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单词 Momentous
(1) Momentous events are taking place in the US.
(2) The momentous news was that war had begun.
(3) In that year, two momentous discoveries were made.
(4) Whether or not to move overseas was a momentous decision for the family.
(5) His colleagues all recognized that this was a momentous occasion .
(6) It was one of those momentous events that cause a sea change in public attitudes.
(7) The past few years have witnessed momentous changes throughout Eastern Europe.
(8) Something momentous was bound to happen soon.
(9) In the physical sciences alone, there were momentous changes.
(10) So momentous, so fragile, so transient.
(11) Such a thing would have momentous implications.
(12) The momentous day ended with fireworks.
(13) Meanwhile a momentous event took place in the lobby.
(14) We feel uneasy at momentous events.
(15) Indeed[http:///momentous.html], 1989 was a momentous year.
(16) Most of the work for this momentous event was carried out by a sub-committee for which no records exist.
(17) Able leaders inspire groups engaged in less momentous projects as well.
(18) All were momentous events that will never be forgotten, least of all by the men and women who fought in them.
(19) Those three momentous days still play a powerful role in the national psyche.
(20) But last night's momentous happenings had shattered those feelings into tiny pieces.
(21) It was in Glasgow, however, that many momentous events were taking place.
(22) The actual historical time when that momentous dawn could be said to have occurred is unknown as an historical fact.
(23) I am deeply honoured to be invited to this momentous occasion.
(24) Henceforth she must carry on from where she had started that momentous morning in Goddy's office.
(25) So he made what turned out to be a momentous decision.
(26) In the long term, this final measure was the most momentous of all.
(27) At the time, our department was going through some momentous changes.
(28) The external skeleton has one incidental quality which has had momentous results.
(29) An opposite movement occurs with the elements of oppressive heat and smell on that same momentous fourth floor.
(30) Of course there are many questions about how we interpret these lists of letters, but it's a momentous occasion.
(1) Momentous events are taking place in the US.
(2) The momentous news was that war had begun.
(3) I am deeply honoured to be invited to this momentous occasion.
(31) At the age of two, a male makes a momentous decision-whether to become adult or to stay young.
(32) The overall tone of noble criticism remained moderate, yet political consciousness had taken a momentous leap since Nicholas's death.
(33) Informative, revealing, funny, they add up to a comprehensive picture of a momentous year.
(34) At first the momentous events unfolding in Rome seemed barely relevant.
(35) Another half-hour of it would have sealed a momentous victory.
(36) It was as if she had made her decision, her momentous decision to marry, sleepwalking.
(37) They were called the chordates, and started a momentous chain of evolutionary events.
(38) Yet the treaty of 1259 did introduce a momentous change into the relations between the two powers.
(39) Crises often mark turning points in overall patterns of policy development, because the consequences of alternative decisions can be momentous.
(40) Now, they can savor a momentous event of their own.
(41) We measure happiness and sadness by momentous things that happened on occasions such as these.
(42) Yet Major did not choose to discuss the momentous decision he was about to take with his wife.
(43) They were eating, sleeping, defecating, or otherwise engaged in some momentous enterprise.
(44) At this point William made a momentous decision -- he resigned from his job and joined the army.Sentencedict
(45) Such passages recorded a life lived on the plane of momentous public events; life as history.
(46) This was to be a momentous decision although he did not know it at the time.
(47) In fact there has been a momentous shift in the United States' stance towards the world.
(48) The revolution taking place in eastern Europe must be counted as one of the most momentous events of this century.
(49) Thus for more than two mortal hours the momentous issue stood trembling in the balance.
(50) Within a decade, she was making momentous decisions about the Pentagon Papers and Watergate.
(51) The coming parliamentary session will provide a momentous opportunity for public debate on a matter of deep moral significance.
(52) We stand on the brink of two momentous decisions at Maastricht.
(53) The general opinion was that comets were immaterial, spiritual portents sent by the Creator as warnings about impending momentous events.
(54) That is going to be a pretty momentous event.
(55) This is rare and representative of his momentous spirit.
(56) The attempt was attended by the most momentous results.
(57) The president will announce a momentous decision.
(58) This is a momentous, hard-won achievement.
(59) After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Lee invaded the North and engaged Union forces under George Meade at the momentous Battle of Gettysburg.
(60) And this is a really momentous occasion because we’re celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps and you are part of that 50th Anniversary group.
(61) No such momentous event had happened since Ireland became a monarchy.
(62) Constructing harmonious city is the momentous content of building socialistic harmonious society.
(63) Mr Verba's gentle preamble through leather - bound tradition was leading to something momentous.
(64) The health-reform bill that President Obama signed into law last week—the unmemorably named Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—could prove as momentous as Medicare.
(65) Meanwhile, most young people in the West are expected to leave what could be life's most momentous decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck.
(66) This is a momentous and historic day: July first , nineteen ninety - seven.
(67) Unless one has an unbreakable steel - like spirit, one cannot accomplish momentous undertakings.
(68) I've a feeling this week that something momentous is going to happen.
(69) The answer has to do with the way the brain is organized at birth, and the momentous leaps it has to take in a preposterously short period of time for that child to grow naturally and normally.
(70) After the extensive news coverage of this momentous event, the study of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA was thrown into the public spotlight.
(71) To do a clear investigation of the microscopic process of the particles interact with bubbles, is the momentous foundation of flotation equipment design and flow-sheet design.
(72) "We are without a doubt in the midst of an extraordinary sea change," she told me. "The transformation is momentous—immensely liberating and immensely scary.
(73) The DLL is established, which have a momentous significance to further development.
(74) In automatic mechanism selection system based on orbit, orbit characteristics and dimension parameters of key orbit segments are momentous for selecting mechanisms.
(74) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(75) The management of the state-owned assets during the mergence of libraries is a brand-new job with the characteristics of a tight schedule, a burdensome task, momentous responsibilities, etc.
(76) Shopkeeper none of waiter in the Inn dares to tamper in additional people's commerce, the orison hurries solution problem and hammer to convey these 2 sons to hike a human momentous!
(77) RONALDO'S rise, as the first player to win the FIFA World Player of the Year Award three times, brings the curtain down on the momentous 12 months for the buck-toothed Brazilian.
(78) Because of approaching the Shannon limit , easily implement and low complication , it has momentous significance to improve the capability of digital communications.
(79) In a country with massive energy needs and pretensions to global - power status, that would be momentous.
(80) John Terry's momentous appointment to the England captaincy already impressive collection of international captains at Chelsea.
(81) The Olympics have given overseas Chinese a momentous rallying point.
(82) Apple's products, along with Jobs' personality traits, are what gave him the gravitas that made his keynotes Momentous Events, with all eyes on Steve.
(83) Because this moment at the threshold of a group is so momentous for a child, it is also, as one researcher put is, "highly diagnostic... quickly revealing differences in social skillfulness ."
(84) The current period represents a momentous turning point in the history of our Party and state.
(85) In reality, my momentous coming out was anti - climactic and disappointing.
(86) Not all such failures, of course, are as historically momentous.
(87) The choice of the name Kepler is timely, for 2009 is the 400th anniversary of two of the most momentous events in astronomy.
(88) And the ditty chosen to make this momentous journey seems more than appropriate.
(89) Studying "universal grammar" theory has important enlightenment to cognitive psychology, and momentous significance to further understanding that how the brain o...
(90) I rejoice that you will be at my side in momentous times.
(91) To manage account receivable efficiency is of momentous significance on improving the competitive power and saleroom of market.
(92) Personnel file is a momentous carrier and origin of talent information abstract, and also is a important foundation of examining and appointing the cadres.
(93) It was the most momentous thing on earth for us all.
(94) But December 21 , 2012 , ( give or take a day ) was nonetheless momentous to the Maya.
(95) Not all who had been at the momentous boardroom session left as speedily as Roscoe Heyward.
(96) The past three years have been among the most momentous in world history.
(97) Whether the momentous decision was wise or foolish will be long debated by historians.




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