disguise was soon penetrated.
35. 'Tax reform' is just a tax increase in disguise.
36. I couldn't disguise my disappointment.
37. We all saw through his disguise immediately.
38. The British team did not disguise their delight at their success.
39. A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise.
40. His illness became a blessing in disguise, when he married his nurse.
41. The firm tried to disguise its failure in false statements.
42. Abu is not his real name, but it's one he uses to disguise his identity.
43. He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise.
44. Not getting into university may be a blessing in disguise; I don't think you'd have been happy there.
45. The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise.
46. Not getting that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise,(http:///disguise.html) as the firm went out of business only a few months later.
47. A Blessing in Disguise?
48. It is impossible to disguise the fact that business is bad.
49. Try as he might, Dan couldn't disguise his feelings for Katie.
50. We tried to disguise the fact that it was just a school hall by putting up coloured lights and balloons.
51. He made no attempt to disguise his liking for her.
52. He put on a large hat and glasses as a disguise and hoped no one would recognise him.
53. You cannot disguise what you are doing from your family.
54. It is impossible to disguise the fact that finance is bad.
55. Strenuous efforts were made throughout the war to disguise the scale of civilian casualties.
56. The woman in the park turned out to be a police officer in disguise.
57. Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really, and I ended up in a much more enjoyable career.
58. The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.
59. She wore dark glasses in an absurd attempt at disguise.
60. to disguise one's voice.
61. Avoid flatterers, for they are thieves in disguise. William Penn 
62. Johnson makes no attempt to disguise the fact.
63. No amount of expensive television advertising can disguise that.
64. He made no attempt to disguise his limp.
65. But police believe these figures disguise actual use.
66. It might be a blessing in disguise.
67. The crash was a blessing in disguise for Schwab.
68. Well, maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
69. Unlike anorexia nervosa, bulimia survives by disguise.
70. The robber was wearing a paper bag over his head to disguise his face.
71. The moth's physical appearance is not quite as wasp-like but it adds to its disguise by making a buzzing noise.
72. Myriad receptions and reunions could not disguise the bleak prospects for job hunters.
73. Again, one may be forced to the conclusion that his departure was a blessing in disguise for him.
74. Clare moved on purposefully, as if it was necessary to disguise the fact that she had no money.
75. Disguise Disguise your steps with feints that make the opponent blink, or which divert his attention elsewhere.
76. But this justifiable pleasure does not disguise the fact that much was left undone.
77. Using so many spices helped to disguise the fact that the food was often far from fresh.
78. Admittedly, the back condition responsible is partly congenital, but that can not disguise the root cause, namely over-use.
79. Well, it may be hard to disguise junk as health food.
80. Do not disguise your intentions in order to achieve your own ends as doing this only feeds the negativity within you.
81. Kim said, trying his best to disguise his shock and fear at such a proposal.
82. With horrible political insight they found a way to disguise the thing.
83. But most animals, seeking to avoid attack from predators, use disguise in a quite different and more cautious way.
84. Movements in time tend to become ragged coalitions in disguise, denying voters the chance to make clear choices.
85. Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool. Aesop 
86. Indeed he had not tried to disguise in his Middle East diaries what he knew would happen to the soldiers.
87. The park's waterfalls disguise the traffic noise from the freeway.
88. She too had tried to disguise herself in kurta pajama, had pulled her hair back as I had done.
89. This was virtually the Conservatives in disguise with Baldwin, rather than the prime minister, Macdonald, its chief architect.
90. Worse yet, it may resort to additional expedient action to disguise or defuse the consequences of previous counterproductive actions.
91. The loss of fertilizer proved to be a blessing in disguise. It forced us to use compost, which is better for the soil and crops.
92. Some were spies, and three Roman Catholic priests came in disguise.
93. Which brings us to the most compelling detail in this stunt: the romantic disguise the virus wore.
94. He made no attempt to disguise it and sold the car to a firm of car dealers.
95. Larry couldn't disguise his satisfaction at seeing his competitor go out of business.
96. What I was witnessing was the old-boy network in its new disguise.
97. But none of this could disguise the fact that the great nobles had substantial bodies of experienced soldiers at their disposal.
98. The best compromise is to disguise surface-run cables with paint, and chase them in when you next redecorate.
99. After moisturising, disguise thread veins, blemishes and dark circles under the eyes with a good concealer.
100. The great cattle freeze of the white winter had been, in retrospect, a blessing in disguise.
101. That impersonality is the essence of war and the Thiepval Memorial attempts to disguise that fact by pretending to commemorate persons.
102. If that happens the aliens will be able to disguise themselves as humans and invade Earth.
103. She didn't try to disguise the gap it left behind by drawing the other suits together.
104. It was a habit of disguise that she recognized as costly but could not be rid of.
105. It is not a good idea to be enthusiastically honest with people you do not know well,(http://) and it is not wrong to conceal or disguise for self- protection. Dr T.P.Chia 
106. The two leaders have done very little to disguise their personal animosity.
107. The effect Jennifer had on him was so obvious that Ann was amazed he made no attempt to disguise it.
108. Morning comes, and Blue starts busying himself with another disguise.
109. Radical rhetoric can disguise essential continuities in policy or simply provide a posthoc gloss to changes which were happening anyway.
110. It was the kind of station, and nobody tried to disguise it, where self-respecting disc jockeys were never found.
111. But in a way that time lag, though it could be frustrating, was also a blessing in disguise.
112. So implausible, so achingly out of touch are they, no amount of Toytown trickery can disguise their ancient irrelevance.
113. I can see now that she is a blessing in red-booted disguise.
114. Poor Jonas' death was a blessing in disguise, though one could wish it had happened differently.
115. He was pale,() but his careworn expression could not disguise the malice in his eyes.
116. His disguise would pass in a crowded street, but not at six inches' range.
117. The essential purpose was to disguise the fact that Dennis was an alcoholic.
118. Be positive, this could be a blessing in disguise, use the time gained wisely.
119. I asked her her name just in case it was the Devil in disguise and she told me who she was.
120. He stood accused of trying to disguise a crude revenue-raising measure.
121. I thought it was you; you were trying to disguise your voice.
122. He journeyed without royal vestments, wearing a disguise to escape detection and perhaps to save money.
123. But no amount of bashful cuteness can disguise its humourless narcissism.
124. We should also be very suspicious of any codification project which attempts to pre-empt or disguise the irreducibly dispositive element in decision-making.
125. The Labour defeat was a disaster, but it might be a blessing in disguise.
126. That is a glaring and continuing contradiction between its energy and environmental policies, and it can not disguise the fact.
127. Fustian can't disguise the author's meager plot.
128. His seeming friendliness was merely a disguise.
129. Prayer without expectancy is unbelief in disguise.
130. Cruel seductress , devil in disguise as an angel.
131. Some said he was a toff in disguise.
132. Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise.
133. The junta seems more firmly entrenched than ever, even after its attempt to don a civilian disguise with the farcically rigged elections.
134. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself...
135. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit he appears in human disguise and conquers the demon Asmodeus.
136. A world food bank is thus a commons in disguise.
137. She disguise herself with a blonde wig and dark glasses.
138. Finally in exasperation,(/disguise.html) Vertumnus dropped his disguise and stood naked before Pomona in his true form.
139. The old frontiersman said with a genial smile: "it's not a heavy loss, losing one horse, who knows but that this may be a blessing in disguise?"
140. You can disguise scratches on the plastic lens covering the odometer and other indicators on your car's dashboard by rubbing over them with a bit of baby oil.
141. Masters of disguise, scorpion fish use cryptic coloring and specialized appendages to help them hide from predators and surprise prey.
142. Battle path the evildoer's disguise the duty an enhancement game interactive success attempt.
143. Some compensate by disguise, affecting the accent , posture , and bonhomie of the well - bred.
144. The Killer whales hunted sea lion calf in disguise by the flood tide.
145. You make a Bluff check to fast-talk a guard, con a merchant, gamble, pass off a disguise or fake documentation, and otherwise tell lies.
146. Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angles in disguise.
147. Cap - and - trade systems are politically popular precisely because they disguise this sort of horse trading and make change sound painless.
148. These insects are masters of disguise, acquiring false eyespots in their larva stage to give them a snakelike look.
149. Still, the EC - 121 incident was a blessing in disguise.
150. They disguise foppery to make every effort to scare people.
151. The implement technologies of honeypot system include disguise, information gather, risk control, data analysis.
152. Ron thinks he's puppy chow when a chomping black dog (Sirius Black in disguise) pulls him into the Whomping Willow. But that's just to, uh, pull people's legs.
153. That is why I disguise them untruth, saying the contrary of what I mean.
154. Lyrics: A human statue made of living stone A paradox etched in human bone If you could look behind his thin disguise There's a hidden glint of madness in his eyes.
155. For two thousand years the people of Shaanxi Longxian have been taking up the tradition to celebrate the Earth God and the Fire Ancestor in the Shehuo Carnival by parading in opera disguise.
156. Profit growth therefore can easily disguise an accelerating cash flow crisis.
157. Marks Playhouse, in the East Village, and specialized in mawkish narratives whose sweetness was intended to soften, if not disguise,(Sentencedict) the ideology at the company's core.
158. Athena used the disguise of Mentor to advise and stand beside her beloved Odysseus.
159. No amount of flannel could disguise that this was, at best, a minimalist solution.
160. Octavian takes off his disguise and the Marschallin explains to Ochs that it was all a farce.
161. It prefers evocation spells and illusions to help it disguise It'self.
162. How did the pick-pocket spot the plain-clothes cop in the woman's disguise?
163. A former property registrar from Galicia, Mr. Rajoy shares Galicians'legendary ability to disguise his intentions.
164. Therefore she has bought a new handset number, lets Du Xiaomei disguise the adorer who the white snow flies to him to send the short note.
165. He could not disguise that he had had the worst imaginable day for any minister.
166. She tried to disguise the staleness of the bread by toasting it.




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