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单词 Spirituality
(1) Spirituality to me is a conscious mind.
(2) It made spirituality an exciting quest for nonconformists!
(3) She sees them as a manifestation of spirituality.
(4) The story provides a wonderful introduction to Jewish spirituality.
(5) A real growth in your spirituality.
(6) Spirituality is a genuinely different dimension to reality.
(7) It has a threefold purpose: Spirituality, Apostolate and Friendship.
(8) A strong thread of spirituality runs through L'Engle's books.
(9) This public display of spirituality throws a lot of people off their game.
(10) Spirituality does not exist only in ancient times, or in books.
(11) After an eight-day silent retreat at the Jesuit spirituality center in Wernersville, she came home knowing she wanted to study theology.
(12) Second, his spirituality was based on the Epistles of St Paul.
(13) There is a vertical line in spirituality that goes from the beast to the angel, and on which we oscillate.
(14) Women used their supposedly greater spirituality as a further justification for transcending the confines of the private sphere.
(15) It is true that Franciscan spirituality put new stress on the necessity for integrating action and contemplation.
(16) In place of his spirituality and incandescence, Solti offers only the momentary frisson.
(17) Works dealing with some aspect of spirituality appeal to her.
(18) The reality, according to the new spirituality, is that our beliefs about the world attract experiences which con firm those beliefs.
(19) Among many recent attempts to measure spirituality in relation to health, heart surgery patients help make a point.
(20) Not everyone, however, welcomes the return of primal spirituality to the modern world.
(21) Members of the congregation need the foundation of a solid personal spirituality of which public worship is but an ingredient.
(22) I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality.
(23) Blue Nails imparts her worldly wisdom, trying to impress Felt Hat with her depth and spirituality.
(24) From the same lands came the quest for the Grail that revivified the spirituality of the twelfth century.
(25) Holy Trinity also sponsors ambitious programs in adult education, Jesuit spirituality and social outreach.
(26) Among other things, they remind you that abstraction had its roots in spirituality.
(27) A religion worshipping the Goddess's body does not need such a split between spirituality and sexuality.
(28) The image of Moses enveloped in the cloud of unknowing seemed to express the kind of spirituality they were trying to create.
(29) He also writes of how his illness changed him, how this worldly man gained a spirituality without losing his edge.
(30) It is an essential element of the primal piety, the archaic spirituality, that pentecostal worship brings to the surface.
(31) As the 1960s ended and the wave of neo-oriental spirituality began to decline, the seekers began to look elsewhere.
(32) Creativity/spirituality: no outlet for artistic expression, religious beliefs, humanitarian ideals. 17.
(33) Like the Gnostics, he based his spirituality on direct experience rather than on syllogisms.
(34) But it also emphasizes de-escalation of violence and a positive spirituality.
(35) The spirituality need not be the most ethereal, nor the most learned or literary, but it must be relevant.
(36) Today's myth is still rooted in a mechanistic way of thinking which denies or represses spirituality.
(37) In addition, there are growing networks of gay religious organizations that provide places for gay people to express their spirituality.
(38) The recognition that exceptional holiness and spirituality continue to manifest themselves in our own time is also a central pentecostal conviction.
(39) But this type of spirituality has nothing to do with mysticism.
(40) The conversation passed effortlessly from mundane matters to philosophy, spirituality, politics, art.
(41) The modern expression does not include the missing link, spirituality.
(42) With this Charles Shultz-like irreverence, the Swonkmeisters clue us in to their special spirituality.
(43) The link between morality, spirituality and poverty, so obvious to non-bourgeois societies, was not entirely snapped.
(44) Once dissociated from coercive power, it will witness a renewal of spirituality.
(45) Others believe it marks the rebirth of a more catholic, mystical, even medieval spirituality.
(46) Unsophisticated everyday language is remarkably accurate in the way it describes the spirituality of the world.
(47) The first two chapters offer a definition of spirituality and a way of identifying spiritual need.
(48) Led by some bishops, we have replaced spirituality with an amorphous concern for the material needs of others.
(49) Ignatius of Loyola, the small volume that was the fountainhead of Jesuit spirituality.
(50) The importance of spirituality in the modern period, however, is both remarkable and quite often overlooked.
(51) The moment I read it I knew I had found the traces of the primal spirituality I was looking for.
(52) What the thirsty seekers who crowded into the mission on Azusa Street found was not just a new and radically egalitarian spirituality.
(53) Brown believes the Greys are attempting to speed human evolution and enhance our spirituality by creating humans with some Grey genes.
(54) Most indigenous people here, Augustine says, accept Catholicism but practice a native spirituality.
(55) It is a large cathedral and its interior retains a Medieval sense of spirituality.
(56) Yet why should we dismiss the idea out of hand as some advocates of megalithic spirituality seem to do?
(57) Purple evokes sophistication, spirituality, costliness, royalty and mystery.
(58) The crown chakra is the dreamtime of spirituality.
(58) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(59) We human are creature of spirituality living with meaning.
(60) History scholars assessed his research on Qing Dynasty spirituality.
(61) The clergyman represents both spirituality and alchemy.
(62) Spirituality has to do with life under God.
(63) Methods. Critical reflection on how spirituality has been defined.
(64) The Great Barrier Reef has long been known to and utilised by the Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and is an important part of local groups' cultures and spirituality.
(65) Spirituality denotes the disciplined living and walk under the governing principles of the Spirit and His word.
(66) A mysterious color, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality.
(67) Anyone interested in creativity, spirituality, psychic phenomena, the universal, and so on will find in Jung a kindred spirit.
(68) Avoid making criticism based on personal moral grounds, spirituality, or jingoism .
(69) The impact of spirituality on their longevity seems to be inextricably linked.
(70) Sure, for the first time this year, there's an outdoor group studying at the Hillel, the Jewish Center. I think it really was inspired by this outdoor spirituality series, which is wonderful.
(71) Buber also offered an evolutionary aspect of the divine he referred to as "dialogical spirituality."
(72) This is not the first time that scientists have investigated spirituality.
(73) Some topics of spirituality which you can not find in SpiritWeb: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism , Sikhism, Taoism and many others are more or less established approaches to spirituality.
(74) This type of music has a negitive influence on our spirituality.
(75) Evangelical businessmen form networks such as the Business Leadership and Spirituality Network.
(76) Antique thoughts are interwoven below gray eaves, crimson Chinese tallow trees exude a quiet tenderness, and refreshing spirituality flows in lush bamboo groves.
(77) Chinese corporate culture emphasizes man - centered and spirituality, while occidental corporate culture highlights scientific institutional management.
(78) Can you say a few words about spirituality in your poems?
(79) A retired person will focus on health and spirituality more than anything else.
(80) Transpersonal psychology is claimed the Fourth Force in psychological circles, which emphasizes spirituality.
(81) He was uniquely equipped not only to recover Iranian Sufism for the West, but also to defend the principal Western traditions of esoteric spirituality.
(82) Nacho opts for searching for his inner self. He comes back from India totally "contaminated" by spirituality and harmony.
(83) This concept Christian Zen is actually an important result of Second Vatican Council, which could benefit the Christian spirituality from Buddhist meditation.
(84) Spirituality is an inner fire, a mystical sustenance that feeds our souls.
(85) You can find strengths in spirituality to overcome worry even for seemingly unsurmountable problems.
(86) To have nobility is to experience greatness and spirituality during every action.
(87) She displays none of the sanctimoniousness often associated with spirituality.
(88) Do you often find different ways of expressing your own spirituality?
(88) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(89) Spirituality learning is an effective way in which pre - school education students gain - growth.
(90) But China's modern face hides a heritage of conflict and Confucian style spirituality, the perfect breeding ground for martial arts.
(91) In my eyes , wisdom and spirituality are more important.
(92) To develop students'creativity potential is to identify spirituality with manpower.
(93) If you can emphasize the most positive aspects of your mind it will manifest itself with sensitivity, spirituality and emotionality .
(94) The spirituality of proper conduct is the subject of self-cultivation, one accomplished in the official arts of literacy and military prowess.
(95) It rules music, movies, dreams, glamour, illusion, spirituality, and addictions.
(96) Not only are there references to Christ and the Bible in her first prose book, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, but also to Judaism, Buddhism, Sufism, and even Eskimo spirituality.
(97) Brought up by peasants, "she has no opportunity to inherit the tradition of free-thinking, spirituality and creativity that her father embodied." How will she turn out?
(98) For those interested in spirituality, the Bhagavad Gita has a reputation as one of the most profound spiritual texts ever written.
(98) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(99) When veda means knowing, then everywhere spirituality is practiced is a vedic culture.
(100) Modern technology and sleekly designed furniture seamlessly blend with images and artifacts of ancient Asian spirituality.




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