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单词 Seize
1. Seize (or Take) time by the forelock. 
2. Carpe diem (Pluck the day; Seize the day). 
3. Seize time by the forelock.
4. Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 
5. Seize the opportunity when it comes up.
6. She tried to seize the gun from him.
7. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
8. The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.
9. He who seize the right moment, is the right man.
10. Don't be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting.
11. Political instability helped the army to seize power.
12. The wrestlers try to seize hold of each other.
13. My joints seize up in the cold weather.
14. He was quick to seize on this idea.
15. Seize any opening you can.
16. Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.
17. Politicians need to seize the initiative from the terrorists.
18. He had failed to seize his chance.
19. A plan was afoot to seize power.
20. Carpe diem means seize the day.
21. The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.
22. Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.
23. Your engine will seize up if you don't put some more oil in.
24. We are all born flexible but as we grow older, we tend to seize up a little.
25. Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness.
26. Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness.——R.M.
27. They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.
28. Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land.
29. If you fail to oil the engine regularly, it would seize up without warning.
30. All the soldiers were ordered to go in and seize the city.
1. She tried to seize the gun from him.
2. We are all born flexible but as we grow older, we tend to seize up a little.
3. They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.
4. Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land.
31. She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.
32. The government would not allow anyone to sneak in by the back door and seize power by force.
33. He would seize upon any excuse for his being late.
34. Seize a horse by the mane, and lead an ox by the nose.
35. We need to seize the big picture.
36. Police managed to seize back £500 from the roadside.
37. This enabled Philip to seize the initiative again.
38. How do you seize the opportunity?
39. Leaders seize opportunities and push ahead.
40. Zhukov was quick to seize the initiative and launched a massive counter attack.
41. They drew lots to decide which should first seize his lady[], and fortune favored Ephialtes.
42. Where possible he would seize scraps of parchment and draw lines, muttering to himself and scratching his head.
43. When his opportunity came to seize the party leadership, he proceeded with characteristic single-mindedness that bordered on ruthlessness.
44. Under this cover of tradition and past glory, however, the executive has bustled through informally to seize almost total power.
45. We must strike soon and become the market leader or some other company will seize the position.
46. What this disguises, however, is a bid by some scientists to seize the domain of religion.
47. The passengers who jammed the vessel were in a frenzy as they tried to seize pieces of the omelets.
48. Some people see the possibilities intended in the new words and seize the chance for change.
49. We will, within the next fifty years, be able to seize control of our own evolution.
50. Military officers have tried to seize power six times since Mrs Aquino became President three years ago.
51. You'll seldom experience regret for anything that you've done. It is what you haven't done that will torment you. The message, therefore, is clear. Do it! Develop an appreciation for the present moment. Seize every second of your life and savor it. Wayne Dyer 
52. The president may not seize private property without congressional authorization. 11.
53. The only way we can actually balance the budget is if we seize this moment to work together.
54. Is Corsica ready to seize the chance of lasting peace?
55. A later attempt to seize a crucial bridge was also beaten back.
56. The husband tried to seize a portrait of her, an oil painting, rip it right off the wall.
57. If the military were to seize power under Bourbollon, the clampdown would be fierce.
58. Instead of standing there helplessly until the end of the performance, seize the initiative and act quickly.
59. Larger animals with the speed and power to escape are grappled by the hindquarters until the leopard can seize the throat.
60. It occurred to him that he might seize the chance to declare his own innocence.
61. Any man worthy of the name must seize his opportunity when it came and exploit it to the hilt.
62. Their desire to leave farming will simply be increased and they will seize the first opportunity to move.
63. If the defendant makes a payment into court, the plaintiff may seize it and call quits.
64. It is hard for a closed-mind to recognize and seize opportunity. It is possible for a thinking mind to create and make opportunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
65. It could seize up Washington harder than another Ice Age.
66. Law enforcement officers have increased powers to deal with or seize food they suspect is dangerous.
67. All but a few would advise others to seize the chance and profit from it.
68. The business development function is one way to increase a company's ability to seize opportunities.
69. Seize opportunities while you can -- don't let them pass you by.
70. Maybe-and this he feared more than anything-he would be afraid to seize such a moment when it came.
71. If the business can not continue to meet the loan repayments, the lender is entitled to seize the security.
72. It is too late to crack down on the oligarchs or seize their ill-gotten gains.
73. He was fearful that the bearings might seize; if that happened, the spinning flywheel would tear the ship to pieces.
74. None the less, the plaintiffs can move immediately to seize his assets.
75. James Caan is the corrupt miner who plots to seize the rights.
76. Siban's son was a prisoner under sentence of death for his conspiracy to seize power.
77. Vesey hoped to seize Charleston in 1822, but a conspirator alerted the authorities, who disrupted the plot.
78. How the next U.S. president would seize that opportunity should be a defining issue of the presidential campaign.
79. His instinct for identifying photographs that would seize the public's attention earned him the awed respect of professionals.
80. Last May, an appellate court allowed the city to seize two buildings.
81. He has the legal right to seize enough of the defendant's goods to satisfy the judgment.
82. We must also seize the opportunity presented by the considerable increase in numbers of children, particularly those of school age.
83. That is, if you like cheese ... How do we seize the past?
84. The Crown Prosecution Service is seeking to seize up to £40m that he fleeced from 16,000 people.
85. Heroin haul ... police seize drugs at illegal rave party site.
86. Radio people are keen professionals so find out who makes the decisions and seize opportunities as they arise.
87. In such cases the sheriff might be ordered to seize the chattels of defaulting regarders.
88. It means that women should seize communication power for their own emancipation and the liberation of all oppressed groups.
89. Why not seize the pleasure at once, how often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparations. Jane Austen 
90. Public organizations can create a spectrum of opportunities, which different communities can seize as they are ready.
91. Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. Horace 
92. The prize may be to seize the enemy territory, but that is a small reward for so dangerous a business.
93. Its activities enabled the Heseltine campaign to seize the initiative and sustain a momentum which kept its opponents mostly on the defensive.
94. Consequently, the parents often seize on anything as a portent which confirms their wishes.
95. But it seemed a waste not to seize the unique opportunity to stretch your brain on something that genuinely excited you.
96. Drugs raid ... police seize ecstacy tablets in run up to warehouse party.
97. Then, they will seize upon some anomaly to try to discredit the entire work.
98. He and Poivre proposed to muster a contingent of three thousand troops, seize Tourane and drive inland to invade the country.
99. Everyone in the organization can therefore seek out and seize initiatives to improve their contribution to profit.
100. Both sides had what they wanted, and neither wanted to risk large casualties to seize what the other had.
101. Masking his doubts with machismo, he feels he is not really a man unless he can seize whatever he wants.
102. There may also be an opportunity to seize the high ground, Panetta said.
103. Their intention is assessed as being to seize the oil installations at the earliest opportunity.
104. The response: No one ever tried to seize frequent flier miles.
105. Investigating officers hope to seize the car, house and a fine collection of designer jewels at a hearing this spring.
106. The company, though, is trying to seize the high ground and demonstrate that agricultural biotechnology can be used for good.
107. Obliged to seize the initiative, he announced in 1920 his first campaign of mass non-co-operation.
108. How did men seize control everywhere and suppress women, keeping them ignorant and enslaved?
109. Later, the press was able to seize avidly on some tactlessly conceived marketing strategies for the eventual release of the films.
110. Prosecutors said they were preparing to seize property and millions of dollars worth of alleged proceeds of arms dealing.
111. Fate appears ready to hand him a Big Moment, and he is eager to seize it.
112. Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart. Erma Bombeck 
113. Two constables arrive at his home to seize his belongings since he can not pay his creditors.
114. The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius, power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
115. The moral was that we must seize our few bright moments and live deeply.
116. On this question all social grades had taken the same line - the need to seize local gentry estates.
117. To take captive, as by force or craft; seize.
118. Because after the assessment of taxes and large penalties, tax collection officers can civilly seize assets to pay the additional taxes, thus depriving an individual of untaxed profits.
119. In October, a supercomputer performed 2.57 petaflops--that is, 2.57 quadrillion calculations per second--to seize the title of fastest computer in the world.
120. Traveling the world for free requires a blend of advance planning and the willingness to seize opportunities and go with the flow.
121. As Michael travelled agonisingly slow down the pit lane, Brawn watched for Hakkinen to come from the chicane and seize the lead.
122. Perhaps you could engage a taxi driver in a minute of conversation before you seize up.
123. The law enforcement officer closes to pay to the all of the adulterating of hunt down and seize mattress undertakes.
124. This cute canine is a Yorkshire terrier - just like the one police tried to seize from Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho.
125. To be success is not a random, the successful one knows how to seize an opportunity.
126. My cousin would recline on a couch, and I would seize some opportunity of edging up to him.
127. But you need not be at all afraid of him; I will give you my blue checked apron, which you must spread upon the floor, and then boldly seize hold of the dog, and place him upon it.
128. Peg Count (PC) refers to the measurement of the number of attempts to seize a server in a group of one or more servers.
129. When another of Aegon's Great Bastards tried to seize the Iron Throne from his trueborn half-brother, Bittersteel joined the revolt.
130. Before implementing some schemes and plans, we must deepen the insight into EGA, seize hold of the key points in construction, evade risks and win challenging.
131. "If the polypi should seize hold of you as you return through the wood," said the witch, "throw over them a few drops of the potion, and their fingers will be torn into a thousand pieces."
132. In the light of the object, we should seize the character of the time from the object observantly; find and express the affecting character moving the subject on any ordinary object.
133. Let us seize an opportunity, act instantly, do not be cried yesterday(), look ahead tomorrow.
134. Those who have signed on to the Arab Peace Initiative should seize this opportunity to make it real by taking tangible steps towards the normalization that it promises Israel.
135. But macro-economy at a negative interest period, the liquidity of overflows, so other companies are willing to seize the opportunity to absorb land reserves.
136. Seize an opportunity, develop oneself, the key is development economy.
137. Facing their reprisals, Bouebdelli publicly criticized the regime's strong-arm tactics -- only to have a court seize, on spurious grounds, a private university he had built and operated.
138. In the new century and new developing phase, let us seize opportunities and stick to our belief, go well up to bridle, and create bright future through cooperation with friends in various lines.
139. Second, seize the key points, extended range, enhancing the overall level of safety and quality standards.
140. What we can seize is nothing but several fragments that flash back in our minds.
141. We will begin a new journey and this campus will then foster some new comers . I hope all your new students seize every minute here in Qilu to enrich yourselves, and to learn to be self-disciplined.
142. She fastened her long flowing hair round her head, so that the polypi might not seize hold of it.
143. The invigilator shall seize the candidate's papers and ID card, fill in the concerned information in the "Registration form of Exam Circumstance" and get the candidate's signature for conformation.
144. The paper's Saturday editorial says citizens must be conscious of the threat from people inside and outside the country with ulterior motives who want to seize on China's problems to incite unrest.
145. To gain competition advantages, they should construct information networks, occupy market space, seize opportunities and employe-commerce specialists. 6 refs.
146. The reason they seize on the appearance and brush aside the essence in their observation of things is that they have not made a scientific analysis of the essence of the overall situation.
147. Ultimately, it took the Bolsheviks less than forty-eight hours to seize control of Petrograd.
148. Although it is hard to definite maritime liens precisely, we can start from the characteristics and nature of, and to seize its essence.
149. He is good at make full use of text, seize one change makes all change sentences, words, and even some punctuation, put questions to stimulate interest, inducing exploration, development thinking.
150. We walked into the bedroom of Ting Sun, Yao country the English is busy in searching the home position of the Deng of that square, but I seize an opportunity the decoration of lo this bedroom.
151. In a wide-ranging law and order policy review, Tony Blair announced greater police powers to seize non-cash assets and new measures to help prisoner rehabilitation.
152. In addition, players will use moated forts to garrison vast armies or seize control of key strategic points and explore new technology trees, governed by religion and prestige.
153. Saul Bellow literarily expounds the existentialism philosophy propositions of Sartre in Seize the Day: forlornness, anguish, death, individual choice and humane responsibility.
154. During the late 19th and early 19th centuries the open-field system ended when the Enclosure acts enabled weal their landowner to seize any land to which tenants could prove no legal title.
155. In discussing Hegel, Voegelin also brands him a "Gnostic, " and then offers the following: "Gnosis desires dominion over being; in order to seize control of being the Gnostic constructs his system.
156. Since security is one of the central problems in computer science, the restudy of these typical models are very important for us to seize the essentials of computer security.
157. Smear carbon ash on the girl's face:Besides drinking, the boys seize the chance to smear carbon ash on the girl's face, which is a traditional program.
158. Second, the national development needs top-level design, we must seize the technology was founded, manufacturing power of the fundamental.
159. Moreover external seize and internal thieve pushed the monasteries' economy into crisis deeper.
160. President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history."
161. Patrolling off the Somali coast, the French warship "Jean de Vienne" captured 19 Somali pirates when they tried to seize a Croatian freighter and a Panamanian cargo ship.
162. We should seize an opportunity, in the catch up in tide of this round of economy.
163. Intrusion detections are the behaviors that someone wants to occupy, seize or destroy other people's computer resource .
164. In addition to the United States individual states have red-light district, the very strict legal prohibition of prostitution, sex workers must seize the sentence, but someone prostitution.
165. But organization committee's staff seize an opportunity to take a group souvenir photo with Li Chunjiang.
166. At precisely that moment, some other mother, somewhere out in the universe, must have been having an out-of-body experience and decided to descend into my body to seize control of my vocal cords.
167. Europe's inter - bank market could seize up , unsure which banks would be hit by sovereign defaults.
168. If they can seize it right, this is a net benefit to them.
169. Not only that, local officials, who can seize land and issue permits for new projects, were often silent partners in new manufacturing ventures.
170. The meeting called on departments to sum up the experience of appraisal, it is necessary to drum drive Seize the opportunity, sound system, promoting development, and the years to come.
171. Government secretly send soldiers, hoping to seize the Crazy Horse force their compliance.
172. In connection with the criminal case, the Prosecutor contemporaneously filed an administrative petition, asking the court to seize all assets of ALEC within Aspatria.
173. It provided a relatively standardized system tool for oil service companies to seize the potential target market and improve market information archives.
174. After two days' exertions, it's the arms and hands that seize up, not the legs.
175. BinaryWang: He who seize the right moment, is the right man. ---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and polymath.
176. Want to seize an opportunity the same, the area such as middle east, Africa quickly.
177. I want to seize this opportunity to commemorate the excellent relations between the people and the governments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
178. Know the true value of time, snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. –Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield.
179. Make full use of national policy and seize hold of key customers.
180. Since Kashmir was (and is) a Muslim majority territory, Pakistan felt justified in seeing Pushtun warlords charge in from the north-west of Pakistan, late in 1947, to seize control of Kashmir.




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