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单词 Lesser
1. This sort of job is a lesser evil than unemployment.
2. But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain.
3. He doesn't even acknowledge us lesser mortals .
4. A lesser woman would have given up.
5. They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.
6. He was feared by other, lesser, men.
7. He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence.
8. He was charged with the lesser crime of possessing a forged bond, rather than actually forging it.
9. We were all disappointed to a greater or lesser degree.
10. People voted for him as the lesser of two evils.
11. Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus.
12. They were all involved to a greater or lesser degree .
13. Ethiopia and, to a lesser extent/degree, Kenya will be badly affected by the drought.
14. She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree.
15. She dines in the executive suite, while we lesser mortals use the staff cafeteria.
16. This was true in Madrid, and to a lesser extent, Valencia and Seville.
17. They originally asked for $5 million(), but finally settled for a lesser sum.
18. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.
19. No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.
20. Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues.
21. Most companies operate in conditions that are to a greater or lesser extent competitive.
22. It will affect farmers in Spain and to a lesser extent in France.
23. The law was designed to protect wives, and, to a lesser extent, children.
24. She can deal with complicated numbers in her head, but we lesser mortals need calculators!
25. Neither candidate seemed capable of governing the country. People voted for him as the lesser of two evils.
26. The tax changes will especially hit those on high incomes and , to a lesser degree, small businesses.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. The police officers guarding the door let in the celebrities, but they prevented us lesser/mere mortals from going inside.
28. The more obvious potential allies are Ireland, Denmark and, to a lesser degree, the Netherlands.
29. The case has been remitted from the appeal court to a lesser tribunal.
30. But allowing a criminal to go free is perhaps the lesser of two evils if the alternative is imprisoning an innocent person.
1. This sort of job is a lesser evil than unemployment.
2. But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain.
3. They originally asked for $5 million, but finally settled for a lesser sum.
4. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.
5. No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.
6. Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues.
7. The tax changes will especially hit those on high incomes and , to a lesser degree, small businesses.
31. The lesser bag she slung on to her shoulder.
32. Those earning above that level would receive lesser subsidies.
33. Don't consign us lesser mortals to outer darkness.
34. Hundreds of lesser sites were destroyed.
35. The men are important, especially the lesser man.
36. It also applied, to a lesser extent, in Prussia.
37. Certainly he is a lesser man.
38. Lesser known are its beautiful gardens in Stanley Park.
39. A number of lesser industries flourished too.
40. Receiving a far lesser amount was another sponsor, Rep.
41. His city was progressively invaded by lesser lights.
42. Complete disruption of lysosomes also occurs, but to a lesser extent resulting in less marked release of enzyme into the supernatant.
43. Cook was making fresh cornbread rolls for breakfast and lesser mortals were hard at it with brooms and mops.
44. Such an economy was highly dependent on a vast mass of skilled labour and a greater horde of the lesser skilled.
45. Electric vehicles would introduce lead releases to reduce urban ozone, a lesser problem.
46. What geophysicists have been lacking is a way to measure the temperature deep down, where radioactive heating plays a lesser role.
47. I would say the top teams are just as good, but the lesser teams have caught up a little bit.
48. Payment of lesser sum Order 11 contains the provisions which apply.
49. The higher tiers housed lesser wheels, chemin de fer, blackjack, slot machines, vingt-et-un, baccarat, five-card stud.
50. The superficial similarities might make a lesser man than Mikhail Gorbachev tremble.
51. Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers are of regular occurrence amongst these trees.
52. He was convicted of the lesser charge by a jury, with the addition that the assault had taken place under provocation.
53. It may also be possible to award grants of lesser value to applicants not elected as the Fellow.
54. That deadline may force the department and prosecutors to either file the lesser charges or drop the costly, complex investigation.
55. Instead he admitted lesser motoring offences including drink-driving, failing to give a breath test and not stopping after an accident.
56. All societies differentiate and, to a greater or lesser extent,[ ] allocate unequal rewards on the basis of age.
57. But the great difference here is the lesser role played by registration.
58. Behind the familiar trestle table with its grey army blanket, sat the commanding officer flanked by two others of lesser rank.
59. A misleading assumption is that only lesser will be drawn into community service.
60. Servetus is remembered for his description of the lesser, pulmonary, circulation of the blood.
61. Through a midline abdominal incision, a cholecystectomy was performed and the lesser pancreatic duct was ligated.
62. It is a political culture in which the strong man dominates a series of lesser men through intimidation and debt.
63. Afternoon visit to Lake Bogoria which in recent years has been the home of the lesser flamingo.
64. It was not often that the High King searched me for truth as he was wont to search lesser men.
65. We lesser mortals have to be content with the Lesser Detective.
66. During the succession crisis of 1730 complaints against compulsory service were barely audible even among the lesser nobility.
67. Those who receive training are lesser than those who receive education.
68. Any lesser density makes the private appropriation of lands ineffective and the potential supply of paid labour insufficient.
69. While not particularly welcome, the black knight is considered the lesser of two evils.
70. The pub has one of those eccentrically eclectic menus that you might associate with lesser pub food.
71. They may be deployed in a variety of circumstances to greater or lesser effect.
72. Not unless you've got somebody very high in the scientific establishment with enough swing to make the lesser lights take notice.
73. Guide books customarily take a lesser role(), informing the traveller and listing things to see.
74. Lesser Black-backed Gulls nest on the cliffs periodically, as do Black Redstarts.
75. Given women's lesser upper-body strength as compared with men's, a positive evaluation of violence helps to legitimate male domination.
76. He was a brilliant lawyer, with a first-class brain, but very little tolerance of lesser intellects.
77. In their place the crown employed lesser nobles and lawyers who had no awkward pretensions to political influence.
78. His fitness and determination ensured that he survived a journey on which a lesser man could have been lost without trace.
79. He felt the other two were satisfied to play supporting roles to Gedge and to a lesser extent, himself.
80. That method is frequently used in conjunction with the schematic method of interpretation and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the literal method.
81. Rather, they affect production through their influence on labour quality and, to a lesser extent, labour quantity.
82. Lesser parties, including opposition parties, have a much lower visibility.
83. Nowadays the urinary symptoms seem to be of a lesser order.
84. Lesser butlers will abandon their professional being for the private one at the least provocation.
85. Instead, the governments in the Middle East - survive to a greater or lesser degree by simple repression.
86. Both historians proceed to a greater or lesser extent by way of discussion of great photographers.
87. Skills are being learnt, greater or lesser amounts of efforts are being made by individuals.
88. As is the custom at such ceremonies, we start with the lesser awards.
89. It is also worth reiterating that traditional rape laws frequently give rise to light sentences for lesser offences.
90. But real life, of course, teaches lesser men to keep their heads down and their mouths shut.
91. To a much lesser extent other towns also depended upon an inflow of migrants to maintain their numbers.
92. Here reasoned choice between lesser evils was the course which brought the least ill on humanity.
93. These purely doctrinal responses were, however, of lesser importance than one practical implication of Luxemburgism.
94. A number of measures of lesser importance but worthy of note were passed during Pinay Cuevas' ministership.
95. So did some leaders in Mesa, Chandler and Scottsdale, cities that participated to a lesser degree.
96. And by going along with it, all his guests were, to greater or lesser degrees, accomplices in the fraud.
97. Lesser fines for getting to work late, or leaving early, or failing to report a problem with a machine.
98. But magistrates found them guilty on a lesser charge of causing the animal to be terrified.
99. They regarded the ditching of a widely respected Chancellor, in somewhat undignified circumstances, as the lesser of two evils.
100. They have also given the lesser players their chance to see if pro golf is for them.
101. We exchange the things of lesser value for the things of greater value.
102. To a lesser extent material was supplied from the south.
103. Supplies came from the London Brick Company and to a lesser extent from nearby Stonehouse.
104. All of us, to a greater or lesser extent, have been doing this all our lives.
105. Mutuality of feeling may enable acceptance of this in both partners and to a greater or lesser extent usually does.
106. Or would it be fairer to convict the harm-doer of a lesser offence, thus ignoring the chance result?
107. How her conviction for first-degree murder affects her exposure to lesser murder charges is a matter for debate.
108. Powell's willingness to enter government in a lesser capacity than as president was a major plus for Bush last year.
109. And together we were emphatically co-operative that neighbouring forces were populated by lesser mortals.
110. To some greater or lesser degree,[] it fits in the parenting section of their life.
111. Lesser sins include getting drunk, fiddling company expenses, eating too much - and bad driving.
112. The predominant clay mineral constituents in lake muds from both regions include smectite, illite-smectites and lesser kaolinite.
113. Most pottery of this date has been found in large cemeteries, with a lesser contribution from settlements.
114. Many new organizations and businesses have been, to lesser and greater degrees, designed to function effectively in this volatile climate.
115. A lesser squad, after three earlier defeats, would have crumbled facing an 18-4 deficit.
116. All the others were from the sect hierarchy's lesser rank of Disciples.
117. We all of us have needs that are practical as well as those that are to a greater or lesser degree intellectual or theoretical.
118. To a lesser extent, the same failure can be observed in the private sector.
119. Whoever gunned Mahoney while he lay in a hospital bed need have no pipe dreams about Murder Two or other lesser charge.
120. It isn't the perfect way; it remains horrible, but the lesser of many evils.
121. There are two recently developed areas which are perfect for lesser mortals.
122. Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other and greater ones invariably slink in after it. Baltasar Gracian 
123. Distinct from this was the chief steward's right to appoint the stewards of some lesser estates within the duchy.
124. In water, and to a lesser extent in forests, the first of these factors is light.
125. I feel the same way about ballet and, to a lesser extent, basketball.
126. So Nicandra wore white kid boots for after-tea sessions, dancing class and parties; brown laced boots for all lesser occasions.
127. If a coalition government is necessary, Cabinet and lesser government posts will be allocated after negotiation with coalition partners.
128. On the contrary they are a natural feature of the human condition, present in everyone to a greater or lesser degree.
129. His state of mind will help to determine whether he is guilty of murder or the lesser offence of manslaughter.
130. Some techniques were employed to a lesser extent but still provide invaluable comparative results.
131. No wonder prime ministers treated him as their equal, and lesser mortals on the political scene regarded him with awe.
132. The creation of States posed an immediate threat to the freedom of action of lesser rulers.
133. The cases of Corvan, and to a lesser extent that of early Elvis Presley, are relatively straight forward to analyse.
134. Educational requirements play a lesser role for interviewers placing secretaries, word processing operators, and other clerical personnel.
135. Often, in panic, the accused will admit to the lesser charge without a trial.
136. But local producers have lesser reputations and command lower export prices.
137. We lesser mortals who had been banished to such places as Wolverton were, however, less fortunate.
138. This is one of the special characteristics of catholicism, and is found to a much lesser extent in non-episcopal traditions.
139. To a lesser extent, his duties include patrolling and investigating crime in the unincorporated areas of a mostly urban county.
140. The jury found him innocent of murder, but could not decide on the lesser charges.
141. The overwhelming causes of poverty in rural areas were low pay and to a lesser extent old age and widowhood.
142. Despite their responsibility for investigating lesser frauds, computer expertise is thin on the ground.
143. The others are likely to face lesser charges because they apparently played more limited roles.
144. That road is coated with tar - the same substance found, to a greater or lesser degree, in cigarettes.
145. Different professional institutions may define to a greater or lesser extent the modes and their mix.
146. Of the individuals acquitted by the Bologna appeal court four had been sentenced to life imprisonment and nine to lesser terms.
146. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
147. In these cases A is to a greater or lesser extent unclear, ambiguous.
148. The arts, too, have been transformed by modern technology, though to a lesser extent than industry.
149. When governments reduce their numbers through layoffs, civil service employees with seniority can bump those with lesser seniority.
150. Tonight, however, the lesser worry was obliterated by the greater.
151. Where they conform to any lesser standard they will not provide protection.
152. Overall, these various proportional systems achieve a greater or lesser degree of proportionality in representation.
153. This is generally observed at the first meeting and to a somewhat lesser extent at subsequent meetings.
154. Lesser men, together with the conscientious and immeasurably learned John Stuart Mill, refined, developed and organized the ideas.
155. All of these suffer from the transfer problem already mentioned, though to a lesser extent.
156. At least they chose the lesser of two evils, but even so Tank managed to create havoc.
157. This may be a result of having received a lesser dose of malaria parasite, he said.
158. Each of these organisations is, to a greater or a lesser extent, involved in transferring technology to an end user.
159. High free lime content in soil restricts access to iron and, to a slightly lesser extent, manganese.
160. They will be replaced by lesser black-backed gulls, the only Shetland breeding gull which entirely deserts the islands in winter.
161. What is true of schools in the public sector is true also, to a lesser extent, of independent schools.
162. With lesser riders far down the slopes, the brutality of the attacks on other riders becomes more apparent.
163. This mechanism apparently exerts a lesser action on transcripts of the deleted genes possibly because they are present in lower concentrations.
164. The hierarchy of race with Aryans or Anglo-Saxons at its apex was under threat of contamination from the supposed lesser breeds.
165. A lesser finding of manslaughter carries a maximum 20-year prison term.
166. All polite exchanges are conventional to a greater or lesser extent.
167. They also, to a greater or lesser extent, existed outside mainstream, predominantly male controlled, hierarchical structures.
168. There is a lesser one, which still remains an irritation.
169. If it comes to the crunch, going in would seem to me the lesser evil.
170. The Duke's lesser titles include a couple of earldoms, a barony or two and the lordship of Eskdale.
171. Usually a choice has to be made whether to carry out 100% inspection or some lesser amount on a sampling basis.
172. If it results in young Pardy being charged with a lesser offence, Deanes will be highly satisfied.
173. The lesser ones probably opted to seek their fortune in the clothing trade.
174. Those who are out for good times race but we lesser mortals chat and laugh, banter and encourage.
175. Equally, regulatory change transformed financial services, but had lesser impact on chemicals.
176. My affection for her was leavened with lesser likings and with admiration.
176. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
177. In a continent where economic successes are rare, authoritarianism may seem a lesser evil than abject poverty.
178. Even with that lesser verdict there was plenty of mitigation.
179. A symbol of lesser importance was the cross and its variants such as the star, wheel and swastika.
180. To impress and drive away lesser males, the harem bull develops a darker coat and a swollen neck.
181. With every formal organisation there exists, to a greater or lesser extent, a complex informal organisation.
182. Lesser banks will expect to pay slightly more for funds than the major retail banks.
183. The reproducible arts of photography and printmaking still remain, by and large, categorised as lesser arts.
184. The lesser verdict may also assist the judge in sentencing, and help the public to understand the sentence imposed.
185. Tawell would be charged with the lesser crime of possessing a forged bond rather than actually forging it.
186. Rachel Gray might be an outstandingly good actress but many actor-managers preferred to have a lesser actress and less temperament.
187. Lesser offices remained the preserve of local men, although they were usually people of limited importance.
188. Originally charged with aggravated battery, he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of reckless homicide.
189. That means either scouring the nation for a candidate of lesser renown, or hiring from within.
190. Each of these has a different editorial policy and, to a lesser or greater degree, a political bias.
191. Davis deserves kudos for including celebrity chefs and lesser known regional chefs in her tough homage to the restaurant business.
192. The brothers hope that if verdicts are reached, they will be convicted of lesser manslaughter charges.
193. Lesser equipment can make the walls tremble, the floors rumble, too.
194. Perhaps a maple forest is but a grand organism composed of lesser organisms.
195. Charged approximately 7.50 per hour for the public meeting, and a lesser amount for the exhibition space.
196. One can argue that transfer payments involve a lesser degree of government intervention in the economy than do government purchases.
197. Some religious conservatives have opposed the act, saying it unfairly penalizes people to overprotect lesser forms of life.
198. He had no political aims and did not lead a faction, although he sought lesser posts for a few clients.
199. This is certainly true of lesser men at the royal court.
200. Each of these premises can be seen acting to a greater or lesser degree in the siting of any particular settlement.
201. For some reason this is being passed over for some lesser things... please vote in favor of it.
202. Most families prominent in the iron trade came from the yeomanry and lesser gentry, though there were a few bigger men.
203. The principal beneficiaries of these grants were the middling and lesser nobility.
204. If I choose abstraction over reality, it is because I find it the lesser chaos. Robert Brault 
205. He probably thinks of him as a lesser George Hearst, neither quite crooked enough nor quite successful enough to he interesting.
206. Scene tumbles upon scene,[http:///lesser.html] without any sense of the disjuncture one so often feels in lesser writers.
207. Therefore, a person could be guilty of the most serious non-fatal assault but not of the lesser assault!
208. On the other hand, the lesser light-grasp is not really important for most kinds of viewing.
209. The brothers, who hope to win lesser manslaughter convictions, claim they killed their parents in self defense.
210. He fired again, and felt the lesser kick which told him the ball had only lodged half-way down the barrel.
211. The appeal court, overturning this conviction, found him guilty only on what was described as the lesser charge of genocide.
212. Celibacy is, at best, the lesser evil; by no means is it regarded as a panacea.
213. All can benefit, to a greater or lesser extent, from being introduced to history as a potential leisure interest.
214. Lesser politicians had a chance to become migrant workers instead of just talking about them.
215. One is simply moved in one direction or the other in greater or lesser awareness.
216. For them community service may be downgraded as work for lesser scholars or as something that everyone already accepts.
217. Forty-seven other officers were stung with lesser penalties ranging from long suspensions to letters of reprimand.
218. Up in the hills are the gull colonies, herring gull and lesser black-backed, on the shores of inland windswept lochs.
219. They have greater verbal and lesser spatial and mathematical ability, and less self-confidence and competitiveness.
220. Successful engineering students tended to be contemptuous of the work habits of lesser mortals.
221. Dole overcame both rural poverty and, even more remarkably, war wounds that might have killed a lesser person.
222. He says what Oxford Crown Court did was impose a much lesser penalty.
223. All new media have been born under the cloud of some form of lesser First Amendment protection.
224. The first flowering pulse of the year is yellow, characterised by lesser celandine and primrose.
225. However, of these, 42 percent. pleaded guilty to a lesser offence such as indecent assault.
226. Such incidents happen with greater or lesser degrees of seriousness at regular intervals in all our lives.
227. To a much lesser degree, retailing may share some such characteristic.
228. It had lain on the matting by his feet looking somehow obscenely wealthy and golden among the lesser coins.
229. The Lesser Mysteries, celebrated in winter, prepared the initiate for taking part in the Greater Mysteries the following autumn.
230. So people go to the polls convinced their only choice is the lesser of two evils.
231. Six others were acquitted of genocide and the remaining two were given prison sentences for the lesser crime of negligence of duty.
232. All liquid mixtures deviate from ideal behaviour to a greater or lesser extent.
233. There were several lesser towers, the corner ones with domes.
234. Mansfield saw the difficulty in reconciling the two principles, but thought that certainty was the lesser of two evils.
235. The two other ringleaders escaped capture, but many other lesser lights were taken and rather harshly treated.
236. Energy is measured in calories and comes principally from carbohydrates and fats, and to a lesser extent from protein.
236. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
237. Fear and, to a lesser extent, greed are what make money move.
238. What is meant by science in this case is of course the physical sciences and to a lesser degree the biological sciences.
239. Seven received lesser jail terms and three defendants, all intelligence operatives, were acquitted.
240. Indecency in public displays is and should remain a separate if lesser offence.
241. Comminuted intertrochanteric fractures:Should the lesser trochanteric fragment be fixated?
242. Root is diarch, the diameter lesser than A. obliterata.
243. Numerous lesser roads branched off from the main highway.
244. The ulcer has perforated into the lesser omental bursa.
245. That year she won a Moliere , the equivalent of a Tony Award, for her performance in "Les Enfants du Silence, " a French version of Mark Medoff's award-winning play "Children of a Lesser Clod.
246. The remaining minerals are of lesser significance in engineerng geology.
247. The other vessels to supply the soft palate are direct mucosal branches, which include the lesser palatine artery, the palatal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery and the tonsillar artery.
248. people of lesser importance.
249. I don't answer it. I feel strange with a lesser comment.
250. Various philosophers accepted this solipsism to a greater or lesser degree, but it formed the essential tenor of philosophy in the modern world.
251. Gradually the First Bank of the United States evolved into a sort of banker's bank, gaining the power to police lesser commercial banks.
252. I was very tired. To a lesser extent so was he.
253. Water quality has played a lesser role in regulating industrial sources.
254. Almost all the patients had symptoms of occipital nerve entrapment, among which about 73.3%(242 cases) patients had greater and lesser occipital large involved.
255. They get all the functionality without the bloat, and possibly at a lesser cost.
256. The lesser tuberosity fracture is exposed through the deltopectoral interval.
257. In some chronic cases, the lesser tuberosity fragment may be a small cortical shell.
258. In addition, the appearance of multiple-processor architectures supported by extremely fast motherboard architectures seems to make distributed file system issues a lesser priority.
259. Lesser actors might have baulked at playing an IRA terrorist or an incomprehensible Irish boxer or, as with Benjamin Button, a kind of half-Gump, half-Kermit dimwit. But not Pitt.
260. How good is Cleanthes's case that the whole universe is one vast machine, composed in turn of lesser machines?
261. The latter arises from abstraction of the somewhat lesser activated C - H bond in the dioxolane.
262. However, the global recession and a changing market have seen sales of Wii struggle recently, particularly in Nintendo's home territory, Japan, and to a lesser extent in the West.
263. Lacking the grand slam of the GMU's cannon, the Farrago turned to its lesser weapons, gamely firing and firing, weapons crews staying at their stations even though things seemed hopeless.
264. Divinely Morphic: Nerull and any other entity of lesser deity power or greater can alter Carceri.
265. It is approximately asas controlled - release morphine, a milligram per milligram basis , but with lesser adverse effects.
266. When they repeated the curse word, participants were able to withstand the water longer and reported a lesser pain level than when they repeated the neutral word.http://
267. Some ( lesser ) attention will be paid to ( computational ) theories of language learning.
268. By comparison with other method given here reveals a better algorithmic damping ratio, a lesser relative periodic ratio error, and no overshooting.
269. Owing to the human activities, too much cutting of the forests and hunting, lesser pandas disappeared in part of the lesser panda districts and are constantly retreating to the southern mountains.
270. For example, an application from a lesser known source might not be allowed to read/write local storage devices or make arbitrary network connections.
271. John Maynard Keynes made the exact same mistake in his lesser - known A Treatise on Money.
272. Grok used to be a lesser demon, a plain warrior.
273. All should carry typical white Collie markings a greater or lesser degree.
274. This spell summons a Devata, a lesser divinity of the Celestial Sphere.
275. So they enter into a plea bargain with the prosecutor — they agree to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for a reduced sentence.
276. Yet a third tropical wave is east of the Lesser Antilles.
277. The slant of the line showed he was swimming at a lesser depth.
278. She then used their close relatives, lesser spotted dogfish, for further research at Aberdeen University.
279. Curved. Their apexes support the contact points of the bridges rather than the center of the soundboard as in other lesser designs.
280. The feeling of lousiness is getting lesser because I see my everything comes good from God and the more I want to earn His favor.
281. This also endangers American interests in other regions, although to a lesser extent.
282. The lesser seal characters are more simplified and standardized compared with the greater. They moved away from pictography and developed into a more balanced and standard style of characters.
283. Results:The perimeter of omental bursa, especially, the relation of superior recess of lesser sac to caudate lobe of liver was indicated.
284. Objective Unstable intertrochanteric hip fractures are characterized by comminution of the posteromedial cortex and a fragment of variable size containing the lesser trochanter.
285. We will also discuss sound and word - level information processing, but to a lesser extent.
286. There is one of rare animals Yunnan snub - nose monkey, lesser panda.
287. Mulberry's brand penetration had increased significantly in Asia and to a lesser extent in the US.
288. The observation also showed that the each aragonite sheet consists of lesser aragonite sheet fibers.
289. This algorithm is simpler than analytic simulation programming, and needs lesser storage and has higher precision in contrast to the discrete simulation.
290. The accused plead not guilty to the charge of murder, but plead guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter.
291. When classic furniture and it is together, did not have coxcombical , reflect some lesser also precious proud, as if those who stand before is exalted and the elegant man of rich self-restraint.
292. Objective:To investigate the MRI features of the normal anatomy and abnormalities of lesser omental bursa, and to evaluate the diagnostic value of its abnormalities by MRI.
293. The Lesser Caucasus Mountains partially protect the region from the influence of dry and hot air masses from the south as well.
294. She gave him a few seconds to sponge the wound; then she reached in and tore apart the lesser omentum.
295. Criminal elements who voluntarily surrender may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment.
296. Chickens Gizzard-membrane, Tangerine Peel, Kelp, Tuckahoe, Lesser Galangal Rhizome, Oyster Shell, Hawthorn Fruit, Peach Seed, and so on.
296. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
297. And this takes effort and luck. While the best friends are those higher-up, don't underestimate the sway of lesser mortals.
298. Although the female may be slightly larger and brighter, in contrast to the two other species in the family, the Lesser Painted Snipe is not strongly sexually dimorphic.
299. He will also face lesser charges involving two other women, including a charge of obstruction of justice.
300. Haley was accustomed to strike the balance of probabilities between lies of greater or lesser magnitude.




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