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单词 Leisure
1. Marry in haste, and repent at leisure
2. Idle folks have the least leisure
3. Marry in haste, repent at leisure
4. None but a wise man can employ leisure well. 
5. Lazy folks [people] have the least leisure
6. The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 
7. The busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time). 
8. Time stays not the fool's leisure.
9. Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.
10. I have not a moment's leisure.
11. We've been working all week without a moment's leisure.
12. What do you do in your leisure time?
13. Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time.
14. You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens.
15. We have more leisure than our parents had.
16. Please glance over it at your leisure.
17. He read books at his leisure.
18. Originally, Hatfield had been intended as a leisure complex.
19. Life today is compartmentalized into work and leisure.
20. He likes leisure and hates work.
21. The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have. William Hazlitt 
22. Wealth may be an excellent thing, for it means power, leisure, and liberty. 
23. Wealth may be an exscellent thing, for it means power. leisure, and liberty. 
24. The most busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time). 
25. The money will enable us to upgrade the town's leisure facilities.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.
27. As for me, if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water.
28. The more we do, the more we can do. The busier we are, the more leisure we have.
29. Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time .
30. He put the idea by until he was at leisure to consider it carefully.
1. Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.
2. What do you do in your leisure time?
3. The money will enable us to upgrade the town's leisure facilities.
4. Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time.
5. Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time .
6. You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens.
7. They thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably.
31. I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.
32. Modern life is compartmentalized into work and leisure.
33. I am seldom at leisure.
34. Let's have lunch so we can talk at leisure.
35. What did you do with yourself in leisure time?
36. She's a lady of leisure now that she's retired.
37. Leisure is usually defined in opposition to work.
38. Leisure is often defined in opposition to work.
39. Life today is rigidly compartmentalized into work and leisure.
40. Spend the afternoon at leisure in the town centre.
41. Football occupies most of my leisure time.
42. I could do with more leisure time.
43. We went to a party at the leisure centre.
44. Make the most of your leisure time!
45. They thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably.
46. There's a good range of leisure facilities.
47. These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.
48. It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure.
49. You can take the documents home and study them at leisure.
50. On the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure.
51. Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.
52. I'll take the report home and read it at leisure.
53. He could read all the national papers at his leisure.
54. The Leisure Center is a long and low modern building.
55. So you're a lady of leisure now that the kids are at school?
55. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
56. I suggest you take the forms away and read them at your leisure.
57. The leisure facilities are there for the use of guests.
58. Plans to turn the site into a £600 million leisure complex have met with stiff opposition .
59. A copy of the report is available for you to peruse at your leisure.
60. The town lacks leisure facilities such as a swimming pool or squash courts.
61. Reading books does not rate highly among Britons as a leisure activity.
62. The hotel offers various leisure facilities such as a swimming pool and sauna.
63. She had a job which never got in the way of her leisure interests.
64. Take the leaflets home and read them at your leisure.
65. All this extra work I'm doing is breaking into my leisure time.
66. The town has one of the best leisure complexes in the country.
67. The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure.
68. They're seldom at leisure.
69. Watching television is now the nation's most popular leisure activity .
70. I don't have much opportunity for leisure pursuits these days.
71. If fishing is not to your taste, there are many other leisure activities on offer.
72. You can't have it both ways - you either work longer and get paid more or have more leisure time and get paid less.
73. Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.
74. With a car he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the country or seaside on the weekends.
75. You will have full use of all the new leisure club facilities.
76. The hotel has its own pool and leisure facilities .
77. The leisure industry is now an important part of the economy.
78. I scarcely have leisure for/ to play tennis this afternoon.
79. The coming of television brought about a revolution in people's leisure activities.
80. The town has little in the way of leisure facilities.
81. Come round for lunch and then we can discuss it at leisure.
82. This follows private negotiations between the landowner, and the leisure centre.
83. Consumption skills are an important determinant of leisure behaviour.
84. Indoor leisure pool, adventure playground, shop and launderette.
85. Days 12-15 Mombasa At leisure in your beach resort.
86. For further information contact the Valley Leisure Centre.
87. A new hotel and leisure centre.
88. Unemployment, or increased leisure time(), poses different challenges.
89. Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. Lord Byron 
90. As a gentleman of leisure it was a breeze.
91. The whole atmosphere was tastefulness and leisure.
92. Local Activities: walks, golf, fishing, leisure centre.
93. Virtually everywhere, the fundamentals are sound: the number of older people is growing and they are spending more on leisure.
94. Lakeside leisure complex with pool and extensive health and fitness facilities.
95. The main topics covered are finance, health and leisure, together with the social aspects of adjusting to retirement.
96. I knew the language, the dress codes, what the leisure weekend activites were.
97. The new leisure complex has a sauna, jacuzzi, swimming pool and tennis courts.
98. Projects in the pipeline include office buildings, leisure facilities and a chain of hamburger bars.
99. It exasperated his grandmother to see this forceful spirit drifting like a rudderless boat, directed neither to work nor to leisure.
100. Take, for example, listening to music, which many people see as a leisure activity.
101. For clubs in decent pitches though, offices or leisure complexes on part of their land can also provide cash.
102. Joanna, 25, walked into the leisure centre where she works at 7am yesterday after vanishing on Tuesday.
103. Make a deliberate effort to develop enjoyable leisure activities and hobbies.
104. The warning follows tests of pools at schools, hotels, holiday camps and leisure centres in 196 local authorities.
105. The typical leisure wear at the ryokan is a blue and white cotton robe known as a yukata provided by the management.
106. Consider downloading the article bodies along with the headers to read offline at your leisure.
107. Likewise, many aspects of leisure and voluntary associations associated with residential location belong in the sphere of civil society.
108. The creative use of existing clubs and leisure facilities could go much of the way to addressing this concern.
109. A major factor with significant explanatory power for both participation and intensity is the leisure orientation of the consumer.
110. Several high-profile companies collapsed, including Qunitext, a television and leisure resort company headed by Christopher Skase.
111. The leisure centre has been at the centre of a compensation wrangle since serious building defects were discovered last year.
112. He leaves at the end of this year to start a career in leisure management.
113. Leogang also has a super leisure and fitness centre, with a heated open-air swimming pool.
114. Masonry diaphragm walling is a popular form of loadbearing wall construction for leisure and commercial buildings.
115. Nowadays, prisons are like leisure complexes,(http:///leisure.html) with snooker tables and televisions.
116. The leisure time of teenage boys is spent wandering in the forest, from house to house, and in hammock gossip.
117. And the leisure department is to be ordered on to a tough economy drive, paring back all unnecessary expenditure.
118. Disney's quest is to conquer the worlds of entertainment and leisure.
119. Those that are wounded and stunned will be consumed by the swordfish at leisure, circling round any that start to sink.
120. Sporting and leisure facilities include golf, tennis, riding, restaurants, bars, nightclubs.
121. Attitudes were formed as much in shared leisure as by individual endeavour.
122. It is an exhibition designed to attract and reflect all aspects of health and leisure activities.
123. Membership of leisure clubs is on the increase due to a growing demand for professional instruction in keeping fit.
124. Overall, we forecast an increase in leisure spending of almost 15 percent between now and 1995.
125. Again and again he paints the crowd's attempts at leisure as feeble reproductions of the discipline of the factory.
126. Fourthly, a successful terminal at Stratford would inevitably and inexorably encroach on the Lea Valley regional park and reduce leisure facilities.
127. This concept may be equally applicable in other sectors, such as services and information-ultimately producing more leisure time.
128. Many hotels will incorporate leisure facilities in the form of fitness centres or nightclubs, or both.
129. Also comfortable walking distance of the Lanes, theatres, cinemas, and leisure centre.
130. Her leisure interests include step aerobics, badminton and the theatre, both musicals and comedy.
131. The unprecedented downpour deluged the nearby Spiceball Park Leisure centre.The building was evacuated, as flood water filled the basement.
132. Members heard that leisure facilities such as fishing and boating will be improved by permanent fishing platforms and a proper jetty.
133. Childless couples may use their extra time for leisure and their extra money for consumption rather than for investment.
134. Instead of automated leisure, enforced unemployment was on its way back.
135. The reason for their very big standard errors become clearer from the specification of the leisure effects.
136. The importance of disabled people being able to integrate into a wide range of leisure facilities in the community was recognised.
137. Joanna suddenly wandered into the leisure centre 36 hours later.
138. Older people have disposable income and leisure time, key factors in their willingness and ability to buy and use computers.
139. The developers now need social facilities and infrastructure, such as schools(), open space and leisure facilities to support their own schemes.
140. History is a priceless preparation for citizenship, work, and leisure.
141. Charity dip: Hundreds of swimmers raised more than £1,000 for Cleveland charities in a superswim at Eston leisure centre.
142. But this new freedom is not an invitation to a life of leisure.
143. The company's application to build a billion dollar leisure complex has been granted by city hall.
144. Alternatives to skiing include a leisure pool, curling and skating on the nearby lake, indoor tennis and sleigh rides.
145. An idling mind produces a weak learner who enjoys the comfort of leisure time. Dr T.P.Chia 
145. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
146. A countryside under intensive farming which depends on leisure and service industries is a cosmetic, lifeless countryside.
147. The police took his house apart looking for possible clues after she vanished from a leisure centre car park.
148. The club is a discount scheme to be operated in all the district council's leisure facilities from April.
149. Retirement in poverty may offer little scope for creative use of leisure.
150. How will a location fit in with your leisure interests?
151. Conspicuous consumption became, for more groups, an important element in leisure culture.
152. You can wander through the fantasy worlds at your leisure, but you must examine your surroundings minutely and take copious notes.
153. Gazzer wasted twenty minutes on the sea front waiting for a bus to take him up as far as the Leisure Centre.
154. Leisure centres close their doors because of a lack of sufficient funds to operate them.
155. Tickets are £3.50 and available from the civic centre, the Mill House Leisure Centre or the door.
156. Each was questioned on driving behaviour, experience, attitude to other drivers, the influence of others and leisure activities.
157. Sports participants have much higher frequencies of participation than do participants in other leisure activities such as the arts.
158. The central focus is the development of leisure interests during adolescence and the theoretical framework draws upon recent work in social cognition.
159. Frequently our younger engineers had leisure activities involving strenuous physical activity.
160. Likewise, those leisure companies with operations outside the South East may experience less of a slow down.
161. Other topics on which findings are ambiguous are the effects on leisure activity, crime, and degree of dependence on parents.
162. Three of these are shopping arcades, the fourth a leisure village with restaurants and a nine-screen cinema.
163. Afternoons were given over to village leave, organised games, set walks, leisure periods and detention.
164. Treat yourself to something special, or simply browse at leisure.
165. One session will look at the role of cities as major providers of huge new leisure facilities and sporting venues.
166. Some let work so dominate their lives that it forces out spouse, children and leisure.
167. The show is in the main sports hall at the Sunnydale Leisure Centre in Shildon.
168. However, for many it is through their leisure activities that we would expect to see stimulation-seeking behaviour.
169. In a friendly atmosphere look around at leisure and allow our experienced designers to give you advice and original ideas.
170. Parks, moreover, can provide significant leisure facilities - and revenue - in their own right.
171. Leisure and the Conference Market Many hoteliers believe that leisure facilities give them the edge over their competitors in relation to conference business.
172. There is a similar argument concerning leisure activities, the theatre, for instance.
173. Some open spaces north of the city will be made into sports fields for leisure activities.
174. Maybe the age of leisure will turn out to be a brief and unsustainable interlude rather than a new dawn after all.
175. Spectator sport may have been partially commercialized but it never became a capitalist leisure enterprise.
175. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
176. To sum up, Kitzbuhel is a major year round sporting and leisure centre and as such offers every facility.
177. Tennis courts lit pointlessly except to inform the driver of the sheer dimension of the leisure complex burst into life.
178. Whether leisure time increases or decreases as wage rates rise is an empirical question.
179. So the Center Parcs leisure experience includes playing badminton, squash or tennis wreathed in the fog of a hundred Silk Cuts.
180. Leisure is no longer defined as something earned by work; work, rather, is to be made available by leisure.
181. Schor's evidence is in direct contradiction to the neo-classical income / leisure trade-off model outlined above.
182. Day 2 Los Angeles At leisure to explore the delights of this bustling city.
183. The client is also understood to be working up proposals for the final phase of the project to build a leisure centre.
184. Thus Ramsey found leisure to read, and write, and make friends in the diocese.
185. The Grand Union Canal's reservoir at Ruislip was marketed by the canal company as a leisure amenity in the 1930s.
186. Leisure World denizens drive them around golf courses, students around campus.
187. When he had leisure he went bicycling to Lincolnshire village churches.
188. When applying for a job, make sure you emphasize the interests and leisure activities that an employer would find relevant.
189. Alton Towers, 10 miles away, is the largest leisure park in the country and combines a mini-Disneyland with beautiful gardens.
190. But I forgot that we are now in the era of the Leisure Jam.
191. The only editorial guideline was that the subject should have something to do with leisure software for home computers.
192. It will be put to city councillors next week at the information and leisure committee meeting.
193. For a small village Long Riston is well equipped for sporting and other leisure activities.
194. Sweet Caroline Inter is a name synonymous with functional, practical footwear for the leisure sports market.
195. We will encourage more effective use of local sport and leisure facilities through compulsory competitive tendering.
196. The leisure business continues to be once again seriously affected by the recession.
197. The Royals seem to use the royal yacht purely for privileged leisure cruising - at our vast expense.
198. But the real penitence is due from those senators who confirmed in haste, leaving us to repent in leisure.
199. As one would expect, single women have the most leisure activities.
200. In addition, environmental standards have improved - sometimes dramatically - and leisure and recreational facilities have been substantially enhanced.
201. Not all leisure activities require a high degree of consumption skill.
202. These scenes are a record of the way people living in the countryside enjoyed themselves in their leisure time in 1946.
203. The obvious question raised is whether it is possible for sedentary workers to obtain health benefits by physical activity in leisure time.
204. They are not capable of enjoying more than a limited amount of leisure.
205. When they're still young, girls hang around bus stations, leisure centres, bus shelters or each other's doorsteps.
205. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
206. Conclusions Hotel leisure facilities have been shown to be a worthwhile investment in that they can: 1.
207. As already mentioned, it is likely that their life-styles will have involved more constructive and fulfilling leisure activities.
208. It is well provided with leisure facilities for sports and arts.
209. The company supplies a range of customers - hospitals, hotels, the leisure and garment industries.
210. This year we expect consumers to spend some £80 billion on leisure - almost one quarter of consumer spending.
211. Castlemore is still working up proposals for the final phase of the scheme, which involves building a leisure centre.
212. It will also include retail and leisure units, community facilities and a health care centre.
213. Mineral exploration and leisure development were to be the cover story and they would do at a casual glance.
214. The organisation wants to turn the disused school into a community centre offering religious, educational and leisure facilities.
215. Leisure activities still take place here although they are more likely to be water skiing, wind surfing and sailing rather than bathing.
216. The firm is in negotiations with the client over the proposed Centrale shopping and leisure centre in Tamworth Road.
217. But she had no leisure to enjoy the spectacle of Mrs Quatt's sudden drop from favour.
218. The leisure sector has experienced phenomenal growth over the last few years.
219. These consisted mainly of leisure bookings, particularly for the coming Easter weekend, which almost dried up during the election campaign.
220. The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. George Bernard Shaw 
221. The range of restaurants, wine bars, DIY facilities, leisure complexes - compared with what we used to have.
222. Sprayway are renowned specialists in garments for active people whose leisure pursuits take them outdoors and into extreme conditions.
223. Leisure group Vardon which owns the London Dungeon has shown less growth, adding 1p to 46p.
224. We provide a comprehensive range of sizes to suit every yacht specification for leisure use or for the longest of passages.
225. Castlemore is developing the 21 ha site for a Tesco superstore, retail outlet and a leisure complex.
226. The sports and leisure market is expanding more quickly than ever before.
227. It could have shared the owner's adventures and vicissitudes, occupied his leisure hours, cheered his bleaker moments.
228. It also means that a massive 45. 8 percent of our time is available for leisure activities.
229. What are concealed are the material inequalities of leisure power, the unequal distributions of cultural capital.
230. Betting is one of Britain's top leisure activities, even more popular than a trip to the pub or eating out.
231. To test his idea, Thomas persuaded Gilchrist to carry out experiments during his leisure hours at the Blaenavon works.
232. Like the institutionalized human being, it faces the problem of leisure in its worst form: it has nothing to do.
233. Leisure: A fancy word for people who don't want to admit they're bored. Gene Perret 
234. Whitbread, a 250-year-old brewer, is also active in hotels, retailing, food and leisure.
235. A Northallerton Town football player has been signed up to improve fitness facilities at Hambleton leisure centres.
235. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
236. For women, the social customs do not seem to permit such a clear distinction between work and leisure.
237. Such evidence casts doubt on the validity of the income / leisure trade-off model.
238. They are currently offered or planned in 14 fields ranging from leisure and tourism to science.
239. With a list ranging from vocational and leisure courses to adult basic education, there's something for just about everyone.
240. Initially awards are available in business administration, hospitality, and leisure and tourism.
241. You can then make the picture at your leisure, knowing that the flowers were pressed in peak condition.
242. Some of the group are aiming for further education in business administration, or in other areas such as leisure and tourism.
243. Macmillan College expects to open its new leisure centre for school and community use in June.
244. As a cruise ship is primarily a hotel and leisure complex over half the staff are employed in these areas of specialisation.
245. Please peruse this report at your leisure.
246. He walked around the town at leisure.
247. It took the lead in introducing from Sweden Texcote millimicron garment treatment technology and has made leisure garments with wholly new functions.
248. They're just defenseless dolls we set up to knock down at our leisure.
249. As a traditional sport, martial art has been favored by sports leisure groups.
250. His scandal was about during the leisure time by the people.
251. Take time out to sleep properly, laze around, listen to music or have some form of leisure activity.
252. For leisure, the swimming pool and gymnasium beckon, with steam and sauna facilities.
253. No eternal mystery story, not at one's leisure the gossipy tidbits, only the lonely, a sharp pain in my left atrium, right ventricle.
254. Although computer and baseball take up most of my leisure time, I manage to use some spare time to play the electronic guitar in a band.
255. We are not at leisure to read such a book.
256. JOEBEE TRADING ENTERPRISE is an international purchaser from Ghana, need to buy products of Home Appliances, Commodity, Sports and Tourism Leisure Products, Hardware etc. categories.
257. This article gives us a clear definition of leisure, then point out that there is a definite link and difference between the leisure life, after-class activities and out-of-school education.
258. Pad of at one's leisure, desk is removed, how can make bed of the one bedroom when Zhang Lin again, and it is below platform absolutely good store content ark.Sentencedict
259. The planning has designed leisure walk path, landscape recreation pavilion, wooden footway and landscape opusculum, etc.
260. Sauna massage, shopping malls , jewelery shops, leisure garden, business centers, such as self-supporting services.
261. Chenglong Road Avenue, the City Expressway and other major arterial roads make for easy access, therefore, it can be called the nearest golf leisure resort to the heart of Chengdu.
262. Golden Emperor Business Club in Continental style is the best venue for foreign friends to enjoy fitness, entertainment, leisure and sodality and all other 5-star excellent services.
263. Commodity storage facility, transport service, community service, large shopping center, leisure and entertainment facilities.
264. According to the requirements of America and Europe customers, the company has successfully developed the stereo leisure jacketing by using multi-ply worsted yarns.
265. Infante joy in the world of theme projects, attractions, leisure and landscape projects totaling more than 300, including many world-class large-scale projects, most of the project ages.




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