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单词 Adolescence
1) He grew from adolescence to young manhood.
2) Many bodily changes occur during adolescence.
3) Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
4) My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
5) Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.
6) He had a troubled adolescence.
7) She developed the problem in early adolescence.
8) At adolescence, muscles go through a growth spurt.
9) There was a lot of unhappiness in my adolescence.
10) Acne is the curse of adolescence.
11) The movie is a perfect distillation of adolescence.
12) I spent my childhood and adolescence in Florida.
13) That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.
14) Some people become very self-conscious in adolescence.
15) Adolescence is the period of progression from childhood to adulthood.
16) No one knows for sure why adolescence is unique to humans.
17) Adolescence brings about major changes in a young person's body.
18) Yes, adolescence is the age of flaring, terminal embarrassment.
19) During adolescence, she thought they were growing pains.
20) But adolescence presents quite different problems regarding discipline.
21) I remember my childhood, my adolescence.
22) Her brother passed uneasily into adolescence.
23) Once he reached adolescence, just couldn't control him.
24) When girls hit adolescence, their self-confidence begins to wane.
25) Adolescence brings physical and emotional changes.
26) The play is set in the dangerous no-man's land between youth and adolescence.
27) There is often a period of sexual experimentation during adolescence.
28) Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence.
29) The film is about the trials and tribulations of adolescence.
30) Psychology had sanctified the opinion that youthful rebellion was a natural stage of adolescence.
1) He grew from adolescence to young manhood.
2) Many bodily changes occur during adolescence.
3) Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
4) Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.
5) He had a troubled adolescence.
6) I spent my childhood and adolescence in Florida.
7) The film is about the trials and tribulations of adolescence.
31) The interest continues, even intensifies, during adolescence.
32) Adolescence is a period of great and rapid change.
33) Perhaps this is one reason why cigarette smoking is so attractive in adolescence.
34) Her hauntingly beautiful face seemed to perfectly encompass the vulnerability of adolescence.
35) She repeated what Rosalind Swain had said about odd things happening in adolescence, about adolescents harbouring poltergeists.
36) Most people regarded adolescence as some kind of Armageddon, a battle one was sure to lose.
37) Any genuinely orthodox unionist would have been a member since late adolescence!
38) These findings highlight the importance of peer pressures in adolescence.
39) In late adolescence and young adulthood, planning skills were in turn related to social functioning and parenting behaviour.
40) The children, like all others, grow up and pass through childhood into adolescence.
41) A woman laments that, having spent her adolescence in the camps, she was denied her teen-age years.
42) Some of the most vulnerable young people in care are those who are still away from home during their later adolescence.
43) The conventional way of looking at adolescence does, at any rate, emphasise some such division.
44) During adolescence, boys are sometimes very shy and lacking in self-confidence.
45) It was decided that the main thrust of the research should be in the domain of economic and political socialisation during adolescence.
46) Seeing their own children in their teens may bring their own adolescence forcibly to mind, along with its unfinished business.
47) As children reach adolescence, peer groups become a more significant influence.
48) From infancy through early adolescence, Semai children are largely unconstrained and free of external domination.
49) While it occurs most often in adolescence, the age of onset can range from pre-adolescence to middle age.
50) The amount of pigmentation tends to increase slightly with age up to adolescence and brings with it a gradual improvement in visual acuity.
51) He points to cultures, such as Samoa, where Margaret Mead found that there was little real adolescence.
52) His adolescence and young manhood had occurred in a vacuum.
53) How much attention do these programmes pay to the real dynamics of peer group pressures as they ebb and flow across adolescence?
54) We have seen that the principal intellectual characteristics of adolescence stem directly or indirectly from the development of formal structures.
55) By adolescence, they veer into selflessness and fear the criticism of peers.
56) My Gen X adolescence flashed before my eyes like a flip book of fuzzy Polaroids.
57) I wish she would show me how to get through homework and adolescence instead of just Christmas dinner for 40.
58) Alternately manic and twee, it has, instead, only the ugliness of wilfully arrested adolescence.
59) It does not seem to have had the same connotations as the contemporary concept of adolescence.
60) There are other, less common disturbances in childhood and adolescence, including childhood psychosis, the hyperkinetic syndrome and anorexia nervosa.
61) Pickerage, with the cunning of adolescence, was finding expedients that kept him well out of Toby's way.
62) When questioned directly about these findings, the patient admitted to the presence of visual abnormalities since early adolescence.
63) The central focus is the development of leisure interests during adolescence and the theoretical framework draws upon recent work in social cognition.
64) Now it is readily apparent that adolescence conceived in this way does not correspond with puberty.
65) When we entered adolescence, they would be the first on the block to consider killing people who disagreed with them.
66) One of these was Roslyn. During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
67) As we emerge into adolescence, we slowly come to know the future and return to our origins.
68) He had struggled with alcohol and drug abuse from early adolescence.
69) During the course of development of formal operations in adolescence, the social aspects of development continue.
70) In conversation this appeared to be the pattern of most youngsters and presumably is coinciding with early adolescence.
71) Though Saskia musters all her forces to stave off adolescence, hormones are against her.
72) But one person in every 20 will continue to wet their bed well into adolescence, even adulthood.
73) Hamsters reared in the laboratory can be made to have female-biased litters by keeping them hungry during adolescence or pregnancy.
74) Though I had scribbled away as a child, during my adolescence, I had never kept much of a diary.
75) Karen, six years older than Iain, had held an even keel through adolescence.
76) For he grew up before the permissive society and remembers his adolescence.
77) The secrecy which, in my adolescence, surrounded menstruation was an indication of the inferior status of women in that society.
78) They had proceeded through childhood and into their adolescence just like a thousand and one other families in the community.
79) At least these skits had grown in sophistication since my adolescence.
80) Working-class heroes have often flirted with delinquency in adolescence: it is hard to find the right channel for extraordinary energy.
81) Mary Leapor at some point in her adolescence became a domestic servant.
82) I made a vow that I should not allow my children to look at Shakespeare until adolescence.
83) Charlotte Mason regarded teaching as her vocation from her early adolescence.
84) The project will also be exploring how identity, the self-concept, changes in response to educational and occupational experiences during adolescence.
85) Here are the roots of the regressive trends in adolescence and in adult life.
86) Not even the gawky years of adolescence would alter it.
87) His sad, excruciatingly well-behaved adolescence is inextricable from the progress of a doomed friendship with an eccentric schoolmate,(http:///adolescence.html) Smallgods.
88) My adolescence was a triumph of the superego over the id.
89) He was entering that awkward stage of early adolescence and had become a somewhat ungainly-looking boy.
90) In all this, including the boredom, there is nothing new in the annals of adolescence.
91) Autonomy is important to everyone, but I think it is fair to say that it is of particular importance in adolescence.
92) Only through good relations with his parents can a child successfully mature into adolescence.
93) The only other period of such rapid development is adolescence.
94) Impressions gleaned in childhood and rein forced in adolescence cling like limpets into adulthood despite valiant efforts to shake them off.
95) Unilateral respect relationships in adolescence can postpone adaptation to the real world and integration into society.
96) Then one day we stumbled into puberty and found that our adolescence coincided with the struggle for national independence.
97) But as the egocentrism of other periods gradually diminished, so does the egocentrism of adolescence with continued development.
98) They progress much further than Gang into late adolescence, a period more amenable to bittersweet comedy.
99) At adolescence, adopted children have the normal crop of teenage problems.
100) Young girls, before they reach adolescence, have an instinctive grace in their movements.
101) Marlin's record collection was chiefly seduction songs of his sixties adolescence, which suited her fine.
102) The problems are the normal ones of adolescence and will pass in their own good time.
103) Nevertheless, adolescence is the time when ego-identity development inevitably dominates the personal development of the individual for a while.
104) Depression During adolescence, emotions are strong and teenagers often experience violent mood swings, including bouts of depression.
105) Turbulence and violent death haunted his adolescence just as repression and hard tack had besieged his childhood.
106) During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
107) Here males stay with their male kin as adults and females move into new groups at adolescence.
108) I should know ... Friendships become easier for young women in later adolescence as they develop a clearer sense of self identity.
109) The narrator is basically reflecting on what happened to him during childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.
110) It seems to me that anorexia nervosa acts as a metaphor for all the problems of adolescence.
111) There was another reason why in early adolescence this distortion was strongly reinforced.
112) In major life changes such as adolescence, for successful growth opportunities both active and quiescent periods are needed.
113) It is still in the turbulent years of adolescence.
114) Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood.
115) Can excessive masturbation affect adolescence long?
115) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
116) In his adolescence, he had apparent abundant affiance.
117) He displayed all the awkwardness of adolescence.
118) Conclusion: Manipulation can obtain good short-term and long-term effect for cervical spondylotic radiculopathy in adolescence.
119) Psychologists are dealing with the problem of maladjusted adolescence and " juvenile delinquency ".
120) They experienced adolescence, developed powerful mother - and - child bonds and used political chicanery to get what they wanted.
121) Adolescence is kind of similar in process to the two or three year old testing their limits.
122) Most transvestites have first cross dressing experience around puberty or in adolescence.
123) Testicular torsion is considered a surgical emergency. It is most commonly seen in adolescence, but a few cases also preasent during the neonatal period.
124) Importantly, patterns of physical activity and healthy lifestyles acquired during childhood and adolescence are more likely to be maintained throughout the life-span.
125) You can never be quite sure they won't drag up some embarrassing scenario from your adolescence.
126) As an account of adolescence it could hardly be bettered.
127) Also peaking during adolescence (and perhaps aggrieving the ancientry the most) is risk-taking.
128) From adolescence onwards, they cosmetically adorn their lips, applying lipstick and colours. They have been doing so since ancient Egypt.
129) To investigate the etiology, diagnosis and therapy of secondary amenorrhea in adolescence.
130) Ramus height and condylar width reduced in the mandibular retrusion group, which was a result of condylar growth inhibition during adolescence.
131) From adolescence onwards, they cosmetically adorn their lips, applying lipstick and colours.
132) Trichotillomania is more often observed in females, usually along with other psychiatric comorbidity. Patients who have early onset in adolescence often have poorer prognosis.
133) Adolescence is a liminal state, between childhood and adulthood, between the feminine and the masculine.
134) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in adolescence is a desease that leads to endocrine dyscrasia of adolescent female. It is refractory and always occurs with metrorrhagia and metrostaxis in turn.
135) If your mother or grandmother experienced excessive hair growth, you should watch for early signs of hirsutism in yourself and your children, especially during adolescence.
136) Objective To study the clinical presentation and injury mechanism in triplane fracture of the distal tibia in adolescence.
137) Primary dysmenorrhea, as one of the common diseases in adolescence, interferes with many adolescents' life, study and exercises.
138) It is a heavy hitter: tiny amounts can have big consequences in children, who should have very little of it until they hit adolescence.
139) It is said to be characteristic of adolescence and early adulthood.
140) Finally, some time after adolescence, a young werewolf undergoes his First Change.
141) Even those of us who are well past adolescence can get the pimple.
142) His darkest hour was in the late 1990s when he confessed to being a Nazi sympathizer in his adolescence, something he deeply regrets.
143) Hormone levels rise and fall at different stages of life including adolescence, pre - natal, post - natal and menopause.
144) Conclusion: Heroin represses ovary function- hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis , leading to impairs of adolescence female reproductive system.
145) Objective: To investigate the short-term and long-term effects of manipulation for cervical spondylotic radiculopathy in adolescence.
146) childhood, adolescence and adulthood.
147) Infant wrapping grows often be physiology sex too, arrived after adolescence glans still cannot show ability to call packet of bine or wrapping to grow too tardy.
148) It is as though he vividly re-members the lankiness of adolescence, of growing too fast. He reiterates the miracle of his own childhood as the Other within him-self.
149) Coming here in Cina was just like going back to the childhood going through the adolescence I have never had.
150) The study "shows that yet again, the onset of bipolarity in adolescence is particularly malignant for the onset of substance abuse, " he said.
151) "Berman was preternaturally gifted at remolding people at the vulnerable, liminal moment in adolescence," he said.
152) The so-called intrinsic heat in the blood is adolescence a time when rapid metabolism, endocrine prosperity, Yang Piansheng heat, blood heat outside Yong, Yu on the body surface and hair.
153) Only 8.5 percent of those active during adolescence were cognitively impaired later on, compared with 16.7 percent of those who had been inactive teenagers.
154) Reading also came to him in adolescence, though he says it is something he quickly outgrew.
155) Purpose : To investigate the CT features of imperforate hymen in adolescence.
156) In people who learned after adolescence, white matter development was increased only in the forebrain—the region that was still undergoing myelination.
157) Method of palace neck mucus all can be used before adolescence, lactation and menopause will judge but pregnancy and infecund period, follow similar mucus regulation.
158) It's a retreat into the adolescence they never really had.
159) Objective:To study impairs and their degree of adolescence female reproductive system by heroin.
160) The body fat of boys gradually increased during preadolescence, while gradually decreased during adolescence.
161) Human sexual development does not end with adolescence,(http:///adolescence.html) but continues in adulthood.
162) Eating disorders in adolescence: what is the role of hormone replacement therapy?
163) Arrived after adolescence, as a result of ovarian development, estrogen begins increase, counteractive ability of the vagina increases, hymen fulfilled its mission.
164) Objective To investigate direct bone graft repair with lag screw and tension band fixation technique and its value for the treatment of adolescence spondylolysis.
165) The clone would go through childhood and adolescence with the same life - shaping unpredictability as any kid.
166) I hated Janis Joplin with a passion for much of my adolescence, for instance, for no other reason than because my parents loved her.
167) Teleplay "adolescence hit menopause" is a reflection of the emotional life of contemporary young youth inspirational big play.
168) When do they show up? Plexiform neurofibromas can appear at any age, but they usually begin to show up in late childhood or early adolescence.
169) During adolescence , boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics.
170) Objective To summrize the experience of the diagnosis and treatment of fibroadenoma in adolescence.
171) Adolescence ─ when a lad forsakes his bosom buddy for a bosomed buddy.
172) This report is about a case of juvenile xanthogranuloma(JXG) which occured at adolescence.
173) Hormonal treatments in adolescence can often achieve a masculinization of the body.
174) I also know that a surprising 25 percent of these sufferers became shy after leaving the universal self-concern and awkwardness of adolescence.




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