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单词 Salvage
1 Divers hope to salvage some of the ship's cargo.
2 Salvage of the wreck was made difficult by bad weather.
3 All attempts to salvage the wrecked ship failed.
4 He fought to salvage the company's reputation .
5 Officials tried to salvage the situation.
6 They climbed up on the rock with their salvage.
7 A salvage team failed to refloat the vessel.
8 How can she salvage her reputation after the scandal?
9 What can I do to salvage my reputation?
10 They mounted a salvage operation after the fire.
11 It was a desperate attempt to salvage the situation.
12 The salvage was piled upon the pier.
13 He wondered what he could do to salvage the situation.
14 They managed to salvage only a few of their belongings from the fire.
15 They still hoped to salvage something from the wreck of their marriage.
16 We definitely wanted to salvage some pride for British tennis.
17 Once the fire has died out, the salvage team will move in.
18 Divers exploring the wreck managed to salvage some coins and jewellery.
19 We only managed to salvage two paintings from the fire.
20 A salvage team had battled for five days to refloat the ship.
21 She still hoped to salvage something from the wreckage of her marriage.
22 They managed to salvage some pride with a late goal.
23 The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil.
24 Heavy seas prevented salvage teams from landing on the wreck.
25 We found the statue in a local salvage yard.
26 Retailing and tourism can't salvage an ailing economy.
27 What is going on in salvage timber sales.
28 Salvage logging should be prohibited in sensitive areas....
29 We walk through this user-friendly dump, exchanging salvage stories.
30 After the fraud scandal he had to make great efforts to salvage his reputation.
1 Divers hope to salvage some of the ship's cargo.
2 The salvage was piled upon the pier.
31 The more dramatic was the salvage operation.
32 They have hated the salvage bill from the start.
33 A massive salvage operation was undertaken.
34 The salvage operation went on.
35 Beginning Sunday, fish bag-limit restrictions will be lifted at four lakes so that anglers can salvage fish that may be lost.
36 The growth of salvage work also leads us to ask: Who today actually are the searchers in archaeology?
37 These contracts covered the breaking down of damaged aircraft considered beyond economical repair to salvage repairable and reusable components.
38 When the review is completed, the injunction could be lifted, and salvage logging could begin in the Southwest, too.
39 The company is busy trying to salvage its core business.
40 There is now little left for the creditors to salvage from the airline's wreckage.
41 If the salvage is worthwhile then this should be taken up and disposed of to the highest bidder.
42 On important archaeological sites torn up by windblown salvage operations were carried out.
43 Two sergeants and I stayed behind to try to salvage as much as we could of our stores of food.
44 So finally, in a last-ditch attempt to salvage the exercise as a whole,(/salvage.html) the following workshop activity was developed.
45 The 499 ton salvage tug then sent out a Mayday distress call to the effect that she was on fire and sinking.
46 He would rather go down fighting, and try to salvage whatever he could from the wreckage of his dreams.
47 The Connecticut couple went to Wiedenheft and are working to salvage their marriage.
48 It was the only crumb of comfort he could salvage from the ordeal.
49 Dreadnought's anchor had come up easily enough when the salvage tug came to dispose of her.
50 Western diplomats said Mr Yeltsin could yet salvage the situation if he put a quick end to the crisis without huge casualties.
51 Only something dramatic can salvage the promise he once showed, and Norris knows he can not do it alone.
52 The probe focuses on vehicles that were intended to be stripped for salvage by the Arizona Department of Corrections.
53 There are even sections on architectural salvage, ethnic crafts and furnishings, auctions and markets.
54 A party that has shown reluctance to cut itself free of the past will need to act boldly to salvage the situation.
55 She could never hope to rescue her heart, but at least she could salvage her pride.
56 The protagonist makes efforts to salvage his crumbling psyche by identifying with the languages of authority.
57 It was argued that the fierce weather which had prevented a salvage operation also helped break up the oil.
58 Celia tried to salvage what she could, but she knew few of the journalists personally.
59 In the whole gut of course, the reduction of this net sodium secretion by colonic salvage should be considered.
60 Try your local architectural salvage merchants, who collect artefacts from old house and gardens.
61 The changes in ownership by salvage operation between franchise rounds have already been mentioned.
62 In this care study I have endeavoured to show some aspects of the unique role of the nurse described by Salvage.
63 The developers have planned for the salvage and reuse of the building's decorations.
64 How does the archaeologist set about locating sites, other than through documentary sources and salvage work?
65 The aerospace companies, and the elected representatives of their employees, are keen to salvage what jobs they may.
66 The costs for a salvage project are colossal, and the clues unearthed by a researcher can make or break a project.
67 By daylight we could try to dry out whatever we had managed to salvage.
68 Finally the salvage value of the new equipment at the end of its expected useful life is reflected.
69 The fire had destroyed most of the building, but we managed to salvage a few valuable items.
70 Steve Pierce at the Massachusetts Republican convention and needed to win the primary to salvage the nomination.
71 Navy salvage experts used sonar to help locate the area of submerged wreckage.
71 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
72 It has an expected useful life of ten years, after which its estimated salvage value would be $ 10, 000.
73 However, to try to salvage these items would be very costly.
74 Abercrombie's work is not alone in its attempt to salvage the sociology of knowledge in recent years.
75 A British salvage company has located a Russian wreck.
76 Sacrifice and Contribution to General Average and Salvage Charges.
77 A Russian salvage company has located a German wreck.
78 the salvage of the wrecked tanker.
79 Russian salvage company has located a German wreck.
80 British salvage company has located a Russian wreck.
81 Perhaps we can still salvage my croquet set.
82 Social and safe net composing with the insurance, salvage with serve etc. to against the risk function regular with not regular system.
83 If a salving ship is owned or operated by the carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if such salving ship or ships belonged to strangers.
84 Long lead - times , short sales period , low salvage value and volatile markets etc characterize perishable goods.
85 Shortly before Christmas last year, a FedEx box arrived at Blum's salvage emporium, sent by Carbone.
86 It is not possible to try to salvage or change the polarity correctly by charging.
87 A retailer wants to empty the inventory during a sale season due to that the salvage value of any unsold item is zero.
88 We also practise in collision, salvage and crew personal injuries matters.
89 The cost of returning items to owners is "significant, " he says, much more than the income received from the salvage company.
90 Quality control of color picture tubes may require the salvage and reuse of the glass envelopes.
91 Vagrants and beggardom have changed from quantity to the quantity since "the salvage and manage way to the vagrants and beggardom in cities" issuing for enforcement.
92 Conclusion Clear and definite diagnosis, quick organization, rea sonable division of work, early treatment and careful nursing are the key points of successful salvage.
93 Sacrifice in and Contribution to General Average and Salvage Charges.
94 COSPAS-SARSAT system is one part of the GMDSS, which plays an important role in aspect of rescue and salvage at sea.
95 "Salvage charges" means the charges recoverable under maritime law by a salvor independently of contract.
96 British and Spanish authorities joined forces to try to salvage the bulk carrier, but the ship was a total loss.
97 To investigate the methods and clinical efficacy of limb salvage in treatment for long bone tumors.
98 Once an enterprise decides the useful life or expected net salvage value of the fixed asset, it shall not change it randomly except that the provisions of Article 19 of these Standards are meet.
99 A comparison between methylphenidate and physostigmine in the salvage of acute antipsychotics toxicosis.
100 A salvage crew on Saturday recovered the ship's second severed half, its bow, after raising its stern on April 15.
101 We find that the contracts are different with different values of two system parameters: the probability regarding the collector's type and the salvage value of core.
101 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
102 During the salvage operations, the salvor and the salved party and the master are under an obligation to exercise due care to prevent or minimize pollution damage to the environment.
103 If any change is made to the useful life, expected net salvage value or the depreciation method of a fixed asset, it shall be regarded as a change of the accounting estimates.
104 Coacervation paint : Can condensation polymerization quickly for the paint when construction not sediment, salvage easy.
105 At the same time ministry of Transport will further strengthen capacity - building salvage.
106 Quality control color picture tubes may require the salvage and reuse of the glass envelopes.
107 To meet the request of bobbin yarn winding used by shuttleless loom's selvage, a new-type winding machine of bobbin yarn on shuttleless loom's salvage is developed.
108 Salvage contracts on Lloyd's Open Form(LOF)and China Maritime Arbitration Commission Standard Form("Beijing Form")are the most frequently used forms of salvage contracts in China.
109 Article 33 In respect of the computation of depreciation of fixed assets, the salvage value shall first be estimated and deducted from the original cost of the assets.
110 The astronaut makes an final attempt to salvage secondary planet.
111 Salvage operations have been greatly assisted by the good weather conditions.
112 According to the salvage plan, Kursk will be secured beneath a number of specially designed pontoons to be ferried to a dry dock in Murmansk, the base of Russia's Northern Fleet, for examination.
113 Our business includes offshore oil engineering, marine project management , labor export, ocean towage and wreck salvage service.
114 Objective To report salvage and nursing of one case of mitral valve sacculus dilation (PBMV) complicated heart jam.
115 Salvage procedure. Medical leech attached to the congested replanted tongue segment.
116 And, if that cannot be done, he says, items are sold to a salvage company.
117 The salvage ship often carry out salvation operation on the scurviness sae, then cause prodigious risk to the salvation sailors.
118 To investigate the points of measures about emergency salvage and nurse of severe valium poison.
119 The doctrine of No cure no pay has been widely applied in the world and become a basic principle of international law on salvage at sea.
120 Where the insurer is liable for salvage charges the extent of his liability must be determined on the like principle.
121 Once the loosening of pedicle screw occurs, the traditional PMMA augmentation or lateral wing screw with kyphoplasty-assisted PMMA augmentation may serve as a suitable salvage technique.
122 Conclusion Thiopental with mechanical respiration can efficiently control the occurrence of convulsion and successfully promote the salvage rate of the seriously poisoned patients.
123 Objectives To study the nursing during salvage of patients with Gelsemium elegans Benth poisoning.
124 Apparently, a team of scientists were able to salvage a fragment of Ymir's Heart, and use it to lauch part of Juperos into the sky.
125 The salvage of the ship and cargo was under way.
126 The heat damage led to cracking through the cylinder wall. Salvage was not possible.
127 One stage reimplantation for the salvage of infected total knee arthroplasty in 8 patients was reviewed at an average follow up of 20.1 months late infections occurred in 7 (87.5%) patients.
128 Interpretation of salvage dividend policy, digging behind the value of news!
129 Conclusion This electronic consultation system of the poisoning salvage guide helps clinic to solve hard questions, it's a good teacher for medical members.
130 The system is expected to last 10 years, and have no salvage value at the end of the period.
131 The limitation period for claims with regard to salvage at sea is two years, counting from the day on which the salvage operation was completed.
132 Conclusion MFPR is a safe and effective minimally invasive technique and it is also an effective salvage measure to multifetation .
133 Article 22 An enterprise shall adjust its expected net salvage value of the fixed assets for sale.
134 After the cold war had ended, the US sends out a Virginia level nuclear-powered submarine to go to this sea area, attempts to salvage this submarine.
135 Deng Xiaoping is fighting to salvage his reforms in China, and Mikhail Gorbvachev's glasnost and perestroika seem to be ending in anarchy and economic ruin.
136 Objective To evaluate the vascularised gastrocnemius, soleus muscle flap grafting in limb salvage for proximal tibial malignant tumor.
137 Subject to any express provision in the policy, salvage charges incurred in preventing a loss by perils insured against may be recovered as a loss by those perils.
138 If a salving ship is owned or operated by the Carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if the salving ship belonged to strangers.
139 Rarely has a late Liverpool equaliser at Anfield been celebrated with such delight than when Neil Ruddock powered home a brave header to salvage a point against champions Manchester United.
140 Apportionment of remuneration for salvage is a pivotal aspect in the system of salvage at sea.
141 Poor testicular salvage rate was the result of delayed presentation at this department in most cases.
142 Analyses and researches the signification of the salvage payment in salvage at sea, also discusses concerned rules in the related clauses of the Chinese Maritime Code of PRC.
143 We have also shown that all units of a given item should be retained if the salvage price is less than or equal to the minimum economic salvage value.
144 A salvage from the bottom up, from a top - down fishing.
145 Managers should focus on promising growth opportunities, not fritter away energy trying to salvage fading ones.
146 In both the examples above, there is an estimated salvage value.
147 The Roman Empire's police system, set up by Augustus, contained the elite-Huskarl, urban corps and salvage corps . Its main task was maintaining social order and security in capital areas.
148 Sacrifice in and contribution to general average, and salvage charges resulting from the above mentioned accidents as well as other reasonable expenses in salvaging the cargoes from perils.
149 And it has wide prospection of commercial and applying in the field of communication, instrument, medicinal apparatus, salvage, avigation and so on.
150 Even today, they are still countries in the world treasure salvage company and the search for the important goals.
151 Hereupon reporter will help a station address to tell that man, and gave him the fare, instruct he instanter takes 24 road cars or dozen of to the gulf salvage station in Liao's home.
152 Salvage at sea is a particular legal mechanism in maritime law, as compared to other laws.
153 LIP is one of the treatments to salvage vision in patients with incomplete ophthalmic artery occlusion if no contraindications for thrombolysis exist.
154 In and out she ran to salvage her things until her hair caught fire.
155 Salvage at sea is a particular system of maritime law.
156 Chantal was lucky to be able to salvage her career.
157 Conclusions Use great dose of acetamide can improve the successful rates of salvage, it can avoid the local stimulation effect of injection, has better effect.
158 You'll have to sift through all of it to see what you can salvage.
159 General average, salvage and salvage charges payable in full irrespective of insured value.
160 Salvage Value The estimated value that an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
161 To setup the volunteer salvage corps and provide skill training to the team members.
161 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
162 Vessel is owned or operated by the Carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if the said salving Vessel belonged to strangers.
163 If there is any difference between the amount of expected net salvage value and the previously estimated amount of the net salvage value, the expected net salvage value shall be adjusted.
164 Salvage expenses, expenses for forced discharge and reloading of the cargo, etc. and other extra expenses.
165 Meantime speedy salvage and relaunching of sunk or damaged landing craft would be imperative.
166 Expenses incurred by or on behalf of the assured for the safety or preservation of the subject matter insured, other than general average and salvage charges, are called particular charges.
167 Location info is private, and there's over 142 salvage yards in the tristate area alone.
168 Actions claiming salvage money come under the jurisdiction of the people's court at the place of the salvage or at the port where the salvaged ship first arrived.
169 Maritime salvage charges litigation, where the defendant has his domicile or court of jurisdiction?
170 In addition to the fleetness connects single root, can also use at salvage the homework, search direction or demands the slow the artesian well tool that turn last, and drill the size rat hole use.
171 It has no salvage value but is expected to last another five years.
172 Objective: To compared the influence on lymphocyte subset among three type of transfusion acute normovolemic hemodilution, intraoperative blood salvage, allogenic transfusion.
173 Article 175 A contract for salvage operations at sea is concluded when an agreement has been reached between the salvor and the salved party regarding the salvage operations to be undertaken.
174 McGee is a hard-nosed "salvage expert" — actually a private eye who lives on a boat (called The Busted Flush) and is one of the most memorable detective characters since Sherlock Holmes.
175 Chapter 4: The study of law issue of public service ship in salvage at sea.
176 On Monday, a salvage team on board was assessing how best to salvage the ship in what will likely be a difficult operation, the state's leader, Anna Bligh, told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.
177 Salvage at sea is a particular legal system in maritime law, as compared to other laws.
178 Article 188 After the completion of the salvage operation, the party salved shall, at the request of the salvor, provide satisfactory security for salvage reward and other charges.
179 Total claviculectomy may be a useful salvage procedure for clinical situations in which the restoration of normal clavicular osseous anatomy is impossible.
180 Limb salvage was achieved in these six patients and their ambulation was restored.
181 Diplomats are still hoping to salvage something from the meeting.
182 Some waste can be sold and has a salvage value.




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