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单词 Ecology
1. To keep ecology in balance is our duty.
2. One of them is a card-carrying ecology freak.
3. The Ecology Party fielded 109 candidates .
4. She hopes to study ecology at college.
5. Ecology can be written about without relying on well-worn examples such as tropical rain forests.
6. Oil pollution could damage the ecology of the coral reefs.
7. Walter Adey first used the term synthetic ecology.
8. Social systems evolve in close relation to ecology.
9. In most cases, ecology is to blame.
10. There's less confrontation with ecology.
11. They are aware of trade-offs between civilization and ecology.
12. Human ecology includes a vast complexity of social elements, themselves functioning in relation to modes of economic exploitation in varying regional ecologies.
13. The exact details of an emerging Bio2 ecology, he warned, were beyond predicting.
14. Much of ecology is about this process: finding energy; putting it to use.
15. Though they had no special knowledge of forest ecology, I was inclined to take them seriously.
16. Ecological Science and Forestry Ecology is the scientific study of organisms in relation to the physical and biological environment.
17. Ecology is the study of how living things relate to their environment.
18. It was as if the ecology of the place had chosen to imitate politics.
19. I have gone further, and combined sociology with ecology in the science of socioecology.
20. But restoration ecology is pointless if it merely leads to a relapse into high-risk behavior the moment it scores some initial success.
21. The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast.
22. Opinion polls put the combined strength of the two ecology parties at 15% nationwide.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. Chemicals in the factory's sewage system have changed the ecology of the whole area.
24. We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet.
25. Not only is the bird's distribution highly individual, its ecology is more finely tuned than that of any other falcon.
26. Although the ranges of the two dolphins correspond geographically, the feeding ecology of the two species is more distinct.
27. She has upset the natural balance of the world, including the ecology of Earth and Heaven.
28. It was certainly possible to study what would now be called ecological relationships before the founding of scientific ecology.
29. It is difficult to detect any direct influence of Darwin's writings on the development of the main stream of plant ecology.
30. In second year, the zoology course reviews some of the major animal groups, their behaviour and ecology.
1. The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast.
2. To keep ecology in balance is our duty.
31. Many graduate students and overseas visitors have worked on aspects of the ecology of this field.
32. This book will provide essential information on parasitic helminth communities for all those involved and interested in parasitology and community ecology.
33. No such authoritative review of clinical ecology can occur without the active participation of proponents of the approach.
34. But the only posters I could see disfiguring the town were those of the ecology party.
35. A joint commission was established to co-ordinate actions on economy, law, pensions, housing, energy and ecology.
36. She is giving a lecture about the natural history and ecology of the sea shore.
37. People will acquire reputations on how well-trained their computers are and how well-groomed their computational ecology is.
38. Clinical ecology is one of the more controversial forms of alternative medicine.
39. Perhaps one way is to return to ecology and base our morality in that.
40. Mary Daly's classic work Gyn/Ecology is a good example of radical feminist wordplay.
41. Nevertheless ecology has started with that which is obvious to the eye and is increasingly concerned with what is not.
42. The ecologists building the wilderness areas of Bio2 were of the school that says: soil bugs ecology.
43. Clements was an influential writer who developed a philosophy of ecology that differed fundamentally from the reductionism of Warming and Cowles.
44. Their role as forest gardeners in the woodland ecology is often vital in the dissemination of tree seeds.
45. This involved ecology, rather than just arranging dried specimens in interesting patterns.
46. In this light of evolutionary time, ecology can be seen as one long dress rehearsal.
47. The book will be useful reading for anyone seeking to bridge the gap between data and theory in ecology.
48. In 20 years or so, Frelich believes, restoration ecology will become far more acceptable among professional foresters.
49. People are immensely flexible in their habits, depending on their racial origin, religion, wealth, and ecology.
50. While the topography has remained basically unaltered for millions of years, the ecology has gradually changed.
51. Sampling of farms is likely to follow a national land classification system developed by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology at Merlewood.
52. Yet there was no unity within ecology, just as there was no unity in the life sciences generally.
52. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
53. An ecology of machines, on the other hand, enhances the limited skills of dumb machines.
54. As she walked, her mind was still puzzling over the mystery of Moloch's peculiar ecology.
55. She had previously been a pharmacist, a sheep farmer and a student of ecology.
56. Ken Livingstone's ejection from the executive was merely the most public manifestation of a profound shift in Labour's internal ecology.
57. Turbulence is an essential catalyst in ecology, but it was not cheap to replicate in a man-made environment like Bio2.
58. The ecology movement often works best in behalf of winsome landscapes and wildlife.
59. Pauline is always busy breeding new machines so that the ecology of the circus keeps evolving.
60. However, the great strength lies in the detailed consideration of the nutrition and ecology of the marsupial herbivores.
61. Focuses on urban ecology, social equity, land conservation, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental quality.
62. Then I realized that there were already huge amounts of synthetic ecology in Biosphere One.
63. They interact with the natural world in complex, ill-understood ways - ecology is the youngest science.
64. In the most general terms, evolution is a tight web and ecology a loose one.
65. Forms one of the postgraduate degree streams in Ecology and Resource Management described in general on this page.
66. In particular there are close associations between nesting density on islands or islets, foraging habits, breeding ecology, and behaviour.
67. This is a real sign of the times and completely eclipses global fears about ecology or famine.
68. One definition of a coevolutionary ecology is a collection of organisms that serve as their own environment.
69. Lime sprayed on to the surrounding hillsides neutralized the acidity, but risked disrupting wetland ecology.
70. Throughout this period, marine ecology remained isolated from other branches of the science.
71. Here, as in other areas, we see ecology emerging from a deliberate revolt against the evolutionary morphology of earlier decades.
72. Bell set out to catalog species according to their ecology and their sexuality.
73. Papers written by clinical ecologists for clinical ecologists in clinical ecology journals have little scientific impact.
74. Crawley will compare the ecology of engineered and conventional varieties of three crops: potatoes, oilseed rape and sugar beet.
75. A missing species which once reintroduced, would reorder the whole community of ecology of plants.
76. Packard knew that the godfather of ecology, Aldo Leopold, had successfully recreated a prairie of sorts in 1934.
77. We find much of concern in the current vituperative condemnation of clinical ecology.
78. At least to some one outside the field of spider ecology, Wise's discussion of his colleagues work seems fair and even-handed.
79. There was no single discipline of ecology created in response to a theoretical initiative, or to a particular philosophical position.
80. Plans to build a new airfield could threaten the delicate ecology of the island.
81. New initiatives in the life sciences led to the establishment of disciplines such as genetics and ecology.
82. The ecology of the Danube delta is also under threat.
82. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
83. Habitat and ecology: In montane forest. Flowering: June.
84. He is studying the ecology of ameba.
85. Descriptive ecology is a dry subject.
86. Reintroduction is about more than ecology.
87. Fossils allow us to reconstruct ancient ecology.
88. Methods: Observation on the population and ecology of Anopheles.
89. Ecology as a subject has many stimulating characteristics.
90. Human ecology is a branch of social science.
91. Therefore natural endowment of ecology, environment and resources are the basic condition or foundation for the national economy and economic growth.
92. Based on the achievements of forest history, ecology, climatology and desertology, the relationships of forest, evapotranspiration, climate and desert were studied.
93. Students had hands on learning experience of the local ecology by touching tide pool animals, turning over rock reviling California Newt and a beach scavenger hunt.
94. In 1984, the 1st Nation wide Workshop on Urban Ecology was held at Shanghai, and the Speciality Commission for Urban Ecology (SCUTE) was established at the Workshop.
95. Climate scientists prove anthropogenic global warming from the environmental sciences, planetary geology, geophysics, glaciology, meteorology, chemistry, biology, ecology, among other disciplines.
96. Studies of botanical ecology generally advanced more rapidly than those involving animals.
97. The research group was established in 2003 with the aim of investigating the ecology of Barn Swallow and House Swift in Hong Kong and promoting their conservation.
98. The budgetary method doesn't have the meaning of environmental science and ecology.
99. Teaching reform of fieldwork in teaching botany attracts attention and remains unsolved in ecology major.
100. According to the ecology behavior of polar longicorn, this paper puts forward the prevention principle and countermeasures.
101. Microbe - soil pollution ecology is a subject researching the interrelationship among fungus, pollutants and soil environment.
102. DNA analysis and morphological evidence support recognition of the red wolf as a distinct species. (See Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation - Chapter 9).
103. Chinese cultivated land resources face the competitions between economic development and the demand of grain security as well as the safe ecology, how can we make the best of both worlds?
104. The use of geographic information system(GIS) for ecological mapping makes vegetation ecology develop from qualitative analysis to quantitative and graphical analysis and image processing.
105. The aim of the Journal is to integrate perspectives across molecular and microbial evolution, behaviour, genetics, ecology, life histories, development, palaeontology, systematics and morphology.
106. THE STUDY "Climate Change and War Frequency in Eastern China Over the Last Millennium, " by David Zhang et al., published in the August 2007 issue of Human Ecology.
107. The research, which compared variations in climate with data from 899 wars in eastern China between 1000 and 1911, was published earlier this month (9 July) in the journal Human Ecology.
108. Basic ecology has similarly been ignored in many agricultural schools and universities.
109. During this period, the destruction of the vegetation in Wenyu drainage area leads to the ecology environment depravation of the area.
110. Evapotranspiration research is a fairly broad range of multidisciplinary problem, it comes down to hydrology, meteorology, ecology, agrology, Geographic and many other disciplines.
111. A single careless act (think of the introduction of the rabbit or the lantana plant to Australia) can transform the ecology of a continent.
112. Plant ecology and plant taxonomy respectively infiltrate into chemistry or phytochemistry, forming the phytochemistry ecology and the phytochemistry taxonomy.
112. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
113. We will consider all of the systems listed in our examination of agricultural ecology.
114. To illustrate the methods he has in mind, Ramo entertainingly examines subjects as diverse as fish ecology and Hezbollah guerrilla tactics.
115. It is an alternative to the commonly-used " reductionist " method of interpreting artistic phenomena and artistic ecology.
116. Adult feeding may be an important factor in population ecology of the cotton bollworm , feeding during the early stage has an especially important role in female fitness.
117. Therefore, the production and consumption of milk in human ecology, the environment is very favorable.
118. Of late years, landscape ecology become thrive and milestone of building city greenbelt.
119. Earlier, Nathalie Kosciusko–Morizet, France's ecology minister, had said that "the worst scenario is possible and even probable".
120. Mangrove forests, tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities, most of its species, belong to Rhizophoraceae, ecology, and its called: mangroves.
121. The bioavailable phosphorus(BAP) is mainly controlled by human activities, which can be used as one of indicators for the potentially ecology risk assessment in the Yangtze estuary.
122. The effort to create the maps was led by Chandra Giri of the U.S. Geological Survey and published recently in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography.
123. Agriculture structure of adversity-resistant is the synchronous exploitation of cultivated land, water, lakeland and hilly land, and is to improve the benefit of economy, society and ecology.
124. Its departments include biological oceanography, marine biogeochemistry and toxicology, marine chemistry and geology, marine ecology, and physical oceanography etc.
125. The restoration of a habitat of salt marsh grasses and shallow estuarine waters along the park's edge allows visitors the opportunity to appreciate the area's marine ecology and wildlife.
126. According to the ecology and habit of Bungarus multicinctus multicincts, author had studied the reared technique of the animal for many years.
127. On the basis of Island Biogeographic Theory and Landscape Ecology, the definition of natural island land is given to analyze the correlative land use and cover change (LUCC) on landscape units.
128. Habitat and ecology: In secondary forests. Flowering: Apr . - May; fruiting: Jun. - Jul.
129. Our country is being in urbanized the acceleration period, the environment question which the city faces is day by day prominent, the city natural ecology already received the enormous destruction.
130. In 21th century, we should inherit such consciousness and make new contributions to the cause of anti-pollution, protection of ecology and peacekeeping activity.
131. Cow ecology a 6 - square - meter area of support stable, and can not be tied up support.
132. Habitat and Ecology: In ponds , paddy fields and other marshy or flooded areas.
133. The ocean has rich resources and is a supporting system of ecology for human being.
134. The interaction of the climate in the last century, the ecology charactor of Tsuga tchekiangensis itself, and the outside disturbance were the main factors which caused the plantation extinct sharply.
135. Published in the September Global Ecology and Biogeography, the maps show that in 1700, humans had already penetrated almost every habitable area.
136. The center will focus on four priority activities starting with the letter E: ecology, ergonomics, efficiency and economy.
137. Hence assumptions that ungulate feeding ecology reflects the woody plant:grass composition of their habitats are not supported by our data, nor was a relationship between diet and rainfall detected.
138. This is the website for Centre for Human Ecology (CHE).
139. Orff's landscape design focuses on urban ecology and public space design.
140. A modified protargol staining method for quantitative study of planktonic ciliate ecology has been reported.
141. From the perspective of human ecology, the paper discusses the Hani gathering and hunting ways and gives an insight into their connotations.
142. Habitat and Ecology: In lowland forests attached to rocks or tree trunks.
143. With the aid of connection between Deep Ecology and Jung's psychological thoughts,[] human's worriment of nature and ecology are understood.
144. Forest system productivity is essential feature of forest ecology system.
145. The highway landscape design with afforest is a main item of ecosystem with the landscape ecology.
146. Mycorrhiza is one of the new technologies applied on ecological restoration of coal mine areas. Spore density is one of the standards to scale mycorrhizal ecology.
147. Contemporary ecology studies the rule of interaction reaches its mechanism between life system and environmental system.
148. Because of long-term overdevelopment, Xi'an, as well as its surrounding natural resource and ecology are destroyed to some extent.
149. As the energy flowage a masterstroke, the paper protracted the energy flowing mode of wetland ecology in Shouguang City, and analyzed its nutrition structure character.
150. Furthermore, the microbe ecology system of the UFTR reactor is more stable, the sludge volume index (SVI) of the UFTR system was lower, and the stability of the sludge in the UFTR system was higher.
151. Based on the remote sensing data, the dynamic changes of forest landscape patterns during 1985 and 2006 were analyzed using landscape pattern indices and landscape patch area of landscape ecology.
152. Limnologica publishes original contributions, news, and reviews dealing with any aspects of ecology and hydrobiology of inland waters and adjacent biotopes .
153. The content of building ecology garden city conclude building and improving greenbelt system of city.
154. One of the focal spot of marine ecology is the effects of diatom on copepod reproduction, which decreases copepod egg fecundity and hatching success.
155. They reported their lastest insight into this early morning "wall of sound" in the journal Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology.
156. Habitat and ecology: In forests on hills. Flowering: May; Fruiting: Oct.
157. Calhoun, J. B. The Ecology and Sociology of the Norway Rat. Public Health Service Publication No. 1008. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1962.
158. The Institute has undertaken the integration of designing centres and the creation computer data base in the field of safety, ecology and ergonomy.
159. The Lower reaches of Tarim River is the ecological frangible zone, belongs to the red ecology area.
160. A research report on the cultural ecology of China, Hong Kong and India.
161. Objective To lay a basis on the reproductive ecology of the Polygonum aviculare population.
162. The chemical mechanism of exotic weed invasion might involve each aspect of plant chemical ecology.
163. The areas covered are ichthyology, aquaculture, ecology, diseases of fish and other aquatic organisms, problems of open waters as well as all other topics connected to fisheries.
164. Habitat and ecology : On sandy beaches. Flowering : January; fruiting: Apr.
165. The action of a pathogen and an insect vector changed the ecology of the rabbit.
166. Dynamics, functional relationships, and control mechanisms are key words in an evolutionary ecology.
167. Under the company there is Changbai Mountain Green Food Development Institute, Weishahe Yingmencha Ecology Zone, and Dongbeicha Red Orpin planting, processing and selling in one.
168. One of the miscomprehensions concerns nature as natural object, and as comes a result of metaphysical crisis of ecology ethics.
169. Hence photorespiration of C3 plants under environmental stress leads to a new direction of research in environmental ecology and photorespiration.
170. He warned of the serious threat to global ecology which is going unheeded.
171. Ecological revetment is a fundamental mean of restoring ecology of waterway in waterway regulation.
172. Fluorescent bird droppings may help shed light on contested predictions in ecology.
173. "Blue-eyed men may have unconsciously learned to value a physical trait that can facilitate recognition of own kin,[]" the scientists said in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
174. Farina A . Principles and methods in landscape ecology [ M ]. Landon: Chapman and Hall .1998.
175. Relative fatness indices, also termed as body condition indices and ponderal index, were well used in ecology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics and culture of vertebrates and some invertebrates.
176. Finally, human ecology perhaps can solve the problem of the crisis of belief.
177. Therefore the industrial structure must be the ecology adjustment promotion, under ecology constraint condition, by ecology mentod realization ecology goal.
178. The species of the genus Plantago were widely applied in the studies of theoretic ecology, physiological ecology and evolutionary biology in the world.
179. In this activity, I had discovered mangrove forest ecology exquisite, and had known there and botany.
180. Industrial ecology is the new subject which contrapose the limitation of the end of pipe.
181. Development has been guided by a concern for the ecology of the area.
182. The Windermere Golf Club is proof positive that golf and ecology can co-exist in perfect harmony.
183. The concept of ecology finds its immediate historical origins in Darwin's'web of life '.
184. It is the wild shrub in the hillside of the dry area in Provence. Cutting down hackmatack is both harmless to ecology and protective to environment.
185. Constructing the landscape ecology cell classification system served in the region ecology quality evaluation.
186. Habitat and Ecology: On litters under forests. Flowering and fruiting: Aug.
187. Basketball skill teaching ecology environment of gym department of university is a organic structure system composed by multi-factormutual restriction and rely.
188. Habitat and Ecology: In lowland broad - leaved evergreen forest. Flowering: Aug.
189. In evolutionary biology, as distinct from ecology, this concept arouses fewer controversies and has contributed to the creation of the ecological theory of adaptive radiation.
190. Alkylphenol ethoxylates(APEO) ecology has been a disputed issue in the past 20 years for its reported poor biodegradation and toxicity of its metabolite.
191. In the case of the nine-spined stickleback, they have most likely adapted to their local ecology.
192. This kind of living space calls it the ecological location in ecology.
193. In a society, human ecology to put it in another words, diversity is as important as that in a ecology .
194. Especially, the research of bryophyte ecology and bio diversity are still in blank field.
195. So, from both perspectives of the multiplicity and the ecology of the culture, it is urgent and necessary for us to protect and inherit the birchbark boat of Orochen.
196. The main Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection doesn't recommend to come closer than 1 km to this building.
197. Microbial molecular ecology, as the intersectant subject of molecular biology and microbial ecology, is being prevalent in bioremediation.
198. Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious.
199. The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev dived with aqualung to the bottom of the Volga and thought about ecology during...
200. Another fundamental concept in ecology is that energy flow through the ecosystem.
201. At present our school accept post-doctoral researchers in 9 majors which are botany, zoology, physiology, genetics hydrobiology , microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, ecology and biophysics.
202. The fast spreading poisonous-weeds, which caused grassland ecology unbalance, is one of the considerable bioecology problems and an important index of grassland degeneration.
202. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
203. Life cycle analysis is the most important analysis method of circular economy and industrial ecology.
204. Dr Kaltenpoth from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Germany explains why the results are so fascinating.
205. The climate and environment in which the cordaites lived are discussed based on the data from Palaeomagnetism and Palaeogeography as well as the methods of plant ecology and environment analysis.
206. Using Chongqing City an an example, the author reviews the influence of financial ecology and government behavior on the allocative efficiency of credit capital.
207. The type species of the new record is reserved in the Insect Museum of Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology.
208. Similarly, ecology (the study of natural systems) specialises in abundance, and it can be useful to look at what's happening in the media through the eyes of an ecologist.
209. The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology.
210. Under the frame work of Eco-epidemiology, we analyzed ecology factors such as habitats of JEs host and vector, and discuss possible environment factors that affect the spatial distribution of JE.
211. In China, suitability evaluation general used for farmland and urban ecological land ecology suitability evaluation, but the application in the planning evaluation of industrial land use is less.
212. Ecological damage losses include the direct loss, the indirect loss as well as the the expense to restore ecology resources, which can be calculated by market value and opportunity cost.
213. This paper reviews the recent developments in clonal plant population research, the theory and methods are introductive, and analyses its status and role in ecology.
214. In the case of the nine - spined stickleback, they have most likely adapted to local ecology.
214. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
215. Soil moisture is an important factor in research fields of hydrology, meteorology, pedology, ecology, agricultural science and so on. But it is a difficult one to gain.
216. Charles Robert Darwin is not only an extremely important thinker in the history of evolution thoughts but also a famous urger before the ecology revolutionary.
217. In the present paper, the advances in ecology, evolutionary biology and taxonomy of the genus Plantago were reviewed.
218. You center bottom docile, again the connate ecology is cheery, periodically adore to play joke aboard a person, laugh of the exterior is nice-looking.
219. Planting concrete is also called plant compatibility ecology concrete or vegetation concrete.
220. They have put forward such view as " human-center theory ", " ecology-center theory " and " human ecology" about the worth view of Marx ecology.
221. The extensive formwork used during casting often has undesirable effects on the environment or the ecology.
222. Flamingos may try to appear more attractive to potential mates by using make-up. That's the finding of Spanish researchers writing in the journal Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology.
223. A wildlife Ecology major at the Orono campus of the University of Maine gets hands-on experience with a bear cub.




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