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单词 Alteration
1. The leaflets require no alteration from year to year.
2. The timetable is subject to alteration.
3. He consented to make a few alteration.
4. The dress will not need much alteration.
5. There will be no alteration in corporation tax.
6. Have you noticed any alteration in the patient's behaviour?
7. Prices may be subject to alteration.
8. How much alteration will be necessary?
9. Her jacket was at the boutique waiting for alteration.
10. We will have to make a slight alteration to the plans.
11. Several police officers are being questioned about the alteration of the documents.
12. Any alteration would spoil the sense of the entire poem.
13. The shirt needs alteration.
14. Imagine, now,() a slight alteration in the commercial.
15. The overall cost per alteration in management was £129.00.
16. Shan't you essay any alteration in your finances?
17. She noticed the alteration in his looks and manner.
18. If the valuation officer himself makes an alteration for whatever reason, for example, a renewed right exists.
19. These hills result from hydrothermal alteration of the granites which are characteristic of the area.
20. To illustrate the addition or alteration of upper bounds we will start by adding the constraint to problem P2 of Section 7.1.
21. The intricacies of the alteration itself, begun in 1980, are not directly relevant here.
22. And the total alteration in underlying circumstances has not been squarely faced.
23. Max walked past her, without acknowledging her presence by the slightest alteration in his expression.
24. The apparently untidy structure of the machinery of government, and its constant alteration, reflect the objectives of the political elites.
25. Fat droplet accumulation in acinar cells has been observed as the earliest morphologic alteration in the pancreas of alcoholics.
26. Mrs Thatcher agreed to allow the Report to be sent out for consultation, but asked for one alteration.
27. The only serious incident that has ever occurred involved a clear and flagrant case of product alteration and misuse.
28. It is high time that such comment should be permitted together with the necessary alteration to the words of the caution.
29. The ultrabasic rocks have been extensively affected by several phases of hydrothermal alteration.
30. I can wear an old suit with a little alteration so it will be more reasonable.
1. The leaflets require no alteration from year to year.
2. The shirt needs alteration.
31. Oxidation of hops causes a loss and alteration of flavours.
32. The new prefilter has been in operation for 4 weeks now with no alteration of flow.
33. There are a very few reservations such as assenting to an alteration of the succession to the throne.
34. The Springboks had to make a major alteration at half-time owing to an injury to Van Straaten.
35. The degree of alteration of the mandibles is therefore not as great as is suggested by these figures.
36. We can now evaluate the effects of this change in terms of the alteration in surplus.
37. Typically(Sentence dictionary), albite of this purity results from secondary alteration processes such as hydrothermal metasomatism or authigenic growth during burial diagenesis.
38. Train services shown in this timetable are subject to alteration or cancellation at short notice.
39. This definition was first developed and used in Chapter 2 and it can be applied directly without alteration to equities.
40. I had the feeling Ted might have gotten a tattoo or something, made some drastic alteration in himself.
41. All patient areas require alteration, decoration and cleaning from time to time.
42. Some authors get very touchy if you make even the slightest alteration to their work.
43. Successive governments, however, have made it clear that any alteration of the state pension ages is unlikely.
44. Obviously a process of balanced deflation would entail no alteration of the real wage rate.
45. But what about alteration of brain chemistry at an early age?
46. But a combination of international change and policy alteration has meant that, on some issues, the Tories changed too.
47. Vertical differentiation in mineralogy in weathering profiles may also reflect the stage-by-stage alteration of primary rock minerals.
48. In complex systems a small alteration in the initial conditions can amplify into wide-ranging effects throughout the rest of the system.
49. As from the effective date shown on your attached policy schedule the following alteration applies to the wording of your policy.
50. Any request for a change to a confirmed meal plan will result in us having to levy a booking alteration fee.
51. The slightest alteration in the chemical balance would result immediately in a race of exploded beetles.
52. It should be noted that an agreed change will not necessarily result in an alteration to computer programs.
53. Unlike sleep, rest does not involve an alteration in conscious level.
54. Anselm carried into politics his search for an eternal order of truth and justice, unshakeable and subject to no alteration.
55. It should not involve a fundamental alteration of the position's particular requirements.
56. Hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation continued for up to 30 Ma after the emplacement of the intrusions at about 400 Ma.
57. Your 90 2.5 petrol will run perfectly on lead free petrol with no alteration.
58. The alteration of stress on certain words can completely change the meaning of a phrase or sentence.
59. An unacceptable deterioration of glycaemic control occurs when control can not readily be restored by a minor alteration of the treatment regimen.
60. The binding of the enzyme-labeled drug to the antibody causes a steric alteration that results in decreased enzyme activity.
61. It was impossible to completely check the global effects of each alteration to the file.
62. High-ranking officers were only too willing to pay vastly inflated prices for a little judicious alteration and improvement to their standard uniforms.
63. The Andean goose alters the same junction to the same effect, but with an alteration in the opposite chain.
64. The smaller bones from the feet showed no clear signs of alteration.
65. As well as the crushing effects described above, many of the rocks in the thrust zone suffered hydrothermal alteration.
66. They are subject to alteration through increases in air fares and currency fluctuations.
67. Conclusions:there is functional alteration of neuromuscular junction in ALS.
68. The wall rock alteration includes silication(sentence dictionary), pyritization and carbonation.
69. Mineralization-related alteration mainly are intensive silication and sericitization.
70. Proofreader: An abbreviation for author's alteration.
71. The alteration would entail an expenditure of 50 pounds.
72. This agreement is not susceptible to alteration.
73. Individual or the group practice is able to make delicate adjustment because of the alteration of value , idea and the way of system.
74. Then, in 2003, Shinji Hirotsune of the Saitama Medical School in Japan traced deformities in a group of experimental baby mice to the alteration of a pseudogene.
75. The age-related alteration of acrosin activity of sperm in male mice of different ages has been studied by fixed gelatin membrane method.
76. Gold bodys are metasomatic vains, and was generated by diorite and surrounding rock which suffered multi-stage breccia, silicification and sericite hydrothermal alteration.
77. Objective: We researched the protective effects and its Effects on Alteration of Protein Expression Pattern of Potentilla anserina L. alcohol extract following acute myocardial ischemia in Rats.
78. Taoyuan molybdenum ore belongs to mesothermal hydrothermal vein deposit. Alteration of country rock has linear feature.
79. According to the claim of the legal proceeding , design the procedure what has the Judicial nature for the the alteration of execution of reprieve of death Penal.
80. Under what circumstances can a foreign - funded enterprise apply for registration of alteration?
81. We study the white jade, the results show that the content, the alteration extent and the fissures of anorthite are the controlling factor of Dushan jade's transparence.
82. The dynamic quantitative analysis made in alteration in the intestinal flora in 20 of 39 infants.
83. Acute and metabolic alteration of cholesterol was done using pharmacological reagents.
84. Any alteration to the contract terms should be mutually approved by both parties in advance.
85. Objective To observe the effect of filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta on intestinal flora alteration.
86. Alteration of refractoriness during acute myocardial ischemia was examined in open-chest anaesthetised rabbits.
87. Judicial Yuan shall determine applicable categories of Intellectual Property Court, its sub-court, and their alteration.
88. Chapter five is the establishment of the principle of prohibiting deteriorative alteration in civil appeal in our country.
89. Objective To study the value of the alteration of gallbladder wall in the diagnosis of acute icterohepatitis.
90. In addition, every item of soil can be analyzed indoor, such as acidolysis hydrocarbon, ultraviolet spectrum, alteration carbonate, U, Hg, etc.
91. The germplasm resources of M. coruscus should be protected immediately because of overexploitation, habitat alteration and introduction of exotic species.
92. The second chapter is mainly about composition of forgery and alteration of bill, introduces four composing elements of bill forgery and identifies three kinds of false signatures.
93. Moreover, all stem in part from human activities such as habitat alteration.
94. The person doing the alteration, repair and cleaning work or dealing with the animal's fur is called as the furrier .
95. Even more disastrous was the alteration in the relative strength of the French and German Armies.
96. The main mineralized types are quartz vein type and alteration pattern with fracture zone.
98. It is cinnabar and dickite, kaolinite petrochemical and hydrothermal alteration of the product of mercury.
99. Mainly is basalt and tuff, secondly become for the alteration basalt and andesite.
100. Also the practical implementation procedure adapted to alteration information abstraction is explored.
101. Many components of SENS entail alteration of the genome in many different cell types.
102. At the same time, the public will not admit the random capricious alteration of plans, nor without complain the changeableness of plans.
103. Telogen effluvium is an abnormal loss of hair due to alteration of the normal hair cycle.
104. This paper reports the study of fertility alteration character of Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice under nature condition and in phytotron.
105. Any alteration of this Agreement without duly authorized signature shall be null and void.
106. Hedong"s gold body is fully continuous lens , has the characteristics of typical mineral assemblages of mesothermal ore deposit a nd zoning of wall-rock alteration."
107. Cases of forgery, alteration and transfer of import licences shall be handled by the Customs in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Customs laws and regulations.
108. RETOUCHING – the alteration of a printed photograph using tools such as an airbrush.
109. Spray - zone diagenesis or seepage is another variant on hypersaline brine alteration of Contemporaneous Carbonates.
110. The deposit is a structure zone porphyry alteration type gold deposit.
111. Arsenian pyrite is the most important Au-bearing mineral, and silicification with quartz veins is the well-marked hydrothermal alteration.
112. Next, learn to sew or find a dry cleaner who can.Repairs go without saying, and a little alteration can upgrade an item's fashion rating no end.
113. The wall rock alteration near the ore body is very thin, and mainly represents as the skarnization, which made the garnet, epidote, hedenbergite , tremolite etc.
114. In the ore field, the mineralization and alteration is intensive distributed in the wall rocks. The skarn alteration, silicification and epidotization are most correlative to metallogenesis.
115. In a statement later Sunday, Mr. Pistole struck a less strict tone though he didn't announce any alteration to the policy.
116. Illite jade, in vein, was discovered in some copper mine, located in Daye county, HubeiProvince, and is a rind hydrothermal alteration rock from anorthosite.
117. Pyritic phyllic alteration gold deposits are mainly located in the center of structure altered zone of anatexiS granite or metasomatism granite.
118. Objective To study the value of the alteration of gallbladder wall in of acute icterohepatitis.
119. BP is working with China's two major oil companies - PetroChina and Sinopec have collaborated with the acquisition in Guangdong and Zhejiang, alteration and operation of the 500 service stations.
120. Objective TO investigate the alteration of ion transport across the colonic epithelium in the rat descending colon applying by benzalkonium chloride (BAC).
121. Also there was no abnormal alteration found in blood assay, internal organ observation and pathological examination.
122. With the alteration of the social nature, world-shaking changes took place in different levels of the country.
123. Any alteration the contents and form of any data message can be found out after signing.
124. Results 1 or 2 days after the treatment the intestinal flora alteration disappeared.
125. Brain injury in late period term infants mainly had cystoid alteration and atrophy in brain substance while preterm infants had mainly white matter malacia surrounding the brain ventricle.
126. Alteration of two vibration modes of benzene ring of the drug shown by difference spectroscopy gives evidence of the insertion of benzene into acidic phospholipid bilayer.
127. They'd be two wonderful verses but for his plagiary and alteration.
128. Brain atrophy, intracranial cystoid alteration, obstructive hydrocephalus after intracranial hemorrhage, and paraventricle white matter malacia in the image of HIE patients indicate bad sequela.
129. I had no more thoughts of coming to a timely alteration of life.
130. This particular gun didn't have a barrel or fire bullets, instead the word is an alteration of the word ganef or gonif, a Yiddish word meaning "thief."
131. The wall rock alteration shows gold deposit is related the deep magmatic intrusion.
132. Japan opened its ports and began to intensively modernize and industrialise. Renewed contact with the West precipitated profound alteration of Japanese society.
133. Therefore gold metallization is accompanied with potassic alteration, silication and alkali granite.
134. Because the MSB and LSB should have a basic correlation between them, the alteration of the LSB by some steganographic techniques can break this relationship, making detection possible.
135. Greencool refrigerants are drop-in type refrigerants, allowing customers to replace CFC refrigerants directly without making any alteration to their refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.
136. Through alteration on some aging flower bed , choose new breed to improve original virescence level cooperating with peripheral environment.
137. The share attornment can cause the alteration of share- holders name. Generally, the confirmation of share-holder is based on the share-holders r...
138. Wow, it's very becoming on you, only waist need a bit alteration.
139. I shall set y face against any alteration in our time table.
140. A group of rock-forming, hydrous aluminum silicate minerals that are platy in structure and can form by the alteration of silicate minerals like feldspar and amphibole.
141. Its tectonic setting and scale, especially its characteristic alteration make geologists pay close attention to Dongping gold orefield occurred in Shuiquangou super unit (alkaline rocks).
142. The mostly resolved alteration of dryer is insufficient cushioning capacity of hopper in ABS.
143. On the contrary, metamorphism plus alteration typed deposits yield aggregative grains of rutile, having a relatively thick grain size.
144. Piedmont potassic alteration zone is the product of potash feldspathization, part of the zone is ore body.
145. Objective To study the alteration in the glycoprotein combined with BS-1 on the mucosal surface of the oviduct after chlamydial trachomatis (CT) infection.
146. The system, with a little alteration, can also be used to measure other parameters of four-pole network.
147. The features of wall-rock alteration are silication, limonitization, pyritization and sericitize .
148. Failing the customs formalities accordance with Article 19 the case of any alteration the business items.
149. The article summarizes the achievements of the study progress about the normal structure of optic disk lamina and pathological alteration in glaucoma and looks into the future.
150. The main types wall rock alteration include quartzitification, sericitization, chloritization , pyritization , limonitization, kaolinitization, carbonatization.
151. Fixed data shall be protected against erasure or alteration during the manufacturing process such that it cannot be modified or deleted by an outside entity.
152. The New Tong-Yang Canal Bridge is a bridge construction segment marked QL1 located in Huji town in Haian , a part of the 204 national highway alteration work.
153. By colloidal lanthanum tracing and transmisson electron microscopy technique, alteration of cochlea was observed.
154. She had to lift up the continued atramentous face-veil that afraid from aloft her adenoids every time she capital to alteration a forkful of aliment into her mouth.
155. As far as there is human action there is no stability, but ceaseless alteration.
156. Facing to such alteration, the manufacturer and the sale agency were required to adjust their sale channels.
157. Metasomatic alteration and its zonation is the important base for the metallogenic model.
158. The rule of pressure distribution and bottom hole flowing pressure alteration of a periodic trial-produce well in the stratum with circular boundary.
159. The mineralization and the alteration types are clearly distributed around the hornblende quartz diorite porphyry intrusion.
160. Our paratroopers suffered a heavy loss for the goddamned alteration of plans during their landing.
161. An outstanding example of the drastic alteration of the estuarine environment is found in the Netherlands.
162. Conclusion Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus could result in coxae abduction malformation and alteration of weight line,(Sentencedict) leading to pelvic obliquity.
163. An indefinite alteration had come over his whole person and manner.
164. After microscope identification, containing a variety of quality-altered minerals, alteration to tetrahedrite screens petrochemical, green curtain of the main petrochemical and tremolite .
165. Potassic and silicification in all alteration type are most close to mineralization.
166. A color dimension of color signals corresponding to the index range is altered to make the color signals responding to the color dimension alteration.
167. The change is reflected in their English sonnet composition, such as the adjustment of the rhythm, the reform of the text structure, and the alteration of the rhyme and metre.
168. Method The alteration of serum LSA concentration and serum ADA activity were investigated in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats inducing with 2- Fluorenyl -acetamide during the development of rat hepatoma.
169. Age - related alteration in hepatic acyl - CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase and its relation to LDL receptor and MAPK.
170. Objective To analyze microvolt T wave alteration (MTWA) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) on exercise treadmill test.
171. Smectite mainly came from the alteration of volcanic ash or volcanic glass and the weathering materials derived from land rocks.
172. Design is creation that mankind alteration originally thing, make it change, renovate, and the development.
173. A credit or alteration should not agree that the advising to a advantageousiary is codicillary upon the receipt by the advising bank or additional advising bank of its charges.
174. It has not been confirmed whether GC-resistance is the result of abnormal function of GCR induced by the alteration of GCR gene in children with primary nephrotic syndrome (PNS).
175. In case there is an increase in registered capital and the increase is not based on the original investment proportion, the forwarder should first apply for alteration of stock equity.
176. Alteration of ?1-adrenoceptor subtypes in aortas of 12-month-old spontaneously hypertensive rats.
177. Results Contrast media significantly and selectively enhanced the arterial sensitivity to endothelin. This alteration was mediated by ETA receptor and was not influenced by osmolarity .
178. Sclerostin expression is impaired in patients with AS, suggesting a specific alteration of osteocyte function in this disease.
179. Notwithstanding Article 303 (Duty Drawback), no Party shall apply a customs duty to a good, regardless of its origin, imported temporarily from the territory of another Party for repair or alteration.
180. CONCLUSION: Sclerostin expression is impaired in patients with AS, suggesting a specific alteration of osteocyte function in this disease.
181. What is nowadays Chinese communication policy function and how to realize some alteration according to recent policy surroundings are the goals of this thesis to realize.
182. Objective To study the pathologic alteration and oxidative stress in lung of neonatal rats exposed to hyperoxia for different time.
183. The subaerial and subaqueous volcanic rocks have significant differences in lithology, texture and structure, alteration, occurence, contact with underlying strata, pore and fissure development.
184. Host - rock alteration is made up of retrograde and mineralized alteration.
185. Article 4 The division and alteration of the pilotage districts shall be stipulated by MOTC.
186. Therefore, the dwarf mutation in X. helleri is caused by the developmental defect in spinal column, and the vertebral malformation underlies the body type alteration anatomically.
187. Light reveals the subtle alteration of things, the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life.
187. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
188. Conclusion: The results shows that no significant alteration on glycometabolism or bone metabolism was found in APN gene knockout mice.
189. An alteration scheme based on FX2N PLC is proposed for the relay control system of DU modular machine.
190. Wallrock alteration is developed and characterized by zoning as sericitization, kaolinization and pyritization.
191. Wallrock alteration has character of porphyritic profile metallogenetic model in the spatial distribution.
192. After the bill's latest alteration, any future increases in the debt limit would be contingent on Congress approving the constitutional amendment and sending it to the states for ratification.
193. Methods Long time power supply for type-B ultrasonic and other related medical devices was realized through AC/DC alteration switch.
194. The unwelcome alteration in their circumstances was after all not altogether without its compensations.
195. Objective To observe the alteration and significance of renal cortex microcirculation in obstructive jaundice rats.
196. Objective To investigate the alteration of cellular immunity in the upper respiratory infection.
197. Alchemicus: A class of Transmutations. The alteration or transformation of material substances, from mystically identifying them to molding their shape and function like clay.
198. It was based on the OLE technology standard and designed for the information alteration of the process control software .
199. PAF has been implicated as a mediator of physiological processes such as signaling and activation of proinflammatory cells, alteration of vascular permeability, and stimulation of glycogen metabolism.
200. Cost method and fixed cost be a law in connection with alteration!
201. Studio Twist has been appointed architect and interior designer forand - alteration of the Crown Spa Resort Hainan!
202. With advancement in radiobiology, the respective molecular mechanisms underlying cell kinetics alteration and DNA damage repair is being revealed gradually and takes on many obvious similarities.
203. Thus, an alteration to the environment that was intended to benefit society often has the opposite effect.
204. Objective : To observe the ultrastructural alteration of cholecyst in diabetic patients with biliary calculus.
205. We can see if the dress needs alteration after we've fitted it on.
206. The ship's type altered from general cargo ship to training ship, all relating alteration plans designed and approved by CCS Dalian Plan Approval Center.
207. Trace analysis of aqueous-phase solutions was used to study the connection of xanthate adsorption on arsenopyrite and pyrite with alteration happened on the mineral surfaces.
208. The rule of reservoir pressure distribution and bottom hole flowing pressure alteration of a periodic trial-produce well in infinity subterranean formation.
209. The main types of the wall rock alteration include quartzitification, sericitization, chloritization, pyritization, limonitization, kaolinitization, carbonatization.
210. Cytotoxicity of bone cement, nervous reflex, fat embolism and alteration of intravertebral pressure may be responsible for these changes.
211. Contracting Parties shall effectively protect the personal data communicated against unauthorised access, alteration and disclosure.
212. The article manages to explain real right fermium is the perfect right alteration method with the methods of contrast and demonstration, and so on.
213. Methods Effects of quinidine and verapamil on the alteration of action potential duration induced by aconitine were studied by use of the whole cell patch clamp techniques in rat ventricular myocytes.
214. Alteration of the homeostatic balance of infected intestine results in acute ileitis in certain strains of inbred mice.
215. Mitochondrial content increasing was one of a important display for skeletal muscle to adaptation exercise as well as its constitute alteration, this was titled "mitochondrial biogenesis".
216. The role of redox gene expression and alteration of proto-oncogene and anti-oncogene of cell exposed to arsenic in cell transformation has been studied.
217. NOTE: Online alteration of the relocatable IP is not advisable.
218. Any modification alteration to the contract shall be made with the consent of both parties.
219. Objective To investigate the clinical significance of the alteration of left atrium diameter in hypertension patients.
220. After crude oil alteration, the degree of sterane isomerization reaction is enhanced, and in some samples, the balanced endpoint value of isomerization reaction is exceeded far beyond.
221. The alteration and metallogenesis of Pulang porphyry Cu deposit are rather typical.
222. According to current studies, there are four hypothesis about mechanism: damage to vascular system, zymogram alteration(), androgenic hormone disturbance and lipid peroxidation.
223. He easily perceived there was an alteration in my countenance.
224. The alteration distribution from ore body to wall rock is skarn-high silicification-low silicification-quartzification and carbonatization.
225. To notice the customer's alteration anticipate a color, the amount of contracts such as the noodles, if appear alteration, notify to produce a section in momentary, reduce otiose loss.
226. Objective: Study regulation of Chinese drugs Si Junzi Tang to alteration of intestinal flora mouse.
227. Time during which a computer is not scheduled for use, maintenance , alteration, or repair.
228. At last the Rural Electric Network Alteration evaluation system is developed using the programming language Delphi.
229. Alteration is very extensive in some areas and serpentinites are common in Greece.
230. Silicification, potassic alteration, pyritization and sericitization are main alterations for the gold deposit.
231. The systems concerning the coming into being, alteration, and assignment, etc. of Russian real property right in rem have their characteristics.
232. Objective was to explore the alteration of the bone tissue of condyle after SSRO.




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