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单词 whine
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundswhine /waɪn/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]COMPLAIN to complain in a sad annoying voice about something 哀诉;嘀咕(着说) SYN moan Oh Charlotte, please stop whining. 哎呀,夏洛特,请你别再抱怨了。 ‘I don’t understand, ’ whined Rose. “我不明白。”罗斯嘀咕道。whine about The sergeant was whining about how hard he had been forced to work recently. 那警官在抱怨最近工作有多辛苦。2  CSOUND[intransitive] to make a long high sound because you are in pain or unhappy 〔因痛楚或不愉快而〕悲鸣,哀叫 He could hear the dog whining behind the door. 他听见狗在门后呜咽。3. CSOUND[intransitive] if a machine whines, it makes a continuous high sound 〔机器〕嘎嘎响 —whine noun [countable] The baby’s howl turned to a high-pitched whine. 宝宝的嚎哭变成了尖声的哀叫。 the whine of a vacuum cleaner 吸尘器的嗡嗡声→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswhine• "What did you do that for?" he whined.• The van sped into the Marble Arch roundabout with tyres whining.• You're ugly enough without starting to whine.• He's always whining about how much everything costs.• Gas pedal to the floor, we backed up with the engine whining and the chassis shaking.• We get together, start whining, and then we go on strike.• The only human notes in the dull and humorless whining are cigarette references.• And that part of my mind seemed to whine faintly and go very cold and still.• The dog's whining for food.• He did the same, now making occasional soft whining grunts.• For heaven's sake stop whining. Nobody has touched your precious records.• Stop whining, or you won't get any candy.• She was whining to him about how Eyas Securities had played this awful trick on her, how embarrassing it all was.whine about• I have to listen her whine all day about her boyfriend.Origin whine Old English hwinan “to move through the air with a loud sound”whine verbChinese   Corpus something sad in about voice to complain annoying a




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