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单词 Identification
1 Have you any means of identification?
2 Each product has a number for easy identification.
3 Do you have any identification?
4 Accurate identification of these birds is difficult.
5 Only one witness could make a positive identification.
6 The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives.
7 We should have identification card on the person when we go out.
8 Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.
9 Have you any identification?
10 She was unable to make a positive identification of the suspect.
11 The identification of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.
12 Bring some form of identification, preferably a passport.
13 He's made a formal identification of the body.
14 He flashed his identification card.
15 My only means of identification was my cheque book.
16 The witness made a positive identification.
17 Can I see your identification, please ?
18 Each animal was tagged with a number for identification.
19 His body was taken to Brighton mortuary for identification.
20 The identification of the accident victims took some time.
21 Marilyn had an intense identification with animals.
22 Windows are etched with the vehicle identification number.
23 fingerprinting as a means of identification .
24 Can I see some identification, please?
25 Do you have any means of identification ?
26 His only means of identification was his passport.
27 The vehicle's identification number is stamped on the engine.
28 The police checked their identification.
29 The wires are colour coded for easy identification.
30 The security guards gave me the once-over, but they didn't ask me for any identification.
1 Have you any means of identification?
2 Each product has a number for easy identification.
3 Do you have any identification?
4 Accurate identification of these birds is difficult.
5 Only one witness could make a positive identification.
6 The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives.
7 We should have identification card on the person when we go out.
8 Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.
9 Have you any identification?
10 The security guards gave me the once-over, but they didn't ask me for any identification.
11 She was unable to make a positive identification of the suspect.
12 The identification of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.
13 Can I see your identification, please ?
14 A witness picked him out of an identification parade as the robber.
15 His identification with the hero of the book made him sleepless.
31 Identity cards for football supporters could be the thin end of the wedge - soon everyone might have to carry identification.
32 The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.
33 A witness picked him out of an identification parade as the robber.
34 His identification with the hero of the book made him sleepless.
35 Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.
35 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
36 They took a plaster cast of the teeth for identification purposes.
37 The early identification of children with special educational needs is very important.
38 Sir William James is thought to be the originator of fingerprinting as a means of identification.
39 Always carry some identification.
40 Wellington Barracks is a restricted area and anyone who enters should have identification.
41 We were asked to show some identification before the security guards would let us in.
42 Most of the bodies were badly burned, making identification almost impossible.
43 A committee was appointed to supervise the exhumation and identification of the bodies.
44 A formal identification had still to be carried out.
45 The sleeves are colour coded for easy identification.
46 In addition, the model provides no account of how pronounceable non-words are read aloud, nor of how context influences word identification.
47 Slowly these different nations were assimilated into one society with a broadly common identification.
48 Likewise the identification of the 500-akce kadiliks mentioned in the Kanunname presents a real difficulty.
49 The identification number will be kept confidential, unless a court orders the information released, Nishioka said.
50 But close identification with reform carries risks in a profession vulnerable to political change.
51 Boys must replace this early identification with a masculine one.
52 Voice is one of the best clues to sandgrouse identification.
53 Please bring two forms of identification, such as a passport or driver's license.
54 Also, it is usually possible to dispute the facts themselves by challenging the theory involved in their identification.
55 An assessment of the present status of technological capabilities and identification of gaps, short-comings and needs; 2.
56 Identification with one's community is, though not morally obligatory, a desirable state, at least if that community is reasonably just.
57 Of course, that sense of meaning and purpose can also be found in identification with a cause or a political movement.
58 But how reliable is demonstrative identification? Consider the following example.
59 Anticipated here is that always unstable disjunction between identification and desire upon which male bonding depends.
60 The young of these species are quite similar, which has led to considerable confusion in their identification and classification.
61 Izvestia said the film depicted soldiers temporarily burying rebel bodies for possible later identification by relatives.
62 I think, also, there is some identification with the amount of power your country has.
63 They may even make a permanent identification with it, and this can cause problems when the children leave home.
64 Tom turned around and saw Freddie staring at the silver identification bracelet on his left wrist.
65 Jaq looked in vain through a lens for identification marks, badges, or names.
65 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
66 Then he started to make progress with simple objects in the room, rewarding each correct identification.
67 Thin sections show a great variety of internal structures important in accurate identification.
68 Identification with the community is even consistent with hostility to its laws, if those are thought to be oppressive or unfair.
69 Accurate dating of pregnancy is important for other reasons, such as prenatal diagnosis and early identification of intrauterine growth retardation.
70 Health board workers can withdraw up to £100 each on production of their pay slip, their bank card and identification.
71 Sensual love is distinguishable from identification as a means of establishing emotional ties between two people.
72 The identification of a metamorphic rock depends largely on recognition of foliation and other textures.
73 Farmers would have to be 100 percent accurate in the identification system to avoid losing out on premium payments.
74 Autosomal bivalents can be arranged in order of size, but unambiguous identification of individual bivalents is not possible.
75 Preoperative identification of such patients is important and any suspicion of infection with underlying hyposplenism should be promptly treated with parenteral antibiotics.
76 At the border, swastika flags fluttered from passport control and police sauntered to the car to demand identification.
77 It is therefore hard to see personal identification as the main evolutionary pressure leading to the famous black and white pattern.
78 The second phase is more cognitive, aimed at the identification and modification of the dysfunctional silent assumptions.
79 Selfhood is enlarged by a process of identification and diffusion, rather than absorption.
80 Title scanning, as mentioned briefly above, was considered adequate for area identification.
81 And in some cases, as our reader has discovered, you will need to have identification certified by a responsible person.
82 No matter how Gordon may see it, her identification with the maternal ideal runs deep.
83 Clientism can take another form: identification with the host country or with those currently in power there.
84 Teeth are an almost certain identification if any dental work has been done, and if the dentist concerned can be found.
85 Lifestyles remained simple but identification with the masses was impossible if kids had to get a decent education.
86 Combinations of such antibodies may offer a more accurate system for identification of tumour type.
87 During times of economic and political stability, on-the-field sports violence allows for tension release, through vicarious identification with the aggressor.
88 For they concentrated on a very formal identification of local politics.
89 Many textbooks do show awareness of the need to deal with different discourse types, but few confront the issue of identification.
90 In particular, we have shown that the effect of context on word identification is different.
91 But for most students who fit the given descriptions, early identification may avoid future failure.
92 Blagg had tried a brief smile when Maxim flashed the torch on himself for identification, but didn't speak.
93 This suggests that the personal identification of women with the housewife role weights the balance in favour of a psychological involvement in housework.
94 It may be helpful to attend six meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous to see how close is the identification with acknowledged sufferers.
95 It must be stressed at the outset that correct identification is the chief problem.
96 After all,() the key to the proper use of statistical analysis is the correct identification of levels of measurement.
97 It was a precaution in case any of them were injured, or killed, and weren't carrying any formal identification.
98 Consumer devices attached to the Internet will be expected to generate an unambiguous origin identification.
99 Parent-child identification is less clear-cut among girls than it appears to be in boys.
100 The carrier will then deliver the goods to the consignee, upon the latter's proper identification.
101 For if species identification was the function of the stripes they would have diverged much more in the three cases.
102 The other three corpses are said to have been so badly disfigured that identification is proving difficult.
103 The system's audit procedure also allows identification and control of problem areas in the design and communication process.
104 Color seen in thin sections is a good, quick guide to the identification of certain minerals.
105 A central feature is the attempt to elicit the degree of identification of a community.
106 The Contra Costa County coroner said identification of the dead worker was pending on tests to be completed late Wednesday.
107 It would be wrong to regard consent as a one-off act of identification.
108 As a result, identification becomes a chancy thing even for the experts.
109 Much of the difficulty of identification is caused by an almost complete ignorance of what we are looking for.
110 For this reason an assessment was made for all the forty women of their levels of identification with the housewife role.
111 More important are questions concerning the accuracy of the identification of the cause of death, especially for older people.
112 Objective I-C.. Improve surveillance and rapid laboratory identification to ensure early detection of antimicrobial resistance.
113 One is identification of the specific tasks confronting each of the four learners.
114 This would be evidence against the present finding that identification with the housewife role is not differentiated by class.
115 An open communication style, it seems, can help in the early identification and swift solution of problems.
116 Whitehorn pleaded guilty to possession of equipment to make fake identification documents.
117 Another program, called the battlefield combat identification system, is similar to an Air Force system used to identify friendly aircraft.
118 This identification of the problems provides the foundation for the solving of these endemic deficiencies.
119 The conference also heard detailed evidence yesterday on the more disturbing, but necessary, work of body identification.
120 The accurate identification of ships and aircraft during the recent world wars was of major importance.
121 In other instances the, client company insist on using their own letter heading at least a brand identification.
122 The provision of these requirements by a cell line should aid their identification and analysis of their functional role in T-cell development.
123 A postmortem examination will take place in Vancouver later today to confirm identification from dental records.
124 They demanded to see her identification before she could board a bus to New York City.
125 Mode A is the identification mode,(http:///identification.html) whilst Mode C is the automatic altitude reporting mode.
126 When you first tune a station frequency, check the identification twice to make sure you have the right beacon.
127 Rather, they require a careful analysis of contemporary political struggles over questions of representation, symbolic boundary formation, and identification.
128 Climbers attending the briefing will need to bring with them some form of identification, preferably a passport!
129 Only it is not clear that the identification of such a project as state capitalism is damning.
130 The identification card should have a clearly identifiable photo and logo.
131 Catchline a temporary headline for identification on the top of a galley proof.
132 Blade identification is etched in the shank near each tip, and seemed pretty permanent.
133 The imputation of such benefits raises a number of issues, including the correct identification of the beneficiaries.
134 Returning workers flashed special identification cards issued by the union and walked in.
135 Even if she were replaced, her example demonstrates that party identification is not the only key to a clean Justice Department.
136 Don't get depressed - bird identification is difficult and there is no quick way to proficiency.
137 In this case, Joni's identification with fifteenth-century Sienese painting is complete.
138 An inventory should contain sufficient information to enable the unequivocal identification of an object.
139 I felt I had joined an Out-in-the-Open University crash course in bird identification.
140 This suggests that such indices are unlikely to provide useful markers for the identification of colorectal cancer risk as previously proposed.
141 After establishing my credentials and getting my outsized but very tastefully colored beige identification card, I begin my search.
142 The plan calls for establishing biological markers for the early identification of conduct-disordered youngsters.
143 It displayed no owner identification marks and was without benefit of either warning traffic cones or night lights.
144 There are eight long rays emanating from the head; but without a text, uncertainty remains as to their precise identification.
145 Buyers of any gun must furnish two pieces of identification.
146 Obviously, local newspapers, by definition, have more community identification than local cable systems and radio and television stations.
147 Identification with Osiris was a crucial factor both through the judgement after death and through association with his major cult centres.
148 And this also involves, crucially, the identification of areas where there are disagreements between agencies over objectives or methods.
149 To be eligible for these please help us by showing any appropriate identification when paying for tickets.
150 The point is that every teacher who cares about being a fine teacher has an identification with these principles.
151 A Las Vegas police report says Paganelli was leaving a hotel when a police officer stopped him and asked for identification.
152 Security is maintained by terminal operators using unique identification and password codes to gain access to the system.
153 Identification is, typically of the sort of fish that I like, not simply a matter of a quick glance.
154 The body carried no identification and was dressed only in boxer shorts, trainers, a shirt and tie and jacket.
155 The identification of feminism with the United States has dishonoured it around the world.
156 Confusion can arise over the identification of the rook and the crow.
157 Figure 10.1 shows the percentage difference in correct identification of stimuli between visual fields for each condition.
158 Teamwork contributed to both the identification of location clients and the delivery of Glasgow's attributes to meet their specific needs.
159 Arraignment hearings normally last only a few minutes and are confined to formal identification of the accused and details of the charge.
160 Another possibility is that the stripes operate at much closer quarters as a personal identification system.
161 Depending on the strength of identification with the reference groups an individual may conform to its standards and norms.
162 Courtroom spectators had to pass through two metal detectors and show photo identification.
163 The identification of apparent patterning amongst types and sub-groups of ornamental metalwork can easily induce a false sense of satisfaction.
164 Users will be required to enroll in the service and obtain a personal identification number.
165 At the airport, they provide that number along with photo identification to receive a boarding pass.
166 To defend against loss or theft, the cards usually require the user to enter a personal identification number as well.
167 The place value identification of criterion 1a is required in addition to the distributive law and this combination proved very demanding for low attainers.
168 Hence identification of antigenic determinants of IgA response may lead us towards antibody responses likely to be important in parasite clearance.
169 I have focused attention on identification with the society as being the most characteristic attitude thus expressed by citizens.
170 No farmer can therefore afford to carry workers who are disgruntled or who have no identification with the aims of the enterprise.
171 Each card or wand contains an identification number that is read by an electronic sensor, which charges credit-card accounts.
172 Both girls and boys develop a deep personal identification with the mother during their early years.
173 The final stage of circuit board construction is to insert the integrated circuit IC1 with the identification notch next to the mercury switch.
174 Dogtags were distributed among urban dwellers to make identification of the dead easier in the aftermath of what seemed inevitable.
175 Later a hastily assembled identification parade of three sat before me.
176 Loyalties and identification with them will be strong, reinforced by the continuity with the old.
177 Identification of the gene encoding s-ADH and the eventual search for polymorphisms are awaited with interest.
178 It could also be said that without evaluation, proper identification of need is pointless!
179 An early identification of problems was important, followed by prioritisation of resources.
180 Here is a parlour game of political identification.
181 Keywords: unsupervised artificial neural network, image identification, instantaneous velocity.
182 A specialized 5 character identification for periodical titles.
183 Pull over! Sir, please show me your identification card.
184 Human visual system has special mechanism in characteristic identification.
185 Santiago Munez: Do I need an identification or anything?
185 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
186 Identification by retinal scanning is complicated by eye movements.
187 A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for nonlinear system identification is presented.
188 Specializing in radio frequency automatic identification card technology research, development and applications.
189 An employee identification system must be in place for positive identification and access control purposes.
190 This is a referential method for the identification of Chinese drugs.
191 OBJECTIVE To explore the identification method and the clinic Penicillium marneffei.
192 ResultsThe identification and content determination Methods: Were simple, accurate, exclusive, and had reproducibility.
193 RFID Radio Frequency Identification is a kind of - touching automatic identifying technique.
194 The identification and Growth Characteristics of the pathogen of Valencia orange green spot were studied.
195 These Methods: Were essential to the study on classification, identification and characteristics of the plant nematode.
196 Is an employee identification system used for positive identification and access control?
197 That's why then people become hippies, they become this, then punks - because they have no identification.
198 This network architecture implements the fault identification and self - healing function to restore the traffic promptly.
199 All design transparently, convenient for the file identification inside the bag.
200 Alternatively, you may input your personal identification number and the password upon entry.
201 You can protect your SIM card from unauthorized use by assigning a PIN personal identification number.
202 Most of these systems provide simpler and more rapid presumptive identification of Salmonella in foods.
203 Please change your initial Personal Identification Numbers ( PIN ) below and memorize them.
204 A system for negative identification can prevent the use of multiple identities by a single person.
205 Identification of Potential Transcriptional Regulatory Elements by Comparison of Human and Pufferfish Genomic Sequences.
206 This paper presents a method of radar target identification using wavelet transforms and rough sets.
207 Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) tags and readers are among these new components.
208 OBJECTIVE To provide the TLC identification standard of Fructus Xanthii for Chinese Pharmacopoeia ( CP ) 2005.
209 Object To develop an immunoassay method of species specific protein for Radix Glycyrrhizae ( RG ) identification .
210 Offline Character Recognition for The template matching, USPS font terminology Fisher Linear found handwritten identification numbers.
211 OBJECTIVE To develop effective identification method of Panax quinquefolium and Panax ginseng C . A.
212 In this paper, stochastic system identification techniques are proposed to determine the flutter derivatives turbulent flow.
213 Objective To establish a canine multiplex system for individual discrimination and paternity identification.
214 B . Clarke Var thomson ii . METHODS Source, botanical morphology characteristics and microscopic identification Methods: Were adopted.
215 Colin's death was confirmed by the positive identification of a body washed up on the beach.
216 Radio frequency identification ( RFID ) technology is a combination of RF and IC chip technology.
217 At last we had discussed revised identification about lack - strokes numeral image.
218 Objective : To establish a identification method for Psoralea corylifolia L . in Guilingji wine.
219 RBF neural networks is a new tool for nonlinear system identification.
220 A system for positive identification can prevent the use of a single identity by several people.
221 Finally the future and range the application on the voiceprint identification are discussed.
222 Representative methods of base noun phrase identification are summarized in are compared and analyzed.
223 Political Identification a relatively outlying study category in the political studies.
224 Method Comparing the base resource identification with the different making methods of the unbleached specimen.
225 OBJECTIVE To improve the HPLC method for identification and determination of Penicillin V potassium Tablets.
226 The successful protein separation and identification are the critical parameters for proteomics analysis.
227 Warranty replacement for nonconforming purchased products ; logistic requirements; product identification and traceability.
228 Systems and processes for identification should ensure persistency and consistency.
229 Objective: The method of rapid identification and isolation of Vibrio vulnificus in aquatic products was studied.
230 Personal effects found near bodies may be important for identification.
231 The structural identification was performed by quantitative elemental analysis, infrared absorption spectrometry and nuclear resonance spectrometry.
232 The identification for the periodicity and pitch order of low noise tread patterns was investigated.
233 Identification of ore property and technological minerals of Nei Monggol Jintao Company were conducted.
234 Second, yield identification that is including radish yield and effective root rate.
235 You're invested in identification with attention and the body - mind, and conditional objects altogether.
236 The identification and classification of oil pollution and red tide water using the data.
237 A method is presented for unmanned helicopter flight dynamics model identification.




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