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单词 Curvature
1 Peak updraft strength is slightly enhanced with hodograph curvature.
2 He suffered from curvature of the spine.
3 In my opinion, the curvature was determined experimentally.
4 This, the Riemann curvature tensor, quantifies space-time curvature.
5 However, there is a curvature singularity at.
6 A back corset may be needed to prevent curvature.
7 Scalar polynomial curvature singularities therefore can not occur.
8 However, A displays more curvature than B at that point, and hence more risk aversion.
9 From the curvature of the arc, I had already begun to estimate the position of the hub.
10 The theory of general relativity predicts an infinite curvature, but whether such a physical singularity can really occur is not known.
11 They felt this would impart a pleasing curvature to an otherwise rectangular building.
12 It has no component of curvature lying in the surface, which makes it the straightest path possible over the surface.
13 This clearly demonstrates the existence of a scalar curvature singularity on this hypersurface.
14 A helix is any line in which the curvature and torsion measured anywhere and everywhere are in a constant proportion.
15 The gravitational forces are the manifestation of space-time curvature due to the presence of matter.
16 Usually this will be a scalar polynomial curvature singularity, but a large class of significant exceptions occurs.
17 The tendons increase the curvature of the balloon's skin and mean the material can withstand greater pressures.
18 Curvature and torsion are not easy to measure directly but their being proportional has a straight forward measurable consequence.
19 The inhabitant of two dimensional space could also refine the use of his measurement to make a quantitive determination of curvature.
20 She had a difficult labour as, having no details, the curvature of her spine was not detected.
21 But the range of ground surveillance systems, nomatterhow sophisticated, is inevitably restricted by the curvature of the earth's surface.
22 There exists, however, a very large class of exceptional solutions in which curvature singularities do not occur.
23 The absence of transition curves is disguised by the pulsation of positive and negative, convex and concave curvature.
24 Therefore K 1 and K 2 have opposite signs and the Gaussian curvature K is negative.
25 Maintaining a given velocity round a curve requires acceleration towards the centre of curvature.
26 In the alternative case of thick gravitational waves, they are non-scalar curvature singularities.
27 In fact it provides more because it yields the curvature K of any two-dimensional surface.
28 The most familiar class of singularities are the scalar curvature singularities.
29 They would also give rise to a smaller Schwarzschild mass parameter, and hence greater curvature on the horizon.
30 We shall now briefly bring out the relationship between the Gaussian curvature and the Riemann curvature tensor.
1 Peak updraft strength is slightly enhanced with hodograph curvature.
2 In my opinion, the curvature was determined experimentally.
31 Current surgical techniques also involve reducing the cornea curvature in a bid to correct short-sightedness.
32 They contain the usual coordinate singularity on the hypersurface but, for this class, this is not a curvature singularity.
33 Spaces with more than two dimensions require more than a single parameter to describe the Gaussian curvature at a given point.
34 She was a polio victim and only four feet nine inches tall, with curvature of the spine.
35 At various periods after the injection of endothelin-1, the stomach was removed and opened along the greater curvature.
36 For vacuum solutions, in these regions at most one component, either 4 or 0, of the curvature tensor is non-zero.
37 The mathematical singularity arises because the set of coordinates imposed everywhere is best suited to regions of small curvature.
38 This clearly indicates that, in these cases, the singularity in this region is a non-scalar curvature singularity.
39 The curvature tensor can be identified by using an approach that was introduced in Chapter 3.
40 This relation generalizes for all two-dimensional surfaces to become where K is again the Gaussian curvature.
41 There is therefore a fundamental link between the curvature of space-time and the existence of classical tidal forces.
42 Now, in practice the astronaut would not drift across like this as the curvature of the walls would be far less.
43 In this case either I or J must be unbounded, and a curvature singularity occurs.
44 In this case only, the surface corresponds to a curvature singularity.
45 Thereafter, the specimens were carefully opened along the greater curvature, laid on and pinned out on a flat surface.
46 When is small compared with unity, the curvature is small and general relativistic effects are negligible.
47 Its relationship both to the Gaussian curvature of two-dimensional surfaces and to tidal forces is discussed.
48 However, this would not give a true distance unless the curvature of the ground was also taken into account.
49 The desirable rate of change of curvature will vary with a design specification.
50 Positive curvature of edges can be trimmed away, if necessary, to give straight edges in plan.
51 A more complete and compact description of curvature in n dimensions is embodied in the Riemann tensor.
52 The stomach was removed, opened along the greater curvature, rinsed in ice cold 0.9% saline and weighed.
53 This can not be a curvature singularity, since the curvature tensor on it is zero.
54 In order to extend the discussion beyond the sphere we must introduce a definition of curvature valid for any such surface.
55 Rats were decapitated and the stomach were removed, opened along the greater curvature.
56 Washburn contends the curvature of the Earth would put these mountains below the horizon.
57 Any curvature or flaw in the line of its keel must be countered by a rudder, with consequent loss of energy.
58 Calculation of the curvature of the center manifold shows that this periodic solution is an attractor.
59 Using an element of known direction of curvature one can thus conveniently determine the direction of curvature of another element.
60 One simple measurement reveals whether a two-dimensional surface is curved and determines the sign of curvature.
61 Such curvature has no effect on wettability.
62 Avoid multiple curvature directions (S-shape) in single patches.
63 Arrow with adjustable curvature and variable arrowhead location.
64 Does cervical vertebra curvature become straight serious?
65 the curvature of the earth.
66 The curvature of the spine was astonishing.
67 The indifference curve had no curvature at all.
68 OBJECTIVE To investigate into the effect of spine-regulation with electric acupuncture on the paravertebral myoelectric activity in teenagers with specific lateral curvature.
69 The compact submanifolds in quasi constant curvature Riemannian manifolds with Parallel Mean Curature Vector were studied.
70 If the universe has a positive curvature, it's a closed universe.
71 Denote the center of Curvature at by. When the point moves along the plane curve, the trace curve of the point is called the evolute of the curve, denoted by, and is called the involute of the curve.
72 Keratometry - A keratometer is the primary instrument used to measure the curvature of the cornea.
73 Abnormal rearward curvature of the spine,() resulting in protuberance of the upper back ; hunchback.
74 If you were using an eyepiece in the center of curvature you will then observe serious coma.
75 While the mean diameter of the column is 50cm, the circumference as measured by the cutting path can reach up to 8 meters due to jaggedness and frequent reversals of curvature.
76 Because of the earth's curvature. the range is, broadly speaking, limited to the visual horizon.
77 Integral absolute mean curvature is introduced to describe average curving of an orientable closed surface.
78 The formation of strong explosive cyclones is related to the non-zonal upper jet of anticyclonic curvature.
79 Then-dimensional umbilical submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold of quasi constant curvature are discussed. Two theorems on the above submanifolds are obtained.
80 The subaffine elastica is the critical point of the total squared subaffine curvature functional.
81 In this paper, an intrinsic condition for a Compact Space-like hypersurface with constant scalar curvature in a de Sitter space to be totally umbilical is obtained.
82 Contour extraction and curvature calculation is absolutely necessary for fragment reassembly in art conservation or artifacts restoration.
83 The five-line method of spherical heliostat is recommended in the paper. By means of this method the spherical mirror with two curvature is an...
84 the radius of curvature of our arc, which is also an air track, equals 115 plus or minus five meters.
85 What changes are necessary when a spherical curvature is introduced in the substrate?
86 The band structure model of commensurate double-walled carbon nanotube (DWNT) was built by using tight-binding Hamiltonian with curvature effect included.
87 The charactistic of hyperbolical curvature surface is analyzed. The problem traditional 5-axis ATL machine encountered and countermeasure is presented.
88 However, in adulthood, if the final spinal curvature surpasses a certain critical threshold, the risk of health problems and curve progression is increased.
89 The curvature rate and well curvature plane angle can be used to make a good description of the influence of the well trajectory parameters on the side fo.
90 The probability distribution function and the characteristic value of the curvature ductility factor are presented.
91 Research the basal concepts and formulas of coordinate conversion, the formulas of the radius of curvature in a normal section, the meridional length and the latitude of pedal are given.
92 Delayed self-pollination by curvature of stigma-lobes occurs in flowers of Kosteletzkya virginica, when pollinators are scarce or absent.
93 With adaptive curvature sorting, the subjectiveness in specification of filter's parameters is reduced and is incorporated efficiently in automatic computer processing.
94 Mathematical formulas are derived comprehensively and systematically for the profile coordinate, pressure angle and radius of curvature of the cylindrical cam with an oscillating roller follower.
95 But the curvature of space does create phenomena that we can observe with the best telescopes on Earth, and naturally with the sharp-sighted Hubble.
96 Without considering curvature effect, we study the contribution of the electronic heat capacity, group velocity and density of states of(6,0)Single-walled carbon nanotubes.
97 Meanwhile the effect of circumferential curvature of spring, curvature of waveshape and additional deflection are considered also.
98 The study presented herein is the numerical simulation of a narrow strip peen forming process, an effective method to form single curvature surfaces.
99 Then the contour was smoothened and fitted by using adaptive cubic B spline, which adjusts the distribution of control points adaptively according to the contour curvature.
100 It'seemed obvious that the curvature of the Earth across the Atlantic would prevent this idea.
101 The effect of different depth crackle to curvature mode was stood out as an emphasis.
102 In this paper, the pressure angle and minimal radius of curvature of cam mechanism with swinging roller follower are discussed in details.
103 In addition, the meshing of two convex teeth make the relative radius of curvature of the contacting point shorter.
103 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
104 Shrinkage distortion typical for three cuts of lumber is illustrated in this log cross section. Note the curvature of the annual rings in each cut and how that affects the distorted shape .
105 This paper focuses on the forward and inverse proposition of streamline curvature method.
106 The curvature ductility ratio of cross- section for inequal - leg t-shaped, L - shaped and cross- shaped columns are computed by the numerical method.
107 With any bend or curvature in the spine the body will be unable to rotate correctly and repetitively.
108 Consider a solution drop large enough that effects of curvature can be neglected.
109 This paper presents a method to manufacture pipe elbows by hydro - bulging a tubular single - curvature polyhedron.
110 Based on the mode coupling theory, this paper analyzes the critical angle of the TE01—TM11 mode converter completely by traditional waveguide axis constant curvature.
111 End view of this table with a unique curvature in its design.
112 In fact, it is difficult to obtain zero curvature radius at the tip of crack because of narrow ligamentum .
113 The normal and curvature of point cloud model are estimated with PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The adjustment of normal direction is achieved by using Minimum Spanning Tree.
114 The shape of the elastic curve of the buckled bar is the solution of the exact differential equation of the curvature.
115 Examination included far and near visual acuity test, eye refractive status (based on retinoscopy , with 1%atropine cycloplegia), eye fundus, corneal curvature, eye axial length.
116 The warm advection and diabatic heating can increase the curvature.
117 As the roller stoke increase, the radius of curvature decrease.
118 Besides that, we presents the gravitational wave energy density under the weak field situation and gives the x - y plane numerical calculation to curvature scalar R and energy density .
119 In the case of considering the misfit dislocation, relaxed lattice mismatch, the radius of curvature and density of misfit dislocation were calculated.
120 With Roger Penrose I showed that if Einstein's general theory of relativity is correct, there would be a singularity, a point of infinite density and space-time curvature, where time has a beginning.
121 At last the complete hypersurface with constant mean curvature in the quasi constant curvature space is investigated, some characterization of totally umbilical hypersurfaces are obtained.
122 The purpose of this study was to ergonomically evaluate the mutual interaction between human spinal curvature and the mattress firmness.
123 We have made certain that the reason of the splined spindle rapture is fatigue failure, its crack initiation lies in the minimal knuckle curvature radius surface region of the spline dedendum bottom.
124 In this paper, we discuss Laplacian smoothing and modified methods, mean curvature flow, PDE method and the smoothing method based on directions.
125 In bimetallic thermometers a defined bending or change in the curvature of a bimetallic strip is brought about by a change in temperature.
126 A novel wavefront curvature sensor with a distorted diffraction grating (DGWFS) is described and computer simulations of its principle is made.
127 Researched friction loss and ultimate strength of external prestressing tendon considering deviator curvature radius and bending angle of prestressing tendon.
128 As the curvature is useful to enhance the shape description, the shape of the model can be preserved well after our simplification process.
129 The development degree and predominant direction of extensional fracture relate to deformational curvature produced after force is exerted on rock.
130 The more severe the curvature, the more prominent the fibrous tissues on the ventral cavernosa of penis.
131 It is discovered that the interpolation error can be greatly decreased by considering the curvature of the curve in interpolation algorithm.
132 In this study, the preoperative and postoperative keratometric measurement were compared to detect the possible factors involving changes of corneal curvature.
133 The increasing Rotation number weakens curvature effect on convex surfaces, while strengthens curvature effect on concave surfaces.
134 The curvature of the film is concentric with the mirror behind the meniscus.
135 Curvature and bending stress amplitude of double helix in langs of wire rope are much larger than in ordinary lay.
136 It can also be used to observe the corneal curvature under the slit-lamp microscope.
137 How might we try to geometrize a manifold- that is, give it a uniform curvature throughout?
138 Both curvature effect and high temperature decrease the amplitude of the magnetic moments.
139 A series of factor such as the difference about the centre of figure and the shear centre, curvature radius(), central angle is discussed.
140 Mistakenly believe that doing elliptical motion of the satellite perigee and apogee of the orbit radius of curvature different.
141 By applying adjustable curve form system it has been solved that too much of structural curve walling and big variation of form curvature.
142 As a result, the curvature of the color selection electrode is increased, which has a positive effect on the strength, doming and microphonics of the color selection electrode.
143 This method employs curvature flow to smoothen the Contour and minimize the fluctuation of cutting load.
144 Empirical rules, which take into account the non-neighbor interactions between the base-pair steps, have been presented to predict DNA curvature.
145 Having a horizontal surface without a slope , tilt, or curvature.
146 Curvature estimation plays an important role in range image analysis.
147 Electron-beam irradiation induces the curvature of surfactant-inorganic layers system, leading to vesiculation of hybrid of surfactant and calcium phosphate.
148 The latter first research the properties of earth curvature and atmospheric refraction, then estimate the altitude by increasing the radius of the earth.
149 It corrects abnormal curvature of our spine which in turn clears blockages in the nerve impulse transmission, regulates the nervous system and enhances effective functionality of internal organs.
150 Through using the inertial matrix, we analyse the manipulation of robot by the Riemannian curvature.
151 The product quality and further processing are affected by the curvature of seamless steel pipe caused during rolling through the three-roll size reducing mill.
152 Third, using the mathematical simulation method to forecasting the growth zone of fracture, also including the first usage of Gaussian curvature method.
153 Although Scheme B considers the condensation latent heat, the curvature of wet adiabat is not considered in the computational method.
154 The induced gauge field if the curvature tensor of fiber bundle.
155 Natural Parameter Method is a kind of new method of wellbore trajectory computation succeeding Cylinder Helix Method(Radius of Curvature Method) and Minimum Curvature Method.
156 Based on results, the geometrical asymmetry shell has obvious effect about reducing noise in large range of frequencies, and change radius of curvature can increase eigenfrequency obviously.
157 The differences in cell structure and magnitudes of cell layers between adaxial and abaxial sides may be the structural fundamentals of style curvature.
158 Based on the corneal data, the effects of equivalent refractive index and error in radius of curvature on the corneal vergence measurement after refractive surgery are studied theoretically.
159 The extra dimensions introduce a correction term into the equations, which ensures that the curvature of an empty brane is not zero .
160 A smooth velocity profile is obtained by the connection of the S-shape for the trajectory and the curvature based on the corner.
161 The radius of curvature, centre thickness, and centering error of a lens can be meased by this method.
162 Moving headlamp beams that follow the curvature of the road help maintain visibility in these situations.
163 Finally, the flexural ESMAA, outputting the same curvature with smaller prestrain , have longer cycle life and facilitate producing humanoid robot hand's finger.
163 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
164 When the expression of internal force and vertical deflection for the double curvature flat shell discussed in this article is used, the result gained is the same with that by Navier method.
165 Based on the above straight lines, the contact zone can be determined from the known indentor curvature and loading.
166 Light-wave belongs to a high frequency electromagnetic wave. Thus, the theory of the curvature model optical fiber sensor is emulated and computed based on electromagnetism.
167 Third, Wavelet Packet Energy Component Curvature Method, Curvature Mode Method and Flexibility Matrix Method are introduced, based on which, the method which use EVI to locate the damage is proposed.
168 Complete classification of affine spheres with constant cross section curvature in 4-dimensional affine space is given.
169 The stress variation of curved girder bridge caused by the central angle and the curvature are discussed. The results are important to the design of curved girder bridge.
170 Adjust the radius of curvature as necessary by manipulating the thumb knob.
171 After smoothing, fitting and sampling the discrete space curves, the algorithm calculated Frenet frame and curvature for each sampling point.
172 Using the principal curvature formula, we prove an existence theorem of Weingarten hypersurface.
173 The research conclusion is as follows: The change of surface curvature and deadweight in per-unit projected area larger, the influence of deadweight on form-finding larger.
174 It is remarkable that setup of cross beam, length of curvature radius and eccentric distance of bearing affect internal force and deformation in curved girder bridge .
175 In addition, the anal fin has a curvature that fits the round shape.
176 A key limitation of the picture shown here is that we can only portray the curvature of a 2-dimensional plane of an actual 3-dimensional space!
177 Hit the Curvature Evaluation icon, change the Evaluation Type to Mean and set the Curvature Color Scale Value to 3.
178 In terms of the method of obtaining self-adapting dense data based on the curvature distribution and arc length bisection, the original points of shoe last were interpolated and smoothed.
179 Uses a variety of curvature methods to predict the fracture development state of Qum formation in KASHAN area, central basin of Iran, and simulate the fracture distribution.
180 After analyzing the drawbacks of conventional equal length chord method and equal error method, a method of obtaining points from plane curve based on curvature analysis is presented.
181 Radius of curvature (ROC) is one of the three most important geometric parameters for a fiber optic connector end face.
182 Curvature segmentation method is a multi-threshold selection method through searching valley based on histogram cumulative distribution function.
183 Here concave type of geometry is the one in which the local center of curvature of workpiece and tool center lie on the same side.
184 Through the calculation and selection of the extreme points of error and the extreme point of curvature, the B-spline function data points were obtained.
185 Including abnormal curvature of cervical vertebrae, hyperosteogeny, narrowing of vertebrae tube and disc height.
186 I begin with a sight test, then Minshull takes a topography of my eye, photographing the curvature of my cornea to obtain the measurements needed to make the lenses.
187 Analyzed the influence of the strip interior remaining stress distribution after the strip thickness changed, the tensility and the curving curvature match relations changed in tension levelling.
188 Millions of years of evolution perfected the curvature and function of leaves, the inspiration behind this delicate chaise longue.
189 The cross- section curvature ductility ratio for R. C inequiaxial T - shaped, l-shaped and cress - shaped columns is calculated by numerical method.
190 The effects of curvature and torsion on secondary flow, isoline of stream function and distribution of the axial velocity of flow were discussed.
191 According to the limitation and requirement of the shape sensing of colonoscope, the principle design, encapsulation and calibration method of FBG large curvature sensor are discussed in detail.
192 It is evident that curvature of doming whether on the crest (convexity) or on the flanks (concavity) have no major effect on fracture densities.
193 An investigation has been made of the(), movement in curvature radius of laminated bends by means of a radio-frequency heating process.
194 It is founded that the size of curvature difference envelop curve can detect that of pre-stress losses.
195 This paper discusses the space-like submanifolds with constant mean curvature in a pseudo-Riemannian space form, and obtain an integrate inequality and a rigidity theorem.
196 Considering the curvature effect, the Fermi velocity was larger than that of without curvature effect at the fixing tensile strains.
197 A novel embedded curvature fiber optic sensor is developed, which based on the light intensity modulation by the variation of structure curvature.
198 A restoration scheme is proposed for space-variant image degradation resulting from curvature of field in imaging systems.
199 Theflow field in the S2 surface with thick blades is calculated by stream line curvature method.
200 The component of apparent force on a body in curvilinear motion , as observed from that body, that is directed away from the center of curvature or axis of rotation.
201 In higher pair plane transmission, it is important to determine the curvature radius of the member.
202 The inferior and lateral convex border of the stomach is the greater curvature.
203 The average radius of curvature of the contact area on the pinion root may be used as the calculation basis.
204 The line width of nanostructures is influenced by many factors such as tip curvature radius, detained time in the base surface, scanning speed, humidity(), surface roughness etc.
205 A definition of DNA curvature has been made. The transformation matrix involving the angular parameters relating successive base-pair steps has been used to investigate the DNA curvature.
206 Positive curvature has been a frequent subject in Riemannian geometry.
207 A method to calculate the section curvature ductility index of high strength concrete shear wall is induced by using stress-strain relationship of rectangle stirrup and plane section assumption.
208 It is now necessary to introduce a sign convention for radii of curvature.
209 To take another example, elliptic geometries with different radii of curvature have isomorphic automorphism groups.
210 Due to the effect of the conformal carrier curvature, polarization diversity of the element patterns is a distinct feature of the conformal array antenna manifold.
211 When a curved beam is bending in the plane of the curvature, the neutral axis of cross section is not identical with the axis of gravity due to the influence of the initial curvature.
212 Bowleg: a leg having an outward curvature in the region of the knee.
213 The space curvature of neutron density of this solution is changed according to the changes of reactor power, so it is more precise than the analytic solution of point reactor model.
214 Here we show that the relationship between mass and metabolic rate has convex curvature on a logarithmic scale, and is therefore not a pure power law, even after accounting for body temperature.
215 The error in radius of curvature as well as the equivalent refractive index should be considered in the corneal vergence measurement for eyes after refractive surgery.
216 In view of difficulties in the control on the curvature of the inner surface of CRT screen, we developed the compensation system for the inner surface shaping of CRT screen.
217 This method can judge conveniently the position of the contact point of cam with follower and the radius of curvature and the position of the center of curvature of contact arc ...
218 Both of the new treatments use electrical stimulation to correct the curvature.
219 The curvature rate and well curvature plane angle can be used to make a good description of the influence of the well trajectory parameters on the side force acting on bit.
220 The Gaussian curvature of No.3 coal seam in Qinshui basin is calculated.
221 To the cases of jumping multilevel CSM that have a kyphotic deformity, it allows anterior decompression and reconstruction of the spine to help restore a lordotic curvature.
222 Look at these two folds. One is convex upward with older rock of Ordovician limestone toward the center of curvature.
223 When holding the line pretension of cable and increasing pretension of membrane, structural curvature increases.
223 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
224 Curvature of field: A lens fault in which a perfect image at all pionts on the flat film cannot be formed because the lens do not have the right curvature.
225 Radius of curvature is an important parameter in machining and measuring aspherical mirrors and in optical alignment.
226 The curvature effect of wave rays in vertically and horizontally-nonuniform medium must be considered in making joint tomography of interborehole seismic data and inverse VSP data.
227 By using Fresnel diffraction, we get the imaging and pseudo-phase-conjugation properties of the optical array with large radius of curvature which is composed by many optical elements.
228 The special meshing of convex and concave teeth profile makes the relative radius of curvature of the contacting point longer.
229 Attention should be paid to the average curvature radius and that of the mirror face edge zone, when measuring the distorsion.
230 It is essential to study the principal curvature of hypersurface in the hypersurface geometry.
231 To observe the value of clinical application about a novel cervical traction apparatus that could recover cervical lordotic curvature.
232 Although Scheme B considers the condensation latent heat, the curvature of wet adiabat is not considered in the computational method. Scheme B is superior to Scheme A, but the errors are still large.
233 The overall control and test technology for spherical radius of curvature, central thickness, surface accuracy anddecentring error of lenses have been discussed.
234 The curvature vertebral column seen here is known as scoliosis.
235 A novel embedded curvature fiber optic sensor is developed, which base on the light intensity modulation by the variation of structure curvature.
236 Curvature scale space was used to conduct multi scale analysis and feature detection in the proposed method.
237 While another features a bend of green light following the curvature of the earth and almost appearing to slice through the starry sky.
238 The curvature ductility ratio of cross- section for inequal - leg T - shaped, L - shaped and cross-shaped columns are computed by the numerical method.
239 The gentle curvature of the WC and bidet, both of which are wall-mounted, also reflect this design.
240 In this paper we introduce a novel representation of the significant changes in curvature along the bounding contour of planar shape. We call the representation the curvature primal sketch.
241 Assessment of curvature is an important tool for the analysis of curves and surface in the interactive design system.
242 A reconstruction method of using the discrete curvature data for space curve was proposed on underground pipeline detection.
243 In this paper, we discuss the effect of the Earth's oblateness and ionosphere on the retrieval, and analyze the result of the local curvature correction and the ionosphere calibration.
244 At the same time, the method which feed can be adjusted with curvature of curve to implement the control of interpolation error in high speed and high precision is found.
245 Roundness depends on the sharpness or radius of curvature of the edges.
246 Two-dimensional incompressible turbulent boundary layer growth on the blades is calculated taking into account the blade surface curvature effect and also the rotational effect.
247 Profile with bigger section modulus of bending will be more difficult to bend, and the bigger the distance from neutral surface to the axis of the roller, the smaller the curvature radius.
248 Main factors that influence the degree of satisfaction to the bikeway include length, width, slope, curvature, paving and side barrier.
249 A single curvature shell of an inscribed ellipsoid was used as the experimental shell.
250 Methods:Analysis was done with mydriatic and computer optometry to measure corneal curvature and determine the length of the optic axis.
251 Another is curvature - parabolic method according to centrifugal acceleration of the vehicle in settlement section.
252 Then for the example of the promotion cam of globoidal cam handler, the graph of the pressure angle and relative normal curvature are drawn by a computer, and their variety regulation is analysed.
253 Then(/curvature.html), both the radiation patterns and the return loss of the antenna with different cylinder curvature radius and length are calculated.
254 If the change of step-size is controlled by the value of curvature of integral curve, the result can avoid such an error accumulation.
255 It is applied for the special line with steep gradient and small radius of curvature. This tourist car which runs with light load and low speed has high safe ty performance.
256 Objective To investigate root canal curvature in maxillary anterior teeth.
257 In the layout design of the power device, a circular structure was adopted to avoid the spherical junction and reduce the curvature effect.
258 During the transmission of the involute gear in mesh, the gear engagement stiffness, the load, the sliding velocity and the curvature are varying with the meshing line of the gear teeth.
259 Results (1) The most important prognostic variables were I/R, left gastric artery LNM, lesser curvature LNM, and paracardia LNM.
260 Einstein manifold is a particular kind of Riemannian Manifold, it has good characters, its definition is weaker than Riemannian Manifold with constant sectional curvature.
261 Outer ring groove of curvature of the center and bearing center consistent(), so with automatic self-aligning ball bearing the same tone heart function.
262 Peak updraft strength is slightly enhanced with hodograph curvature, 29.0 m/s in B versus 26.1 in C.
263 This method is based on the method of stream function and the method of stream-line curvature.
264 The hinge has a central portion (50) with a convex outer surface, with the lid closed and as viewed in side elevation, that blends with a smooth curvature into outer surfaces of the lid and the base.
265 On the basis of studying the current linear and nonlinear filters for identifying potential field structure, an adaptive curvature sorting filter is designed.
266 Easement curve was introduced, whereby curvature changes steadily form a straight line to the desired radius.
267 The paper explains three types of evolute of cone curve, and introduces curvature center on top of cone curve and drawing way with compasses and ruler of curvature circle.
268 Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of traction, acupuncture and massotherapy as a composite treatment for cervical spondylopathy of cervical curvature change and the imaging changes.
269 Submanifolds with Constant Scalar Curvature and the Harmonic Function of Finsler Manifold.
270 Plane curves; tangent vector at a point, metric properties of plane curves (arc length, curvature).
271 Jinping High Arch Dam is the highest double - curvature thin arch dam in the world at present.
272 While structure damage is reflected by the change of stiffness. Sothe curvature may detect the damage of structure.
273 Squeegee hardness, size and shape of the blade - like curvature of the squeegee, flexility and stress.
274 Curvature and radius of curvature of central wheel are solved and non end cutting conditions of actual profile of central wheel are deduced.
275 The curvature of the earth limits a microwave's line - of - sight path to about 30 miles.
276 For curves with few feature points, we divide them into small curve segments according to curvature maxima and make use of a local line search method to find the matches.
277 This paper is concerned with a turbulence mathematical model under orthogonal curvilinear coordinates including the effects of streamline curvature on turbulent flow.
278 Spring is used to imitate hominine lumbar spine and flexible lumbar curvature of the robot is considered, which are different from previous robots.
279 There are a lot of evidences indicating that the role of actin cytoskeleton in regulating auxin polar transport, which in- duces a lateral gradient of auxin and results in plant organ curvature.
280 Topographic factors such as hypsography and earth curvature are greatly responsible for remote sensing image distortion.
281 Numerical research was taken to study the field curvature effect on the far-field diffraction ring pattern based on Kirchhoff diffraction integral.
282 A unit vector normal to the plane of and N , which is the plane of curvature.
283 For the radius of curvature than the concave lens in the 50mm and 450mm diameter below the plane mirror grinding and polishing.
284 We researched the structural fundamentals of the style curvature by micrography and electron ultramicrography.
285 They accommodate by greatly changing the curvature of the cornea.




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