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单词 Recognised
1. I recognised Mary by her red hat.
2. The scale of the problem is now universally recognised.
3. I recognised her handwriting on the envelope.
4. There are recognised black spots in marriages which can lead to trouble.
5. He wondered if the girl behind the counter recognised him.
6. The government recognised there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour.
7. Then the policeman recognised me, breaking into profuse apologies.
8. She recognised him from the night before .
9. When he turned round I recognised him immediately.
10. Denmark recognised the potential of wind energy early.
11. Parliament has recognised the inviolability of the current border.
12. We don't recognised him to be the lawful heir.
13. It's easily recognised by its bright blue tail feathers.
14. He wanted his power recognised.
15. We engaged the services of a recognised engineer.
16. He recognised that he was not qualified for a teacher.
17. From the bottom of the garden I recognised my father's tuneless whistle.
18. It was encouraging that he recognised the dangers facing the company.
19. The shapes in the paintings are easily recognised as his signature.
20. There are only two internationally recognised certificates in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
21. She squealed with delight as she recognised him instantly.
22. I recognised the uniform of a police constable.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. Today, her achievement was recognised with a civic reception.
24. Hungary has an excellent and internationally recognised cuisine.
25. And they belonged to no recognised union.
26. But he was later discharged after he was recognised.
27. As the car drew abreast of him, Jack suddenly recognised the driver.
28. At the time when this scheme was introduced, it was recognised that there might be problems.
29. The centrality of the German economy to the welfare of Europe must be recognised.
30. The inexperienced advice worker thus need no longer feel a burden on colleagues, as the need for support has formally been recognised.
1. I recognised Mary by her red hat.
2. The scale of the problem is now universally recognised.
3. I recognised her handwriting on the envelope.
4. There are recognised black spots in marriages which can lead to trouble.
5. He wondered if the girl behind the counter recognised him.
6. The government recognised there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour.
7. We don't recognised him to be the lawful heir.
31. The frustrations arising will be recognised by those engaged upon the contemporary scene, even if present day issues are less picturesque.
32. The lift of one dark brow told her he recognised the gibe.
33. It is high time this was recognised and the real remaining problems addressed to improve matters.
34. A recent major study of traffic problems in the Edinburgh area recognised road safety as a major factor for consideration.
35. They differ from pen-based computers in that the handwriting will not have to be translated or recognised by CPU.
36. But they recognised the ambiguities, and based their paper on wider evidence, and were prompted by concern for conservation.
37. Sometimes the tribe's Big'uns recognised their old leader as he stomped up and down the battle lines bawling at his lads.
38. At all periods there must have been recognised places in a locality where goods could have been acquired or disposed of.
39. Each is the independent body recognised by government as responsible for promoting training in its own part of the economy.
40. It includes innate male aggression and, as recognised by some ethologists, an emphasis on instinctive territoriality.
41. It was recognised that several sources might have to be approached in order to obtain comprehensive data on this subject. 4.
42. Diane Chalmers, senior home care manager, says councillors and staff recognised that removing the service would be a false economy.
43. The evening breeze also brought the sounds of singing and he recognised the lusty bellowing of Ranulf.
44. Nevertheless, it is recognised that industrial relations will continue to reflect elements of diversity as well as uniformity.
45. Money from the fund was payable to depositors on the insolvency of a recognised bank or licensed institution.
46. The other principle is the right of every state in the area to live in peace within secure and recognised borders.
47. I recognised it right away, and I was on Cloud Nine.
48. What happens when the spiritual dimension is recognised in treatment and rehabilitation?
49. Alzheimer's Disease was now widely known and recognised as an incurable form of senile dementia.
50. Roquelaure was recognised instantly by the head waiter who took them straight to a reserved corner table.
51. The Movement recognised this, as it also recognised that administrative pressures were working against a concerted attempt to preserve religious unity.
52. Nevertheless, it has to be recognised that several interests may feel threatened by an advertising ban.sentence dictionary
53. The corner is awkward, much more awkward than was recognised when, in 1965, Professor Robinson coined the phrase.
54. He was immediately recognised as one of the most accomplished pianists of our time.
55. Services there are wider, with brain injuries about to be recognised in law.
56. Potential lethal cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions are recognised complications of both iatrogenic and self inflicted overdoses.
57. The managerial role of senior bureau workers is increasingly recognised.
58. There is no other recognised central defender at Ayresome Park to partner Nicky Mohan.
59. He says financial institutions have recognised that little companies provide a base for industry and the seed corn for new ideas.
60. Nevertheless, the role of the teacher is recognised as crucial.
61. The difficulties which arise through employment of staff with responsibility for young children should be recognised from the outset.
62. But by 1989 the company recognised that the interests of the aerospace business and its commercial businesses would be best served separately.
63. H pylori was not examined because its importance in duodenal ulcer disease was not widely recognised when this study was being planned.
64. It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised.
65. These courses are recognised as preparation for professional registration and students can choose either general nursing or mental health nursing.
66. The vendor will be required to warrant that no trade unions have been recognised and that there are no collective agreements.
67. It is recognised that one of the areas where immediate progress can be made is in assisting disabled students.
68. Known as Ford Q1, the programme provides a formal system for implementing continuous improvement methods which is recognised and accepted worldwide.
69. The file contains a module whose name is recognised but whose version number is not.
70. When the need for assistance is not even recognised, there is considerable difficulty for any advice agency in providing assistance.
71. Through binoculars we recognised shoveler, teal, pochard and tufted duck, all of which breed in the pools.
72. The mobility allowance amounted initially to £10 a week and was recognised as anything but adequate.
73. Despite the caked blood and the chalky bruised skin I recognised the victim.
74. It was this longer-term exchange that Bukharin recognised as being the central contradiction in the then current situation.
75. They are boycotting new assessment procedures, claiming social welfare officers were not being recognised for increased workloads.
76. The principle of law applicable in such cases is well recognised.
77. There were a great many people milling around, the cream of Spaxton society, indeed, many of whom she knew or recognised.
78. He was carrying a false passport when he arrived from London but was recognised during a routine check.
79. The club fear that other anglers in their area have also recognised the Wyre Boat Angling Club from the article.
80. The five-year project has resulted in a facelift for the line which has been recognised with several national awards.
81. The overall aim is to confer the right on professionals to have their qualifications recognised in all member states.
82. The coals constitute a proven commercial gas source which is in direct contact with the recognised potential reservoirs.
83. It recognised the significant contribution to the quality of the environment made by members in the public sector.
84. Applicants, providing that they are eligible to enrol on the programmes,[http:///recognised.html] may gain credits in respect of recognised qualifications and/or prior learning.
85. The necessity for using very high doses of reagents, however, to detect invitro phosphorylation of membranes, is well recognised.
86. Touting for criminal business was and is well recognised within the profession, and those in close contact with it.
87. They complete a three-year programme that leads to a nationally recognised qualification.
88. Miscellaneous R.19 requires a recognised body to notify the Society of certain changes and occurrences.
89. It should be recognised that, in general, it will be read by busy people and therefore should be concise.
90. One is the difficulty of establishing a viable and nationally recognised definition of physical abuse.
91. Although a recognised left back, Jimmy Phillips had experience at centre half with Rangers.
92. They share the characteristic of being established recognised professional bodies: The Association of Consulting Engineers.
93. It is a recognised indication of excellence which helps them compete with men in the early stages of their careers.
94. He frowned, disconcerted by something, then, with a shock, recognised the clothes she was wearing.
95. Ensure that modified software is formally approved before the modification operation is recognised as complete.
96. Helicobacter pylori is recognised as a significant cause of chronic antral gastritis and important in the aetiology of peptic ulceration.
97. HENLEY-NEDERLAND Henley-Nederland is an independent, private institution and a recognised educational establishment.
98. It was the customer himself who recognised professionalism when he saw it and responded accordingly.
99. R.22 contains provisions as to the name of a recognised body.
100. I was ringed by men, some in armour, and recognised the blue and mustard livery of the City of London.
101. But in our society the self-denial of which we speak has a moral dimension which is not strongly recognised in all civilisations.
102. Have we now reached the stage where there is a recognised body of work produced over the 1980s by women artists?
103. We recognised that the bald statement in the preceding paragraph requires amplification.
104. The visit will provide opportunities to see the school in action and enable good ideas to be recognised, applauded and noted.
105. It should be recognised that we are still in the early days of case-mix accounting.
106. Most, it had to be recognised, would have been unable to resist a heavy and sustained bombardment.
107. Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds.
108. He handed over a ring and an amulet that I recognised.
109. Had felt the overpowering certainty of the man behind the words and, again, recognised the echo in himself.
110. Sera from all patients contained IgG antibodies that recognised Giardia heat shock antigen.
111. Charity should have recognised it as the calm before the storm, but she didn't.
112. Their chief concern is that their status as skilled specialists should be recognised and respected.
113. Constructive and destructive waves correspond closely with two of the main types of breaker recognised today,[] namely spilling and plunging breakers.
114. A nationally recognised qualification should be awarded on successful completion of a validated course.
115. During their time together, Rigby recognised the steely determination Gedge applied to the group.
116. It is widely recognised that the classical technique can and does prove a stable basis fur all styles of dance.
117. Pluvinel regarded all horses as individuals, and recognised that their temperaments can differ greatly.
118. During the recession some larger companies recognised a need to dispose of peripheral interests and apply the proceeds to their core businesses.
119. At last it has been recognised that there are many females within the club scene who have true potential.
120. As before many recognised the importance of the document in initiating debate on the curriculum.
121. Few people watching the tearful, scruffily-dressed woman burst through the court doors to freedom would have recognised her as a countess.
122. The Transfer Regulations do not impose a duty to consult employees in general if there is no recognised trade union.
123. None of the eight other fatal accidents claimed by the villagers has been recognised by the government.
124. This is not intended to place a greater burden on recognised bodies than on traditional practices.
125. The chief inspector recognised the classic symptoms of shock in his talkativeness, but intermingled with fear.
126. The patterns displayed are broadly similar with inversion maxima of - 1500 m recognised on both interpretations.
127. Not that I think Carrick will win very much but at least they would be recognised as serious contenders.
128. Bimpson recognised a business opportunity when he discovered that the government had secured domain names for all the schools in his borough.
129. Ted's efforts for our club were fully recognised by everyone at Crystal Palace and he was awarded a Benefit in 1920-21.
130. She recognised a few faces from Amelia's party, but most of the dead people were strangers.
131. It is recognised that in the Catholic school they will also be seen within the context of a wider and life-long catechesis.
132. He recognised the potential conflict between the ideal of education as an instrument and that of education as self-development.
133. However, the clues to the cause can lead to better ways of treating the disease as soon as they are recognised.
134. Many of these measures were later recognised as discriminatory and overturned.
135. The Jersey is certainly recognised in tropical countries as giving better results than other temperate breeds.
136. In fact, had the recognised procedure been followed, there might have been some slight additional delay.
137. Six of 10 with only such small bowel involvement were below the third centile for height when their disease was recognised.
138. The need for stimulation has been recognised and utilised by social controllers at all levels, throughout history.
139. This has now been officially recognised and it is expected that extra student places will be provided to make up the deficiency.
140. The relationship between general practitioners and district health authorities needs to be explicitly recognised as one of mutual dependence rather than competition.
141. All through the ages men have had names which recognised their prowess at arms or through some physical attribute.
142. Industrial economics Technological innovation is recognised to be an important determinant of industrial competitiveness.
142. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
143. As recognised by the conditions of engagement, the report is made to the borrower and the valuer accepts liability to him.
144. In addition to a number of internationally recognised jazz musicians the Festival attracts a number of artists and attractions from around the region.
145. One direct consequence of the amino acid changes is the well recognised reduction in dopamine and serotonin turnover.
146. But there are now several recognised cooking methods that not only maintain the standards of traditional cooking, but improve on them.
147. The same applies, of course, to other denominations and has been recognised in Britain as qualifying for state support.
148. Though most managers recognised the remarkable achievements of the machinists, the programmers were unhappy that blue collar workers remained in control.
149. It had been a brave attempt and was recognised as such.
150. 'Have you recognised him, monsieur?'.
151. Jacques Three demanded how he afterwards recognised him then?
152. Until now, China had never recognised India's 1975 annexation of Sikkim.
153. The inadequacies of the current system have already been recognised.
154. Conrad later appeared in an American Express advert of famous Americans nobody recognised.
155. Vai is a recognised beauty spot and has been used as a film location.
156. The "families" are the basic units, each holding sway over a recognised territory.
157. Hurstwood was already confronted, and recognised his friend Kenny, the stock - broker.
158. The ability of clay minerals to catalyse decarboxylation has long been recognised.
159. We recognised the problem early and provided the economy a booster shot.
160. When I recognised her in the convenience store I blushed with shame.
161. In the realm of sculpture too, the technical skill of foreign artists was long recognised.
162. On Tuesday Russia recognised the independence of the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.




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