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单词 Shield
1, The wise man's tongue is a shield, not a sword. 
2, The immune system is our body's shield against infection.
3, This car polish is an effective shield against rust.
4, The sword glanced off the knight's shield.
5, The hostages were used as a human shield .
6, Look for something that can act as a shield, like a dustbin lid.
7, Water is not an effective shield against the sun's more harmful rays.
8, The gunman used the hostages as a human shield .
9, She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.
10, He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight.
11, The king's shield was emblazoned with his family coat of arms.
12, The sword glanced off the shield and did not damage it.
13, Dark glasses are an effective shield against the glare.
14, A heat shield protects the worker's hands.
15, You can't shield her from the truth forever.
16, She tried to shield her child from harm.
17, Our school won the county football shield this year.
18, I tried to shield him against prying journalists.
19, You can't shield this criminal from prosecution.
20, The knight carried a shield with a cross painted thereupon.
21, Her parents always tried to shield her from the realities of the world.
22, He moved his shield quickly(),(http:///shield.html) and the sword glanced off.
23, She raised her hand to shield her eyes against the sun.
24, Despite the introduction of a security shield on the new £10 stamp, counterfeits are costing the postal service millions of pounds a year.
25, She intended to shield the child from the bad information.
26, These trees will shield off arid winds and protect the fields.
27, Women will often lie to shield even the most abusive partner.
28, She held her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun.
29, The cavalry wore a suit of light armour and carried a shield.
30, The nose of the space capsule is protected by a heat shield.
1, The immune system is our body's shield against infection.
2, The sword glanced off the knight's shield.
3, The hostages were used as a human shield .
4, Look for something that can act as a shield, like a dustbin lid.
5, Water is not an effective shield against the sun's more harmful rays.
6, The gunman used the hostages as a human shield .
7, She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.
8, He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight.
9, Dark glasses are an effective shield against the glare.
10, The knight carried a shield with a cross painted thereupon.
11, She intended to shield the child from the bad information.
12, These trees will shield off arid winds and protect the fields.
31, The ozone layer forms a shield against harmful solar rays.
32, The police officer fended off the blows with his riot shield.
33, They are accused of trying to shield the General from US federal investigators.
34, The anti-personnel mines were laid as a protective shield around the town.
35, He held up the newspaper to shield his eyes from the sun.
36, The knight's shield was emblazoned with his coat of arms.
37, Military bases were protected by captured enemy soldiers who were housed there as a human shield.
38, She did not recognize the coat of arms on his shield.
39, I bad shot that arrow and pierced her shield.
40, Don't rely exclusively on shade as a shield.
41, My shield went down to block it.
42, Not a shield to offer children protection.
43, Two victories hold a shield above an altar.
44, Luckily, my shield was heavily built.
45, The oral shield is quite large and arrow shaped.
46, The oral shield is a large, rounded arrow shape.
47, The oral shield is oblong to rhombic.
48, WEAPONS/ARMOUR: Gorfang Rotgut wears light armour and carries a shield.
49, She was clutching a large handbag on her lap as if it was a shield.
50, Also the improvised heat shield covering the main compartment can be seen over the top of the station.
51, Perseus on his winged sandals hovered above them, looking, however,() only at the shield.
52, Minerva, like Athene, was usually depicted wearing a helmet and armour and carrying a lance and shield.
53, He used one end to shield his mouth from the smoke and wrapped the other around the fingers of his free hand.
54, Tran believes that low prices are his best shield against competitors.
55, The oral shield is oval to rounded pentagonal with the distal edge fringed by granules or low spinelets.
56, Rachel put both her hands up to shield her eyes from the sun.
57, The oral shield may be rounded and triangular or distally lobed and like a blunt flattened arrow head.
58, Instead of bowling the ball, which bore a small silver shield, Mr Cottle threw it at a low-flying swan.
59, I kept my head down and the heavy bag well to the fore as a protective shield.
60, This practice involves fund managers switching securities between accounts to shield favoured clients from losses to the detriment of others.
61, Beneath them the underside of the command module comprised a specially designed shield that protected them from the heat of re-entry.
62, The oral shield is rhombic but often with an obtuse proximal angle and a convex distal edge.
63, They were already well within the shield zone and, had the barge been hostile, it could have inflicted untold damage.
64, The oral shield is approximately rounded triangular, often with an acute proximal angle and a distal projection.
65, He held his portable telephone like a shield, it proved his power and superiority.
66, Even so, that by-election victor, Mrs Elizabeth Shield, scored an impressive 22,449.
67, One tactic is simply to shield the device, by enclosing it in a metal or plastic box of low impedance.
68, This impairs the efficiency of the braided shield and renders the cable open to interference.
69, Congress will meet to discuss the fate of the US nuclear defense shield.
70, Green Shield will shortly cease their gifts so please send in what you have.
71, Instead, it forms a huge domed shield on the front of which are two bean-shaped compound eyes.
72, Measures are usually taken to shield the investigator from environmental radiation rather than to prevent the radiation escaping from the source.
73, Congress no longer can choose Supreme Court nominees -- a cozy practice that helped shield legislators from judicial scrutiny.
74, There was even some laughter when one of the thieves picked up a little girl to use as a human shield.
75, Before operating this machine, make sure the safety shield is in place.
76, In the civil case, the plaintiffs sought to shield him from such harsh treatment by limiting the scope of his testimony.
77, On the side of the cockpit scuttle is emblazoned a yellow shield with a black prancing horse.
77, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
78, In turn the forward heat shield contained four slots into which the legs of the launch escape tower would fit.
79, The Shield of Cold does not protect against magical attacks of any kind but only against ordinary missile weapons.
80, Denis says they're using the children as a human shield.
81, Vegetation indirectly created the protective ozone shield by pumping oxygen into the atmosphere.
82, But it also requires a heat shield to protect it during aerobraking.
83, The bishop never took off his suit jacket or removed the glittering cuff links engraved with his episcopal shield.
84, The sensors in the Gunnery Sergeant's shield flashed and his head was encased in a yellow glow.
85, This ironclad shield was pierced by ten gun ports, the largest guns being designed for 9-inch shells.
86, My footwear is an impressive snake shield of thick leather.
87, The trappings of prominent elected offices do not shield the occupants from the challenges, temptations and failures of daily life.
88, Uranium shutters, that shield the cobalt radioactive source until the patient is in position, were found to be crumbling.
89, By progressively melting and falling off, an ablative heat shield can form a very effective protective barrier.
90, But this compromises the once-sacrosanct principle that used to shield doctor-patient communications from public view.
91, As the rocket staged the shield was finally ripped away from the rocket, taking the solar panel with it.
92, WEAPONS/ARMOUR: Magnus wears a suit of heavy armour with shield and carries a sword.
93, The knife dropped from Grant's nerveless fingers and he staggered back, throwing up his right arm to shield his face.
94, Both terms refer to styles of depicting the arms of spouses on a single shield.
95, Eleventh-century Norman knight with chain mail coat, kite-shaped shield, sword and long lance which could be used from horseback.
96, I wanted to shield her from evil and provide for her every need.
97, No: three Counsellors were concentrating on him, keeping him pinned behind his shield of stones.
98, The adoral shields are slightly wing-like, not or just separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate.
99, Ivanov proposed multilateral talks to assess the threats that prompted the United States to consider developing a missile shield.
100, In addition to the shield which will be displayed in the club Paul received a travel clock as a personal prize.
101, But the sign acts as shield as well as pointer.
102, Far more than the shield is the pleasure I get on the field... The joy of the chase is greater than the result of the race. RVM 
103, If a moon show a silver shield, Be not afraid to mow the field.
104, He had organized the trophy-winning darts team, who had now held the local shield for a record five consecutive years.
105, The lion mauls the warrior, who is desperately trying to fend him off with his knees and shield.
106, Martin Offiah has been fined £250 for snubbing the medal ceremony after the Charity Shield.
107, Morrissey armed himself with a self made shield of absolute and utter confidence.
108, The arched door, bearing the same lion and shield as Nicolo's plane, opened on to an enclosed atrium.
109, The oral shields are large and arrow shaped but in some specimens the shield may be more rounded.
110, His bones lay in an engraved gold casket, with his armour, sceptre and shield close by.
111, Then the crew could enter the station and cover part of the main body with a Mylar heat shield.
112, The adoral shields are slightly curved large and occupying a large portion of the jaw proximal to the oral shield.
113, The aquifer has no shield of impermeable clay and the proposed artificial barriers would not guarantee success.
114, The long north frieze shows a Gigantomachy, and on one Giant's shield is cut a signature.
115, Well, that depends whether you'd rather shield them from such things or prepare them for it.
116, Rawlie sat next to him, in an old chair with a back shaped like a shield.
117, The oral shield is variable ranging from a lozenge to a flattened triangle.
118, The latest addition is International Blue Shield, aiming to provide rapid reaction teams when an unexpected threat emerges.
119, And just as the gated community concept aggravated the problem it purported to solve, so might the missile shield.
120, The use of a heat shield made from asteroidal materials is highly attractive because it reduces propulsion requirements.
121, By now his feet ached, and his naked chest was frozen as senseless as an iron shield.
122, And they do have the option of using a shield and not using the halberd.
123, It was to be a shield of freedom to protect the emancipated slave against abuses from the states.
124, Morrissey, in particular, would lock himself away behind a shield of management statements and subsequent verbal minders.
125, Neith: goddess of Sais and a divinity of warfare, with her early symbols of a bow and arrows and shield.
126, On the campaign trail, he promised to build a national defensive shield against missiles.
127, In return for this support the king granted Stamford the permission to use the royal coat of arms on the borough shield.
128, These networks put a high premium on education and formed a strong protective shield for those who had gone far from home.
129, In heraldry the shield is described from the aspect of its bearer, not its viewer.
130, It moved sinuously, dancing round its adversary, thrusting with a slender spear and protecting itself gracefully with a brightly-polished shield.
131, He was quite fearless ... he was an inspiration ... he was my closest friend, my strength and shield.
132, I personally think the strength bonus their weapon gives more than compensates for their lack of a shield.
133, Nevertheless, the vastly expanded social contacts removed a shield of isolation from village life.
134, Incorporation certainly does not provide a shield against actions brought against surveyors for professional negligence.
135, Paris struck first, but Menelaus caught the swift spear on his shield, then hurled his own.
136, Aluminised heat shield panels allow hot a engine and pipes to be covered immediately.
137, But the shield held, long enough for the glowing meteor to come to rest.
138, The irony is that the costly approval-procedures which drug firms so regularly complain about can be their best shield against liability claims.
139, He is a mighty champion, an unbreakable shield against the darkness.
140, The oral shield is large and distinctly pentagonal, the proximal angle is often very acute.
141, Jones's lawyers contend that the case was intended only to shield presidents from lawsuits over official acts.
142, It will surround the caster and any unit they are with with a shield of intense coldness.
143, Terry Nicholson's side had conceded eight goals in two previous defeats by the Co Antrim Shield holders.
144, The oral shield is basically rhombic but in some specimens the distal lobe is produced and the plate becomes arrow shaped.
145, Miriam had to shield the candle-flame with her hand as it fluttered wildly.
146, Initiative supporters say fraudulent execs should not be allowed to hide behind a corporate shield.
147, His pristine shield with the glittering cross was scarred and broken by blows of which he had no recollection.
148, The spacecraft was fitted with a heat shield.
149, Another option is a stick-on, anti-glare shield .
150, Remove exhaust heat shield from down pipe.
151, YS-1005A K3P-J3PXM Audio Cable OFC conductor, shield density 95%, and cannon plug ensure minimum transmission distortion and exceptional disturbance resistance.
152, Factory workshop of the company holding the shield spot welders, fitters gloves hitting, drilling workers dig wearing flat mirror, wearing sunglasses cutting gas cutting work.
153, If a triaxial vacuum feedthrough is unavailable, a metal safety shield should be built around the isolated BNC connection (Figure 4-18).
154, With triax cable, the inner shield can be driven at guard potential in order to reduce cable leakage and minimize circuit rise times.
155, You effectively get what I like to call, shammy shield wall, when you time pain suppression and Shamanistic rage, which is given staying power by the dispel protection given by pain suppression.
156, The paper parses the principle of measuring shield machine azimuth and deduces shield machine attitude parameter formulas based on TMB guidance system SLS-T from VMT Gmbh in Germany.
157, The interval shield tunnel of Urban transit line 11 in Shanghai is situated closely under the group piles of the National Key Laboratory for Ocean Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
158, Shortly before the uninhabited space station reached orbit in .May 1973,aeroaynamic pressure ripped off a meteoroid and heat shield.
159, Developed a special shield support for fast withdrawing mining face.
160, If the stock fund as a spear attack, the bond fund is a shield of defense.
161, Apply to power cord, shield wire, computer cable etc. With full stripping or Half-Stripping select as need.
162, General: Leather gloves, safety shoes, and safety glasses for handling cylinders. Face shield, acid-resistant gloves, and splash suit when connecting, disconnecting, or opening cylinders.
163, Profession supply whole heat insulation scheme and heat shield material.
164, "For years, we hid behind our press IDs (identification cards) as a shield against danger in covering conflict areas in the southern Philippines," broadcast journalist Ed Lingao told Reuters.
165, A welder's kit contains electrode holder, welding torch, helmet shield, portable electrode heating box and.
166, The developed welding power source ZX5-800Dshows a satisfactory performance in the welding process of TIG. Shield metal arc, submerged arc and the. carbon arc ...
167, Aztec spear throwing unit . Armed throwing spears and a macana club . Protected a small shield.
167, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
168, Her ability to use her body to shield off defenders is remarkable but she also has the ability to put the ball in the back of the net. She's developed into an all-round, fantastic player.
169, Face Value touch Duo features enhanced body coverage with a thin, hard plastic face shield that leaves the screen fully usable.
170, Is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China U shield reeve computer back light that one sprains?
171, The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field.
172, Objective to probe the method of autologous conchal cartilage shield graft in nasal augmentation.
173, It is comprised of multiple stage centrifugal pump, double stage gas separator, protector, submersible motor, guard shield and setting gas separator.
174, The king's shield emblazoned with his family coat of arms.
175, The city rose to prominence under Pakal, a club-footed king who reigned from 615 to 683 AD, represented by hieroglyphs of sun and shield, he is also referred to as Sun Shield or White Macaw.
176, In addition to safety glasses with side shields or goggles, a face shield helps prevent flying debris from striking your face.
177, Columbia was destroyed and its seven astronauts killed because of heat shield damage on the ship's wing caused by foam falling off the fuel tank during launch.
178, Depending on the task to be completed you can wear goggles, a face shield or everyday safety glasses.
179, The non - debt tax shield assumes the inverse correlation with three debts.
180, Order ye the buckler and shield, and draw near to battle.
181, Fast Fourier Translation and FRF of impulse function are applied to research the transverse seismic response of shield tunnel, with step-by-step integral procedure being compared.
182, In either case, the outer shield must not be allowed to float more than 30Vrms (42.4V peak) above chassis ground for safety considerations.
183, A coaxial cable consists of a single conductor surrounded by a shield (Figure 2-54a), while a triaxial cable adds a second shield around the first (Figure 2-54b).
184, And through the electric shield, the magnetic shield, the electromagnetic screen design introduced the electronic control system shield design mentality, the method and the skill.
185, The kid moved to the side and used Jay as a shield for Terrance's haymaker.
186, Nothing can remove the marks, including Ice Block, Divine Shield, Divine Intervention, or Flask of Petrification.
187, The invention relates to an exhaust unit of the vacuum cleaner, which can shield the air outlet of the aspirator, as a result avoids the unclean part exposure and beautifies its appearance.
188, He now regards these scruffy photographs as his shield and buckler.
189, At that he loosed his string and sent a shaft hum-ming, to glance off a retainer's shield harmlessly.
190, Network Shield - Provider SettingsNetwork Shield provider protects your computer from Internet worm attacks.
191, A typical shield placed around a conductor and grounded at one end has little if any effect on the magnetically induced voltage in that conductor.
192, These trees will shield off winds and protect the fields.
193, After the Battle of Hoth, Major Bren Derlin led the commando team arranged by Han Solo to destroy the shield generator protecting the second Death Star over Endor.
194, To shield the transgene from the affection of chromosomal position effect and improve its expression efficiency, another cHS4 insulator was inserted into the upstream of transgene cassette.
195, Today chock - shield support is extensively used to control the superjacent strata of longwall face.
196, Nyamuragira is a shield volcano and one of Africa's most active.
197, At the same time I wished to shield her conduct from censure.
198, I found out after , Hymie got me out from the shield.
199, Also depicted is the selection of winding type, winding arrangement, decoupling, shield as well as structure design in combination with the main transformer for "Blue Arrow".
200, Like most missile troops they are lightly armoured, although they have a large shield.
201, An analysis is made of seepage forces around shield under river by finite differential method and the stability factor of workface with regard to seepage effects is deduced.
202, Here is a detailed description on how to shield the railway from Shuangqiaomen Grade Separation construction to stay normal operation of Ning-Wu Railway.
203, Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, none more so then the Genoese . These wealthy militia are equipped with brigandine armour, a large Pavise style shield, and a sword.
204, "The energy shield failed, " Qui-Gon said. "And the armor plating peeled off.
205, The body fabric is also waterproof, stain proof and anti - bacterially treated with Dry Shield.
206, Data integration is to shield the heterogeneity, to provide a uniform interface to a multitude of data sources.
207, Drain wire is provided to make the shield reliably grounded .
208, Once the Helio-TA-sis Line is opened within the Veca, it opens within the Kathara templates within all Veca matter forms connected (via Arc Seal and Shield) to the Golden Fleece Buffer Field.
209, This face shield for furnaceman is characterized by fireproof, light resistance, heat insulation, it is suitable for people who work at high-temperature condition in metallurgical industry.
210, The shield method is often used for the inflowing and draining shield tunnels in the construction of power plants.
211, Before long, Orion is jarred by the release of its large heat shield.
212, Even Mr. Guo's immense popularity could not shield him after one of his assistants got in a brawl with a Beijing television reporter last summer.




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