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单词 Childish
1. Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.
2. It is childish of you to say that.
3. The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.
4. It's time you gave over such childish behaviour.
5. I could hardly read her childish scrawl.
6. I wish politicians would stop this childish name-calling.
7. She derided my effort as childish.
8. My painting looks childish beside yours.
9. She's just being childish and immature.
10. A childish idea like that can be amusedly tolerated.
11. I've had enough of her childish stunts.
12. We're all growing tired of his childish antics.
13. I've had enough of your childish pranks.
14. We danced around with childish delight.
15. It may be childish but I have a horror of worms.
16. We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.
17. Don't be so childish.
18. How very childish of her to refuse to speak to me!
19. The patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency.
20. It's time you put a stop to this childish behaviour.
21. When a girl grows up[ ], she puts childish habits on the shelf.
22. He had thought her too childish, too unspoiled.
23. I feel childish, unloved, banished, beyond the pale.
24. Her pregnancy made her look even younger, more childish.
25. Yet the stakes involved were not childish.
26. I'd like you to explain your childish behaviour.
27. You know how childish he can be.
28. You would be laughed out of court with such a childish question.
29. He wasn't enjoying the occasion so he thought he'd spoil it for everyone else - it was very childish of him.
30. He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy.
1. It is childish of you to say that.
2. The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.
3. It's time you gave over such childish behaviour.
4. A childish idea like that can be amusedly tolerated.
5. We danced around with childish delight.
6. We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.
7. You would be laughed out of court with such a childish question.
8. He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy.
9. Don't be so childish.
10. When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on the shelf.
31. In this case, childish storytelling could have spelled death.
32. The note was written in Gwen's childish scrawl.
33. It was time to put away childish things.
34. He made her feel cheap, disloyal, childish and socially inferior.
35. Other people held funerals for paper dolls such as Hedy Lamarr, but we thought that was childish.
36. Steinkamp swam up to it and stuck her thumbs in her ears, seemingly making a childish face at it.
37. But the childish way Ricard threw his gloves to the ground as he was substituted was both over the top and unnecessary.
38. All the standard items, but there were a couple of puzzling additions in a childish hand at the bottom.
39. All these look, to Western eyes, childish as well as amateurish.
40. I told Vivienne I thought it was stupid, just childish.
41. For their part the permanent staff thought all new prisoners childish, ill-mannered and unbalanced.
42. Steve's work has done much to erase the stigma of kite flying as a childish diversion.
43. I suppose it was childish of me, but I vowed to break Sir Thomas's, if I could.
44. I remember thinking that, and may have made a significant advance toward weaning myself away from childish ways and thoughts.
45. To my childish imagination it seemed as if she was still alive to what was happening and was showing her disapproval.
46. The conversational nature of golf, its cerebral geometry and its childish frustrations carry much untapped potential.
47. If Cassie had not been so consumed by rage, she would have laughed at this last and patently childish remark.
48. He had been much more cheerful lately, Emmie thought, and all her night fears suddenly seemed childish and silly.
49. But she could not move away without appearing gauche and childish.
50. Looking down at the top of Joe's balding pate, Michael listened to the haunting childish voice and could have cried.
51. From childish disappointment when Anne's parents forget to attend the school play, to the adolescent discoveries in the town park.
52. Two childish Christmas cards, obviously made at school, stood on the mantelpiece.
53. She knew she was making a spectacle of herself with her childish outburst, but she couldn't seem to help herself.
54. When I was a child, my speech, my outlook, and my thoughts were all with childish things.
55. He affects in a childish way to be above passion, and he is very ostentatious in what he says and does.
56. Lee looked out over his half-moon glasses almost like a childish madman.
57. Tired eyes flashing in the rearview mirror, childish enthusiasm bubbling over.
58. She was wearing her rouge and bright red lipstick again, and the childish plaits were gone from her hair.
59. He almost missed another, smaller envelope, addressed to Riddle in a round, childish hand.
60. She's good at that too, an accomplished sleeper, with childish face.
61. He mocked her by repeating what she said in a high, childish voice.
62. Resolved not to waste further time on account of this childish affair, I contemplated departure via the french windows.
63. Nevertheless they were two real victories, and it is childish of Bush's opponents to pretend otherwise.
64. When the brandy arrived, he filled a glass and tossed it off,[http://] in a gesture of childish defiance.
65. She stood, laughing at him, her arms brown against her childish white vest, the squirrel peering round her neck.
66. It has more to do with spinning a fantasy world, and Hollywood is rather childish about gay actors.
67. Eyes that turned her insides to jelly, scrambled her mind, made her feel dumb and stupid and childish.
68. He said he wouldn't go out with us if Jerry was going too - he's so childish!
69. He said it with a childish wonder that touched her.
70. I felt childish and rebellious and irrelevant to all that was happening.
71. The not unfamiliar childish jape of depositing a stink bomb in her locker caused her great anguish.
72. None of those childish kebab stories you get in so many travel books these days.
73. He was chanting in his childish voice and whirling something round his head.
74. It does not refer to naive anthropomorphism, to childish notions of a kind of finite Person resident somewhere.
75. I know that sounds very childish and naive, but think about it.
76. Even as she felt bound to her family, she felt a childish need to rebel.
77. The childish words went through and through his mind, blotting out all coherent thought.
78. Don't be childish any more.
79. With childish abandon, she gave herself over to grief.
80. She considered his fear and trembling fanciful and childish.
81. The marking on the wall was childish and unsightly.
82. This is a harmlessly childish game.
83. Someone thinks my interest in children's literature is childish.
84. She clapped her hands in childish glee.
85. The marking the wall was childish and unsightly.
86. They deride his effort as childish.
87. All because some snot-nosed kid had broken into their mail server and pulled a childish prank.
88. And he doesn't shy away from childish stunts, such as spooking television talk-show host Conan O'Brien with a large spider.
89. It was the traditional maidenly interrogation, and he felt ashamed of himself for finding it singularly childish.
90. Actually, I think it is sloppy and childish; but I also think that, if it were only this instance, it could be looked on as a blind spot.
91. His nerve seemed absolutely destroyed. His moral force was abased into more than childish weakness.
92. Her form was the perfection of childish beauty, without its usual chubbiness and squareness of outline.
93. Such childish fancies as she had had of fairy palaces and kingly quarters now came back.
94. Pearl still pointed with her forefinger; and a frown gathered on her brow; the more impressive from the childish, the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it.
95. The selfish comes from the childish and untutored thought and body.
96. Now Ifeel a childish enthusiasm crossing Victoria Harbour on the Star Ferry. Tubbyand unlovely, with hard wooden seats, the ferry boats have plied these waterssince the late 19th century.
97. Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of the techniques used to be apply paint,such as throwing it on the canvas.
98. In the most insensible or childish minds, there is some train of reflection.
99. Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of the techniques used to be a ly paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.
100. It was this thing that came into the cosmos as an invader, it enslaved humanity, it was the pedagogue that swatted humanity down when humanity was in its childish state.
101. Maybe they were being pushy, that's still no excuse for his childish, boorish behaviour.
102. The officer in command, the inevitable childish Lieutenant, was waving to a man with the mine detector.
103. But, no girls love this kind of boys, girls will only feel this kind of guy is too childish, too old-maidish , not romantic at all.
104. She was also, Ms. Pakula writes, "short, chubby, round-faced and childish in appearance, with a short haircut and bangs over her eyes that did nothing for her looks."
105. At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.
106. They only had what passed for self-awareness, cloaking a flightiness and lethargy that was both childish and very real.
107. I can't be patient of your childish questions any more.
108. " But, Sister,'said Carreen, her sweet childish face blank with consternation. " I couldn't split kindling!
109. I love the regretless youth but not the childish impulsion.
110. This may sound childish to you, laugh all you want, but the pinky - swear is sacred.
111. More and more childish woman knows how to properly love their 30-year-old woman life curve is an important node.
112. But ever and anon his childish prattle recurred to what impressed his imagination even more deeply than the wonders of creation.
113. His actions appear to be fake, attention - getting, goofy and childish.
114. Results: The abnormal rate was high in childish brain trauma, brain contrecoup and patient with disturbance of consciousness after trauma.
115. Parental love is so touching and at bottom so childish.
116. Watching a movie with you, though it's childish and silly, I'd laugh loudly now and then.
117. Don't be a child don't keep that rather childish charm.
118. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions.
119. His moral force was abased into more than childish weakness.
120. Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of the techniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.
121. How can you hold that bit of childish temper against me?
122. The memory of a parent's anger at our childish misdemeanour might completely block out the memory of what we actually did.
123. Scarlett recalled with contempt Melanie's thin childish figure, her serious heart-shaped face that was plain almost to homeliness. And Ashley couldn't have seen her in months.
124. Boyer is keen to point out that religious adults are not childish or weak-minded.
125. Why not mention these almost divinely childish sayings of kindness?
126. They have not yet relinquished the childish need for an authoritative father.
127. Objective To investigate the effection of antioxygen by combined full oxygen treatment in childish patients with NHL and its clinical significance .
128. His remoteness was punctuated by flights of garrulousness about outer space and geopolitical trends, childish pranks,[Sentence dictionary] and unpredictable eruptions of anger.
129. A sealed letter with a different frame of mind, coming from all directions, then slightly childish words, are telling an enduring topic.
130. The are childlike in thd child are childish in the man.
131. "Sir, " said the little Savoyard , with that childish confidence which is composed of ignorance and innocence, "my money.
132. When they touch upon emotion they grow sentimental, when they reason they are childish.




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