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单词 Alternate
1. Wet days alternate with fine days.
2. That was a week of alternate rain and sunshine.
3. The service runs on alternate days.
4. Most farmers alternate their crops.
5. Stretch up 30 times with alternate arms as a warm-up exercise.
6. This is an alternate plan.
7. Ambulance crews alternate between emergency and routine work.
8. He and I clean our room on alternate days.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. We must alternate work with rest.
10. Dark stripes alternate with pale ones.
11. The competition is fixed for alternate Wednesdays.
12. Arrange the leeks and noodles in alternate layers .
13. Alternate cubes of meat with slices of red pepper.
14. Periods of depression alternate with excited behavior.
15. She works on alternate days.
16. Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper.
17. They were streaked with alternate bands of colour.
18. John has to work on alternate Sundays.
19. Farmers usually alternate their crops.
20. Lesley had agreed to Jim going skiing in alternate years.
21. In research, times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.
22. Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.
23. The ferry service will initially run on alternate days, increasing eventually to daily sailings.
24. She and her husband alternate in doing the household chores.
25. Helen and her sister will alternate in setting the table.
26. The three acts will alternate as headliners throughout the tour.
27. The new play is on the show on alternate days.
28. The star actor was ill, so his understudy had to alternate for him.
29. She gets Saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one.
30. His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.
1. Wet days alternate with fine days.
2. That was a week of alternate rain and sunshine.
3. The service runs on alternate days.
4. Stretch up 30 times with alternate arms as a warm-up exercise.
5. This is an alternate plan.
6. He and I clean our room on alternate days.
7. We must alternate work with rest.
8. Farmers usually alternate their crops.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Day and night alternate.
31. Now you just alternate layers of that mixture and eggplant.
32. Day and night alternate.
33. His mother would alternate inexplicably between kindness and cruelty.
34. The flag's stripes are wavy and alternate in color.
35. He worked alternate night and day shifts.
36. Alternate legs, kicking them as high as possible.
37. Stretch up alternate hands - even higher than yesterday!
38. She visits her parents on alternate Sundays.
39. This resonant condition permitted Mariner 10 to fly by Mercury at close range at the times of alternate perihelion passages.
40. In two cases where father and son were both working shifts they had arranged alternate shifts thus allowing uninterrupted farm work.
41. Then start adding a little bit on the alternate days.
42. But over a substantial fraction of the wake width,[] turbulent and non-turbulent motion alternate.
43. You'll have to alternate. One of you can use the room in the mornings, and the other in the evenings.
44. This, as you probably know by now, selects alternate needles automatically.
45. He works alternate days.
46. Meanwhile, the Scandinavian countries are bearing an alternate proposal to begin a moratorium on nuclear dumping no later than 1990.
47. Rules incorporate more traditional expertise in handling situations like bumping and alternate carrier vouchers.
48. I alternate the direction of these strokes, imitating the direction I use to apply the pastel in the first place.
49. The only easy cure is make the winding-on in alternate directions, say ten turns each way.
50. But employment in the building trade is notoriously irregular, and such artisans alternate self-employment with wage-paid work on the building sites.
51. Herwig and saxist Henderson played as a harmonizing duo, then split to alternate solos.
52. Table 8.1 gives a picture of the relative importance of these different sources of revenue in alternate years of the period 1979-87.
53. Fig 3 illustrates a typical three octave fingering of this scale, which should be played using alternate picking throughout.
54. The players alternate between the white and black pieces and draw lots to determine who plays white in today's first game.
55. Hold the bar with an alternate grip, that is one palm facing outwards and one facing inwards.
56. Also, an alternate needle pattern produces beautiful mash lace very easily.
57. The central committee was enlarged from 124 to 146 full members; no alternate members were elected.
58. One alternate juror choked with grief and accepted the water and tissues from a concerned court clerk.
59. Also, unions are free to waive daily overtime requirements and negotiate alternate schedules, such as those providing four 10-hour days.
60. But a professional narrator was hired one morning, and alternate lines of speech were recorded using the normal microphone and recorder.
61. Johnnie Warburton renewed his acquaintance with Jack when they were designated to work alternate shifts.
62. On the radio, police supervisors were recommending alternate courses of action.
63. The discs accommodate eight language tracks, 32 subtitle tracks and provisions for alternate endings and multiple camera angles.
64. Alternate layers of apple and crumbs in a glass bowl.
65. It certainly keeps me on my toes as the children alternate between bouts of great industry and water fights!
66. The class has two teachers who alternate on a weekly basis.
67. Unfortunately, there are other reasons to make us believe that there are alternate universes.
68. Meanwhile, far from the hilltop haunts of astronomers,[http:///alternate.html] craftsmen and clockmakers pursued an alternate path to a longitude solution.
69. In manic or bipolar depression, bouts of depression alternate with periods of excessive elation or mania of similar length.
70. I had to alternate between different sizes to get the degree of control I wanted.
71. The Verve set features 42 alternate and unfinished takes, while the Blue Note set consists entirely of previously released material.
72. Add the sifted flour and lightly beaten eggs in alternate spoonfuls, mixing well.
73. As you step-tap on to alternate feet, straighten and bend the left elbow to work the front of the arm.
74. For those who want a less strenuous itinerary, there is an alternate touring and shopping plan for these few days.
75. Locomotion is effected by undulating waves of muscle contraction and relaxation which alternate on the dorsal and ventral aspects of the worm.
76. Lethal injection is a means of execution in 32 states, some of which use alternate methods as well.
77. Pack claw and body meat in alternate layers in small fire-proof pots.
78. Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol?
79. The dazzle of a grid can be alleviated by weaving, permitting parallels to alternate in domination.
80. In full command of this alternate universe are the Maestros and Mistresses of the mixing tables.
81. In other words, in each moment of time countless trillions of alternate universes are sparked off.
82. The walls were painted with alternate stripes of yellow and green.
83. Method: Place leeks and noodles in alternate layers in casserole dish.
84. To improve your tank water quality, do a series of water changes, on alternate days for a week or so.
85. She had a nose stud shaped like a tiny crescent moon and alternate fingernails on both hands were painted black.
86. Alternate them, next row up, with trumpet daffodils or papery-fine narcissi.
87. The idea of an alternate universe is hard to grasp.
88. On alternate days walk at a slower pace to help you build up a regular habit of walking.
89. In alternate weeks the auction is wholly devoted to domestic buyers or to foreign buyers.
90. This calls us back to the ideas of alternate universes which we were discussing earlier.
91. History-events may occur in addition to the experimental treatment and thus provide alternate explanations of effects.
92. You can alternate three layers of newspaper with three of burlap.
93. On each alternate beat a hollow appeared in her left flank.
94. Transfer all the stitches to the main bed, placing two stitches on alternate needles.
95. You can also combine or alternate these outings with at-home exercise sessions if you wish.
96. For three hours he sat in the kitchen, discovering how boredom may alternate with terror, trying to stay bored.
97. We could simply alternate between the two algorithms and catch the suspect either way.
98. She said that putting him on bute straight away would reduce the inflammation and alternate hot and cold compresses would also help.
98. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
99. We would alternate between trying to boost them up and giving them sermons.
100. Another variation of basic slip stitch uses tuck and slip on alternate rows.
101. This pattern of alternate feeding and resting is characteristic of all grazing animals.
102. Our experience shows that stud males only mate efficiently if they are used regularly but not more frequently than alternate nights.
103. Later, you will break down the middle portion of these work-outs so that you will alternate quick and easy paces.
104. Alternate between yourself and the fake-introduce another toy if you wish-before slowly removing the blindfold.
105. The controls are set to knit alternate stitches on every row.
106. Chilliness may alternate with flashes of heat like in Arsenicum.
107. Confusion was ungodly, the hour was ungodly, and Barnabas had lately begun to snore in an alternate bass and baritone.
108. Alternate pairing scenes with escape scenes to insure the firm establishment of the conditioned response.
109. This carriage can be set to knit alternate needles on the ribber.
110. Transfer alternate stitches and knit two rows of stocking stitch throughout, always transferring in the same direction.
111. The ceramic's crystals polarise in one of two alternate states when energised by an electric field.
112. When putting the ring together I alternate the segments marked face up then plain face up to create a balanced pattern.
113. The service will initially run alternate days(), increasing eventually to daily sailings in both directions.
114. You can also alternate applications of a balanced fertilizer with applications of diluted fish emulsion.
115. The Whitehill finance committee agreed to suggest an arrangement with Selborne Parish Council to pay grants on alternate years.
116. In chronic cases the potency is usually administered every alternate day, or less frequent intervals if required.
117. In a democratic system political parties expect to alternate in office.
118. Mrs Morton worked in the laundry room of a local hospital and had to alternate shifts.
119. Alternate among several breakfast cereals that contain four grams of fiber or more per serving.
120. These two states alternate about every thirty minutes during sleep.
121. He has periods of depression, which alternate with frenzied activity.
122. These will be carried once a month and will alternate with contracts in the food and electronics sectors.
123. Alternate mild forms of discipline, such as a frown or a mild reprimand, with timeouts.
124. The role of alternate day corticosteroids among children who experience chronic or frequently relapsing symptoms, however, deserves further study.
125. It solaced him to know that he had an alternate plan if things went awry.
126. Summary Alternate ways of communicating with computers are required which do not require a keyboard.
127. Leaf attributes: Alternate, heart to arrow-shaped, bright green leaves.
128. alternate layers of fruit and cream.
129. Chicane: A tight sequence of corners in alternate directions.
130. You're connected to an Alternate Operator Service company.
131. A Committee member may not appoint any alternate.
132. For example, many rusts overwinter on alternate hosts.
133. Why do we have only one alternate juror?
134. Delayed action. Alternate form can be specified.
135. Leaves alternate, palmate or 3-foliolate, rarely pinnate.
136. We had a week of alternate rain and sunshine.
137. The concentration of alternate stress is a key factor of fatigue destruction.
138. Big leaf. Alternate, palmate 3-5 split, elegant and beautiful shape.
139. Based on these data, intranasal phenobarbital administration seems to render a suitable alternate delivery route for this antiepileptic drug, which should be further evaluated.
140. Alternate strips planted to crops each year serve as windbreaks for the fallow strip.
141. Fuel ethanol has been expected to become an alternate fuel for the nature.
142. Jazz's original alternate mode in "Transformers" (1984) was a Porsche sports car, but this was altered to become a Pontiac Solstice.
143. Both leben and much food collocation do not alternate very much, especially, breakfast is matching for bread , dessert , there is trunk having sparse, good mouth feeling nutrition enriches.
144. Leaves alternate, oblong or oblong - lanceolate, 2 - 5 cm long, 1 - 1.5 cm wide.
145. They have long, narrow parallel-veined leaves, whorled or alternate, arising at the base of the stem or along it.
146. Our sister-school is Toke High School in Japan. Every alternate year, an exchange visit enables students to experience aspects of Japan.
147. Byron Bay famous not only for its position as Australias most easterly mainland point but also as the "alternate lifestyle" capital of Australia. Meet the locals, soak up the atmosphere.
148. Saleen also provided their S281 automobile (basically a modified Ford Mustang) to serve as Barricade's alternate mode.
149. Leaves simple, exstipulate, alternate, rarely opposite, entire or serrate at margin.
150. An alternate name for a member of a partitioned data set.
151. This style is particularly reflected in the rectangular belt plaques made of gold and bronze with alternate versions in jade and steatite.
152. An optical phenomenon that creates the illusion of water, often with inverted reflections of distant objects, and results from distortion of light by alternate layers of hot and cool air.
153. Federal officials want the Minden district to alternate boys and girls events on "prime" days and during "prime" times.
154. And indeed, ever since the birth of quantum mechanics, some physicists have offered alternate interpretations of its equations that aim to get rid of this indeterminism.
155. Alternate use of two filters, non-stop machine in case of replacement filters, suitable for long-term continuous production.
156. The lamellar morphology of Al-Cu eutectic alloy in electric field(including direct current and alternate current) was examined.
157. A new type transmission consisting of elastic sliding key was presented, and the elastic sliding key of an alternate speed mechanism is analyzed.
158. Now that you've seen the difficulties of the submodule system,[] let's look at an alternate way to solve the same problem.
159. The slides are first cleaned ultrasonically several times in alternate baths of trichlorethylene and acetone, and are then scrubbed with a mildly abrasive detergent.
160. Of Health or alternate leaves, ovate or widely ovate, with wavy crenatum.
161. Poverty is pricked up, because traditional alternate planting and herding in some ethnic minority region coexists with the government's extension system and the environmental protection policy.
162. Communication between master controller and alternate controller of MIC bus is realized in this design.
163. The approach to alternate problems should be apparent from what is discussed.
164. Supercalender: A calendering stack with alternate hard steel rollers and soft rollers, some of which move faster than others, which imparts a high gloss finish to paper as it "slips" between them.
165. But the printing amount must be kept under strict control and limit the time for the alternate use of old and new paper within one quarter.
166. That the thread endures high alternate stress is the first cause of failure of thread joint.
167. Due to dwindling of fossil fuel, fuel ethanol has been trusted as an alternate fuel for the future.
168. Applying what they had learned about their enemy, the machines turned to an alternate and readily available power supply: the bioelectric, thermal, and kinetic energies of the human body.
169. My sister and I alternate in washing the supper dishes.
170. The project of alternate half-body irradiation combined with R-CHOP to treat DLBCL has effect on apparente synergia and attenuation and could improve the patient's quality of life.
171. After a washout period, patients were over to alternate treatment.
172. In particular, this is true for a good legato – it is really difficult to accomplish, especially when the player has to alternate between blowing and drawing breath and use the slide button.
173. Then Martin began to alternate between the dryer and the wringer, between times "shaking out" socks and stockings.
174. The company had previously planned to use the alternate spectrum later on in the rollout.
175. The back of the box shows the alternate hot rod model. There is no parts list on the outside of the box.
176. At the Yu Ying charter school in Washington, all classes for 200 students in prekindergarten through second grade are taught in Chinese and English on alternate days.
177. Some people, however, never develop severe mania but instead experience milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with depression; this form of the illness is called bipolar II disorder.
178. After that, The author explore the factors which affect the real-time accurate measurement of the alternate current Parameters and discuss the realtime measurement methods of the alternate current.
179. Use the Primal-Dual Path Flowing Method to alternate the inequation into equation and introduce impediment parameter to ensure the optimization is always in feasible region, predigest the calculation.
180. No records match your search criteria. Select alternate criteria and try your search again.
181. The switch element generates an alternate current voltage having a quasi-higher frequency from a direct current voltage.
182. Plenary session in accordance with the Party Constitution stipulates that the decision to fill an alternate member of the Central Committee Wang of the new constitution of the Central Committee.
183. Alternate dictionary order, case - sensitive, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.
184. If the line of sight is obstructed, sometimes an alternate path can be established using an intermediate site as a repeater.
185. The changes of weights, various sugars and diastase of the old seale and bud in Fritillaria thunbergiiwere studied in the alternate process of the new and old organs.
186. Apple: a deciduous Eurasian tree (Malus pumila) having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers.
187. If any element of an I/O path (the cable, switch, or controller) fails, DMMP switches I/O to an alternate path.
188. In our country, most automobile merchants pay great attention to the automobile technology development, but ignore the automobile alternate fuel development.
188. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
189. Standard practice is to alternate a stimulus with a control condition, but no tests of the control condition are present on the videotape.Dr.
190. The results show that the development and dissipation of dynamic pore water pressure are coinstantaneous, which makes the plus and minus pore water pressure and seepage force both alternate with time.
191. If you wish to load balance this work or provide an alternate path for connecting applications, then the Balance utility may suit your needs.
192. The current task or transaction userid needs UPDATE access to the alternate user profile that protects the alternate userid, in order to be authorized to use it.
193. Is there an alternate path to the Custom Patch Manager?
194. Leaves alternate, petiolate, thinly leathery or papery, margin dentate in apical half , rarely entire, lateral veins 2 or 3 pairs, lowest triplinerved.
195. Vibration tube in the magnetic field vertically brings about magnetostriction under the effect of alternate magnetic field, that is axis resonance.
196. Such a disciplinary measure against a member or alternate member of a local Party committee is subject to approval by the higher Party committee.
197. We alternate between black-and-white and color, forward movement and back, truth and lies. Leonard doesn't know whom to trust ... and neither do we.
198. Code-switching, the alternate use of two or more languages or language varieties in the same utterance or conversation, is a quite common occurrence in the modern life.
199. You alternate between eating hardly at all and feasting on gourmet foods - and you almost never find time to exercise with your busy work schedule.
200. Screen readers read the alternate text aloud but the image does not disturb the visual flow of the page.
201. Medicago ruthenicus and Trifolium lupinaster were new hosts, Euphorbia esula was new alternate host.
202. It was not found that Melampsora rust on poplars had an alternate host in Shanghai. The overwinter uredinia may be one of the preliminary infection sources.
203. How to prove the coefficients of the chromatic polynomial alternate signs?
204. Or alternate an alcoholic drink with plain water or a non alcoholic beverage.
205. Convolutions frequently alternate in direction of rotation and vary in pitch.
206. We all know that with carbon emission caps and oil past its peak, eventually we are all going to be driving cars that are either running on electricity or some alternate fuel.
207. An alternate experimedirect measurement of contact angle appears to be promising.
208. Alternate Hierarchy root categories are given meaningful category labels and codes.
209. The program stopped because an alternate diskette was not inserted.
210. Victor Vasarely, the founder of the op art movement, once said, "In basic research, intellectual rigor and sentimental freedom necessarily alternate".
211. Leaves opposite, rarely fascicled or alternate, simple or compound; leaf or leaflet blades palmately veined.
212. If the routing flag is SLS _ RTG, then the alternate linkset must be unknown.
213. The safety issues and considerations for responders in an unsafe environment, including the recognition of an unsafe area, decontamination and access to alternate means of casualty management.
214. Ventral striae, consisting of alternate lines of black and silver, well developed on isthmus and on ventral regions.
215. The invention has high universality and is suitable for both the paper shredder adopting an alternate current motor and an induction motor and the paper shredder adopting a direct current motor.
216. Unexplained blood and mucus in stool, or alternate of diarrhea and constipation, and unexplained hematuria.
217. Nancy and her sister will alternate in satting the table.
218. As a result of the alternate row format of value compression[sentencedict .com], NULL values are stored more compact.
219. Because of the lattice mismatch between two layers, there existed an alternate stress field in the multilayer, which counted for a large portion of the hardness enhancement of the multilayer.
220. Present at the plenum were 195 members and 152 alternate members of the CPC Central Committee.




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