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单词 Rearrange
1, If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together.
2, You may cancel or rearrange the appointment.
3, Rearrange the letters to form a new word.
4, My secretary will phone to rearrange the appointment.
5, Let's rearrange the match for next Saturday.
6, I think you might could rearrange that many people.
7, If you rearrange your time, you rearrange your priorities.
8, Can we rearrange your appointment for next Thursday?
9, I couldn't rearrange a simple equation.
10, We can rearrange Gary Oldman's hair into an exact replica of yours.
11, Nanomachines could rearrange the atoms in a handful of dirt and produce bread or any other food.
12, I decided to rearrange it by main topics and then subheadings.
13, Their advice: Rearrange what you have. Donate items to charity.
14, Otherwise that consumer could rearrange purchases out of a given income to make himself or herself better off.
15, Alternatively,[http:///rearrange.html] you can completely rearrange the decor in the tank so that the bully becomes confused.
16, We are living through a transformation that will rearrange the politics and economics of the coming century....
17, On other occasions, the genome seems to rearrange itself for its own ends.
18, We'll have to rearrange all the furniture once they deliver the new sofa.
19, It is possible to rearrange the cells of the early mouse embryo in numerous combinations and normal development will still occur.
20, You could put them together one way, rearrange them another.
21, This program allows you to create and rearrange images on-screen with the click of a mouse button.
22, Alternatively, rearrange the aquarium decor so that the fish are too puzzled about their home to notice newcomers.
23, Here you can rearrange the playing order of the slides and remove unwanted ones.
24, The new sofa was bigger than the old one, so they had to rearrange the rest of the furniture.
25, Having obtained this, he set to work to enclose the parish and to rearrange its landscape.
26, Governments have a tendency not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. RONALD REAGAN 
27, For a large cichlid they must be classed as unaggressive and certainly they do not try to rearrange their surroundings.
28, Whilst these preparations have had to be cancelled, we are most anxious to rearrange the programme for later in the year.
29, He half expected one of the police to dart forward and rearrange her-hair.
30, The place was so full of heavy furniture that there was no room to rearrange the beds further apart.
1, The new sofa was bigger than the old one, so they had to rearrange the rest of the furniture.
31, Imagine trying to rearrange a table consisting of 100 salespeople into alphabetical order by names or into numerical order by sales amounts.
32, You would have to manually sort the input cards, then rearrange the names in the correct order.
33, But the university authorities agreed to rearrange an examination to allow him to play in a Varsity rugby match at Twickenham.
34, Burlap-covered bulletin boards were installed for notices, which Alvin would suddenly begin to rearrange whenever he was choreographing.
35, Software determines the most efficient way to rearrange them.
36, We can rearrange this equation in two main ways.
37, All right, I'll rearrange the production schedule.
38, Shall I rearrange the lay - out?
39, Put in the missing letters and rearrange the words.
40, Ways that rearrange the molecular space between male and female , regardless of species.
41, AndroidPit : So this apparently means you want to focus more on the Galaxy Note and you have therefore taken a decision on short notice to rearrange your exhibits?
42, The scheme has biggish innovations on power amplification, automatism rearrange, perturb resisting, signal attenuation preventing, real time video frequency signal surveillance etc.
43, Can you rearrange things on the window or dialog to expand horizontally?
44, Well[http://], I'm not sure whether our factory can rearrange its product schedule.
45, Jean bent over and began to rearrange the items in her shopping basket.
46, Rearrange applications! Yes, you can use the Drag-and-Drop function to take an application icon and put it wherever you like it. It will stay there!
47, In the Rearrange Commands dialog box, do one of the following.
48, Spring clean her entire wardrobe and rearrange all her shoes and lingerie.
49, When exposed to ultraviolet light, azobenzene molecules rearrange themselves internally, a process called isomerisation.
50, Scarlett heard Mammy's lumbering tread shaking the floor of the hall and she hastily untucked her foot and tried to rearrange her face in more placid lines.
51, With increasing rearrange time, number of proton hopping decreases a little.
52, Click and drag to rearrange skills in your Skill Bar.
53, Anagrams are words or phrases that you can rearrange into another word or phrase, using the same letters.
54, So, if we just rearrange this equation, what we find is that z effective is equal to n squared times the ionization energy, IE all over the Rydberg constant and the square root of this.
55, Based on a method of 2 dimension data rearrange, a high speed and high efficiency implementation of DRAM access is proposed in the design of block buffer manager.
56, The abnormal is concerned in trisomy, monosomy, Robertsonian translocation, reciprocal translocation and rearrange.
57, You can rearrange the order of columns in the message list by dragging a column heading to the right or left.
58, I'd like it more if we could rearrange a few things here.
59, We'd better rearrange the showing schedule for next week's film.
60, Dynamic layout. Forms can automatically rearrange themselves to accommodate the data supplied by a user or by an external data source, such as a database server.
61, When it did not fit he never hesitated to transpose or rearrange.
62, Can you rearrange your schedule and make my order your top priority?
63, The process of T - cell development in the thymus requires progenitor cells to rearrange pieces of DNA.
64, He asked the mechanic to rearrange the spokes on his bicycle.
65, For air failure counterclockwise rotation, please rearrange the direction of piston as opposite side.
66, One may group or rearrange terms and not change the sum.




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