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单词 Revision
1. At any rate, your plan needs revision.
2. Their educational policies are due for revision.
3. The judge wants to see a revision of the procedures.
4. At present I'm engaged with the revision of my dictionary.
5. In October Parliament approved a revision of the budget.
6. He matured his novel by constant revision.
7. Our budget needs drastic revision.
8. The scheme has recently undergone drastic revision.
9. She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams.
10. These proposals will need a lot of revision.
11. Friday afternoons are left free for revision.
12. Have you started your revision yet?
13. You'd better buckle down to some revision now.
14. I've got to do some maths revision tonight.
15. She did some revision for the exam.
16. I have got the revision of his dictionary.
17. The process of revision continued at rehearsals.
18. Some girls prefer to do their revision at home.
19. Constant revision of the curriculum must be undertaken to ensure its continuing relevance.
20. I always go over my revision notes just before I go into an exam.
21. She did no revision, but she still got a very high mark.
22. Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.
23. Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.
24. I know I haven't done enough revision for tomorrow's exam.
25. This has brought about a radical revision in the style of school management.
26. The ghost story may be in for revision too.
27. Cards are also a useful device for revision.
28. Try and allot 2 or 3 hours a day to revision.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.
30. It's time you got your head down and did some revision.
1. At any rate, your plan needs revision.
2. Their educational policies are due for revision.
3. Try and allot 2 or 3 hours a day to revision.
4. The judge wants to see a revision of the procedures.
5. The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.
6. She did some revision for the exam.
7. I have got the revision of his dictionary.
31. Revision comes easily to young children.
32. Or are they biased, faulty and badly in need of revision?
33. The value of different kinds of bibliography for stock revision purposes is discussed in Chapter 7.
34. This is one good reason for planning a long-term programme of revision incorporating a number of subject areas.
35. We suggest ten golden rules for exam revision, but like all rules, they need to be interpreted flexibly.
36. You need an active revision system which allows you to adjust your knowledge to different questions.
37. In order to stimulate local interest and to attract more members, a revision of the constitution allowed the formation of Regional Councils.
38. Criticism demands that all evidence must be critically weighed, and all conclusions open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.
39. Steady progression Language learning progresses at an easy pace, with plenty of reinforcement and revision to ensure lessons are thoroughly learnt.
40. A detailed revision of the coalfield areas commenced in 1902.
41. Palmerston was clearly satisfied with Scott's plan and layout and regarded the provision of classical elevations as only a minor revision.
42. The other chapters have undergone a thorough revision, modernising of the content and retaining the clarity of the earlier edition.
43. The traditional ways of supporting the Three Pillars of Britain's grand strategy would need radical revision.
44. However, lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision and make for a slowly changing scheme.
45. However, I think that this ought to include a revision of the names of all the elementary particles.
46. If the second edition of a book contains revision material, it is the first revised edition.
47. However, they do not expect any radical revision to emerge in the run-up to legislation.
48. It is not suitable for extended use beyond three years, without modification and revision.
49. In its final report, however, the Criminal Law Revision Committee has reconsidered this approach.
50. Journals which publish the date of receipt and final revision under articles at least let the prospective author estimate the likely delay.
51. The revision bill would nullify the 1982 court decree that governs the Bell System breakup.
52. The revision would allow successful plaintiffs to keep enough of the award to pay their lawyers.
53. The second dimension implies the need for self-conscious implementation of equal opportunities and the questioning and revision of routine practices.
54. He drew some comfort from the expectation that revision would be necessary inside a year or two.
55. In every pedagogical grammar(), there should be a plan for systematic revision of previously taught material.
56. Firstly, we need a national register of hip replacements and revisions to provide an accurate measure of revision rate.
57. But the most important function of the organization is to provide a mechanism for the revision of the scheme.
58. Obviously, such a drastic revision created a significant amount of tension at the plant.
59. Clear documentation of a revision to previously agreed terms is essential.
60. Revision and recycling is a prominent feature of the course, pulling together all strands of students' learning to date.
61. However, it may be part of a larger portfolio revision.
62. Thorough revision of laboratory routines could substantially reduce radiation doses received.
63. This feature is of particular interest if a radical revision is suggested by the evaluation.
64. In 1983 the Procedure Committee recommended drastic revision of parliamentary procedure on taxation.
65. The approach recommended by the Criminal Law Revision Committee illustrates the difficulties.
66. The actual process of revision will be a group or team effort and involve everyone.
67. Perhaps the most interesting questions relate to subject demand in public libraries, linked to the activity of stock revision.
68. The layout and print is easy on the eye and the revision passages for dictation becomes increasingly difficult as the book progresses.
69. These dimensions will be given particular attention in the revision process.
70. Other groups of plants require a thorough revision before we can be sure of the proper name for the species.
71. This revision was a further stage in the territorial reordering which Edward undertook between 1473 and 1475.
72. New staff development activities and provision and revision of activities is based primarily on feedback received.
73. He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.
74. His poems can be awkward and blunt but you feel any revision has been towards truth rather than beauty.
75. He completed the revision of his Bengali translation of the Scriptures and received progress reports of the mission's activities.
76. After every second teaching unit there is further revision and extension.
77. This is a revision of the previous unofficial estimate, which was: everybody except A.C.
78. The mass of new information which started to accumulate with the pre-war coalfield revision was greatly augmented during the wartime period.
79. By doing so you will begin that vital process of critical analysis and revision at an early stage.
80. It was the first major and comprehensive revision of investor protection legislation since the mid-1930's.
81. Currently the need for a revision is the most commonly used definition of a failed operation.
82. The 1997 revision is even more of a reference work than any of the previous editions.
83. It is interesting that both of these organisations are using a competency based approach in the current revision of their courses.
84. Revision costs impacted both unit cost and cost as a percentage of sales.
85. A revision of the genus Utricularia in China.
86. Constant revision keeps the book au courant.
87. Not only the Sadeer faction opposed that the Iraqi Shiah being in power alliance on 19th also issues the statement, requests to consider the draft agreement partial contents to make the revision.
88. Therefore, penal code revision bill(seven) 4 regulation rules settled organization, leadership spread to sell movable offense.
88. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
89. Three patients with implant failure due to backing out of the screws healed after surgical revision.
90. Implied terminal value is composed of three components—estimated implied terminal value, realized implied terminal value and revision in the implied terminal value.
91. An extensive revision of the Sulfur plant unit operations has been completed for Version 3.
92. But the proposed revision has been made so that it will not preclude auditors from asserting, in their audit reports, that international auditing standards have been complied with.
93. AIM To analyze the difference of different treatment methods and stuff for plerosis and curative effect of acetabular defects in revision total hip arthroplasty.
94. The purpose of this study was to describe reasons for revision hip arthroscopy.
95. Design revision and supervision of electrical power system installation of Plant, Plant and Plant.
96. In 2001, the taxation priority system was officially established by the revision of the Law on the Imposition and Management of Taxation in P. R. C.
97. In general , the processes operate in the order: planning, sentence generation, and revision.
98. Hello, xx. Ministry of Justice have made revision suggestion about Electron flow statement.
99. This letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), International Chamber of Commerce, Publication No. 400.
100. The normal way to fetch policy settings is to request a policy from a named policy set and yield all the settings from a specific revision of the policy.
101. The revision of the corporation law should take compromise capital system and enforce the civil responsibility system.
102. Corporate profits mainly due to government subsidies and income tax effect of the revision.
103. For the advantageousness of legal implementation, this case has mainly manifested the legal flaw mentioned above and suggested to consummate the correlation content in the revision civil law process.
104. The seasonally adjusted data series is subject to routine revision when more up-to-date figures become available.
105. Additionally, there is support here for checking that a file has no more revision marks or other private information, and for distributing the file to a shared workspace.
106. Many units perform revision hip arthroplasty with inlateral decubitus and utilise a posterior approach.
107. An audio CD containing the transcriptfions from the video episodes on the DVD along with some new interesting materials for in-depth study and revision.
108. This revision of the control input will greatly compensate the gain attenuation and phase delay, and the error of the machined part will be decreased.
109. This credit is subject to the uniform customs and practice forcredits, 1993,() revision ICC Publication No.500.
110. This paper discusses the composition of the poem Kubla Khan by the English poet Coleridge, its revision and its meaning, especially its ideology.
111. Following the revision of the index a selection of cities from this region has been added, including Doha in Qatar (110), Rabat in Morocco (112), Banjul in Gambia (164) and Abuja in Nigeria (205).
112. Document revision status will be altered accordingly, the revised documents issued as per the original document and superseded documents will be withdrawn from the manufacturing department.
113. Standby credits are already governed by the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) (1983 Revision NO. 400).
114. Judicial reform must be carried out from top to bottom through the revision of laws according to a clear guiding ideology and integrated planning.
115. It illustrates how to print all open documents, comment a selected block of code, add revision marks, and more.
116. Drafting principle and main contents of trade standard of HR angle for iron tower have been introduced briefly. Some problems related to standard revision have been discussed.
117. Origin Of Chirality In The Molecules Of Life: A Revision From Awareness To The Current Theories And Perspectives Of This Unsolved Problem.
118. At the same time light irradiance and environmental temperature are monitored, which are used for the standard revision of the test result.http://
119. You cannot set an immutable property on a non tip revision.
120. In crafting the latest revision of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), House and Senate lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he sought during months of tough negotiations.
121. Background: Hip arthroscopy has become increasingly popular; however, little is known about revision hip arthroscopy.
122. The biggest characteristics of the constitution revision bill is around for the fourth time how to further guarantee human rights to proceed the system design.
123. The paper describes a revision of assay of hesperidin Concentrated Decoction by HPLC.
124. On the other hand, deploying a new revision of the application will be more involved and may need to be performed as a part of scheduled maintenance downtime.
125. A revision of subgenus Hymenanthes (Rhododendron L. ) in Yunnan-Xizang.
126. Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription will be subject to revision from time to time.
127. Objective To observe the effect of revision endoscopic sinus surgery for caseous sinusitis and caseous rhinitis.
128. This paper revises the computational method of PQI by weighed geometric mean and demonstrates the reasonability of the revision.
129. The particular paper and forms of revision are to be determined in consultation with your professor and writing fellow.
130. After revision, the evaluation results showed that the Cognitive - affective volitional Model could effectively explain the data.
131. Responsible for maintaining the books up - to - date according to existing manuals revision pro - gram.
132. A trickier revision for readers involves Paul's Letter to the Romans, forever a key Christian text on sin and Christ's salvific grace.
133. Then what discussed further is that how to apply the procedure to the implementation of some representative methods, and a implemented prototype for belief revision is introduced.
134. This revision removes the requirement of the compliance with the Swiss national frequency allocation table as a condition for the placing on the market of radiocommunication equipments.
135. We have been specialized more than 25 years in the construction and revision of aerosol can filling systems and perfumery.
136. This paper presents a design process of the micro intelligent electronic code lock; which has the merits such as: code estimation, code revision, code storage protection for power data etc.
137. In order to make up the flaw on the legislation of the patent law in China, it is essential to restudy the principle and to take a revision to the articles of patent law.
138. We investigated the impact of fasciotomy revision and delayed release on combat casualties after air evacuation.
139. This work could provide a scientific basis for safety production, safety usage and health standard revision of mercury and its compounds.
140. After revision, it shall be submitted to the original examiner (or its authorized representative) for approval and signature.
141. Large group workshop on Revision # 1 . Essay 2 discussed; theory handout.
142. Guided by the design characteristics of electric fan blades, the writer proposes a method of revision through true measurements on the basis of the design procedures of equivalent axial fans.
143. Math quiz program for addition, subtraction, multiplication and revision of wrong answers.
144. The letter of credit Unionandfor Documentary Credits ( 1983 Revision ), International chamber of commerce , Publication No.400.
145. Change tracking, inline comments, side-by-side compare, compare and merge, compare versions, and text highlighter features support document revision and collaboration.
146. Revision Ligament Reconstruction with Doubled Semitendinosus and Gracilis Tendons and Lateral Extra - Articular Reconstruction. Surgical Technique.
147. This documentary credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce (publicities on No. 500).
148. CONCLUSIONS: Balloon dilation of the frontal ostia has a posttreatment patency rate comparable to those of other endoscopic revision techniques.
149. Probability theory captures a number of essential characteristics of human cognition, including aspects of perception, reasoning, belief revision,[http:///revision.html] and learning.
150. This revision of the credit regulations has attracted attention from the international circle the world over and people in this profession set great store by the influence to be born of such a reform.
151. In crafting the latest revision of the 1978 Foreign Intelligentce Surveillance Act or FISA House and Senator lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he thought during months of tough negotiations.
152. The mathematical model presented in this paper can also be used in the regrinding of gear hobs with zero rake angle and positive rake angle for error calculation and revision.
153. Usually HP will release the new revision when there are new key file update or for service pack of OS.
154. The great teacher Neville Goddard offered the following process in 1954, in a lecture entitle "The Pruning Shears of revision."
155. The New York Fed said it made the revision to the companies' estimated value during a quarterly update performed at the end of last month.
156. This documentary credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce (publication No. 500).
157. Revision Ligament Reconstruction with Doubled Semitendinosus and Gracilis Tendons and Lateral extra-articular Reconstruction. Surgical Technique.
158. It also raised Chinese oil product demand forecast by 130,000 bpd from the previous report to reach 9 million bpd this year on back of a large 510,000 bpd upward revision just for the first quarter.
159. This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits UCP(1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerse publication NO. 500.




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