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单词 Thrust
1. Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.
2. She thrust a letter into my hand.
3. They thrust themselves into the house.
4. She thrust her hands deep in/into her pockets.
5. She thrust past him angrily and left.
6. She thrust her hands deep into her pockets.
7. She thrust the money into his hand.
8. He thrust at me with a knife.
9. He thrust aside all precautionary advice.
10. He tends to thrust himself forward too much.
11. He thrust the employer out of his office.
12. The fencer parried his opponent's thrust.
13. He thrust his way through the crowd.
14. Please don't thrust at me with that umbrella.
15. He thrust through the crowd.
16. A bayonet had been thrust through his belly.
17. They thrust themselves forward.
18. She tried to thrust back the little stabs of home - sickness.
19. With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.
20. He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.
21. He hunched his shoulders and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.
22. He thrust his hands into his pockets.
23. The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart.
24. Fatherhood had been thrust on him.
25. He thrust the fork into the fish.
26. He thrust his hands deep in his pockets.
27. We thrust our way through the mass of people.
28. He had marriage thrust upon him.
29. She ran to him for a kiss, but he thrust her aside unkindly.
30. The realization that she was gone was like a knife thrust.
1. Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.
2. She thrust a letter into my hand.
3. They thrust themselves into the house.
4. She thrust her hands deep in/into her pockets.
5. She thrust past him angrily and left.
6. She thrust her hands deep into her pockets.
7. She thrust the money into his hand.
8. He thrust at me with a knife.
9. He thrust aside all precautionary advice.
10. He tends to thrust himself forward too much.
11. He thrust the employer out of his office.
12. The fencer parried his opponent's thrust.
13. He thrust his way through the crowd.
14. Please don't thrust at me with that umbrella.
15. A bayonet had been thrust through his belly.
16. They thrust themselves forward.
17. She tried to thrust back the little stabs of home - sickness.
18. With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.
19. She ran to him for a kiss, but he thrust her aside unkindly.
20. He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.
21. He hunched his shoulders and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.
22. The realization that she was gone was like a knife thrust.
23. He thrust his hands into his pockets.
24. The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart.
25. The obligation was thrust on him.
26. He thrust her out of the room.
27. He thrust her with a spear.
28. The rock thrust 200 feet above the water.
29. He thrust her away angrily.
30. The realisation that she was gone was like a knife thrust.
31. He thrust past me into the classroom.
32. He thrust at me with a dagger.
33. She thrust her elbow into her attacker's face.
34. The obligation was thrust on him.
35. She explained the broad thrust of the party's policies.
36. Her death thrust Newman into the position of kingmaker.
37. She was thrust into fame.
38. She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics.
39. He thrust her out of the room.
40. She suddenly thrust out her arm.
41. The beggar thrust out a hand for money.
42. An aerial thrust up from the grass verge.
43. He skipped aside as his opponent thrust at him.
44. He thrust her with a spear.
45. The rock thrust 200 feet above the water.
46. He thrust me roughly towards the door.
47. He thrust his fist in front of my face.
48. Our complaints were thrust aside and ignored.
49. He thrust a piece of paper at me.
50. The mugger thrust at his victim with a knife.
51. She thrust her way into the crowd.
52. A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds.
53. He was thrust into power.
54. to thrust someone with a sword.
55. He thrust her away angrily.
56. What was the thrust of his argument?
57. He killed her with a thrust of the knife.
58. She was thrust out last week.
59. All my advice was thrust aside.
60. All our objections were thrust aside.
61. I thrust my sword into his chest.
62. He never thrust himself forward.
63. They thrust their way through the dense crowd.
64. The demonstrators were thrust back behind the barriers.
65. They thrust him into the back of a jeep.
66. He thrust his hand into his coat pocket.
67. She thrust her way through the dense undergrowth.
68. Children of famous people have fame thrust upon them.
69. He had an encyclopedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phase, by delicate rapier thrust, he punctured them.
70. She never enjoyed the fame that was thrust upon her.
71. He's going to direct the main thrust of his work towards reforming welfare policy.
72. The thrust of his argument was that change was needed.
73. Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.
74. He walked past with his collar turned up and his hands thrust into his pockets.
75. Tom thrust me aside.
76. The main thrust of her argument was that women are compromised by the demands of childcare.
77. The realisation that she was gone was like a knife thrust.
78. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
79. The bodyguards thrust past the crowd to get at the cameraman.
80. He thrust Martin aside.
81. The rock is said to thrust 100 feet above the water.
82. He thrust his hand between a sheaf of loosened papers and crackled them.
83. The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.
84. She is rather annoyedat having three extra guests suddenly thrust on her.
85. They thrust a microphone in front of me and fired questions at me.
86. He jumped back to avoid another thrust of the knife.
87. The dramatic thrust of the film centres around the conflict between the brothers.
88. As I fought back,(http:///thrust.html) he drew his sword and thrust it at me.
89. It provides the thrust that makes the craft move forward.
90. The Third Army made an aggressive thrust towards the front line.
91. She was annoyed at having three extra guests suddenly thrust on her.
92. Is there a counterfeit cowl on the thrust reversers?
93. That is the main thrust of the vision.
94. This thrust reflected his deepening disappointment with Western civilization.
95. A sharp sad pain, almost pleasurable, thrust into me.
96. He thrust out his chin and smiled.
97. Now the Falls were literally thrust into the background.
98. They thrust deep into Republican territory.
99. A flying buttress transmits thrust rather then resisting it.
100. Before Macready could thrust, Carradine parried perfectly.
101. Johnny was standing with his back to the window, his hands thrust deep into his pockets.
102. When Roundhay failed to control the ball at the subsequent line-out, Foster thrust his way over.
103. It was rather like having a heated dagger thrust into the eyeball and twisted, then caustic soda rubbed in the wound.
104. Even as her hand fumbled to open it, he thrust himself between her and the door, barring her way.
105. Also, Tish often felt intimidated in the social milieu that she found herself thrust into at such a young age.
106. A series of attacks were launched in March, with the main thrust into the Manipur plain.
107. Singers stood in the aisles, beggars grumbled past them; a leper thrust a fingerless hand at Alan for alms.
108. It is appropriate that I here take the opportunity of welcoming the thrust of recent authoritative reports detailing guidelines for good corporate governance.
109. They thrust their carbines into the bucket holsters on their saddles and dragged out their long straight-bladed swords.
110. The main thrust of Mr. Lester's submissions for the defendants has never previously been considered in the context of libel.
111. She stretched out across the floor and thrust her clasped hands between her knees.
112. This appears to coincide with the base of the granite batholith and may represent the basal Variscan thrust.
113. She jumped out of her skin(), as something cold and snakelike was thrust into her hand.
114. A central thrust of management will be to create excitement about the future of the company and about belonging to the company.
115. The horsemen had short-barrelled muskets thrust into bucket holsters on their saddles.
116. She thrust this thought away, despising her own lack of confidence.
117. The blonde hit the brakes too late and the wheels cut and thrust into the water, screaming.
118. She folded the newspaper roughly, thrust it into her bag and walked zombie-like into the Metro.
119. Doyle thrust him into the attic and locked the door, not bothering to stay and guard him.
120. He arrived at the conference hall after having a Campaign Group leaflet thrust into his hand.
121. The attack against Beaumont-Hamel proved abortive, and a thrust made by the Third Army against Gommecourt failed utterly.
122. An impatient, callous thrust which ended in her impalement to the hilt.
123. It was decided that the main thrust of the research should be in the domain of economic and political socialisation during adolescence.
124. The opposing flags were in places thrust against each other, and muskets were fired with muzzle against muzzle.
125. Away from the cut and thrust of soccer management, Bates knew how to keep second wife Pam in her place.
126. In contrast, public monopolies that are thrust fully into competition have little choice but to please their customers.
127. We have seen the mechanistic thrust of literacy discourse in the past five years.
128. He lolled back in his swivel chair, one huge thigh thrust over the other, a bright-eyed man.
129. It is important that we accept that the central thrust of the measure is about the offshore industry.
130. Archers and men-at-arms, knocked off balance, thrust and twisted and swore in both ships.
131. This is currently the main thrust of new thinking about Bach.
132. Then he thrust his lance into the vulnerable spot and killed the warrior.
133. Having weakened the bull, the matador in this Madrid fight at the last moment refused to deliver the fatal thrust.
134. Seabury nevertheless decided to tackle it, and thrust a harpoon deep into the creature's neck.
135. Johnson thrust the picture flat against the glass and held it there.
136. At some point his whole head had gotten thrust far out of line.
137. After the ban years, she had been only too happy to take the money her sons thrust on her.
138. After one forward thrust, the whole pack collapsed to the floor.
139. Watertightness is achieved by thrust from hydraulic rams acting on the other end of the tank.
140. The bottle dangled hopelessly from the hand into which Mona had thrust it.
141. He held a loaded rifle thrust before him, as though it were bayoneted and he was advancing on a rioting crowd.
142. Performing will be rockers Ash Black and Thrust, accompanied by the latest in rubbery attire provided by Hydra.
143. Tomatoes are free for the asking, sacks of tomatoes are thrust on you after church.
143. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
144. I force my forearm beneath his chin and thrust it upwards.
145. Supervised by a headman, people thrust their hands into boiling oil.
146. The old ruined oak tree beckoned him like some great finger thrust up from the green grass.
147. The Outer Hebrides Thrust, and all the important faults mentioned above can be found in the geological map Fig. 7.
148. She watched dazedly as he paced in front of the cottage, hands thrust deep into the pockets of his jeans.
149. The bird adopts a characteristic squatting posture with its wings thrust forward to allow the ants access to the important feather tracts.
150. An effort to look through bifocals put a jaunty thrust in Lois's small chin.
151. The ceaseless thrust and bustle came from something deep and primaeval in man.
152. The thrust of the Council's case was higher participation and widened access to higher education.
153. Victoria had accused me of trying to thrust myself into the action while pretending I want to live a quiet life.
154. The program thrust local government into a proactive role as a deal maker in economic development projects.
155. He is likely to be thrust into the national political limelight.
156. Ford thrust the film back under the popular gaze when it released the Puma commercial in 1997.
157. It was 17 legs all and so Rod and Ronnie were thrust into extra time.
158. Trembling with ardour, he thrust again and again and Ruth closed around him, drawing him deeply into her.
159. Her resentment and disappointment became part of the awkward thrust she made to fasten Robert's gardenia to her shoulder strap.
160. His bowler hat is pushed way back on his head; his hands are thrust into his jacket.
161. He toyed with the envelope for a couple of seconds, then thrust it back to the bottom of the pile.
162. He thrust his hand into the stack of chaff up to the elbow without feeling a thing.
163. It has all the cut and thrust of an ideological conflict.
164. Alternatively, hold a heavy medicine ball in both hands, bend your elbows and thrust it from you.
165. The baby suddenly revealed its head and thrust its way out of her, so that she gave a great agonised cry.
166. The right leg is raised to about knee height and is then thrust sharply backwards at the opponent.
167. I was led to the verandah, where an ancient pair of field glasses was thrust into my hands.
168. She thrust the customary tip towards the croupier with a slip of paper wrapped around a plaque.
169. However, the rocket was not allowed to leave the launch pad until full thrust was developed by each engine.
170. She thrust her eyes open, as if she would banish the image from them.
171. At length he reached his hotel and was thrust through the front doors by the sheer momentum of the crowd.
172. As it was he balked, both forefeet thrust stiffly in front of him, jarring me to the bone.
173. He was the changeling of the classic tale, thrust on good people, who was to repay good with evil.
174. These are powerfully developed and, with the caudal fin, achieve a swift forward thrust.
175. This is important-if one booster had more thrust than the other, the craft might not leave the ground vertically!
176. This was confirmed by the commander who tried to move the thrust levers without any response from the engines.
177. Leary belonged to that second string of artists, very good but never thrust into the public consciousness.
178. It was a long time before Guy released his fierce hold on her, and reluctantly thrust her away from him.
179. For the sake of reliability, pumps were not used to transfer fuel and oxidizer to the thrust chamber.
180. Jeering and chanting, they thrust her down on to the kerb.
181. Angrily, she thrust herself away from the bedpost and her hands began again their energetic dance on the brightening wood.
182. Sugar shone on his mouth, spilled as he thrust into the dancers, his moist lips reddened.
183. The main thrust will be in the middle ground, but we want to publish good quality literary works as well.
184. A major late north-north-west thrust episode has been identified, possibly associated with movements on the Boundary Slide in adjacent areas.
185. It was identical to the one thrust into my hand in the alleyway.
186. The momentum thrust is a much larger contributor to the overall thrust than the pressure thrust.
187. Four fingers were thrust, gripping, through a gap between the planks of the door.
188. Figure 3.5 only shows the pressures acting within the system of the thrust chamber and nozzle.
189. Before long he was huffing and puffing, his dark neck thrust out at a sharp angle.
190. I continue along the dark pavement with my hands thrust deep inside my pockets.
191. Although thick mist persisted so air reconnaissance was ineffective, Plumer's initial thrust was made at 05.40 on 20 September.
192. Nevertheless, supply-side doctrine provided a theoretical underpinning for the main thrust of his economic strategy.
193. The Daughter dodged an elbow thrust, and brought the majorette rod down on the Sandrat's back.
194. Then each appeared to thrust the arrow slowly and painfully down his own throat as far as indicated.
195. There is room for argument about precise figures, none about the general thrust of Sir Hector's briefing.
196. On ceremonial occasions they thrust themselves forward with their cameras.
197. In his forties, he had thick dark eyebrows and an aggressive thrust to his jaw.
198. Instead, hard peaks and jagged rocks thrust up from the ground like knives.
199. But with the thrust coming from the back the body is nose-heavy and liable to dive downwards.
200. He thrust his face into hers, forcing her to breathe his rancid breath; his untrimmed nails bit into her arms.
201. The main thrust of the operation has not been internalised or understood.
202. This capitalist thrust was within a largely pre-capitalist social formation.
203. He thrust into her, and was gratified to discover one thing; she was a virgin, as he had hoped.
203. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
204. Her hands thrust into the darkness in front of her where they touched a thorny vine covered with young cucumbers.
205. We have assumed world leadership, or rather... it has been thrust upon us.
206. The agonized hand-wringing about internationalism and the finer points of world politics were thrust aside.
207. He thrust up two fingers in triumph at the driver, an old man who was as indifferent as a waxwork.
208. The main thrust of the President's speech was an effort to appease the white right wing.
209. As the uniform cops thrust forwards we edged back and managed to slip away without attracting official notice.
210. Lowell, thrust into the present day and on to solid ground, agreed that he wasn't much good at it.
211. A mule clattered past, its straw panniers thrust us against the adobe wall.
212. Rachaela thrust them off, and the stems broke, the petals showered like confetti.
213. The thrust of the private language argument is that the solipsist can not even get started in this way.
214. A few stunted thistles thrust up, parched and distorted in the crevices of the stones.
215. The thrust forward has more concentrated power than the withdrawal.
216. Now the right leg is thrust out with the foot travelling in a straight line towards the opponent.
217. By the time they had reached it, a thin bow of unbearable incandescence had thrust itself above the eastern horizon.
218. He clamped his hand over her mouth as she gasped, and thrust inside her again.
219. The hot water vapor is vented through a rocket thrust chamber and imparts an impulse to the rocket.
220. Juliet thrust back the file and hurried down the ward.
221. But he felt no need to thrust himself into conversations or demonstrate his knowledge or wit.
222. Billy thrust it into the vat, turned it around and around, making a gooey lollipop.
223. The impatience of the genius with the follies of littler men gives thrust and venom to Swift's satirical output.
224. Many models now incorporate a thrust race below this bearing to reduce this effect.
225. Some cats outlasted him and I became their gravedigger - a new role thrust on me.
226. But it was a home thrust, for the Dennison family was breaking in pieces.
227. He swore under his breath and then quickly thrust the sack back into the water.
228. He turned and lunged at her, stabbing her three times, the last thrust piercing her heart.
229. She began to thrust at him with her body; their mingled breaths merged, their open mouths met, tongues touching.
230. Timman advanced, creating problems for Speelman with a pawn thrust deep into his opponent's position, splitting Black's forces.
231. She smiled for Riven though, and that smile was like a sword blade thrust in his chest.
232. Rather, the thrust will be to consider not the initiatives themselves, but the interrelationship between them.
233. The move away from project loans and towards structural adjustment loans in the 1980s does not diminish the main thrust of this argument.
233. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
234. The Industrial Revolution transformed the face of the countryside and thrust workers together in the new urban environments, packed and smoky.
235. The forward pair of fans supply air to two swivelling nozzles that point rearwards during cruising to produce extra thrust.
236. Then he knelt and thrust his head into the water, its coldness bringing a shout to his lips.
237. The haiku was one which ended with a downward cut, followed by a single outward thrust.
238. He tore off the page of notes and thrust it into his pocket.
239. The horizontality of her fallen body is juxtaposed to the vertical thrust of the apartment building.
240. If Taczek had murdered Mills, he could not have administered the poison that had thrust Marek into a coma.
241. In its upright form it represents the vertical thrust of life across sedimentary layers of earthly matter.
242. He provides the intellectual thrust and gravitas of the arguments of those who oppose monetary and political union.
243. The Count thrust his blade through Gorbad's massive chest and steaming green blood gushed over his armour.
243. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
244. I thrust into rough grass and smoothly penetrated your loamy depths.
245. During the next three years, thousands of welfare families will be thrust into this low-income labor market because of welfare reform.
246. Only a bold topknot of dry leaves thrust from his crown, grey-green and jagged.
247. The reactions and thrust of each deck is taken on elastomeric bearings and by ballast walls.
248. Unlike Dole, Clinton would preserve the thrust of programs designed to assure that women and minorities are not left out.
249. The thrust and strain which has dominated these twenty-five years now seems quite irrelevant.
250. As well as the crushing effects described above, many of the rocks in the thrust zone suffered hydrothermal alteration.
251. As the impulse passes any point on the fibre, the membrane allows a sudden thrust of positive sodium ions.
252. Moreover, the back limbs of such folds may become detached along major thrust faults to produce nappes.
253. Ever since the personnel computer first thrust itself on to our desks it has been a largely text based machine.
254. The two then fenced at each other with their beaks, each parrying the other's thrust.
255. One approach consists of varying only the total flow thereby maintaining the same thrust chamber hardware.
256. Its thrust was vague enough to imply no precise consequences.
257. Must we simultaneously thrust the Unawares out at the back entrance?
258. Then she seized the chunk of fire and suddenly thrust it almost into the boy's face.
259. The conductor brought home the full thrust of the work's emotional resolution.




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