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单词 Tactic
1) Confrontation is not always the best tactic.
2) It's time to try a change of tactic.
3) She decided on a stalling tactic.
4) The proposal was dismissed as a diversionary tactic intended to distract attention from the real problems.
5) She decided on a delaying tactic.
6) The fast bowling tactic has worked.
7) After they'd gone, Nell tried a different tactic.
8) Alas,[http:///tactic.html] many companies are already wise to this tactic.
9) Telephone sales people use this tactic.
10) I had friends who tried this tactic.
11) Frequent interrupting and talking over others Useful overpowering tactic.
12) Republicans see this as a win-win tactic.
13) Art Mitz relied on a different tactic.
14) However, a different tactic is adopted here.
15) A simple tactic is domain name registration.
16) The report concluded that the Khmer Rouge tactic was proving successful and that grassroots sympathy for the group had probably been underestimated.
17) The next tactic they use is to give us advice.
18) He adopted the same tactic in Biarritz, with the same result.
19) An example of the tactic would be a project aimed at establishing the suitability of a material for a given task.
20) Either tactic offers at least a chance of keeping trouble to the minimum.
21) In the 1590s he favoured a tactic of moderation in the expectation of a favourable political change.
22) The tactic is mined with dangers and difficulties and can not be successfully carried out unless these are constantly borne in mind.
23) Many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic of "outing" senior public figures.
24) No single strategy or tactic will resolve such a complex phenomenon as inter-group conflict.
25) Some players see injuring their opponent as a legitimate tactic.
26) Fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic.
27) This was risky and proved to be an extremely ill-advised tactic.
28) At the time, I viewed the lie as a guerilla tactic.
29) And there was no bloody bobby there at all. Painful experience taught you when to use an avoidance tactic.
30) The claims of censoring were rejected by Labour as a desperate Tory tactic.
1) Some players see injuring their opponent as a legitimate tactic.
31) Preaching economic death and disaster may not be Labour's best tactic.
32) He's threatening to sue us? That's a tactic he's used before.
33) Kennedy, seeking to deflate the pressure, resorted to a tricky tactic.
34) Giving out criticism rather than praise is a tactic that rarely works in the workplace.
35) One tactic is simply to shield the device, by enclosing it in a metal or plastic box of low impedance.
36) And the bird's standard evasive tactic is ill-suited to the airport.
37) To reassure investors, some utilities have taken to selling bonds with insurance, once an unusual tactic for utility bonds.
38) This tactic had the added advantage of lining us up with the village where the jeep would be waiting.
39) The question was just a delaying tactic to stop her leaving the room.
40) No weapon would be too cruel, no tactic too extreme, on either side.
41) The men, as one might imagine, were not so happy with the tactic.
42) It is a breathtaking tactic and has been used most dramatically in the debate over federalism.
43) Wherever the pressure occurred, a different tactic had to be developed to release it.
44) For a day or two this tactic was mildly successful, but eventually even Auster began to droop from the monotony.
45) It was for this, their use of laughter as a survival tactic, that I most admired them.
46) Parents have criticised the move as a tactic to wreck their self-governing move.
47) If all this fails, you may have to resort to another tactic.
48) Where there is a real emergency, the best tactic is to go straight out on to the street and recruit signatures.
49) It was time to deploy Dexter's tactic of unsubstantiated allegation.
50) Dole survived with a tactic that haunts him to this day: He used the abortion issue to defeat his opponent.
51) The bombing was apparently a diversionary tactic, while the Navy landed its troops ashore.
52) Supporters of prompt action on the reform issue regard the commission as a stalling tactic, however.
53) Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint. Christopher Hitchens 
54) Many Kharijite sects advocated anarchy as a solution; getting rid of the leader came to be an acceptable tactic.
55) Statements made by Mr. Lyman were just a calculated scare tactic designed to frighten consumers.
56) The disclosure of Labour's latest spoiling tactic highlighted renewed confidence at Millbank in the face of dire Tory poll results.
57) His favorite tactic was to engage in conversation as a way of avoiding work.
58) Within science, it was widely dismissed for its tactic of argument arising from ignorance.
59) Amtrak police and the U. S. Customs Service have also employed the tactic to spot drug couriers.
60) Some southern areas managed the change to integrated schools without much difficulty; but many used every possible delaying tactic.
61) This tactic of reference combines an admired or revered position with an effective individual to increase a less powerful person's clout.
62) Apart from that one pitfall, surprise attacks are an excellent tactic and should be used whenever possible.
63) It is a favourite military tactic ... the pincer movement!
64) Police spoke of a benign new law enforcement tactic no more intrusive than a video camera at a convenience store.
65) One tactic she has used is to decide matters outside the formal Cabinet, either in committees or in informal groups.
66) Terry's tactic was to use the systems analyst for a peer pressure over the programmer.
67) So a new tactic was adopted and each put in £10, raising a further £200 to £300 from friends.
68) Instead of escalation,[] Clinton's preferred tactic had been to scale back the patrols to avoid clashes.
69) Border Patrol officials say the tactic discourages illegal border crossings.
70) Macmillan then deployed a favourite tactic: he deferred the final decision till a later meeting of the Cabinet.
71) With no help around, you may have to resort to another tactic - a risky one: going to ground.
72) At that time, many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic.
73) By turning to the Falangist component of the regime forces in this way, Franco was resorting to an old tactic.
74) It was just one tactic she used to ensure negotiations with Prince Charles's lawyers stayed secret.
75) Nine times out of ten, using this tactic, you discover that there's nothing to worry about.
76) There is no truth in the rumour that this tactic is being used to keep the critics at bay.
77) Not wishing to risk increasing instability, Franco adopted a familiar tactic: he did nothing until the panorama became clearer.
78) A job seeker used that tactic when he made a call to Miller recently.
79) The Supreme Court in 1960 reaffirmed the federal position on interposition and discounted the legal significance of massive resistance as a tactic.
80) But Sunday afternoon, the demonstrators regained possession of the streets by resorting to their new tactic of creating gigantic traffic jams.
81) I decided to adopt the same tactic I had used with some success at school.
82) Recent scholarship suggests that the tactic of anonymity may have been employed for the best of reasons.
83) A frequent tactic is to try to distort the meaning of words.
84) The tactic was the old reliable one: the lightning strike.
85) It will also be granted if any defence raised is shown merely to be a delaying tactic.
86) So successful was the tactic that the return fire from the Dragoons passed over their heads without inflicting a single casualty.
87) Patricia Schroeder, D-Colo., has said the tactic is a major problem on college campuses.
88) The tactic plays to a public perception of Washington as a place that has sold out ordinary citizens.
89) The president responded by bashing his rivals and the rich, a tactic that proved successful during his campaign.
90) However, this tactic has been abandoned due to improved police surveillance and the greater likelihood of being caught.
91) Apart from the economics of the situation, it was not a tactic that would win favor at the polls.
92) He was puzzled: he could not understand this new tactic.
93) Put a price tag beside each tactic and schedule the date you hope to have that tactic accomplished successfully.
94) Another tactic to reduce consumption has to do with sipping.
95) Mr Ashdown is not content with imposing his version of stability as a temporary expedient, a regrettably necessary short-term tactic.
96) It was a tactic as smooth and sleek as hot wax on tender skin.
97) An EA spokesman called the tactic barnacle marketing.
98) A change of heart, or of tactic?sentencedict .com
99) Echolocation is a highly technical and interesting tactic.
100) The tactic could well help invigorate a struggling campaign.
101) This tactic epitomizes speed and maneuverability over brute armor.
102) And it bodes ill for financial markets, since neither Europe's sticking-plaster approach to the euro nor America's "jam today, God knows what tomorrow" tactic with the deficit are sustainable.
103) Equilibrium let the game to end is temporary state, the prevent tactic should adjust by the development of land conflict.
104) Proponents say geoengineering should at least be considered, if only as a last-ditch tactic.
105) This was a tactic neutralized by the a Jiralhanae frigate pair.
106) The team won the game thanks to Jeff's fabulous spot tactic.
107) This tactic is especially good if the fuels are locally produced.
108) But be careful with this tactic; you do not want to replicate a table in an index by including all of the table's columns in the index key.
109) The findings give scientific support to a long weight - control tactic.
110) The new tactic was put into operation early in 1939.
111) One strategy that seems to be dying out is the tactic of telling people that a specific product is the best in its sector.
112) The results show that the acceptant tactic of each player must achieve the Nash equilibrium only as the accounting information becomes true and fair.
113) Anyone who has done laundry has intuitively used this tactic.
114) The author discusses: unauthentic information tactic, proper redundancy tactic, vagueness tactic, periphrases tactic, seeking aesthetics tactic and properly worded tactic.
115) So the government is now trying a new tactic:acap -and- trade scheme.
116) In the process of the system study, the knowledge in the domain of ship collision avoidance is analyzed and the collision mechanism, process and the tactic are studied firstly.
117) The paper analyzes the innate character of poising devitalization of the sensor and gives the common tactic of platinum palladium catalyst system of anti poison by experimental research.
118) People asked if I was going to change my tactic and go flat out because I need to win. But I have been flat out for a long time. I have nothing else to think about.
119) By virtue of the feature, the inference mechanism of the pneumatic drying expert control system based on the forward reasoning is put forward and the reasoning tactic is realized.
120) Application of electric shock, including to the genitals was a common torture tactic.
121) They used this kind of scare tactic when I was growing up.
122) A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win.
123) The market economy is ruled by law. As the modern economic core and important component of fi - nance, it is a basic tactic to rule commercial bank by law in financial management in21century.
124) The British Admiralty had warned the Lusitania to avoid the area and to use the evasive tactic of zigzagging, but the crew ignored these recommendations.
125) I like to use this tactic in low-key situations, like grocery stores, coffee shops, book stores, etc.
126) System kernel includes the basic realization of distributed function component of Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Representation, reasoning control, explain tactic.
127) It is charged with soft science research e . g . development tactic for machinery industry.
128) The US military often uses the tactic of gunboat diplomacy to squelch acts of terrorism.
129) Managers who want to master the method and tactic of resolving conflict.
130) Do not choose a selling agent based only on the promise of a higher price; this can be a tactic to secure a mandate[sentence dictionary], without the necessary follow-through.
131) One Washington economist, Margo Thorning, said Bernanke and his colleagues may eventually try that tactic again.
132) We can use fear as a tactic, and the threat of terrorism to scare up votes.
133) The blitz was the most common tactic of German fascists during WWII.
134) Permissiveness is the principle of treating children as iftheywere adults; and the tactic of making sure they never reachthatstage.
135) But now she's trying a new tactic. In an ad on an Internet bulletin board called craigslist she appeals for a Good Samaritan with O-positive blood.
136) Even if the ass or derv may be better for a given build or tactic, overall they are far less flexible.
137) The system includes modules of generating SPWM signals, inverter circuit and its control tactic, undervoltage and overcurrent protection, keyboard and display.
138) To Pham Van Dong the encounter with me was tactic in a revolutionary struggle.
139) Yet, more than any other event, the salt march, exemplifying his tactic of non-violence,() gave India's struggle for liberation its Gandhian stamp.
140) But in the end, the car's success may hinge on its exclusive ordering process and scarcity -- a tactic meant to boost the carmaker's image with the monied ultra-luxury set.
141) With the organized crime becoming more and more rampant day by day, people have paid close attention to the investigatory tactic of using underground police.
142) Do your intelligence officers know where the bad guys are planning to use this leapfrog tactic?
143) We make the basic direction of advertising stratagem through STP tactic, consumer's behavior pattern.
144) In fact, my earliest conscious tactic to hide my homosexuality involved being outlandishly homophobic .
145) The capability of controling ball of opponent kicker at penalty-kick situations is analyzed and and the goaltender tactic with respect to the attacker in arc path is designed.
146) The paper brought forward simulation tactic of complex numeral system, designed VHDL testing basic program and finished simulation validation of system function blocks.
147) Sag: A defensive tactic in which a player drops off his man to help double-team a player in the pivot.
148) The name of his book, "Alkalize or Die", is in itself a marketing scare tactic.
149) It was this person who at the Lushan Meeting put his utmost efforts into a counter - revolutionary double-dealing tactic, and actively backed Peng Teh - huai's anti - Party activities.
150) That's exactly what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper did in early 2010, employing a time-honored Canadian political tactic known as a "prorogue" to shut down parliamentary debate.
151) It is shown in the numerical study that the application of oddment tactic can reduce cost.
152) Chapter 6 based on forenamed studying, bring forward the suggestions of IPOs pricing mode and market supervise, as well as company practise tactic.
153) While XML syn - tactic interoperability, RDF defines a frame model supporting semantic interoperability.
154) The thesis aimed at the needs of police mobile security. From the whole system target and system security tactic, it proposed a police mobile security system design scheme based on STK card.
155) A fuzzy controller is designed to decide the optimal tactic of distributing the information flow of the queue system, which makes the time of the clients delay least in the communication system.
156) The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic.
157) The audio interface of the low-speed communication module is connected to the audio interface channel existing on the tactic data terminal and is connected to the radio station.
158) Housing supply should be taken as the main tactic while housing reserve funds and housing subsidy should adopted as supplementary measures.
158) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
159) He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off.
160) Harry often cleans his room a tactic to avoid doing his homework.
161) The tactic was groundbreaking because it doesn't rely on malware; instead it takes advantage of computer users' gullibility to collect information like credit-card numbers and passwords.
162) Their fate is doomed, it is better to come to a fait accompli tactic.
163) Firstly, tactic management theory is summarized , and the company knows its Opportunities , Threats, Strengths and weaknesses.
164) This kind of social pressure was also key to another tactic used by the Chinese government to make sure its citizens only use sanitised portions of the web.
165) They simply do not possess the players to make that tactic work.
166) Byron remembered this tactic from submarine school exercises off New London.
167) One katydid is so renowned for this tactic that in German it is called a 'blutspritzer', or 'blood squirter'.
168) For the drilling different tactic combination, Adelman sixth sent the different first round lineup and the second string continuously.
169) The typical tactic was to insert a small washer called a "flow restrictor" into the shower head.
170) Since then, the Foreign Office in particular has worried that staying out of integrationist projects is a pannier tactic than it is a strategy.
171) Our tactic was "leapfrogging," or bypassing an enemy-held island to land troops on another, more lightly held island.
172) To unnerve someone , often as a tactic to beat them in a game or deal.
173) Based on the existing beyond visual range air fight , established the attack tactic assistance model.
174) King Pyrrhus of Epirus used elephants as a shock tactic against his enemies.
175) That is not a Right tactic but a '' Left " one.
176) Ramming is his signature tactic, and it is what he and his crew intended to do to the Japanese fleet, if they could find it.
177) Calling the West’s bargain with Libya “an invasion tactic to disarm the country, ” the official said it amounted to a bait and switch approach.
178) That tactic, needless to say, leads to endless acrimony at the IWC's meetings.
179) It's a well-tried tactic to play down public expectations in advance of a superpower summit.
180) Harry often clea his room as a tactic to avoid doing his homework.
181) The anti - monopoly laws is the main tactic to restrict the Administrative monopoly.
182) The generation and development of hematological malignancies are close related to vasculogenesis, so it is an important tactic of anti-vessel growth therapy in hematological malignancies.
183) Beira hoped that person's tactic and his promise are equally good, is rented in the past two year him goes, now he already during Asenna plan.
184) Such abnegation has become a popular tactic in these anti - political times.
185) Although the sneakier males don't inseminate as many eggs as their rivals do, it is still an effective tactic, researchers report today in BMC Evolutionary Biology.
186) So it is resorting to informal tools. Its main method is "non-automatic licensing", a tactic recognised by the World Trade Organisation that lets countries delay imports for 60 days.
187) Knowledge reasoning is widely used in the choice of teaching tactic and teaching method in ITS.
188) They adopted the tactic of " divide and rule. "
189) Judging by size alone is a bad tactic in the animal kingdom.
190) U.S. companies howled and called it a strong-arm tactic, the latest step by Beijing to control markets and force technology transfers from the developed world to China.
191) Only you may find that this tactic also delivers some undesirable side - effects.
192) In client choosing tactic foreign capital banks will scrabble for Chinese high quality clients.
193) But this rationale is just another way people try to devalue bisexuality as an identity, the same tactic used to devalue homosexuality, or being transgender, etc.
194) Petroleum is an unreproductive strategic resource, because it is pockety and finite,[] to gain and control sufficient petroleum becomes one of the main aims of big countrys secure tactic.
195) For the saloon cars in our country, whether to increase saleroom and margin or to set up brand image, they must use scientific spread tactic.
196) Morphine and other opiates, which bind to opioid receptors on the nociceptor endings that reach into the spinal cord, employ this latter tactic.
197) "We're seeing a different tactic, with security forces sweeping the towns," she said, noting reports of house-to-house searches, arrests and random shooting coming from both towns.
198) But this tactic fails in the face of a movement that defies such simple categorisation.
199) Armed with a javelin and most often fighting unarmoured , their preferred tactic is to hit and run.
200) In the third chapter, I discourse upon the exercise of the CIS tactic and its merits.
201) Successful schmoozing isn'tglad-handing or insincere sucking up -- although expressing since readmiration can be an important schmooze tactic.
202) Their elaborate designs and hues are deliberately ostentatious to ward off potential predators, a tactic called aposematic coloration.
203) Orcas need to be used aggressively for this tactic to succeed.
204) On the basis of above mentioned analysis, chapter six promotes the target and tactic of foreign-trade enterprise under the evolution of international tariff preference treatment.
205) Such a tactic is calculated, methodical, invidious — and remarkably effective.
206) The classes in Jodhpur were both Shobha's passion and her delaying tactic, but Veerni support runs only through high school; to stay on and cover the cost of college, Shobha needed a donor.
207) If that's true, openwashing might not have a long shelf-life as a marketing tactic.




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