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1. They knew each other from the cradle.
2. They were attracted to each other from the first.
3. Women were talking to each other from the front steps of their homes.
4. The prisoners used to call out to each other from their cells.
5. Friends had stopped calling out to each other from across the street.
6. We knew each other from the cradle.
7. We have known each other from the cradle.
8. The two began splashing water at each other from opposite banks of the stream.
9. Gusts in innumerable series followed each other from the north - west.
10. Lignin and P cresol react each other from Infrared spectrum of the coploymer.
11. Shanks and Svoboda knew each other from the blackjack underground.
12. To prevent each other from suddenly attacking, strangers joined right hands as a pledge of nonaggression (/other from.html), thus demonstrating that neither party was about to use a weapon.
13. The oldest two, Elizabeth and Nina, died as infants, one from the croup, the other from fever.
14. The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned. Dale Carnegie 
15. Each company seeks unspecified damages and injunctions that would stop the other from using its patents.
16. One morning, in addition, he encountered his father-in-law, striding along in the pursuit of some business or other from home.
17. So the interested parties projected barbed missiles at each other from behind their quick-to-assemble, remains-upright-in-a-force-9-mixed-metaphor barricades.
18. In some ways these two -- one from modern dance, the other from rock music -- are an odd match.
19. Some wanted to maintain long-term friendships, having known each other from school or college.
20. The golds came from the wrestling event, one from Arur Taymazo in the men's freestyle wrestling (120 kg cat) and the other from Alexandr Dokturishivili in the men's Greco-Roman wrestling (74 kg cat).
21. The fourth chapter is to compare about the punishment of two countries, it compares with each other from crime law system, penalty rate, and the kinds of penalties.
22. There are two applied forces acting on floating plate, one from the outlet port formed by the pinion, inner gear and filling piece, the other from the back-pressure cavity of floating plate.
23. Two were obtained from macaque monkeys affected with retroperitoneal fibromatosis, the other from human AIDS patients affected with Kaposi's sarcoma.
24. Every kind of on-line service system which make people contact with each other from a long distance affected communication method deeply .
25. Working in collusion , one from within and the other from without , they created pandemonium.
26. According to NASA's Ask an Astrobiologist website, the theory that the world will end in December 2012 is a conflation of two ideas, one derived from the Sumerians, the other from the Maya.
27. Constancy in love is of two kinds: one comes from continually finding new things to love in the beloved, and the other from making it a point of honor to remain constant.
28. Many have as their mother tongues Javanese , Sundanese, Madurese, Buginese, Batak, Minangkabau, different Chinese dialects, or some other from the diverse array of local languages.




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