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单词 ovation
释义  o·va·tion /əʊˈveɪʃən $ oʊ-/ noun [countable] formal  PRAISEif a group of people give someone an ovation, they clap to show approval 〔以鼓掌表示的〕赞同,欢迎 The Chancellor’s entrance was greeted with a standing ovation (=everyone stood up). 总理进来时,全体起立鼓掌欢迎。 Fans gave the rock group a thunderous ovation. 歌迷对这个摇滚乐队报以雷鸣般的掌声。Examples from the Corpusovation• I got a standing ovation from the board.• When I finished speaking, the audience gave me a standing ovation.• A packed Hall of graduates and undergraduates gave Baroness Park an affectionate standing ovation at the end of her after dinner speech.• Outspoken speeches were given which received spontaneous standing ovations.• The standing ovations were over for a while.• His parishioners applauded more out of charity than conviction, and the emptiness of the ovation embarrassed both speaker and audience alike.gave ... ovation• Spectators yesterday gave Thatcher standing ovations at the opening and close of her address.Origin ovation (1500-1600) Latin ovatio, from ovare “to show great happiness”o·va·tion nounChineseSyllable  of a give Corpus people if group someone




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