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单词 burgh
释义  burgh /ˈbʌrə $ bɜːrɡ, ˈbʌroʊ/ noun [countable]  AREAa borough – used in Scotland 自治[镇];城市的行政区〔苏格兰用语〕Examples from the Corpusburgh• The Council House and prison of the ancient burgh of Canongate, built in 1591.• These were known as burghs of barony and regality.• The second type of late Saxon town, which overlaps in some cases with the first, is the fortified burghs.• In 1741, for example, political control of the Dunfermline district of burghs turned on the vote of the town of Inverkeithing.• Some towns had more than one burgh.• Lydford, in Devon, still has the abandoned streets of a late Saxon burgh which never succeeded.• Some of the burgh politicians were themselves military officers.burgh nounChinese  Scotland Corpus borough used in – a




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