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单词 Solve
1. See if you can solve this riddle .
2. Charlie thinks money will solve all his problems.
3. She tried her best to solve the problem.
4. You can't solve anything by just running away.
5. I cannot solve this complicated problem.
6. Worrying about it won't solve anything.
7. Complaining does not solve anything.
8. Just calm down - shouting won't solve anything!
9. Help me to solve my financial troubles.
10. We must solve this problem by argument not by fighting.
11. I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.
12. I can't solve her problems for her?she'll have to work out her own salvation.
13. You know, it occurs to me you could solve all your problems by obtaining more money.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.
15. He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.
16. They suffer from the illusion that they cannot solve their problems.
17. We must figure out how to solve the problem.
18. They cast about to solve this problem.
19. We'll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone.
20. The negotiations failed to solve outstanding issues.
21. He has been trying to solve the problem.
22. Providing homeless people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold only skates round the problem, it doesn't solve it.
23. Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you.
24. Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. Henry Ford 
25. I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I have a problem I hope you can solve.
26. Some people still fondly believe that modern science can solve all the world's problems.
27. A panel of experts gave its opinion on ways to solve the traffic problem.
28. I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.
29. After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems.
30. Critics of the scheme have said that it will not solve the problem of teenage crime.
1. See if you can solve this riddle .
2. Charlie thinks money will solve all his problems.
3. She tried her best to solve the problem.
4. You can't solve anything by just running away.
5. I cannot solve this complicated problem.
6. Worrying about it won't solve anything.
7. Just calm down - shouting won't solve anything!
8. Providing homeless people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold only skates round the problem, it doesn't solve it.
9. I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I have a problem I hope you can solve.
10. We must solve this problem by argument not by fighting.
11. I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.
12. Some people still fondly believe that modern science can solve all the world's problems.
13. I can't solve her problems for her?she'll have to work out her own salvation.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.
15. After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems.
16. He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.
17. Critics of the scheme have said that it will not solve the problem of teenage crime.
18. They suffer from the illusion that they cannot solve their problems.
19. 'Alcohol doesn't solve problems,'she stated flatly.
20. I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.
31. You can solve any problem if you apply yourself.
32. Steve can solve anything - the man's a genius.
33. When will the police solve the crime?
34. Just cool it everyone, fighting won't solve anything.
35. It isn't going to solve a single thing.
36. She gave us 20 mathematical problems to solve.
37. We were given ten problems to solve.
38. They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.
39. There are various ways to solve the problem.
40. Let's try and solve the most immediate problem .
41. 'Alcohol doesn't solve problems,'she stated flatly.
42. We're trying to solve the difficult problem by ourselves.
43. In itself(http://), it's not a difficult problem to solve.
44. The new speed limit does not solve the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.
45. Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them.
46. Monkeys do not have any kind of protective armour and use their brains to solve problems.
47. Scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle for years.
48. The police and the public must work together to solve the murder.
49. We need to get to the root of the problem before we can solve it.
50. The only way to solve homelessness is to provide more homes.
51. The detectives were beginning to solve the murder. All the pieces in the puzzle were falling neatly into place.
52. Step back and you will find a good way to solve the problem.
53. The country's leadership is determined to break with past practices and to solve urgent economic problems.
54. We'll be using a tried and tested technique to solve the problem.
55. She thinks it'll solve the problem, but I reckon she's barking up the wrong tree.
56. The police have been unable to solve the riddle of her disappearance.
57. Marriage counselling depends on both parties' willingness to try to solve problems.
58. Being with peers and friends does not necessarily solve this feeling of loneliness.
59. Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime.
60. To solve the puzzle, simply reverse the order of the numbers.
61. The problems that research is designed to solve do not stand alone, but are part of a wider context.
62. It would be naive to think that this could solve all the area's problems straight away.
63. It took a whole lifetime to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.
64. I think that I've managed to solve the question of what to buy my mother for her birthday.
65. This won't solve the problem but it's a step in the right direction.
66. Let's think this out together—there must be a way to solve this.
67. He may be able to provide us with the missing link that can help us solve the mystery.
68. I've tried to solve the problem, but it defeats me!
69. She leaned on him to help her to solve her problems.
70. Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment.
71. Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems.
72. We're liaisoning with the department concerned so as to solve the problem as soon as possible.
73. Successive administrations have failed to solve the country's economic problems.
73. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
74. We were given clues to help us solve the puzzle.
75. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery.
76. By pure accident he had come across the very man who could solve the mystery.
77. I'm sure we can solve the problem if we all put our heads together.
78. I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.
79. They're trying to solve the puzzle of how gravity works.
80. Such comments are inane because they don't help us solve our problem.
81. We won't solve this problem by throwing money at it.
82. I must alert him to the need to solve the problem.
83. It's a problem which nobody is going to bust a gut trying to solve.
84. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.
85. I think a more sophisticated approach is needed to solve this problem.
86. Nine times out of ten we can solve the problem over the phone.
87. The letter presented the family with a problem that would be difficult to solve.
88. It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately.
89. A lot of people are looking for some sort of magic bullet that will solve this problem.
90. She warned that she had no magic wand to solve the problem.
91. Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to approach it.
92. I racked my brains trying to solve the mathematical problem.
93. I could sit here and argue with you till the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything.
94. Unless someone has a brainwave we'll never solve this problem.
95. With the government's failure to solve the problem of unemployment, a fresh approach is indicated.
96. We can legitimately ask what competence an official based in Whitehall has to solve the problems of rural Scotland.
97. They also believe that building skyscrapers helps to solve the problem of the growing scarcity of land in the city.
98. Wars never solve anything.
99. He was clever so much so that he can solve it in a few minutes.
100. He had to rack his brains to solve that complicated problem.
101. To solve the food problem, some boys went hunting in the forest,and the girls went out to pick wild vegetables.
102. He should be able to solve the problem. He's reasonably intelligent.
103. When you can't solve the problem,(/solve.html) manage it. Robert H. Schuller 
104. Koch decides once again to solve the crime.
105. Will Robin solve the fiendish crimes?
106. Children can solve conservation problems and most concrete problems.
107. Later attempts to solve the political deadlock have failed.
108. There's no easy way to solve this problem.
109. Increasingly, researchers have attempted to conceptualize speaker variables in such a way as to solve a widening range of substantive problems.
110. Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals. Margaret Mead 
111. Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems. Rene Descartes 
112. Absent from the book are any examples of how to solve the puzzles.
113. He has vowed to solve the crime almost as often as he has vowed to resume the life he used to live.
114. The population pressures on this comparatively small and beautiful place are probably too great for anyone to solve.
115. You can make up simple, large crossword puzzles for the patient to solve.
116. Administrative means - like the block vote-have been used to solve political problems.
117. Sometimes problems don't require a solution to solve them; instead they require maturity to outgrow them. Steve Maraboli 
118. Of course, the recognition of cognitive dissonance still does not solve the problem.
119. Calculators and Personal Computers Very few people actually use compound interest and present-value tables to solve time value of money problems.
120. Money solved that problem, as it was to solve many others to come in the crusade against polio.
121. Using quantum theory to understand gravity makes as much sense as trying solve a crossword puzzle with the key to your door.
122. The students say they've put forward new ideas which could solve the dilemma.
123. Governments have a tendency not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. RONALD REAGAN 
124. Concrete operational children, lacking fully developed deductive reasoning about hypothetical situations, can not solve problems in this form.
125. No mere textual reading or logical talisman can solve the dilemma.
126. Stephen gave an absent-minded nod and hurried off to solve the next problem.
127. Low-performing enterprises solve this dilemma by ignoring or denying potential qualitative costs.
128. Piaget suggested that behavior becomes intelligent when the child acquires the ability to solve new problems.
129. To solve this problem, the synapses are run backwards so you can tell how strongly that particular synapse is connected.
130. Electronically supported meetings not only solve pressing business problems but offer their own advantages.
131. With the attainment of concrete operations, the ability to reason logically about and solve conservation problems emerges.
132. He went on to say all that was necessary to solve the small domestic problem was to be sensible.
133. The first is called algorithmic, which comprises a procedure or series of instructions used to solve a specific type of problem.
133. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
134. Something was needed to solve all the interface, translation, transformation, and interpretation problems that were driving application developers crazy.
135. The package is designed to solve, through symbolic manipulation, problems in differential calculus.
136. The influence of social networks was also acknowledged, as was the need to solve specific problems in specific contexts.
137. Using the equilibrium condition Q, Qi solve the equations to determine equilibrium price.
138. Life is not a puzzle to solve. Stop, enjoy the journey! RVM 
139. The two casts of characters, although ostensibly cooperating to solve a crime of mutual interest, detest each other.
140. And that gives dynamo theorists a way to solve one aspect of how the molten iron mixes.
141. Thus it is important to examine critically the different explanations of our present plight, and the different proposals to solve it.
142. An early form of analogue computer, the astrolabe was primarily designed to solve problems of spherical trigonometry to shorten astronomical calculations.
143. It is my devout hope that we can work together and solve this crisis.
144. Only 6 percent could consistently solve relatively complex problems involving geometric relationships, algebra, or functions.
145. No democratic government, with elections to win and problems to solve, can find these questions easy.
146. Rents did not, however, necessarily solve the difficulties of town finance.
147. We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein 
148. Fitting a cowl to a chimney may solve a drawing problem, but it may not.
149. In consequence, enclosure of arable was now creating more social problems than it could solve.
150. Westman says he is genuinely optimistic about our ability to solve our mounting social problems.
151. You can solve that problem by increasing the number of stocks you invest in and decreasing the amount per stock.
152. ChamberBiz offers more relevant content than any other place on the Internet to help small business solve their daily problems.
153. You create an atmosphere of stress, creative stress, everyone competing to solve one problem.
154. The role of the press is rarely condemnatory of the police and usually supportive of the official efforts to solve crime.
155. Even relatively inexpensive hand-held calculators solve most compound interest and present-value problems quickly and easily.
156. It was introduced to solve the problem of breaking through heavy armour.
157. We've got to solve the problem instead of running around in circles, writing letters that never get answered.
158. And that has worsened the overall ecological crisis that engine efficiency was originally meant to solve.
159. Now we needed to solve the second biggest problem in our lives, paying off the credit-card and installment debt.
160. Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
161. So why is nothing happening to solve the crisis in dog control?
162. This is a problem which the band themselves could easily solve by restructuring their media policy.
163. You can solve this problem by putting such terms in inverted commas when you first introduce them.
163. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
164. I can't solve this by confessing that I didn't call Chuck Huckelberry in time to make a correction.
165. The process of confirmation and clarification attempts to solve both problems.
166. He would have the resources and training to be able to help them and to define and solve their problems.
167. Unfortunately they still don't solve the age-old problem - what to do with the things afterwards?
168. He would solve the problem of the lack of a lavatory by using a bucket in the unused part of the attic.
169. This Summit meeting was supposed to solve critical issues facing the Lakers and Houston Rockets.
170. But it remains to be seen whether this will exacerbate chronic unemployment or solve it.
171. If the problem is occurring at a skylight, a single channel may solve it.
172. But the main problem goes deeper and will take longer to solve.
173. Even if a manager can diagnose the problem, without employee buy-in it is difficult to solve it.
174. I have some suggestions for helping to solve the water crisis felt in some places out west.
175. His initial research will focus on how best to solve economic problems in inner-city areas.
176. Which of these specialized directories from Oxbridge Communications would solve a reference problem for you?
177. Oh, it brings plenty of its own unique disappointment and despair, but nothing to solve the dilemma of today.
178. Now the council is waiting for the car parks firm to solve the crash barrier problem.
179. So, fixed exchange rates or narrow bands simply do not allow countries the flexibility to solve their internal economic troubles.
180. A pioneer of philanthropic attempts to solve this crisis was Octavia Hill.
181. It is conceivable that we could solve all our problems.
182. The best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue. Malala Yousafzai 
183. Unfortunately, Howard Reich, a Chicago music critic, fails to solve the mystery of the pianist's rise and disappearance.
184. It was found that decisions about placements were often long delayed while efforts were made to solve the family's problems.
185. We shall do our best to help them, but the west can not solve the problems of the CIS for it.
186. There are formal operational thinkers - those who immediately grasp the abstract form of the problem and solve it quickly and easily.
187. This could help solve one of the textile industry's biggest problems, removing colouring and chemicals from waste water.
188. You'll never solve your problems if you just bury your head in the sand -- you have to face them.
189. Even the magic word processor can not solve the problem of afterthoughts, which are likely to alter a complete structure.
190. But we do not need to solve this conundrum, for the picture painted is unreal.
191. These activities are performed to solve problems involving complexity, uncertainty and/or ambiguity that require intelligence and decision-making.
192. The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems. Mahatma Gandhi 
193. I also hope all parties will work together in a determined and responsible manner to solve the main problem facing this nation.
194. District councillors are under no illusion that the extra cash they are providing is enough to solve the problem entirely.
195. There are two ways in which researchers and clinicians have attempted to solve this problem.
196. Ministry of Defence engineers have tried to solve the problem of the leaking oil without resorting to drilling into the wreck.
197. And people are asking for advice and blessings, telling him about the problems they trust him to solve.
198. Unexpectedly, the satellite radio helped to solve the cash crisis.
199. Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn't solve any problems. Zig Ziglar 
200. By means of tapping his foot the horse could perform mathematical calculations, and solve problems of musical harmony.
201. There is a general belief that police commit nearly as many crimes as they prevent or solve.
202. By use of the properties of pheromone of ant colony algorithm, an ant colony algorithm based on multiplicate pheromone is proposed to solve the traveling salesman problems(TSP).
202. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
203. In order to solve the crack problem of curved hollow components during hydroforming, a front chassis frame was taken as an example and the effect of three bending angles of 0.
204. This paper describes a lightweightauthorization service developed to solve this problem in the project requirements: data access control service (DACS).
205. When trying to solve various problems in life, an approach I find very useful is to first identify what I'd consider the most direct solution, regardless of how I feel about actually implementing it.




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