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单词 Creed
1 Other countries have adopted this political creed enthusiastically.
2 Christians profess their faith when they say the Creed.
3 This is an indispensable part of his creed.
4 What is his political creed?
5 What is your political creed?
6 Creed opened his mouth to speak,[] then clamped it shut .
7 The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race, creed or colour.
8 Marxism has never been weaker as a political creed .
9 Creed was like a gambler. Spin the wheel.
10 Creed stood on the sidewalk outside the Palace Hotel.
11 He was still wearing his school uniform(), Creed noticed.
12 It was where Creed came to do his thinking.
13 Creed resisted the urge to back off more.
14 Creed was blinded by stunning white light.
15 Creed, the gunslinger, had been faster, though.
16 Creed stepped back in fright - or tried to.
17 In a flash, Creed was out of the jeep and creeping past foliage and tree-trunks towards the beginning of the picket fence.
18 Creed drove by, slowing down and scrutinising the open doorway before finding somewhere to park.
19 Coalitionism was not then only a political creed, but also a web of friendships and habits that underpinned political cooperation.
20 Creed stepped inside and closed both doors again, feeling as if he'd just voluntarily shut himself up in a cell.
21 If the actor was in there, then Creed wanted to flush him out.
22 Creed went over and rapped on the top section, but there was no answer.
23 Creed dipped a hand into his pocket and set the switch that would charge the Nikon's flash.
24 I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
25 It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed.
26 The centre is open to all, no matter what race or creed.
27 And its velvety touch was perversely sensuous although, fortunately for Creed, not quite enough to gain his favour.
28 He looked nonchalant enough as he strolled along the Bayswater Road, but inwardly Creed was a mess of nerves.
29 A wooden corner hit the pursuer in the bony face and Creed was relieved to observe it stagger.
30 There was much public sympathy for the miners in general, however rebarbative the personality and creed of Arthur Scargill himself.
1 It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed.
2 Other countries have adopted this political creed enthusiastically.
3 This is an indispensable part of his creed.
31 He wasn't sure how Creed had covered the distance between the window and the door.
32 Creed assumed these people had flown as soon as the soft stuff had hit the fan.
33 Far into the next century, Du Bois lost support of many black church people when he espoused the creed of Marxism.
34 Not now ... Creed yanked back the lift door and then the outer one.
35 Belief in supreme beings of whatever creed or breed seemed to Kate to constitute an evasion of personal responsibility.
36 Breaking down creed and colour,[] With broadside shots of laughter.
37 He had acted in accordance with the Punjab creed, but with too much enthusiasm and a few decades too late.
38 Creed caught up with her in the hallway and grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning her round.
39 Freedom and tolerance are not what the Southern Baptist creed is about.
40 Thus it could not compete with Lancashire(), and rigid protection of the home market became the creed of all Catalan industrialists.
41 Creed, as we know, does not possess the stoutest of spirits.
42 Here in re-printed lectures and essays, he expounds his creed.
43 Flesh-skimped fingers entwined themselves in his hair and Creed cried out as his head was jerked back.
44 But Von Daniken, like others of his creed, believes that evidence of spacemen already exists on Earth.
45 Surely they must have some doubts, made some mental reservations to the creed they so confidently recited morning and night.
46 Latter-day Cobdenites faced the future by returning to the subversive roots of their creed.
47 Mother Teresa offered her service and love to people of every caste and creed.
48 It professes no particular architectural creed; it belongs to no recognisable school of design.
49 Creed began to understand why Evelyn had imposed a diet.
50 The arenas hired for these meetings seemed to match the modern creed of the new popular movement.
51 When Creed called, Jed was watching a news report about a vulture who'd just been arrested on a murder charge.
52 Creed walked towards the bandstand with only slightly less trepidation than before.
53 The enlightened founders were eager to produce a universal creed that they could throw like a tent over the diverse church religions.
54 Flagellation and other exotic practices formed part of its creed and Rasputin entered into the spirit of these with enthusiasm.
55 The former depicted the royal coat of arms, texts from the scriptures, the Creed, or the Lord's Prayer.
56 She slipped off her coat and rested against the wall while Creed busied himself beneath her skirt.
57 Creed recognised him from the picture on the front page of that morning's Dispatch, poor quality though it had been.
58 Creed had smiled to himself as he had slid the Xerox copies back into the envelope.
59 Childhood cancers, including leukaemia, can strike a healthy child at random, regardless of race, social background or creed.
60 Creed sat on a chair by the window, gloved hands in his lap, one wrist resting on the other.
61 No glass partition, much less chance of Creed noticing anything unusual.
62 Creed and McGowan were already waiting in front of the elevator doors.
63 But he saw her hand fly up and hold her mouth, he saw Creed slide an arm round her shoulder.
64 Give everybody an equal chance, regardless of race, color, creed, or gender.
65 She gasped repeatedly and Creed, goggle-eyed and slack-jawed, panted in time with her gasping.
66 Just before he left, Creed had given him the date.
67 Creed tripped over something lying in the grass and even his head-over-heels tumble seemed lazy and unreal.
68 You may belong to any religion or caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business of the state. Malala Yousafzai 
69 Creed opened his mouth to call her back, but clamped it shut when he felt his own arm squeezed even harder.
70 Doesn't matter what creed or colour you are, as long as you are mad! 16-18. Send photo and letter now.
71 Creed dumped his half-smoked cigarette into the toilet bowl and took off his sweatshirt.
72 The Palace was where Creed lived, in a penthouse suite on the fourteenth floor, so the idea made perfect sense.
73 This may seem meaningless to non-churchgoers and trivial to churchgoers since it is part of the Athanasian Creed recited every Sunday.
74 The new chairman, elected unanimously by the members of the board, was Mr Neville Creed.
75 The fashionable creed of sustainable development panders to that sort of thinking.
76 When she was gone he was overwhelmed with grief and de creed that she should have the most magnificent of funerals.
77 Socialism is the smokestack creed, condemning its people to council houses and poor public services.
78 I am running for everybody in Britain, irrespective of colour or creed.
79 He reached the bottom step and stood behind the gate in the railing, his eyes on Creed all the time.
80 Jed began to know where Creed wanted to go without a word being uttered.
81 They crawled in, Creed crouched over her, Prunella taking most of his weight.
82 Gandhi had mental health because in him word, creed, and deed were one; he was integrated.
83 I still can not go to a service, nor say the Creed.
84 Creed picked it up, his fingers smearing blood on to its surface.
85 Creed preceded the final act, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, on the east stage.
86 The wind caught Creed and the girl and slammed them back against the corridor wall.
87 They hold no religious creed.
88 In fact, such a Chinese creed originated from Japan.
89 They offended against every article of his creed.
90 He lived up to his adventurous creed.
91 Complexity and Information Science Study Creed.
92 Our creed has always been that business is business.
93 The song of the future must transcend creed.
94 The Rotary Foundation looks above race,[] creed and politics.
95 This faith is the abiding creed of our fathers.
96 Purple dream, like wind creed, crystal Campanula sounded the moment, I do not know who is singing in harmony, the graceful paradise came as a prayer.
97 It takes an unusually bold-faced critic of Marxism to claim that none of this is relevant since Marxism is an authoritarian creed in any case.
98 Economy is latitudinarian intervene with the country creed is his two old main school, the analysis that to the market economy runs is having this two old school to differ apparently.
99 The Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed both refer to Mary as "the Virgin Mary".
100 That's why the writers of the Creed mentioned Pontius Pilate.
101 Frege carried the logicism creed, at the same time, he hold up the banner of the anti-psychological at first on the history(), and resolutely repelled the psychological factor in logic.
102 And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people.
103 He created the Olympic Charter, the Creed, the athlete's Oath, the opening and the closing ceremonies.
104 The Pythagoras is Gu Xila's sage, philosopher and mathematician, it is the contriver of Pythagoras law , at the same time he also is the father of maigre creed of the west.
105 Build the traditional planned economy on absolutely and rational basis to have grumous star-chamber creed temperament and blame good-tempered consciousness.
106 " Honesty is the best policy " was his creed in all his business dealings.
107 That's why you confess things like in the Nicene Creed, if you confess the resurrection of the body or the resurrection of the flesh.
108 For six years, he makes a peaceful life for himself in the Canadian wilderness, but this life is shattered after the murder of his girlfriend by his brother Victor Creed (later Sabertooth ).
109 When criminal suit mode is transferred from authority creed to party creed in new criminal procedure law for enhancing suit opposability, matched evidence discovery system should be introduced.
110 This council produced the first drafts of what became the Nicene Creed, a landmark explanation of Christian belief.
111 I have no race prejudices, and I think I have no color prejudices nor creed prejudices.
112 It didn't win the day because throughout the fourth century you still had fights among different bishops, some people not accepting the Nicene Creed.
113 In 1948 London Games, the Olympic Creed first appeared on the scoreboard.
114 Contemporary in decorating, contracted creed the brief, slam the door with pursuit bedroom space is needless " buckish " and be popular.
115 And 20 centuries the creed of field of new latitudinarian heavy communalize since 80 time is dogmatic, world capitalism may produce new fascism again.
116 Ben Mattes of Ubisoft shows an upcoming version of Assassin's Creed.
117 It is not permitted to produce or write or compose any other creed except the one which was defined by the holy fathers who were gathered together in the holy Spirit at Nicaea.
118 He fused together what was strongest in the despotic traditions of the monarchy with what was strongest in the equally despotic creed of Jacobinism.
119 And a lot of Christians,Roman Catholics,Episcopalians, Anglicans,some other churches, will actually say the Nicene Creed in church as part of the literature.
120 The article thinks, problem of wage price rigidity is the central problem of new Keynesia creed.
121 Because trasformismo represents an accommodation rather than a creed, Graziano notes, support for a transformist regime will vanish the moment it can no longer satisfy the demands of its clients.
122 In finance domain, this clique basically attacks the deficit financing policy of Keynesia creed centrally.
123 In our country all men are treated equally , without regard to race, social origin or creed.
124 Above the empiricism philosophy foundation, Burke formed his conservatism basic creed which was venerating the tradition, and maintaining the order.
125 Here is a message that transcends the rites of any church or creed or organized religion.
126 The creed of the ex-KGB officers who make up much of his inner circle is better described as Chekism, which takes its name from the first Soviet secret police, the Cheka.
127 In accordance with the Nicene Creed we affirm the basic interconnection between the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of Christ.
128 We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.
129 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
130 With the political creed of the Faqih ruling authority enshrined in the constitution, the established political system in Iran is destined to be characteristic of the Islamic and conservative.
131 And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
132 The new creed has notably raised the stock of Henri Guaino, Mr Sarkozy's speechwriter and a long-standing advocate of state intervention.
133 Because the material is undogmatic and non-hierarchical, I do not want it to become a separate creed.
134 Many Christians read the Nicene Creed with its marvelous stanza, "On the third day he rose again.
135 With this phrase we enter the second major section of the Creed.
136 The legal creed is the core of the pattern of rule by law and it was put faith in by jurists and thinkers in ancient times.
137 Regard the contemporary money of latitudinarian now delegate as creed, its generation, development gets the influence of card bogus creed.
138 For example,the Nicene Creed, that proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity becomes orthodox.
139 Perhaps nationalism has succeeded Communism as the creed of Red China, but its rulers show signs of wanting to make their country a good citizen of the world.
140 Bingshen Shi Xu, a book written by him when he was twenty-four, marks the first stage, a budding stage, putting forward the aesthetic creed around the concept of Yuan or farness .
141 The author thinks current system is one kind transfers model authority creed is in office system.
142 For one thing, every major Christian creed includes the ascension of Christ.
143 Ma Yun is an action creed person, this year " two meetings " during after visiting Guangdong delegacy mysteriously before long, had real operation.
144 The game isn't exactly Halo or Assassin's Creed. Instead, Space Fortress looks a lot like the very first arcade games, with geometric shapes subbing for spaceships and buildings.
145 First, British and French clerics demonised Russian Orthodoxy as a semi - pagan creed.
146 Athanasian Creed – stated clearly the doctrine of the Trinity endorsed by the council of Nicea.
147 Mix in value the price is theoretic he shows grumous national creed idea.
148 What point in the antislavery creed would you have me argue?
149 It may be found in its completest expression in the Athanasian Creed.
150 As to orthodox belief, I am an Episcopalian, like my family before me. I can repeat the Creed without asking too much margin for personal interpretation.
151 To tell of what he chanced on was against his creed.
152 His creed of determinism was such that it almost amounted to a vice, and quite amounted, on its negative side, to a renunciative philosophy which had cousinship with that of Schopenhauer and Leopardi.
153 Party constitution, it is the creed of the party and the floorboard that organize constitution.
154 The bursting of the U.S. housing bubble acted as a detonator that exploded a much larger super-bubble that started developing in the 1980s, when market fundamentalism became the dominant creed.
155 Whereas the worldwide tide of applying palliative penalty, the creed of accenting penalty still occupies primary status in applying penalty and death especially in China.
156 Thirdly, it is a political creed and an asocial practical movement.




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