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单词 Cramped
1, The kitchen was small and cramped.
2, He cooked for himself in the cramped kitchen.
3, She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.
4, Our accommodation is rather cramped.
5, We're a bit cramped for space in this attic.
6, All these things cramped his progress.
7, Lack of money cramped our efforts.
8, All these difficulties cramped his progress.
9, Sitting still for so long had cramped her muscles.
10, The animals were kept in cramped and unhygienic conditions.
11, I feel cramped by the limitations of my job.
12, There are hundreds of families living in cramped conditions on the floor of the airport lounge.
13, The troops slept in cramped conditions with up to 20 in a single room.
14, He cramped in the last 200 metres of the race.
15, He is cooped up in a cramped cell with 10 other inmates.
16, The cramped living conditions severely restricted the children's freedom to play.
17, The house was terribly small and cramped(),(http:///cramped.html) but the agent described it as a bijou residence.
18, The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped and noisy apartment.
19, They worked from cramped offices near the main station.
20, Five workers were packed into a cramped office.
21, I see people in very cramped conditions.
22, It was bare, cramped and impersonal.
23, Afoot, she was edgy, cramped, accident prone.
24, I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
25, Frankie shifted his position so that his knees would not become cramped.
26, You must realize that it is arrogance that has cramped your progress.
27, Meeting you before the end of the month will be difficult, because I have a very cramped schedule until then.
28, The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat.
29, We have six desks in this room, so we're rather cramped .
30, She didn't want me to go with her to the party in case I cramped her style.
1, The kitchen was small and cramped.
2, He cooked for himself in the cramped kitchen.
3, I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
4, She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.
5, Lack of money cramped our efforts.
31, I hated working in that cramped little office.
32, He got out to stretch his cramped muscles.
33, Conditions on board ship were extremely cramped and uncomfortable.
34, Hindered by scolding women and jeering men, the soldiers lowered themselves into the cramped crawl spaces.
35, Holding her free arm against her cramped side, she struggled to regain control of herself.
36, By comparison with trying to sleep on the cramped seating of today's long-haul flights it was luxury indeed.
37, Twisting in the cramped space, he got on his knees and leaned forward, bringing his head down to her bosom.
38, Watching the golf was an ordeal which cramped the muscles and stretched the ingenuity of the masses to the limit.
39, The chair must be cramped up, if not glued up, for accurate positioning.
40, I tried to play with it and it cramped up.
41, We all felt stiff from having been cramped up in the back of the car for so long.
42, Planes, restaurants with fixed seating, cinemas and hairdressers all leave me cramped.
43, But this cramped his writing hand and made writing on the bottom half of the page impossible.
44, Yeremi's stream of plasma ceased abruptly as his hand cramped within that fervid womb.
45, But with the boom comes a downside: an increased risk of flying-related ailments, brought on or aggravated by cramped quarters.
46, Their works tended to be small-scale, mostly because they worked in cramped living spaces with scarce materials.
47, They shared a cramped open-plan area in which they were disposed rather in the manner of a traditional typing pool.
48, Such a cramped view of foreign policy leaves military pressure as the only plausible means of persuasion.
49, Yet,(/cramped.html) there is a lesson to be learned from such cramped conditions of cultural creativity.
50, For years, the supervisors have shared bathrooms and conference rooms and worked in cramped offices.
51, She grew up in exceedingly cramped quarters on the Lower East Side.
52, After this, Tate Britain at Millbank feels cramped, parsimonious and a bit shabby.
53, This highly engineered plumbing produced concentrated plant growth in cramped spaces.
54, We were cramped in my studio apartment, but the thought of the family being together was reassuring.
55, The little man would trot around, mumbling contentedly, reenacting heroic skirmishes with rabid Orks in cramped subterranean Squattish strongholds.
56, Richard and I were totally unsuited, we cramped each other, preventing further growth, we were better apart.
57, I was too defiant to return to such an art school, so cramped, so bunged up with petty authority.
58, I crawled out cold, cramped, and feeling sick - to a world that seemed to have disappeared altogether.
59, They are condemned to a life of misery in cramped breeding colonies.
60, Sea Gladiator Faith in her restored form inside the somewhat cramped confines of the Museum.
61, Once captured, the new slaves were stuffed into these cramped cavities without proper ventilation or sanitation.
62, Invariably our toes are unnaturally cramped into odd-shaped shoes and the feet raised because we choose to teeter around in high heels!
63, Again the place was surprisingly clean considering how cramped it was.
64, There is also the legacy of cramped, poorly lit housing.
65, Towns with names like Connacht, Munster, Rosedale and Hanratty that teem with cramped lives and desperate people.
66, You rest your cramped arms for a moment and push again.
67, Two strips of waste wood were slowly fed over the revolving cutter and cramped to the table.
68, Once at her new work place she complained bitterly of how her style had been cramped.
69, The troops have to sleep in cramped conditions on the floor with up to 20 in a single room.
70, The apartment never seemed more cramped with just the two of us knocking around in it.
71, It was hot, airless, badly lit, and generally had a cramped below-decks feel to it.
72, The assassin was cramped in a narrow space above the housemaids' cupboard full of brooms and dusters.
73, As they often occupy cramped sites, London Board schools are usually multi-storey buildings.
74, It was a great joy to get ashore after being cramped with our fellows, not all of them Air Force.
75, A narrow door in what looked like a solid pillar opened to show a cramped circular stair.
76, Headteacher Terry Anderson said staff had been struggling in the cramped conditions since the school was opened in 1985.
77, He and his co-pilot settled down in the darkness for the long flight in the cramped cockpit.
78, She never looked back to see what was chasing her, just woke in a cramped sweat,(Sentence dictionary) breathless and in tears.
79, But what of the sad, cramped hells, we know lie hidden hereabouts?
80, Meanwhile, arms and artifacts deteriorate in cramped storage cubicles that lack temperature and humidity controls.
81, His muscles cramped so severely he had to stop playing.
82, No closets, cramped kitchen, obsolete dining room with a long gloomy table.
83, Cramped wooden benches, a friendly welcome for regulars and improbably large plates of home-made pies, omelettes, grills and chips.
84, Outside the venue, the Inspirals climb into their cramped tour van and head back to the hotel exuding quiet satisfaction.
85, But I was disappointed to find space for back seat passengers as cramped as in the 5.
86, My stomach cramped, and I threw up what I had eaten.
87, Another side effect of flying in cramped quarters is back pain.
88, It was a cramped space, cluttered with wobbly, contact-paper-topped tables and uncomfortable chairs with orange upholstery.
89, On the axe was some lettering so small and cramped that Jack could barely make it out.
90, Unsightly aluminum air ducts intrude into the cozy but cramped reading alcove.
91, Maja Nagel rues the day when she had to leave a castle in the East for a cramped little studio in Berlin.
92, There is a compact dining area, which feels cozy rather than cramped.
93, There were 4 men in our hooch, a bit cramped, but we were not in there all at once.
94, I couldn't wait to move out of my cramped apartment.
95, Clearly the shopkeeper lived in reasonably comfortable, if cramped quarters.
96, The cameras beamed live views of shuttle crew members as they were strapped by colleagues into the cramped cockpit.
97, I couldn't sleep on the plane - it was too cramped.
98, I had few nights off, and Janir and I were still living in our cramped little cabin in the woods.
99, It is a moment before the long hours in cramped quarters, which makes up spending a night in a couchette.
100, I was becoming cramped on my branch but daren't move a muscle.
101, They were aimless places that swirled around the cramped rooms where he always ended up.
102, The cramped dock area began to expand eastwards across the newly exposed terrain.
103, We are working at Nanking University, in rather cramped and primitive conditions, for the buildings have seen better days.
104, There is plenty of evidence, too, that orangs kept in cramped solitary confinement become not only bored but mentally sick.
105, My place was not suitable, as I was living rather far out beyond Magdalen in more cramped conditions.
106, Her education was cramped by her lack of money.
107, This place is rather cramped.
107, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
108, It is unworthy of it to be cramped.
109, Byron was back aboard the cramped Devilfish.
110, Men in their dungeons stretched their cramped cold limbs.
111, But then he would see the cramped hand.
112, They cramped the livestock in the ancient barns.
113, It'sits your foot too high and makes the toe box feel cramped as well.
114, His left hand was still cramped, but he was unknotting It'slowly.
115, The peasant family is cramped tightly into a small makeshift shack squatter slum.
116, The gothic-styled mise en scene looks cramped and performers look packed on the tiny stage.
117, The squalor of the medieval city - with its cramped living quarters and dark alleyways - would be erased forever.
118, The apartment also had a small, cramped living room with a dresser, a table, four chairs, a wing chair, and a coal stove.
119, Generally speaking, most configurations align every row of stars with the gaps of the previous row, making the stars less cramped.
120, A more spaced-out schedule is much more relaxing than a cramped one.
121, The breed took off despite being inappropriately large for cramped homes in Japan.
122, Round tables cramped together , dim sum trollies overflowing with bamboo steamers scampering around them.
123, This is a big plus in the nation's cramped apartments, which often forbid ownership of more common four-footed friends.
124, And it was no longer the same cramped, awkward handwriting as before.
125, However, because of the compact body size peace roof design, making it a little cramped inside.
126, Frau Merkel is further cramped by anxiety that German taxpayers will revolt against writing even larger cheques to bail out reckless bankers and feckless Club Med nations.
127, working in cramped conditions.
128, In later years he lived in a rather cramped little flat in Bristol.
129, Her many gifts were cramped in this little Canadian village.
130, The U of O is infamous for its inhumanely cramped dorm rooms, though, making it improbable that one resident could have committed such an act without the other being intimately aware.
131, Newspapers and blogs speak of the "ant tribe" of recent graduates living in cramped basements in the country's big cities while futilely searching for work.
132, On some aircrafts, the seating in tourist class can be very cramped.
133, Even though it is a minicar with just room for two passengers, the interior space does not feel cramped at all.
134, In its shadow, dozens of employees sit cramped at a handful of foldout tables.
135, Nix patterns. They make a tiny space seem more cramped . Choose furniture and bedding in solid, neutral colors, and save the patterns for accents, such as pillows.
136, Since then, I have done far too much travelling across France on the motorway or in a cramped plane seat.
137, For the next few weeks, she slept on their lumpy pull-out couch in a cramped garden apartment in Queens, and tried to adjust to life in America.
138, It's a bit like body odour on a cramped bus on a hot day.It's not going to kill you, but it's certainly going to get you off the bus pretty quickly.
139, Although there can be breathing room when workers and children are outdoors, most living quarters are cramped, with extended families of 15 packed into 300 square feet.
140, I awoke with stiff and cramped muscles from having slept long on the incommodious seat of a day coach.
141, Cramped between the mountain and the sea,(http:///cramped.html) Issus suits the Macedonians perfectly.
142, Beds were made in a hurry and the whole room experience quite cramped and characterless, bland.
143, The cramped, concrete jungle that is Tokyo, one of the world's most densely populated cities, has little space for parks. But things are starting to look up.
144, The two of us were cramped in the telephone booth.
145, Given the high HIV prevalence, the threat of TB and drug-resistant TB in cramped, unventilated cells is all the more serious.
146, In the Middle Ages, science was cramped by ignorance and superstition.




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