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单词 Provisions
1. The campers got their provisions at the village shop.
2. Provisions may be purchased from the mini-market.
3. He made provisions for his wife and his children in his will.
4. The lack of childcare provisions made it difficult for single mothers to get jobs.
5. The army requisitioned the village for army provisions.http://
6. On board were enough provisions for two weeks.
7. We had enough provisions for two weeks.
8. The ship renewed its provisions.
9. They failed to carry out the provisions.
10. We went into town to stock up on provisions.
11. She had a plentiful store of provisions.
12. The same provisions apply to foreign-owned companies.
13. Before sailing, we recruited our provisions.
14. We have enough provisions to last us two weeks.
15. Their provisions were practically gone.
16. The Act contains detailed provisions for appeal against the court's decision.
17. He had already made provisions for his wife and children before the accident.
18. They had made all kinds of provisions against bad weather.
19. The Act contained provisions designed to preserve the status quo.
20. Under the provisions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for repairs.
21. We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.
22. Under the provisions of the Act, employers must supply safety equipment.
23. Small businesses are advised to make adequate provisions against bad debts.
24. They have expressed reservations concerning the provisions of the treaty.
25. Both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement.
26. You shouldn't enter into/make a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.
27. A boat goes over to the island once a week with mail and provisions.
28. Britain still lags behind most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to have babies.
29. The discharge of hold-washings and other residues by vessels carrying noxious or corrosive goods must be conducted in compliance with the state provisions for vessel sewage discharge and shall be truthfully recorded in the logbook.
30. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
1. The campers got their provisions at the village shop.
2. Provisions may be purchased from the mini-market.
3. He made provisions for his wife and his children in his will.
4. The lack of childcare provisions made it difficult for single mothers to get jobs.
5. A boat goes over to the island once a week with mail and provisions.
6. Britain still lags behind most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to have babies.
7. The ship renewed its provisions.
8. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
31. Almost all those provisions command bipartisan support.
32. But there are, of course, provisions governing compulsory education.
33. The provisions on drug trafficking streamline the confiscation procedure.
34. In the present context, however, there are further provisions.
35. But these provisions are not entirely satisfactory.
35. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
36. Provisions: Food, clothing, shelter, transportation, education, medical care.
37. The normal fair dealing provisions apply otherwise.
38. With certain limited exceptions all care provisions require a permit by the youth department in order to be allowed to function.
39. Any balanced budget amendment has to have some exceptions and some implementation provisions.
40. All these provisions were eventually deleted from the final legislation.
41. Employers were prepared to tolerate these rights and provisions in return for a profitable economic environment.
42. Many of these provisions would be quite unacceptable to a civil law country.
43. The introduction of the new type of development plan under the 1968 Act involved revised provisions in relation to planning blight.
44. But workers' influence has been more constrained than these provisions might suggest.
45. Similar provisions appear in international conventions which lay down the terms of contracts for international carriage of goods.
46. Significantly, section five of the amendment allowed Congress to provide military aid, if necessary, to enforce its provisions.
47. Students failing to comply with the rules will be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 1985/7, Students Discipline.
48. Critics say some of those provisions unfairly restrict freedom of speech.
49. Under these provisions local authorities are expected to provide Intermediate Treatment, which is designed to replace attendance and detention centres.
50. They demanded child-care provisions and greater cooperation from men in domestic work.
51. The Maastricht Treaty provisions for culture were adopted against this background.
52. For it to go beyond elementary provisions would be to lose elasticity and adaptability.
53. I should like to make a couple of points about the Bill's two substantive provisions before turning to its hidden agenda.
54. Such provisions would go a considerable way toward protecting caretakers and thereby enhancing the value of caretaking in our society.
55. This labour legislation included laws governing female and child labour, improvements in working conditions and social security provisions.
56. There may also be provisions between the institutional investors and management about plans for future flotation.
57. It also enabled an assessment of the adequacy of the provisions in the eyes of the respondent.
58. As well as the physical provisions, certain moral and ethical standards had to be met in order to gain eternity.
59. Cash flows A company has set up fair value provisions for the reorganisation costs of a subsidiary it acquired last year.
60. Finally, we have noted that other constitutional provisions may provide an independent bar to the conditional grant of federal funds.
61. Acting unanimously, the member States could have informally amended the treaty provisions, but without such unanimity they each remained bound.
62. This allows the project to be granted favorable investment and taxation provisions, including the full repatriation of profits.
63. One of our greatest pleasures was collecting early morning provisions from the farm.
64. There was strong opposition in Washington to the many generous provisions of the bill.
65. So far, according to a bipartisan commission monitoring the law,(/provisions.html) only 12 million workers have taken advantage of the provisions.
66. The seller expressly excludes implied provisions, and the buyer expressly includes them.
67. They proposed raising the age of consent from thirteen to sixteen and extending the provisions of the Industrial Schools Amendment Act.
68. Just imagine going into a court of law to argue a case depending on its provisions.
69. Although the Supreme Court has upheld agency-shop provisions, states are still free to prohibit agency shops, and some do.
70. Two other Republican senators also objected to the exclusion of minor provisions in Colorado and Virginia.
71. The law itself will take over from the emergency anti-strike provisions voted through amid no little confusion six days ago.
72. The properly drafted agreement will contain only those provisions which the partners have discussed fully and agreed upon.
73. Many purchasers will acknowledge that the vendor will wish to limit its liability and incorporate these basic provisions in the initial draft.
74. Nevertheless, our weekly bill for provisions alone came to 25 shillings, or half of our total income.
75. There are provisions enabling investors to recover loss they have suffered as a result of entering into the share transactions.
76. But many of the same provisions remain in the welfare reform bill signed by President Clinton last month.
77. They included provisions designed to prevent head-on collisions, like those at Bellgrove and later at Newton.
78. We have no plans to extend the current legislative provisions.
79. Its opponents included liberals who were opposed to the death penalty and conservatives who objected to the gun control provisions.
80. Included in the measure are provisions to restrict federal appeals by death-row inmates and to grant police wider authority for wiretaps.
81. Ultimately, the force of the constitution depends upon the will of those with political power to enforce its provisions.
82. If these provisions are not adhered to, ensuing contracts may be unenforceable and criminal sanctions may follow.
83. The best way to avoid message overloading is to provide separate areas for different programs and to make provisions for graceful failure.
84. Similar provisions also exist for consulting engineers and building designers.
85. Provisions against redundancies and the write-off of fixtures and fittings is one element in the £50m-£55m bill for exceptional costs.
86. They carry your luggage and your provisions; they will even keep you amused along the way by pulling faces.
87. The discs accommodate eight language tracks, 32 subtitle tracks and provisions for alternate endings and multiple camera angles.
88. But workers here are accustomed to lifetime employment and see the provisions as a major threat to their job security.
89. Section 24 applies to all partnerships irrespective of the provisions of a given partnership deed.
90. Together the two confiscated property provisions are aimed at discouraging foreign investors from purchasing such property from the cash-strapped Castro government.
91. The plan contained no provisions for the long-term clean-up that would have been necessary if the tanker had been carrying heavier crude.
92. But the result confirmed that building society provisions will rocket this year to cover bad and doubtful home loans.
93. The level of provisions could begin to drop next year as fewer families fall behind in their home loan payments.
94. The significance of these comparatively simple provisions on open enrolment should not be overlooked.
95. In its provisions dealing with the Chancellor,(http:///provisions.html) the Basic Law differs markedly and consciously from its Weimar predecessor.
96. On the contrary, it works within the framework of the Zande legal code and studiously observes all its provisions and prescriptions.
97. Aforementioned principles and provisions are binding on all Member State authorities, including the courts.
98. Backpacking the route is quite feasible and buying provisions shouldn't be a problem.
99. We would give the same construction to the comparable provisions in the other mortgage deeds.
100. In the absence of any express provisions once employment has ended the law will only protect information within the second class.
101. Private chases created by tenants-in-chief since 1154 outside their own demesnes were likewise abrogated, in accordance with the provisions of the Forest Charter.
102. In considering applications for planning permission, planning authorities will take into account the provisions of the development plan.
103. The draft version for comment incorporates practices and interpretations that have become established over the years and includes some new provisions.
104. This was principally directed toward the gradual adoption of more realistic depreciation provisions.
105. The Rules do contain adequate provisions for appeal by the person upon whom a notice is served.
106. But Clinton insisted those provisions be taken out before he signed the bill, she said.
107. The hands-off policy was extended to the structure of citizen participation and the social targeting provisions.
108. They took over the statutory duties and provisions of the old mental health departments.
109. Essentially, therefore, the provisions only had application to income falling within the first limb.
110. By contrast MDC's land reclamation and infrastructural provisions have demonstrated a markedly weaker propensity for attracting private capital.
111. Similar consent provisions may be contained in the financing arrangements of the vendor's shareholders and ultimate holding company.
112. In the circumstances, programmes to alter reproductive patterns might incorporate special provisions for reaching individuals of lower socio-economic status.
113. The Local Government Bill currently being considered in another place contains provisions for securing greater consistency of practice between local authorities.
114. Even the provisions of the formal document, the United States Constitution, may be amended by judicial decisions and custom usage.
115. The most controversial elements of the new law were its provisions defining recognizable and legitimate political parties and groups for electoral purposes.
116. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this Article.
117. The police were not competent to enforce the civil provisions, which required that employers should do so.
118. Equally people's need for support from relatives specifically has to be related to whatever alternative provisions exist at any given time.
119. The provisions described below, however, are generally part of all collective bargaining contracts: 1.
120. To some extent the charge of inflexibility can also be countered by reference to the provisions sanctioning exception from the National Curriculum.
121. The payment will be reduced under statutory provisions if the employee is approaching retirement age.
122. As its provisions will be beneficial to many people, I hope that we shall deal with it expeditiously.
123. Local authorities will be responsible for controlling discharges from smaller factories and license provisions for waste disposal contractors.
124. Its central provision was the currency union of I July 1990, but it contained a number of other important provisions.
125. Despite agreement on those provisions, the White House has voiced concern over several other sections of the measure.
125. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
126. Carla went to find craft shops and Sara went to buy Rodney's provisions on her own.
127. There is always considerable negotiation over the provisions governing the conduct of the business between signing and completion.
128. These provisions will be replaced gradually by new regulations and approved codes of practice.
129. Relevant well-established civil court case law is based on the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to the conclusion of contracts.
130. Their unsuccessful efforts included a move to block the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing provisions of environmental laws now on the books.
131. The research aims to explore how decisions are made in voluntary sector transport provisions.
132. R.22 contains provisions as to the name of a recognised body.
133. Conservatives and civil libertarians alike had expressed fears over the provisions limiting federal appeals for prisoners.
134. Profits in 1992 were bolstered by a fall in bad debt provisions to £676 million.
135. Earnings at some major regional banks suffered from higher-than-expected provisions for problem loans.
136. This has meant that some detailed provisions in standard forms of contract have required amendment.
137. Article 8 provides that member states may adopt more stringent provisions than those set out in the Directive if they so wish.
138. The greatly increased power which flows from the Act is enshrouded in a mist of complicated statutory provisions.
139. Their contract will therefore, in the absence of contrary agreement, be subject to the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act.
140. It codified previous provisions excluding aliens and added a long list of new categories of persons to be excluded.
141. Many provisions of the Sale of Goods Act were designed to remedy such deficiencies in the contract.
142. The banks would have fewer bad debt provisions to declare.
143. Using a vehicle in contravention of the relevant statutory provisions constitutes a criminal offence.
144. Experience in using the contract and familiarity with its provisions allowed surveyors and contractors alike to devise operating procedures which worked well.
145. Do those provisions apply in the case of a foreign company?
146. The provisions related to public assemblies vary slightly from those for marches and processions.
147. These provisions vary depending on the nature of your work - a building site is obviously different from an office.
148. The courts can not declare a legislative measure or an executive action contrary to the provisions of the Constitution.
149. The move implements cancellation provisions contained in the second and third life assurance directive.
150. The voluntary code, which will cover offshore centres, has no provisions for sanctions or enforcement checks.
151. Provisions for cyclists will therefore require both the use of existing transport infrastructure and special facilities for cyclists.
152. Those provisions covered in-house benefits as well as external benefits.
153. He held a wire basket with a modest stack of provisions.
154. Firstly, he certainly thwarted some papal provisions by taking vigorous action against any bishop involved in the process.
155. However, reorganisation provisions necessarily include provisions for operating costs,(http:///provisions.html) such as redundancy costs and administrative expenses.
156. The order, or any provisions it contains, may be limited in duration.
157. Cubicles for accommodation were also needed and Lydney Park provides an excellent example of these provisions.
158. Most large societies have also made heavy provisions against bad debts.
159. Rather its provisions will deem the transfer to be treated as if it took place on an earlier specified date.
160. If not, why will not he accept the provisions of the social charter which would attack the problem of low pay?
161. The bad-debt provisions are expected to knock £25m off profits for the year ending February.
162. The general purpose of these provisions is to allow the court so far as possible to settle competing claims in one set of proceedings.
163. Arrangements will include a clearing house to help match staff with vacancies and special provisions for retraining.
164. The companies are watching carefully lest other lobbyists try to slip the tougher provisions back in.
165. Baja California law forbids land invasions, yet other provisions in the law allow squatters to legalize their holds after five years.
166. Federalism Article 50 extends the provisions of the Covenant to all parts of federal states.
167. If the provisions of s213 can be satisfied, management would incur no income tax charge or capital gains tax charge.
168. If so, special provisions will need to be inserted in the agreement to regulate the arrangements between the investors.
169. The next chapter is concerned with further provisions for the cleansing and restoration of those who find themselves ritually unclean.
170. This is most evident in those provisions relating to the policing of static assemblies and marches and processions.
171. The provisions are contained in Ord 9, r 2 which applies to both default and fixed date summonses.
172. Skiing can also have a significant environmental impact, since provisions for it extend over relatively large areas.
173. Now let us turn to exemption clauses and the effect upon them of the provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act.
174. The answer is not to be found in the express provisions of article 7.
175. The provisions for transfer are considered in detail in Chapter 13.
176. These are expressed with differing degrees of formality in the form of statutory provisions, case law and conventions of the constitution.
177. A strong merchant banking contribution was more than offset by losses on investment management and stockbroking and some heavy loan provisions.
178. In 1973 the Land Compensation Act gave statutory effect to these, and made other significant changes to the planning blight provisions.
179. Legislative acts that levied taxes and defined benefits have never contained any provisions for investing in assets to provide future benefits.
180. Most of the fall came as a result of the release of provisions in the merchant banking and securities division.
181. Against that general background I now consider the detailed statutory provisions relating to administrative receivers.
182. It is no small irony that these provisions in the current housing law were devised by one-time Republican Sen.
183. Mr. Moss, for the applicants, went through all the provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986 relating to administrative receivers.
184. They have demanded provisions for imposing fines on countries with large deficits after the euro is created.
185. Many were fairly standard provisions for bad debts, and so forth.
186. They are, therefore, enforceable in exactly the same way as treaty provisions.
187. While this rule depends upon the provisions of the federal and state constitutions, the reasoning has universal application.
188. Central government, therefore, requires information that local authority expenditure has been legitimate and that minimum service provisions have been met.
189. What audit trail provisions are available for access or changes to the text?
190. The bills contained complex provisions to control the extent of the devolved powers.
191. The concert party provisions apply equally to the directors of the target and persons acting in concert with them.
192. Last year's figures were boosted by strong foreign-exchange earnings and a £122 million write-back from third world debt provisions.
193. Such families would therefore have no legitimate claim to nursery provisions and other facilities.
194. By the beginning of February they had collected together most of their provisions.
195. The new provisions for smoke detectors will be enforced by each local authority, as part of its existing Building Control function.
196. The judge also barred provisions that would have allowed state agencies to investigate and report alleged illegal immigrants.
197. Directors said yesterday they had decided to change investment accounting policy to charge the provisions as exceptional rather than extraordinary.
198. This may be in addition to any de minimis provisions negotiated by the vendor in the sale agreement.
199. But the Orex choppers are empty of provisions, and the pilots are only on rescue detail.
200. Other provisions to provide incentives for states to dispose of the waste remained intact.
201. He knows Clinton will not propose and Congress will not enact legislation to seriously weaken provisions of the new law.
202. Such tribunals, generally deriving from statutory provisions, had multiplied as the range of governmental activity spread.
203. To improve attitudes further, employers need to explain the provisions of the compensation and benefits package fully.
204. We got into a dinghy with the provisions.
205. The ozone provisions are illustrative.
206. One set of provisions tightens emission standards.
207. I'm convinced that the provincial government will provide provisional provisions.
208. In the future, I'll bring you provisions every day instead of ordering them by the month.
209. There were few provisions available in exchange for food stamps: ersatz coffee, macaroni, small cubes of margarine.
210. Article 13 The provisions of Articles 5 and 12 are applicable to cases where the respondent raises a counter - claim.
211. The remaining provisions of subtitle C relate to standards and enforcement.
212. Any assignment made in violation of the foregoing provisions shall be void.
213. Some statutory provisions also confine the agency's discretion to release damaging information.
214. This, he taught later, was " entitlement without provisions ".
215. This certificate was issued under the provisions of the proviso to section 9.
216. Early in December the foreman came along with generous provisions for Christmas.
217. This step establishes provisions for the Federal Biobased Products Preferred Procurement Program.
218. Design should incorporate provisions to avoid any accidental collapse of a bed full of solids.
219. There are various methods of calculating the flow of depreciation provisions.




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