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单词 Siege
1. During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.
2. A siege often brings them to terms.
3. The siege lasted almost four months.
4. The city succumbed after only a short siege.
5. The siege of Mafeking lasted for eight months.
6. Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.
7. Police officers had a siege mentality that isolated them from the people they served.
8. The English forces laid siege to the city of Tournai.
9. After three weeks under siege they surrendered completely.
10. Tanks rolled in to end the siege.
11. The judge said the police had mishandled the siege.
12. The crusaders laid siege to Lisbon.
13. The seven-hour armed siege at the school ended peacefully.
14. The siege of pneumonia debilitated him completely.
15. The armies laid siege to Vienna in 1529.
16. The siege has ended peacefully.
17. He captained the siege of Berlin.
18. After three weeks the siege was raised.
19. The siege lasted two years.
20. The rebels laid siege to the governor's residence.
21. We must do everything possible to lift the siege.
22. The siege was finally lifted after six months.
23. The fortress fell after a nine-day siege.
24. Crowds of journalists laid siege to the star's apartment.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. The city was under siege for six months.
26. They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.
27. In June 1176 King Richard laid siege to Limoges.
28. The town succumbed after a short siege.
29. The journalists found a city virtually under siege.
30. Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
1. During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.
2. A siege often brings them to terms.
3. The siege lasted almost four months.
4. The siege of Mafeking lasted for eight months.
5. Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.
6. Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
7. Police officers had a siege mentality that isolated them from the people they served.
8. The English forces laid siege to the city of Tournai.
9. The city was thrown down during the siege.
10. The enemy lay siege to the town in attempt to starve the people to death.
31. The city was thrown down during the siege.
32. The siege is now in its eighteenth day.
33. The castle was under siege for months.
34. After a ten-hour siege the gunman agreed to free the hostages.
35. A group of young men were always at the stage door, trying to lay siege to the girls.
36. At the very end of the war, Prague again came under siege.
37. The TV station has been under siege from irate viewers phoning in to complain.
38. The royal forces marched south to lift the siege of Donnington Castle.
39. Years of international isolation has led the country to develop a siege mentality.
40. The siege ended peacefully after the gunman gave himself up.
41. The city was declared to be in a state of siege.
42. This fortress could withstand a siege for years if necessary.
43. The city was under siege and began to run short of food.
44. By the time the siege ended, the citizens were nearly starving.
45. Armed police placed the city centre under a virtual state of siege while the trial continued.
46. The police placed the city centre under a virtual state of siege .
47. After a long siege, the town was forced to yield.
48. The government is already under siege for its economic policy.
49. The enemy lay siege to the town in attempt to starve the people to death.
50. The town was captured after a siege lasting ten days.
51. The three-day siege began in a bloody shoot-out on Sunday morning.
52. The town was forced to yield after a long siege.
53. The siege was finally brought to an end when the terrorists surrendered.
54. The terrorists were shot dead during the siege of the embassy.
55. Then he set to work laying siege to her with letters.
56. They include: How heavily armed the siege maker is.
57. A: I hope not a siege.
58. The siege dragged on into its second month.
59. He is said to have siege mentality.
60. The small band eventually finds the fort under siege.
61. The siege ended after three days.
62. Meanwhile, the siege of Antwerp was entered upon.
63. Richmondshire Rifle and Pistol Club members fear a public backlash against their sport after an armed siege in Darlington.
64. He is a veteran of numerous firefights and narrow escapes who has shown notable serenity throughout the siege.
65. Despite the siege, Nicholas had made the short journey many times to sleep at his villa.
66. The bloody siege of the ranch complex in Waco has already left at least six police and cult members dead.
67. No one could, and the horrible creature devoured man after man until the city was in a state of siege.
68. Siege Hours earlier Mr Thomas described how his world fell apart last Monday when he found the first signs of foot-and-mouth.
69. Gorbad halted the attack and prepared for a long siege.
70. After a three day siege the kidnapper's nerve failed and he gave himself up to the police.
71. Tension mounted in the early hours of yesterday morning when a shot was heard in the area of the siege house.
72. So many people had died during the siege either from wounds or illness that a considerable quantity of private stores had accumulated.
73. These multi-purpose, leisure-park hotels look under siege like huge ocean liners in trouble at sea.
74. She said the siege ended after 43 hours of negotiations when Say left his home without the shotgun and was arrested.
75. The Army and the police remained under intense pressure in the Jaffna peninsula where many camps and stations were under siege.
76. But although he had mustered a large army the siege went badly for him.
77. The siege had shown that, with artillery, Henry V had the capability of fulfilling his military ambition.
78. Almost ten years had passed since they had first laid siege to the town, and it seemed as strong as ever.
79. Alfonso, hearing the news, at once raised the siege of Saragossa and began to assemble his own forces.
80. He assembled a vast army and laid siege to the city on 4 December 1359.
81. Armed paramilitary police placed central Turin under a virtual state of siege for the hearing on Saturday morning.
82. In 476 they laid siege to Eion, which guarded the Strymon bridge.
83. Roxburgh Castle was proof against all but prolonged siege and heavy artillery.
84. College dormitories[/siege.html], church gymnasiums and inner-city loft apartments are being converted into hostels during the Olympic siege.
85. Read in studio Britain's churches are under siege, according to the company which insures them.
86. Lumbering was an attack operation, as thoroughly strategic and disciplined as a military siege.
87. They had blocked the street off, rather as if an armed siege was in progress.
88. The siege of Pleime in the Ia Drang valley ended on October 27.
89. Military sources stated that lifting the state of siege would not affect the fight against internal subversion.
90. In less than two generations, since the Second World War, they have laid siege to the academic world.
91. They'd laid in for a siege with dozens of eggs, cans of luncheon meat, and tea.
92. She had laid siege to the typists' room for some minutes before Marshall had persuaded her downstairs.
93. Alresford lifted the siege when Clarke kicked a penalty from fully 40 metres, and they followed up with the decisive try.
94. He was involved in the siege of Cadiz and came to have charge of an aristocratic lady there.
95. He laid siege to the fortress and gradually weakened it to the point of collapse.
96. In June 1176 Richard laid siege to Limoges; after a few days resistance Aimar's citadel capitulated.
97. The Siege of Chattanooga had at least one very unusual aspect: Many of the besiegers were as miserable as the besieged.
98. Her fervour and her depiction of a siege mentality do not transfer too easily to Britain.
99. These should be noted, before one views the siege as baseline myth for the interpretation of everyday life.
100. The Cavaliers occupied Burghley House, but they were heavily outnumbered, and Cromwell forced them to surrender after a bitter siege.
101. With the last of the Kislevite armies defeated, the Chaos hordes advanced upon Praag and laid siege to the city.
102. In other countries, the indigenous peoples live in a state of siege.
103. I had learned about a minor siege connected with an important river crossing not far from my home.
104. Penn, Cage and Leigh give these career performances at a time when movie acting is under siege by special effects.
105. The trebuchet; a twelfth-century example of this deadly weapon, capable of enormous destruction as a siege engine.
106. It was the beginning of a siege that would last a week.
107. Marina is a new Anne Frank, one of 80,000 frightened children caught in an ugly, vicious siege.
108. And shortly, in her armies' unremitting retreat, the great fortress of Przemysl was abandoned to siege.
109. The town of Moulineuf was captured after a siege lasting ten days.
110. And heavy rain, at this period of the siege, was something that the garrison could have well done without.
111. Thousands of Union men were set to digging entrenchments and preparing emplacements for siege guns.
112. The protesters flung handfuls of earth into the trenches in a vain attempt to lift the siege of the West Bank town.
113. In these days of siege, psychiatrists must treat disaffection through militant group action and advocating conscientious, high-quality patient care.
114. Police marksmen were then drafted in for a 12 hour siege after he barricaded himself in.
114. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
115. After his victory Edward rallied his troops and marched north to lay siege to Calais.
116. At the siege of Drincourt, however, Philip's brother, Matthew of Boulogne, was wounded by a crossbow bolt.
117. After the death of Sigismund during the siege of Altdorf the horn passed into the keeping of the Temple of Sigmar.
118. Here the Navy is under siege for all kinds of moral and ethical improprieties.
119. The mythical value of the siege for the construction of protestant - loyalist hegemony should not be underrated.
120. Shrubs under siege Adult weevils particularly like camellias and rhododendrons, nibbling notches around the edges of leaves.
121. Saladin begins the Siege of Jerusalem.
122. They have laid siege to Antioch.
123. Cannon Foundry allows the construction of advanced siege artillery.
124. Increase siege damage from Glaive Thrower.
125. The insurrectionary army laid siege to the capital.
126. Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid.
127. NEW DELHI, Dec. 15 -- During the three-day siege of Mumbai, an Indian television news anchor took a call from one of the suspected attackers, a young man who identified himself as Imran Babar.
128. The BBC's Orla Guerin reports from inside the battle-scarred city that local residents fear a massacre without greater action by Nato air forces to break the siege.
129. We want a small set of light and unarmored ground units to perform better against siege tanks.
130. The simultaneous interpreter under siege simulated composure and shrugged off the trouble.
131. The country was in a state of siege, and tanks were lined up in front of the Presidential palace.
132. After all that Hezekiah had so faithfully done, Sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah. He laid siege to the fortified cities, thinking to conquer them for himself.
133. In a battle near Vyborg Swedes were defeated but Russian voivodes decided not to lay siege to the fortress.
134. Gather up your bundle from the ground, O inhabitant under siege.
135. That gave us some breathing room because we were under siege that first week.
136. Army Major General R.K. Hooda, the commanding officer of Maharashtra state, cautioned reporters not to speculate on how long it would take for troops to end the siege by the heavily-armed gunmen.
137. Now worried shopping centre chiefs, fearing a repeat siege of Santa, have taken "drastic" measures, issuing him with a builder-style hard hat.
138. In 133 B. C. the city of Numanthia fought its last battle after a tiresome siege by the Roman Legion.
139. March organizers have vowed lay siege to the offices of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej until he resigns. The police have warned the protesters they will not be allowed to enter the compound.
140. In 2004 We passed ISO9001:quality system attestation of 2000 edition. Based on this, we push Lean Six Sigma, focus on client, and lay siege to null disfigurement product.
141. I graduated under Curtiss, and after a long siege with my father obtained his permission to try for the Lafayette Escadrille.
142. It reported that since 2007 an interest in the 1836 battle - where 1,500 Mexican troops lay siege to 200 Texans - had slowly taken over his life.
143. Jacksonville, where we were marooned for about six weeks, was practically in a state of siege.
144. For the sake of support Louis 18, the nations such as England, Russia and Prussia etc. constitute an anti- method alliance and distinctly lay siege to Paris.
144. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
145. The hostage taker, a disgruntled former policeman armed with an assault rifle, was killed by police during a 9-hour siege shown live on TV.
146. Books in: Streams of Silver, the Halfling's Gem, Starless Night, Siege of Darkness.
147. If you want to amount to something, you must seize time by the forelock, lay siege to optimal choice and let promethean fire emit light and heat.
148. In 2 Kings 7 we find an intriguing story about Samaria under siege.
149. Cyclops is a strong hand - to - hand fighter, with an ability to attack walls, when in siege battle.
150. They must be neutralized or kept in a state of siege.
151. The Vikings also attacked Rouen, Nantes, Toulouse and Bordeaux, and laid siege to Paris.
152. The radio was full of news of freighters on the Atlantic being sunk by U-boats, and crackly transmissions from Edward R. Murrow reported on London under siege by the Luftwaffe.
153. The Horde and Alliance will battle head-to-head for control of strategic resources to lay siege to the keeps of their opponents.
154. In 1683, Vienna (the capital of Austria) was under siege by over a hundred thousand Ottoman Turks.
155. On June 16,1775 the Siege of Boston, the Second Continental Congress authorized the building of fortifications.
156. From then on, he occupied the Siege Perilous .Later, as expected, he found the Holy Grail with the other two knights.
157. All we know for sure is that Sennacherib abandoned the siege and galloped back in disgrace to his kingdom, where he was murdered 18 years later, apparently by his own sons.
158. At last great areas of Europe were a state of siege and subject to nightly raids.
159. American Revolution (1781): the British under Cornwallis surrendered after a siege of three weeks by American and French troops.
160. His wife mnz died after an agonizing three - year siege of cancer.
161. In a story recorded in 2 Kings(/siege.html), the city of Samaria lay under siege and deadly famine.
162. Reports that the siege is not clear whether the existence of the Libyan army casualties, but Lee said the opposition armed soldiers they captured a Mauritanian nationals hired mercenaries Gaddafi.
163. Have you been living in Atlanta ever since the siege?
164. Constructing Ballista Towers atop settlement walls allows a defending force to shower any attackers with iron bolts, a sensible improvement for almost any siege scenario.
165. When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit.
166. While trading operations have revived earnings, the brokerage business remains under siege.
167. Books in: The Crystal Shard, Streams of Silver, the Halfling's Gem, Sojourn, Legacy, Starless Night, Siege of Darkness, Passage to Dawn, the Silent Blade.




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