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单词 Epic
1 Homer's Iliad is a famous epic.
2 Milton's " Paradise Lost " is a famous epic.
3 Lose yourself on a journey of epic proportions. Wherever you go, no one will ever know.
4 Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer's'proud demesne '.
5 Their four-hour match on Centre Court was an epic.
6 The problem of inflation has reached epic proportions.
7 Mending the car became something of an epic.
8 The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz's epic storytelling.
9 The Odyssey is an epic of ancient Greece.
10 They held a banquet of epic proportions.
11 He had produced a meal of epic proportions .
12 I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.
13 They are hoping to retrace the epic voyage of Christopher Columbus.
14 Like "Gone With The Wind" it's an unashamed epic romance.
15 Their epic fight is the subject of a new film.
16 I read the epic work " War and Peace ".
17 But the high-rise epic eclipses another drama.
18 The country is facing a famine of epic proportions.
19 With epic nonchalance I motored north.
20 This junk pile just happens to be our epic.
21 By inventing a myth, the epic poet frees himself from the group.
22 The rest of the country is missing an epic work.
23 The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name.
24 Diligence is your life password, can translate your grand epic poem.
25 At three hours and 21 minutes, it is an over-long, standard Hollywood epic.
26 There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.
27 What they added was a sense of grandeur - they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale.
28 Brecht later worked out of this mould in his different epic theatre.
29 The content of tragic myth is, in the first instance, a pleasurable epic glorification of the hero.
30 The shrapnel shot through Tom's steel helmet and lodged in his temple during the epic fighting at Dunkirk.
1 Milton's " Paradise Lost " is a famous epic.
2 At three hours and 21 minutes, it is an over-long, standard Hollywood epic.
3 There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.
4 Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer's'proud demesne '.
5 They held a banquet of epic proportions.
6 I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.
7 I read the epic work " War and Peace ".
31 The first epic poet of a human group is the first individual.
32 His photographs seem to do justice to the epic immensity of the subject, but also its symbolic implications.
33 However, outside your sitting room thousands of wartime military installations still survive as historically important reminders of Britain's epic struggle.
34 Psyched down after this epic battle I allowed the treacherous turf to gain revenge on the much easier pitch above.
35 The history of a single event has been spun out to fill a 255 page epic.
36 The prints in the accompanying exhibition were also of epic proportion - some five feet by four and even larger.
37 The action of a traditional epic poem is further complicated in that it deals with the relation of human beings to gods.
38 Elizabeth is an extraordinary mixture of epic film,(http:///epic.html) grand opera and grand guignol.
39 While the diagnosis was straight forward, the business of getting treatment soon became an epic.
40 It is another offering from Epic Megagames whose name now guarantees hours of fun.
41 The film was billed as an epic -- an adventure story that would take the world and the box-office by storm.
42 Solly's, downstairs, is a small kosher restaurant and deli specializing in epic felafel.
43 Joshua Slocum, the first man to circumnavigate the globe alone, saw a phantom during his epic voyage.
44 Their argument can reach such epic proportions that it is sometimes possible to sneak off without paying.
45 The director was given carte blanche to make his epic movie.
46 "The Iliad" is perhaps the most studied epic of all time.
47 But it tells you more about the personal horrors of living under apartheid than many a flashier epic.
48 South Carolina was an epic political battle, and Bush won it well.
49 He is supported by a wonderful cast which graces a movie that deserves the label of epic.
50 But Horn had the sound, the remarkable ability to create epic spaces in ordinary songs.
51 Last year we were reminded of those epic days when Fighter Command denied the Luftwaffe air superiority in the skies over Britain.
52 The drama to be told was an epic of cosmic dimensions and significance, played out on the world stage.
53 Traffic showed that it can, with its ingestion of a multiple-storyline epic originally shown over several episodes on television.
54 In the West its enormous popularity was as a love story set against the epic background of the Revolution and its aftermath.
55 He scored 24 tries, two of them in the epic Challenge Cup final victory over Hull.
56 Ian Botham, mastermind of the epic booze-up on the Channel island of Alderney, enjoyed a wicked laugh.
57 Later we stretched out on the long benches of the White Horse Farm, comparing our bruises and recounting our 30-mile epic.
58 I could hardly let you go off on an epic journey all by yourself.
59 Dependent on state patronage, Soviet official art was a public, epic, partisan art intended for mass consumption.
60 This is an epic of Oprah's age, with an engaging heroine whose life story is well-made, but essentially insignificant.
61 Biblical movies usually wind up epic in scope in spite of every effort to keep them small.
62 As a life, it had the ingredients of a blockbuster romantic novel or epic costume film.
63 I had suggested that their epic journey through the mountains would make a good subject for a film.
64 Epic company-wide water fights have become a fixture of life in Silicon Valley.
65 Their forced retreat, with a rope too short to reach the ground, took on epic proportions.
66 Her depression lifted in March 1990 and quickly was followed by an epic episode of mania.
67 He is like a hero in one of his tapestries, on an epic journey of artistic discovery.
68 Zach was to finish his epic poem and write a report on the Christmas Show.
69 The tiebreak, chopping sets off in their prime, ruled out a similarly epic match ever taking place again.
70 Either the Government performs a climbdown of epic humiliation scale or it publishes and risks being damned in the division lobbies.
71 For teenagers like Nick, preparing for the epic journey seemed simple enough.
72 For a team that ranks in the bottom third in caring for the ball, this was a triumph of epic proportions.
73 So much has been written about this single epic without any clear view of the potential impact emerging.
74 There is a boy of about the same age in Kanal, Andrzej Wajda's epic film of the Warsaw uprising.
75 Epic poetry, like sculpture, is an Apolline art, and all such art involves a quite different creative process.
76 A stupendous cinema epic, reduced to a sort of frantic scurrying in a goldfish bowl, might merely seem ridiculous.
77 Epic has since modified the basic system for use in prisons and social service agencies.
78 Food production will have to increase if we are not to be faced with epic crises.
79 After that sweltering afternoon in May, we went through a period of epic heat, the hottest summer in living memory.
80 Meanwhile John Lawer insists he won't be giving up on his epic adventure or his one-man campaign against three-wheel discrimination.
81 Star battles predictions of disaster for his three-hour sword epic.
82 It demanded accelerated exaltation, accepted no instant without pregnant meanings as in epic, tragedy, comedy, or films.
83 Other wells continued to burn, causing atmospheric pollution on an epic scale.
84 Everybody was talking about Christopher Columbus in 1992, 500 years after his epic voyages.
85 Here we have a co-production of mini-series ambitions, but without the necessary budget or pomposity to puff out to epic proportions.
86 However, its high art pretensions are hinted at by the epic tone of its title.
87 This is the epic tale of the king of the beasts, the best-dressed elephant in the jungle.
88 John told of his epic journey, when he pedalled 12,500 miles from Sydney back to Liverpool for charity.
89 Shanghai Epic does not collect AACS Content Provider Fees.
90 In epic the hero often has an inseparable companion.
91 The Redeemer is the Brotherhood of Nod's Epic Unit.
92 Here at Dunkirk is another English epic.
93 That movie was an epic about the Roman Empire.
94 You could recite an epic poem for me.
95 As if the task is also pastor of the epic - level access inside.
95 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
96 In college, he was known for reciting lines from epic poems as'The Iliad.
97 Illusionist : Convincing Regalia - Mesmerize effect can now affect Epic targets.
98 He developed the Disney Epic Mickey game, set for launch on Nintendo's Wii console next year, as the latest instalment from the Magic Kingdom's fast-growing videogames arm.
99 The DPS calculation and item level all came out as if they were a 156 epic.
100 He's the creative director of Junction Point, a Disney-owned game developer that came up with Epic Mickey.
101 Since then, his commitment to translating Homer's epic "Ilion Adegold mind" and "repair" is.
102 This epic tale leads to the story of Helen of Troy, the Trojan Horse and Achilles.
103 Descriptions are similar on heroical figures and their ambitions of the Janger from Mongolia and Homer Epic from ancient Greece.
104 Milton wrote his epic in lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter or what we call, and what Milton would have called, blank verse.
105 It is a long epic on everyone's lips among the ethnic Kirghiz people.
106 I am a deep admirer of Brian Swimme, a mathematical cosmologist who teaches and writes about the epic of evolution.
107 The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage.
108 Doctor Zhivago is a 1965 British epic drama-romance-war film directed by David Lean and loosely based on the famous novel of the same name by Boris Pasternak.
109 Italian poet noted for his elaborate style in works such as the epic Adonis ( 1623 ).
110 Virgil:Roman poet. His greatest work is the epic poem Aeneid, which tells of the wanderings of Aeneas after the sack of Troy.
111 In The Epic of Gilgamesh they were the ones who got the plant of eternal youth. It's etiological.
112 This thesis attempted to interpret the epic Aeneid from two sides.
113 Within that group of believers is a large subsection who believe not in a worldwide flood but rather a regional flood as is mentioned in alternative texts such as the Epic of Gilgamesh.
114 Iliad comes under the head of heroic or epic poetry.
115 But that was epic nudity ; nudity as the exemplification of innocence and vulnerability.
116 Epic Janggar and Mongols Religious Culture. Monograph, Inner - Mongolian University Press, 1999 . Hohhot.
117 The Trans - Siberian Railway is one of the world's epic railway journeys.
118 It is through his epic poems that many became familiar with classical Greek myths, such as sirens and the Cyclops.
119 The Epic of Gilgamesh documents the adventures of this Middle Eastern hero.
120 It's like a Mongolian, "Jiang Nagel, " the Tibetan "Gesar", Kirgiz, "Manas" epic hero, with the world.
121 Having been lucky enough to commentate on epic World Cup and Champions League finals, and meet many of my greatest heroes.
122 The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare's sonnets, imitate opera stars and intone Homer's epic poems in Greek .
123 To write any kind of epic at all might very well seem to be embracing an inappropriately sensual paganism at the expense of the higher discipline of good, old-fashioned monotheistic Christianity.
124 Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17 th - century English poet John Milton.
125 The caster's Spellcraft skill modifier is vital for casting an epic spell.
125 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
126 Disenchanting now requires Expert Enchanting for rare items, and Artisan Enchanting for items of epic quality or higher.
127 There is no place in Poe's system for the epic poem and not much for the three-decker novel.
128 He is the first hero of a recurrent national epic.
129 IA - 64 is a new EPIC architecture that provides hardware support on software pipelining.
130 The Manas Epic they sing is about the stories of Kirghiz heroes fighting to defend their homeland.
131 Kirghiz folk literature on behalf of the good works of the famous poem " Manas ", Mongolian folk literature on behalf of the good works of the famous epic, "Jiang Nagel.
132 Brecht 's Theories of Comedy and of Epic Theater: What are His Expectations, and How Plausible are They (Do his effects actually work, in your experience of the play?
133 Chinese narrative poetry has uniqueness in respect of plot chosen, different from that of Western epic poetry.
134 Xue E Feeding A Myna" is an outstanding epic in Yi language."
135 Never before captured on film, we witness majestic sliding, an epic fight for toboggan territory and the unique mating ritual of this rare icon of the Canadian Prairie.
136 This book has unfolded the millennium latter mammoth humanity interspace epic poem!
137 It was during a Friday-night screening of Kubrick's classic, mind-warping sci-fi epic 2001: A Space Odysseythat a man named "Robert" had a very public meltdown.
138 What is the large-scale ethnic music and dance epic was created by the ancient Uyghur people, and what is one of the world's longest epic of Tibetan?
139 The Trojan hero of Virgil's epic poem, the Aeneid, and son of Anchises and Aphrodite. He escaped the sack of Troy and wandered for seven years before settling in Italy.
140 Long after that epic springtime afternoon when Jackie Robinson changed the face of baseball, he remains an unforgettable figure in the story of American democracy.
141 The same epic account cited Liu, the ousted railways minister, as likening the country's high-speed railways to "dragons in the sky."
142 Hindus revere them as a symbol of the monkey deity Hanuman, whose simian army helped rescue Sita, the god Rama's wife, from a demon king, according to a Sanskrit epic.
143 The Mid-Autumn Festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen; The family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth; Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!
144 Cate Blanchett, Ken Stott, Sylvester McCoy and Mikael Persbrandt have joined the cast of Peter Jackson's highly anticipated adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic The Hobbit.
145 Virgil was the greatest of Latin poets and wrote the great epic, the Aeneid.
146 Epic in and beautifully evocative and place, Woman in Bronze reveals a life lived in extremes.
147 After this book has unfolded a millennium mammoth human interspace epic poem!
148 All of which is to say that "Spider-Man", with its broken aerial stunts and epic sense of doom, is an unforgettably vulgar show, and—really!—one worth seeing for that reason.
149 Mock epic: A comic literary form that treats a trivial subject in the grand heroic style of the epic. A mock epic is also referred to as a mock-heroic poem.
150 A world record for the longest football match was set after a 36 hour battle ended with a 284-255 scoreline, Daily Times reported. The epic match beat the previous record of 33 hours, 36 minutes.
151 A survey conducted along a new segment of the road between Weixi and Shangri-La just above the headwaters of the Mekong River revealed epic levels of erosion.
152 Experience Capcom's classic platformer on mobile. Control Mega Man and his dog, Rush, on an epic journey to defeat the nefarious Dr. Wily and his deadly robot masters.
153 The prolocutor of the collective in my place is called Nipa, It is translated as Wzard or Necromancer in Chinese, they are only the epic singers, the concretionary time and live dictionaries.
154 The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature.
155 Designed by Renzo Piano, the Vulcano Buono ("good volcano" in italian) is an epic cone-shaped commercial center crowned with a sloping green roof.
156 Daniel Yergin is America's most influential energy pundit, and the book that put him on the map was "The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power" (1991).
157 Engage in epic siege warfare to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path.
158 His lyric poetry and do obeisance the epic poetry of Lun similarly England high peak within verse.
159 Some day someone will write the full epic of this exciting expedition.
160 As a result, de Rothschild originally set his launch date for 28 April - exactly 62 years to the day when Heyerdahl set out on his epic journey across the Pacific.
161 Regardless, the world will soon bear witness to an epic realignment of the relationship between disabled and abled.
162 Milton claims that epic poetry is the highest ambition for a poet and then he goes on to explain how it is that the epic poet should comport himself. I love this.
163 She'll go sailing proudly down the years in the epic of Dunkirk.
164 The historical epic starring Elizabeth Taylor(), Rex Harrison and Richard Burton nearly bankrupted 20th Century Fox.
165 You could recite an epic poem for me a ballad a sonnet, a limerick or something!
166 Use the desenitzing ampoule to soothes irritated , all epic skins and restores a healthy complexion.
167 La Divina COMMEDIA written by Dante Alighieri has epoch-making as the epic of the Middle Age no matter to the history of literature or to the history of pensee.
168 Marco Polo, the legendary explorer famous for his epic journey into Asia, was just a "conman," according to the report.
169 It is primarily rooted in the Croatian epic poetry with emphasis on important historical or patriotic events.
170 Plessey describes EPIC as essentially a very sensitive, contactless digital voltmeter capable of measuring millivolt changes in electric fields.
171 In August 1835, a young German cartographer named Robert Schomburgk arrived in Georgetown, the capital of British Guiana, to begin an epic journey on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society.
172 Illusionist : Sleep - Mesmerize effect can now affect Epic targets.
173 A similar scene found in Mesopotamia is associated with the Gilgamesh epic, in which the hero strangles a pair of lions.
174 In the fourth chapter of my thesis, elaboration is on the parody of traditional literary forms including Henry Fielding's picaresque novels, traditional epic and the hero myth.
175 IA - 64 is a new EPIC architecture that provides hardware support for software pipelining.
176 It's hard to fault the production values of this epic, but it's a shame that David Lean set such an unmatchable precedent when he filmed the novel in 1965.
177 Gerald Silver, a local homeowner, predicts epic traffic jams from this and similar developments nearby.
178 When it comes to raw potential and what you can make the most of, Scrin's Eradicator Hexapod is the Epic Unit of choice.
179 So lexeme Google alone too and prepare for an epic battle between the two tech titans.
180 Quint: I think that's why something like LORD OF THE RINGS works. It's giant and a huge fantasy epic, but it's grounded in some form of reality.
181 The inner panels show scenes from the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
182 Coercer: Medusa Gaze - Stun effect can now affect Epic targets.
183 He could as soon write an epic as drive a car.
184 Bernstein's algorithm , which is targeted for superscalar processor , to EPIC processor Itanium.
185 It was during the reign of Queen Isabella that Christopher Columbus set forth on his epic voyage of discovery.
186 The programme, a dramatisation of the epic journey sperm undertake in their quest to fertilise the egg, reveals other fertility secrets.
187 The creation of the Aeneid world history, is the first scholar epic.
188 Cronin's 750-page epic is part literature, part gripping horror yarn, but most importantly it's a vampire tale that doesn't feel cheap.
189 Epic of Etana: Legendary king of Kish Etana is the subject of an epic dating back to around 2600 BCE, though information on the ancient Akkadian story remains sadly scarce on the internet.




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