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单词 whimper
释义  whim·per /ˈwɪmpə $ -ər/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  CRYto make low crying sounds, or to speak in this way 呜咽,啜泣;抽噎地说 He heard the dog whimper. 他听到狗在呜咽。 ‘It’s not my fault, ’ she whimpered. “这不是我的错。”她抽泣着说。► see thesaurus at cry —whimper noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswhimper• And then Hilda started to whimper.• The minute I unleashed him, he suddenly wasn't so brave, whimpering and running in the other direction.• This may sound like petty whimpering, but intrusions upon the exercise of lawful freedom is no small matter.• ""I'm sorry, '' she whimpered, but Richard wasn't listening.• I found the puppy whimpering next to the front door.• The switchblade fell from his hand as he sagged to the ground, whimpering softly, his hands clutched between his legs.• Oliver gave a small, whimpering sound, but he didn't cry.• Pat whimpered with the pain of the bullet wound in his shoulder.Origin whimper (1500-1600) From the soundwhim·per verbChineseSyllable  low in to Corpus make crying or to speak sounds,




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