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单词 Abject
1. Both of them died in abject poverty.
2. The attempt ended in abject failure.
3. They live in abject poverty.
4. This policy has turned out to be an abject failure.
5. The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.
6. This scheme was an abject failure.
7. The news plunged him into abject misery .
8. There was sheer/abject terror in her eyes when he came back into the room.
9. He is almost abject in his respect for his boss.
10. The expedition was over, an abject failure.
11. They look like abject plaster sylphs.
12. Wealth was much more frequent than abject poverty.
13. For the first three years he endured abject misery.
14. I distinctly remember the overwhelming feeling of abject helplessness which this incident brought about.
15. Its strategy was an abject failure on its own terms, for the Gaullists romped home in the June elections.
16. What an abject performance!
17. In this situation, abject apologies in some respects remain complicit with the patronizing attitudes from which they attempt to disassociate themselves.
18. However, many people are living in abject poverty because of the poll tax.
19. Many such families are living in abject poverty at home or as refugees abroad, cut off from family and friends.
20. The parasite has been nurtured by abject poverty, intermittent political chaos and, some charge, international indifference.
21. Simultaneously bold and innocent, neither abject nor objects of our gaze, they are self-absorbed and self-contained; available to each other.
22. More especially, what accounts for Labour's abject and persistent failures?
23. But for some, who didn't get the grades they hoped for, there's abject misery.
24. It did not take long for forces from the south to march upon the rebels and throw them into abject retreat.
25. All his attempts to organize street parties, coach outings and singalongs in the local pubs ended in abject failure.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. As the drought intensified, Mulholland begged the city fathers to end their abject deification of growth.
27. The idea of sub-contracting an exhibition piece now fills me with abject horror.
28. At the extreme edge of the picture, a fourth black woman sits on the rocks in a posture of abject humiliation.
29. On an emotional day like October 19, he could have made the difference between success and abject failure.
30. What these hopefuls achieved for their pleasure and pain was a violent lifestyle of abject poverty.
1. Both of them died in abject poverty.
2. The attempt ended in abject failure.
3. They live in abject poverty.
4. The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.
31. For this the recantations were insufficient, and different tactics were now applied to obtain a much more abject confession.
32. In a continent where economic successes are rare, authoritarianism may seem a lesser evil than abject poverty.
33. Ice-cold, shocked, her stomach a tight knot of abject terror, Polly gazed wildly around her.
34. A fifth of the world still lives in abject poverty: what we can do.
35. He's overcome some genuinely tough customers, but Gimenez was abject.
36. He was born in abject poverty with a family history of madness, yet grew up to take the world by storm.
37. Its credibility has been severely damaged and its attempts to find a solution to the problem have resulted in abject failure.
38. A central reason cited for the cutback was the abject failure of highly touted sports movies.
39. Through it all, the ties of friendship prove stronger than wildly varied personal agendas and abject stupidity.
40. When Margarett fell into abject depression days later, Shaw was prepared.
41. The Sisters also try never to reject anyone in abject poverty, the hungry or starving.
42. Some say Meurent died so abject a pauper that no papers were kept, no gravesite marked.
43. In July 1583 he escaped to St Andrews, and set about destroying his tormentors or pardoning some in return for abject submission.
44. He is poor but not abject in his manner.
45. He's anything but an abject coward.
46. Poe never became abject , like Oscar Wilde.
47. Rise, and don't degrade youself into an abject reptile.
48. This straight forward bullying was met by abject submission.
49. He is an abject liar.
50. He sounded abject and eager to please.
51. The fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
52. The midfielder had been among the more vilified performers in United's abject loss to Lille last week, so much so that a bitter fan valued him at 1p in a mock auction on the internet.
53. I used to love to think that I was his abject slave.
54. joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
55. I wasn't about to be seen hoofing it in abject surrender.
55. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
56. Processional races and the abject lack of competition for the 36 - year - old Schumacher and his reluctant understudy Rubens Barrichello sparked a winter of bitter in-fighting .
57. He had been obliged to offer an abject apology to Mr. Alleyne for his impertinence.
58. Then , what submission , what cringing and fawning , what servility, what abject humiliation!
59. Militarily, strategically, politically and diplomatically it has been an abject failure on its own terms.
60. Whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
61. He looked back at the abject, silent girl and repeated his question.
62. He seems to have conceived an abject, unreasoned terror of the Railroad.
63. The den upon which his eye now rested was abject, dirty, fetid, pestiferous , mean, sordid.
64. He is abject. He is a shining example of moral leprosy, a mixture of ferocity and jocularity that betrays supreme misery, perhaps, but is not conducive to attractiveness.
65. First section, the abject and target violated by crime of embezzle public funds.
66. The abject condition of those bondage saw him abjure all fealty to his society.
67. We activate this New Year with abject activity and biconcave optimism.




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