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单词 Be defined as
1. Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs.
2. 70% of the workers can be defined as low-paid.
3. Within criminal law almost anything could be defined as "crime".
4. Recreational reading can be defined as a pastime by which the reader fills in time pleasantly.
5. History could be defined as a coherent account of an event.
6. An activated word might be defined as any word placed in a context such that it takes on emotional intensity.
7. Thus a set type can be defined as a named relationship between record types.
8. A field system could be defined as strings of coordinates following each field boundary, along with reference names or numbers.
9. A bond can be defined as a unique relationship between two people that is specific and endures through time.
10. In many cases, things that can be defined as entities could also be defined as attributes, and viceversa.
11. The power goes beyond that which can be defined as physical or mental.
12. Yet while the monad may be defined as force, monads do not manifest themselves in the phenomenal world.
13. Discourse, indeed, might be defined as the totality of all these elements interacting.
14. Traditionally, skilled jobs have tended to be defined as those requiring apprenticeships.
15. The effectiveness of a procedure can, however, also be defined as its ability to eradicate tumour locally.
16. Math may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true. Bertrand Russell 
17. The thematic stage may be defined as the conceptual framework within which the story is told, presented and performed.
18. The future state can be defined as the vision for the organization or the strategic objectives of the change.
19. Linguistics can be defined as the science of language.
20. Abrasive wear may be defined as damage to a surface by a harder material.
21. The subscript operator must be defined as a class member function.
22. Team teaching can be defined as a method that a group of two or more teachers work together to plan, teach and assess the teaching and learning for the same group of students.
23. Boiled down to its core, Tingatinga art can be defined as painting on Masonite using bicycle paint.
24. A code page can be defined as a table with a mapping of alphanumeric code and its binary representation.
25. For example, using the same logic and assuming a constant required rate of return, may be defined as follows:.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. Although there are many types of dementia they can generally be defined as involving progressive and irreversible brain failure.
27. Third, we are, inpart at least, talking about an activity which appears to be defined as problematic by users themselves.
28. Expansion of business size has completed through the first round of merging process that could also be defined as production quotas competition.
29. Considering the way the resources consumed during educational activities affect the process of education, the education cost can be defined as the direct and indirect cost.
30. Conclusion anaplastic ependymoma rapid growth, poor clinical course, biological behavior should be defined as malignant.
1. Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs.
31. "Slack Winter Learning"can be defined as an education model, which was carried out in slack time of winter and aimed to organize rural people to learn.
32. Virtual Manufacturing (VM) can be defined as abstraction of logical operation on the real manufacturing function processing product and process information. It is an effective way to realize agility.
33. Supplementary and substitutional Medicine can be defined as a group of institutions for health care in main stream medicine.
34. Law should not be defined as a ideal rule but a feasible system.
35. Bleaching and characterization were morphologically apparent, but not well developed as to be defined as bleached or claying horizons.
36. "Bang for the buck" in this case could be defined as demand stimulus divided by budget cost.
37. Managing non - incremental innovation can be defined as management of technology transition.
38. The flowline pace should be defined as the interval time which the neighbouring workgroup has spent in succession, excluding organizing interval, technical interval, joining interval, etc.
39. A drug can be defined as a chemical compound, natural or human created, which when ingested, injected or inhaled, has the ability to alter the chemical balance of the body.
40. Transference and countertransference can be defined as the patient and therapist's expectancies that are dominated by past relationship patterns with other important people.
41. Based on Mou's view, cosmism cannot be defined as natural philosophy as was defined by the Qi theorist but as cosmism as the subject in terms of "moral metaphysics".
42. A value may be defined as an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to another.
43. Intercontinental travel shall be defined as travel from one continent to another.
44. Governmental property should be defined as the resources with service potential owned or controlled by the government.
45. Ion beam can be defined as the radiation which was the product of accelerated ions of chemical element by high-energy ion accelerator.
46. Language recursiveness, one of the essential properties of language, can be defined as reiteration or embedding of the same structural elements in language.
47. Computer-aided manufacturing(CAM)can be defined as the use of computer system to plan, manage, and control the operations of a manufacturing plant.
48. Well Caroline Gluck doesn't have a Wickipedia entry I've checked. But she can be defined as a BBC correspondent.
49. Handle may be defined as a subjective tactile evaluation of the textile quality.
50. In Erlang, you separate these statements using a semicolon, so the basic Fibonacci function can be defined as shown in Listing 2.
51. Since a graphic character is always 2 bytes long, the maximum graphic length that can be indexed is 510 graphic characters, and the column can be defined as VARGRAPHIC(510).
52. I'm not certain whether this can be defined as creepy or just inappropriate: a young Greek bride ritually celebrates her nuptials by grabbing a young, pre-pubescent boy and forcing him onto her lap.
53. The rules can be defined as attributes or in the configuration, as VAB allows both.
54. A rectangular region the hand images can be defined as the region of interest ( ROI ).
55. The investor's require rate of return can be defined as the minimum rate of return necessary to attract an investor to purchase or hold a security.
56. Vertical outline hob can be defined as a series of change site screw gear(), and process error is eliminated as possible.
57. SOA can be defined as an architectural style promoting the concept of business-aligned enterprise service as the fundamental unit of designing, building, and composing enterprise business solutions.
58. " In one example of a NAND-type flash memory, the voltage threshold is negative after the memory element is erased, in what may be defined as the logic "1" state.
59. Food allergies can be defined as IgE - mediated hypersensitivity reactions and are quite distinct from food intolerances.
60. True tragedy may be defined as a dramatic work in which the outward failure of the principal personage is compensated for by the dignity and greatness of his character.
61. Personal property can be defined as all property that is not real property.
62. Derived demand: It can be defined as that the demand for business goods is ultimately derived from the demand for consumer goods.
63. Civil liability for service deflects can not simply look at as a contractual liability or tort liability, and it should be defined as a cross of contractual and tort liability.
64. Most overloaded operators may be defined as ordinary nonmember functions or as class member functions.
65. Inventory should never be carried at an amount greater than net realizable value, which may be defined as prospective selling price minus anticipated selling expenses.
66. Generally the current treatment can broadly be defined as topical and symptomatic.
67. Informative abstract The principle for a typical URT network planning can be defined as "the shortest path, the least transfer".
68. The thing that can be defined as boat is represented by Chinese junk and Italian gondola.
69. We shall see that a tree can be defined as a connected graph which contains no circuits.
70. Therefore, the objective statement can be defined as with the race in a given time owned and the ideal of a single reason, "knowledge" of the adequacy of the scope of the information statement.
71. Parts which are fuel wetted, do not have match-fit surface, and do not provide an unfiltered fuel path to downstream parts, should be defined as parts requiring Level 2 residual magnetism.
72. The metaphysical thesis of physicalism, according to Jackson, can be defined as follows: any possible world that is a minimal physical duplicate of our world is a duplicate simpliciter of our world.
73. Medical words, it may be defined as an abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to enlargement of fat cell size (Hypertrophic) or an increase in fat cell number (Hyperplastic).
74. Biostatistics can be defined as the science of data reduction methods, variability and populations, in the field of medicine and biomedical science.
75. Under certain assumptions, the incoming of aircrafts can be abstracted as mathematics model, and the scheduling process can be defined as an optimal value function.
76. Hence, Reiki can be defined as Universal Life Force Energy.
77. Taxation can be defined as a system of raising pubic revenue.
78. Direct numerical control can be defined as a manufacturing system in which a number of machines are controlled by a computer through direct connection and in real time.
79. Most operators may be defined as member or nonmember functions.
80. The term cardiac arrest may be defined as an unexplained and unanticipated cessation of cardiac activity.
81. Life for him he once wrote in the Nach Las is to be defined as, quote: a permanent form of processes or force fixations.
82. Additionally, temperature excursion phenomenon is observed on wickless FPHP; this can be defined as the boiling incipience zone.
83. Senescence may be defined as the deteriorative events which precede the death of a mature cell.
84. Rhetoric can be defined as the art of using language effectively and persuasively.
85. While most of them could be defined as sections of existing RUP artifacts,(http:///be defined as.html) they are kept separate to support auditable process control.




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