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单词 Script
1) I received a letter from him in neat script.
2) Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.
3) He began comically ad-libbing a script.
4) Life is not a script.
5) Bruce Robinson wrote the script for 'The Killing Fields'.
6) That line isn't in the script.
7) The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.
8) Archaeologists have had trouble deciphering the script.
9) She smacked the script on the floor.
10) His script was unintelligible.
11) The script was delivered to the director ahead of schedule.
12) The script was workmanlike at best.
13) It's easy to identify his script.
14) I thought I recognized your flowing script.
15) The invitation was written in beautiful italic script.
16) All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted.
17) The script is filled with logical inconsistencies.
18) She writes in a neat copperplate script.
19) Jibes about mothers-in-law were kept out of the script.
20) This is a letter in Cyrillic script.
21) The script cuts back to the old hero's childhood.
22) The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
23) The script was singularly uninspired.
24) The script was disjointed and hard to follow.
25) That line isn't in the original script.
26) The script didn't stage well.
27) Jenny's writing a film script.
28) I'm trying to get my script sorted.
29) She rushed through her script.
30) The pair have often been known to abandon their script and begin ad libbing.
1) I received a letter from him in neat script.
2) Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.
3) He began comically ad-libbing a script.
4) Bruce Robinson wrote the script for 'The Killing Fields'.
5) The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.
6) Archaeologists have had trouble deciphering the script.
7) His script was unintelligible.
8) It's easy to identify his script.
9) The script cuts back to the old hero's childhood.
10) The script was singularly uninspired.
11) Jenny's writing a film script.
12) Arabic script reads from right to left.
13) The marvelous acting compensated for the play's weak script.
14) They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.
15) According to that script, the merchant, Shylock, lent 3,000 ducats to Antonio.
31) How did you first get into script writing?
32) She admired his neat script.
33) The script has a refreshing spontaneity and sparkle.
34) I've lost my place in the script.
35) Losing was not in the script.
36) The script was good, but those guys butchered it.
37) Arabic script reads from right to left.
38) The marvelous acting compensated for the play's weak script.
39) It's painful to watch her making the best of a terrible script.
40) I only had time to skim through the script before I flew over here.
41) The film script is an amalgam of all three books.
42) In 1982, with his career prospects on the wane, he sold a script for £5,000.
43) As with all the best American comedies, the sharpness of the script made the average British sitcom seem embarrassingly flat-footed.
44) The way to learn the script is to say it to yourself over and over again.
45) My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script.
46) Jo's forging ahead with her plans to write a film script.
47) She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.
48) He's temporarily laid aside some quite interesting projects to write the script.
49) They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.
50) The two playwrights worked in close collaboration on the script.
51) I've been beating my brains out all weekend to get this script written.
52) They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.
53) Only after countless rewrites did John consider the script ready.
54) The script allows full rein to her larger-than-life acting style.
55) During certain scenes of the play there isn't any script and the actors just improvise .
56) I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny.
57) I never use a script; I just ad lib the whole programme.
58) The author vets every script for the new TV series.
59) Five whole pages of script were devoted to rubbishing her political opponents.
60) My agent has a new script for me to look at.
61) According to that script, the merchant, Shylock, lent 3,000 ducats to Antonio.
62) The producer was given a free rein with the script.
63) The game plan was right. We just didn'tfollow the script.
64) The script has lost all of its shock value over the intervening 24 years.
65) I hope my love for the material came through, because it is a great script.
66) His working title for the script was "Trust the People".
67) The fine performances of the actors hide the shallowness of the play's script.
68) I got the script with a firm offer.
69) He sees the script as an armature.
70) True to script, they did it.
71) The script is contrived and unbelievable.
72) Wright's system for cursive script recognition has efficient low-level processing but relies on a dictionary and higher level linguistic processing.
73) Write yourself a new script in which you are open and honest about your anger.
74) Nevertheless, the limitations of writing a script to accompany images on the screen become clear on the printed page.
75) It follows a chronological script, interspersing documentary footage with the acted narrative.
76) Taking their recent findings into account, they begin to script a different scenario.
77) The movie has a script that is smartly funny, and Hugh Grant is a hoot!
78) Elastic curve matching has also been applied to cursive script recognition.
79) The script fits Steve Forbes, whose self-financed run for the Republican presidential nomination is raising hopes and hackles.
80) But when Ovett upset his rival to win gold over two laps, the script changed.
81) I am proposing to ponder the question of Letterman's script up in the higher altitudes.
82) Many script kiddies are quickly caught, often because they boast of their hacking exploits or are betrayed by their internet names.
83) Bad acting, weak script and inane dialogue -- this movie is truly awful.
84) Pros: Boat drivers follow a loose script allowing them to joke with passengers nearly as much as they want.
85) Goldman's script is excellent, proving he hasn't lost his touch.
86) Richards had a few technical hang-ups bringing the script to the screen.
87) So it's all going to go ahead as per the script.
88) The Roman script was phonetic and the book consisted of a series of dialogues, building up with phrases rather than individual words.
89) Tron was released in 1982, using computer animation to rescue a poor script.
90) The best he can manage with this script is a sense of loony bigotry.
91) Production Once the script has been agreed, the agency selects the production company to produce the film.
92) What the historical record shows is that people are not insects blindly following some genetic script.
93) Once, the script required him to jump through a plate-glass window.
94) Details of the particular on-line cursive script recogniser and the interface to further levels of processing were given.
95) The methods described and implemented are not only applicable to on-line cursive script recognition.
96) Sticks and Stones, itself a collaborative project, has no script, and was devised in a series of theatre workshops.
97) Using a script command, the user is automatically logged on to the appropriate host once an application is chosen.
98) All I have to do is get a few facts, give them some colourful detail and write the script.
99) The prodigious essayist was pushing deadline on a script for a movie that actor Bill Murray may do.
100) July 10, in unimaginably neat and flourishing script, read, Fine fine day.
101) So, the handyman sends out his patented query: Does anyone out there know where these elusive script numbers are sold?
102) Conclusions To conclude, a basic script recognition system has been demonstrated.
103) The word may also be applied to the small cursive script developed from the uncial.
104) They can complain about anything, even about the writer's script.
105) Now, it will be much harder for Gingrich to script every moment before the cameras.
106) But most of the cast are quite funny, as is the script.
107) But Roy had thrown away his script, and he spent an anxious plane journey trying to remember his lines.
108) Accelerating violence and horror eventually hit maximum velocity and warp into nonsense, no matter how erudite the script.
109) On-line handwriting recognition requires some kind of digitising data tablet to capture the script as it is written.
110) The apparatus of the script by Jonathan Lemkin and Tony Gilroy is all too familiar.
111) You can count on Laura Linney, but not on the mundane script.
112) Olsen knows how to compose a visually interesting scene, but the script lets him down.
113) Two other writers were brought in to doctor the script before they finally returned to finish their task.
114) I would discuss the script, say, on proportional representation, and then give him free rein.
115) The picture has a good script and is wonderfully acted.
116) The script was treated with creative neglect, the acting embellished with impromptu flourishes and stumbles.
117) We had gone over his script over and over and he knew it cold(sentence dictionary), but he almost clammed up.
118) Condensing the novel into a 90 minute script was a daunting task.
119) The first draft of the script has been completed, but no casting has been finalized yet.
120) Nothing in the script, or Auteuil's perky, craggy face can really tell us.
121) He doesn't mind leaving his script and reacting to whatever happens on the night.
122) That evening, Scott took his place at the news desk and ran an eye over his script.
123) However, parameters for them for individual writers could be extracted from an initial training phase for a script recognition system.
124) Prices, where stated at all, were scribbled in decorative script upon tiny cards, an afterthought.
125) In some systems the input script is restricted to upper case unconnected letters, or lower case unconnected characters.
126) The recognition of cursive script is much more difficult because several characters can be written with a single stroke.
127) This script began with Aunt Lilian's release from the shabby asylum in which she had been held for decades.
128) The interview format of the script gives an active role to the audience; they become companions in the act of discovery.
129) I was faced with the daunting task of learning the whole script in 24 hours.
130) When it comes to health care, illegible script can be dangerous, if not deadly.
131) The script is an artful adaptation of a novel by Rosa Guy.
132) He had followed his script, fulfilled his stereotyped purpose, but never really acted of his own accord.
133) A sign warning trespassers printed in the copper-plate script normally reserved for wedding invitations would inhibit nobody.
134) The wine label repeated the same words in a floridly ornate script overprinted on a picture, which Sabine recognised instantly.
135) When, however-many years later-the script finally did arrive, two things scared the life out of me.
136) On the forecourt stood a horse-drawn van on which was painted the name of a firm of landscape gardeners in flowery script.
137) Fellini collaborated with Rossellini on the script of the film.
138) I knew it would fall flat; but it wasn't the bad script which made the film unsuccessful.
139) However there is insufficient information present in script for unambiguous identification of characters and words.
140) For that we can thank a succulent script, meaty characterisations and four central performances that will leave you begging for more.
141) They have to address an unseen audience through the camera and they can prepare a script for their talk.
142) Now I know that we live in a wonderful era where you can change your life script.
143) Instead, Miss Arabel wrote, in her neat, tidy script, and Mr Surtees Cook.
144) In this family, stories were the tangible stage directions in her otherwise silent and subliminal Medlow script.
145) Script that works fine with Netscape can cause Internet Explorer to crash, and vice versa.
146) In either event, the script is projected on to a piece of glass located directly over the camera lenses.
147) The difficulty in actualizing this ambiguity in script form is the reason I initially turned down the job.
147) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
148) It was a little note from the front attic in artistic black script.
149) I went to my house in Madrid with Nicolas Roeg, the lighting cameraman, and we worked on rewriting the script.
150) If so, they hadn't expended much on a decent script.
151) The first I heard of my part in Talking Heads was when the script was pushed through my letterbox.
152) On the reverse in the artist's left-handed script is a three-word inscription from the Roman poet Pliny.
153) Systems for handwriting recognition Script recognition systems are traditionally most heavily concerned with the problem of pattern recognition.
154) The effect is not unlike that of the script of a play with stage directions.
155) Given a great script and cast, Steven Soderbergh is unsurpassed as a storyteller.
156) Oracle bone script , flagpole with flying streamers.
157) Many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script.
158) A syntax error was encountered while processing a script.
159) The conventional script vulnerability research and infiltration attack case!
160) Without bankable stars the film script aroused no interest.
161) If the UI changes, the kludge can be redone without affecting a single script.
162) I have seen the movie Sun and Man, which follows the script of Unrequited Love.
163) One may attune to the script for ascension through one's conscious freewill choice.
164) Place style sheet and java script code in external file and NOT on your actual page.
165) An early - warning this virus in sowing a newspaper is file of a baleful script.
166) The Chinese a script so fiendishly complicated that they cannot produce a proper keyboard.
167) ' sputnik " is an example of a Russian word which has been transliterated into Roman script .'sputnik "
168) The origins of the Indus script - like signs dates from 3300 - 2800 BC.
169) These sweet nothings are traditionally best sent in feather - inked script 1 on fine, perfumed parchment.
170) Firstly, a producer will option a script and hire a screenwriter to write the script.
171) Prosecutors say a beautiful stripper obsessed with the film followed the script to its murderous end.
172) At the time, the shooting script was still being finalized.
173) She is a scholar specializing in the syllabic script created by women in Jiangshui, Hunan.
174) All humans follow a script whether they exist in a Reptilian or Pleiadian or Sirian dream.
175) Right - click the file name, and click Set as Default Debug Script.
176) The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil.
177) Great script, star - studded cast, the most renowned Chinese filmmaker of all times, and plenty of cash.
178) So the famous American mystery writer Raymond Chandler was asked to help write the script.
179) He had complete script control and final cut over Rapa Nui, and he made mistakes.
180) The steles in Yonghegong are incised with Han, Man, Mongolian, and Tibetan script.
181) On the delivery , receiver is asked to sign the waybill with regular script.
182) " It's Hollywood, " Bryant said with unabashed glee. " It's a movie script. "
183) Script file or executable to run when the button is pressed.
184) Lao script is believed to have originated from the Khmer writing system.
184) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
185) In history, Lahu nationality only had language without script. They transmit their culture by oral.
186) Online Article Rewriter is a script that turns your articles into unique content.
187) Your licence could not be found . To contact sonar - script . com.
188) The Directory Service cannot parse the script because of a syntax error.
189) Like other popular scripting languages, including Perl, JavaScript, VB - script and Rexx, Tcl is an interpretative language.
190) Ba Fen style is an ancient script, but it is also fashionable in visual communication arts.
191) Although Wai is known for working without a script, film will be scripted.




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