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单词 Spatial
1. Their strengths in memory and spatial skills matched.
2. His manual dexterity and fine spatial skills were wasted on routine tasks.
3. This part of brain judges the spatial relationship between objects.
4. His latest book examines the relationship between spatial awareness and mathematical ability.
5. Seems to be a problem here with spatial relationships.
6. The spatial resolution of the antenna was 74.
7. What meaning can we attach to spatial position?
8. Social mobility, therefore, is again closely linked to spatial mobility.
9. Firstly, it influences the quality and spatial distribution of litter.
10. To the hunter, temporal or spatial measurements mattered very little, if at all.
11. Indeed, the recent decline in spatial mobility means that daily life is increasingly limited to relatively small regions.
12. Spatial analysis features particularly prominent on the research agenda relating to natural and technological hazards and geodemographics.
13. The demonstrative determiners combine with non-deictic terms for spatial organization to yield complex deictic descriptions of location.
14. This middle layer has a spatial light modulator that acts as a light valve to modulate the illumination.
15. Lush simplicity, spatial silence and rhythmic repetition create a musical atmosphere the mind can inhabit.
16. This spatial code is used to direct accurate and selective regressive eye movements.
17. For example, development of spatial retrieval techniques and nearest neighbour analyses which can operate with fuzzy data.
18. It is also argued that a new spatial division of labour is being established.
19. For technical reasons spatial frequency is expressed in cycles per degree rather than cycles per centimetre.
20. Spatial mobility tends to be highest amongst the most affluent groups on the one hand and the most poor on the other.
21. One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.
22. In applications for statistical or topological modeling, for example, inputs could be frequencies, spatial locations, and so on.
23. The result is that their high social mobility does not entail high levels of long distance spatial mobility.
24. On the contrary, a given boundary may entail a combination of spatial, technical and social elements in different mixes.
25. Dynamic fluxes depend on motions which in turn depend on spatial variations in heating.
26. What many such individuals have done is to use their superior spatial abilities to buttress their weaker verbal pattern comprehension abilities.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have found that testosterone aids spatial thinking, but interferes with performance of spoken language.
28. Girls who were exposed to male hormones in the womb are better at spatial tasks.
29. It is in this way that we are able to develop an appreciation of spatial order.
30. All the creatures in Biomorph Land have a definite spatial relationship one to another.
1. This part of brain judges the spatial relationship between objects.
31. It asks whether there is any clear spatial relationship between need and public investment.
32. However, there remain major differences in levels of spatial mobility for different social groups.
33. Spatial and tenurial differentiation is a reality in my locales, although there are very great cleavages within tenures as well as between them.
34. Place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial locations relative to the location of the participants in the speech event.
35. The collection of historical data on natural hazards is important since it is clear that their spatial pattern varies through time.
36. High levels of spatial mobility are involved as he is regularly posted to regions where the multinational is operating.
37. This suggests that verbal ability is dominant in the left hemisphere and spatial ability is dominant in the right hemisphere.
38. This is consistent with structuration as suggested above - spatial expansion is used in an attempt to avoid insitu temporal change.
39. First of all, more spatial data are becoming available in digital or computer-readable form.
40. Good spatial resolution means that they tend to respond to high spatial frequencies.
41. But the striking and distinguishing feature of organisms is organisation without such simple spatial regularity.
42. Some of these ways entail high spatial mobility and others do not.
43. These can modify their operation to detect temporal and spatial patterns of inputs.
44. Unfortunately, the spatial resolution of the best radar images so far obtained is too poor to have revealed such tell-tale signs.
45. Yet lateralization of spatial skills to the right brain is not the reverse.
46. But to work over time and spatial distance, team members must communicate through some medium.
47. Though single pieces were restrained, the cumulative effect of a group exhibition was to reorganize spatial perception radically.
48. Boys who were exposed to female hormones are worse at spatial tasks.
49. Moreover, they can not be accounted for merely by reference to spatial differences in social composition.
50. In other words, information about features, landmarks and spatial relationships of the environment is stored in their brain.
51. Girls are simply better at linguistic forms of learning, boys at mathematical and some spatial skills.
52. The space-economy for example is simply the spatial pattern of organization created by the industrial economy; it is not an independent variable.
53. The designers experimented with new ideas in spatial forms and lighting.
54. Chapter 2 contains a discussion of alternative data structures for spatial data.
55. These horizontal planes represent different spatial descriptions as the time-coordinate t increases.
56. After six months, only the pianists improved significantly on a test of spatial reasoning, assembling a puzzle of a camel.
56. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
57. Doreen Massey explains: The spatial openness of youth cultures in many if not all parts of the world is clear.
58. Therefore the spatial dimensions of accessibility and mobility have complex but very important social overtones.
59. Plain radiography, with its superior spatial resolution, remains a key investigation in the initial diagnosis of a primary bone tumour.
60. The predominance these spatial constructs have for the ordinary constable is essential to an understanding of the police mind.
61. The difference is that the first is based on a spatial conception and the second on a temporal one.
62. It follows, therefore, that no map-related spatial data exist which are wholly error-free.
63. A paradigm example of this is the vexed question of spatial visualisation.
64. But geometry is about spatial relationships, and an appreciation of space and form is of considerable practical value.
65. There is a danger that a concentration on spatial manifestation masks the realities of social processes, that space itself is fetishised.
66. Information on spatial units, where relevant, are also included and may be used as search terms.
67. Writers in this tradition do touch on some spatial dimensions but they are not central.
68. In the second we are describing the spatial distribution of people, not one person: this is the Euler method.
69. There was a case of two brothers who both had seizures triggered by spatial patterns.
70. So movement neither substitutes for spatial information nor disrupts it.
71. Contemporary architecture, for example, is increasingly abstracted from the social and spatial contexts in which it is constructed.
72. Taking, firstly, class-based urban and regional sociology on its own terms, social and spatial mobility is a major deficiency.
73. This research aims to resolve the debate about spatial abilities and left handedness.
74. But within capitalism there are many variations - at all spatial scales - in the detailed arrangements for its operation.
75. However, in some situations, grey squirrels seem to rely on spatial memory to retrieve nuts.
76. Peasants certainly lacked the spatial mobility required for regular participation in the politics of the realm.
77. Of these spatial concentrations of modernized industry, Chirton Industrial Estate is the oldest.
78. One type of query refers solely to the absolute or relative locational properties of the spatial entities.
79. And the same thing is true for the spatial task.
80. These are really questions about the organization of the spatial organization of cellular activities.
81. The view that women are on average better on language tasks and men on spatial tasks continues to receive serious attention.
82. The production of block diagrams and other representations of spatial data in graphical form is also part of automated cartography.
83. This use of new spatial sensations was to become an increasingly important feature of Braque's work.
84. We do know that at present males perform better than females at spatial visualisation tests.
85. In particular, the spatial irregularity apparent in Fig. 22.8 reflects irregular fluctuations in time.
86. This supports the hypothesis that there is a right field advantage for verbal ability over spatial ability.
86. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
87. In many cases such measurements may not be available with spatial and temporal sampling frequencies that meet the demands of research programmes.
88. In addition to this temporal patterning, each spike often displays a recurring spatial organization.
89. According to a long and dominant tradition, the physical is bound up with the spatial.
90. For most experimental purposes spatial variations occur in only one dimension so that the stimuli appear as light and dark stripes.
91. The spatial dialogues so fundamental in Braque's art touched Picasso's but were of subsidiary concern to him.
92. Rather, the differences must be sought in the regulatory genes and proteins that control spatial organization.
93. There would be no possibility of it in a non-spatial world, or in a spatial world inhabited only by non-spatial beings.
94. They are used to indicate the spatial location and separation of events which are integral parts of the same process.
95. However, this is offset by the demands that are made on spatial analysis and modelling methodology.
96. Changes within capitalism generate new forms of spatial organization at the same time as they create new forms of social organization.
97. The difference between us and chimpanzees lies in the spatial organization of the cells.
98. The problem is one of relating the spatial pattern with the spatial process.
99. The second kind of data consists of the attributes or properties of the spatial entities shown on the maps.
100. They have greater verbal and lesser spatial and mathematical ability, and less self-confidence and competitiveness.
101. Spatialization is the invention of a spatial world as the map upon which we plot experience.
102. Imagine how, when and where this formed, and its temporal and spatial journey.
103. The relationship between these factors in determining the spatial distribution of the elderly is unknown and probably varies historically.
104. An important theme of empirical and theoretical work on contemporary social structure is that of social differentiation, and its spatial aspects.
105. One, as we have noted several times in this chapter, is the availability of spatial data in computer-readable format.
106. Such measurements distinguish temporal events from spatial structure, but suffer from lower resolution.
107. The increased height relative to the bedside locker and bed table may require spatial adjustment.
108. As I mentioned before, you see deficits for verbal material after left removals, for spatial tasks after right removals.
109. But even the idea of spatial trickle-own incorporates an expectation that not all areas gain from national prosperity.
110. The river basin is a well-defined spatial unit that is of great interest to hydrologists, geomorphologists and geographers.
111. Group 2 errors include positional accuracy, attribute uncertainty, and generalization arising from data classification and spatial variations in map quality.
112. Instead emphasis has been placed on monitoring temporal and spatial changes in tree health.
113. While providing greater safety from the pressure hazard, they can create spatial problems for the patient.
114. Many other economic factors might be viewed as contributing to the emergence of spatial disparities in economic prosperity.
115. Emergency vehicles can be supplied with computers that track their spatial location.
116. The concern here, however,[http:///spatial.html] is not so much that of the level of such benefits but their spatial distribution.
117. The appearance of this pattern in some places and not in others presumably relates to the detailed spatial structure in two dimensions.
118. Fluctuations are spatial and temporal in character.
119. It includes topics such as spatial frequency filtering, holography.
120. The semi-transparent wall provides a subtle relationship between the inner and outer spaces, bestowing people with a special spatial experience.
121. Influence of different camber angle on special-shaped spatial combination arch-rib arch mechanical behavior is analyzed under completion state.
122. Spatial continuum inside the architecture represents a strong feeling of mobility.
123. They also do equally well at programming a computer, which is neither visual nor spatial.
124. Then the formulae for calculating machine tool adjustment parameters on hobbing are derived by the study of spatial meshing principle among hobbing cutter, imaginary generating rack and gear.
125. A new type of continuous contact model was developed for a spatial revolute joint.
126. Moreover, preserving the spatial forms and making a palimpsest of the space allowed the process of revitalization as a double edges sword to carve the city's history and culture face.
127. The simulated experiments demonstrate that our approach can effectively identify local ab- normality in large spatial data sets.
128. By adopting breadth-first search, makes spatial heat-supply network tree, and composes branch incidence matrix, chain incidence matrix and fundamental circuit matrix.
129. It is a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent.
130. Simple, fast and adaptive spatial filtering and arithmetic operation are adopted by the algorithm and image quality is improved.
131. Emphasis on spatial analysis using geographic information systems and database query tools.
132. Meteorological data are spatially interpolated to attain the spatial resolution matching remotely sensed data.
133. These multi-scale analysis methods were categorized based on spatial numerical variable and type variable.
134. General relativity is not a zero-sum game—the stretching of the spatial fabric allows new volume to be created for both the old and the new vacua .
135. Make sure Chinese mire wetland metadata expresses form, create the metadatabase of the mire wetland spatial database.
136. An article can be written in chronological, spatial or logical order.
137. The generation employs space filling curves to preserve the spatial and topological properties (see the Resources section for the H. Sagan book).
138. The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
139. D high coherence: interferntical field their own spatial distributions and spectral distribution.
140. The data demonstrates that the temporal and spatial distribution characteristic of copepods is closely related with that of Eriocheir sinensis larvae in the ponds.
141. For a system, Hamiltonian is invariant under any translation of spatial coordinates.
142. IKONOS imagery has high spatial resolution which looks like aerial photos.
143. At the end, the trend of exploratory spatial data analysis is prospected.
144. Spatial distribution must also be regarded in the evaluation of competition.
145. Based on the principle of the spatial inversion, this paper proposes a new method of determining the stroke of the slide block of the spatial slider-crank mechanism by way of descriptive geometry.
146. They said that time is the feeling of spatial displacement.
147. Smallest space analysis, a statistical technique for creating a spatial representation of data, is examined to assess its usefulness for analyzing use-of-space data.
148. So we can be considered the use of genetic algorithms to solve the problem of spatial clustering.
149. As a non-linear filter, the morphological filter outperforms the linear filter(eg. Gaussian filter) in precise edge localization, and better represents the detailed spatial information of images.
150. Industrial cluster is a phenomenon of spatial concentration of the industries linked in close economic relations in special locations, and it is characterized by path choice of special location.
151. This might raise serious questions over the spatial distribution of the production.
152. Our vision is to manager 3D spatial objects by relational database management system and to manipulate the 0-dimensional object, 1 -dimensional, 2-dimensional, and 3 -dimensional in unifiable manner.
153. Then we used filter theory to explain the difference between X and Y cell's spatial property and discussed effect of the large disinhibitory area on the spatial property of classical receptive field.
154. changes taking place in the spatial distribution of the population.
155. The procedure is quite unusual as compared with the spatial functions.




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