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单词 Consequent
1. Our use of harmful chemicals and the consequent damage to the environment is a very serious matter.
2. This fall of prices is consequent on the rise in production.
3. But again the penalty consequent on regulation fell on the workers.
4. The amount of nervous excitement, and consequent prostration, exhaustion, and disorder they cause is fearful.
5. The banks generally maintain large excess reserves with consequent loss of potential profits.
6. The consequent reduction in torque at low speeds, resulting in poor initial acceleration, is compensated by the higher steady-state speed.
7. The drought and consequent famine struck most of the country.
8. The consequent inconsistencies and contradictions are already evident, and intensifying.
9. The consequent revaluations would cause mayhem, chaos and huge bills for those on the receiving end.
10. The advertising of the scheme and the consequent level of public awareness has been a constant source of concern.
11. Wood accounts for 90% of energy production in some countries, with consequent environmental detriment.
12. Competition in the market has led to goods being produced cheaply and a consequent deterioration in quality.
13. However I hope the term Human Resources will not be undergoing a consequent change of name.
14. According to their localization, these deletions or duplications frequently provoke major respiratory chain function defects, with consequent cellular energy supply deficiencies.
15. This divergence would be most easily explained by a rising population and a consequent labour shortage.
16. The main reason for this change is money, and the consequent pressure on hospital beds.
17. In short, we have not as yet experienced the full extent of the social dislocation consequent upon this period of unemployment.
18. It is often claimed that high blood cholesterol levels promote atherosclerosis and consequent coronary heart disease.
19. Trade union strength has also been curtailed by the rise in unemployment and the consequent fall in the number of trade unionists.
20. One is the likely reduction in rail carriage of freight, and the consequent increase in road haulage.
21. Formal regulation finds expression through technically prohibitive statements of law, backed up by the threat of some sanction consequent upon breach.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Most of the game is spent in mutual cooperation, with both players enjoying the consequent generous score.
23. With precise control both units can be set to operate on and off at the same setting with consequent better heat distribution.
24. Whitelegg said that any less severe measures would fail to break the cycle of dependence on road transport and consequent congestion.
25. These are, however, necessary consequences of the division of labour and the consequent role of trust in social relationships.
26. Thus the net present values of the EVs at the events consequent upon decision 2b would be either zero or £16.2k.
27. They accept, that is to say, that the order of the court and the taxation consequent thereon will effectively quantify their contractual right.
28. First of all I had been subjected to two substantial costs consequent upon some unexplained administrative delay.
29. Looking to internal power and control within the family is one consequent strategy.
30. Much was made at the time of the Prince's engagement of the youthfulness and consequent innocence of his bride.
1. Competition in the market has led to goods being produced cheaply and a consequent deterioration in quality.
2. This fall of prices is consequent on the rise in production.
31. There could be a saving in the cost of pesticides and a consequent reduction in the risk of environmental contamination by residues.
32. It provides for rapid feedback and the consequent modification of goals in the light of changing circumstances.
33. Second, it is not clear that conditional statements are strongly verified simply by showing that both antecedent and consequent are true.
34. The consequent noise, fumes and danger will undermine efforts to breathe new life into towns and cities.
35. Researchers may be unaware of their uncritical acceptance of categories and consequent results.
36. This labour force was dispersed by the war with a consequent requirement for increased mechanical handling.
37. Thirdly systems philosophy which involves reorientation of thought and world view consequent upon the advent of system as a new scientific paradigm.
38. Conversely, they were punished with a lower standard of living and consequent lower status if they chose to have large ones.
39. Decision B can only be taken after the result of action consequent upon decision A is known.
40. But none of this alters the ethical issue and the consequent injustice done in 1985.
41. This, coupled with the travel factor, could lead to considerable fatigue and consequent reduction in effectiveness on the farm.
42. Following pruning, the prefix with the consequent highest likelihood is expanded, producing a new prefix.
43. Indeed this sensitivity and its consequent biphasic activity seem to be exceptional.
44. Mr Major and Mr Lamont spent the months following his resignation seeking to undo the consequent inflationary damage.
45. It is this extra spending which, given full employment and consequent constant number of transactions, pushes up the price level.
46. Most significant was an increase in working capital and an increase in labour inputs consequent on the technological changes introduced.
47. The strange couplings and consequent hybrid styles or aesthetics it bred were multitudinous.
48. This all changes with the introduction consequent upon the Civil Justice Review of court management of litigation.
49. In the adjacent valleys infilling occurred, with the consequent gradual burial of any sites which may have existed there.
50. The hedges are very overgrown and pedestrians are forced into the middle of the road with the consequent danger from traffic.
51. But the actions that must be consequent on those ideas, Althusser asserts are: inserted into practices.
51. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
52. The relative inaccessibility of Management, the nuisance of inconsiderate car parking and consequent obstruction by Non-Residents.
53. The consequent retraining led to lower operating efficiencies on new products.
54. If he did not haggle, he would sooner or later lose out, with a consequent loss for his client.
55. Sphincterotomy is sometimes performed to facilitate biliary stenting, and consequent haemorrhage may occasionally be a cause of death.
56. Robinson's photographs are characterized by the intense contrasts of dark and light areas, and the consequent loss of detail.
57. Discussions with experts and interested bodies will be needed with possible consequent revision of 1. 3.
58. An abundance of unreliable information and consequent loss of user-confidence.
59. He felt terror, and relief, and perplexity, and a consequent inability to plan anything.
60. To make up for the consequent loss in revenue, the government revamped the tax structure, revising it upward.
61. These sums can then be varied over time to reflect changes consequent upon the damage caused to the injured party.
62. For there is great danger in the failures of communication consequent on the present A level curriculum.
63. The consequent soul-searching often includes as much self-mockery as it does social criticism, and for this reason it is not subversive.
64. The elite nature of the scientists and their consequent alienation from many of these changes prevent them from seizing upon these opportunities.
65. Gastritis with atrophy and the consequent loss of acid mediated inhibition of gastrin release contributes most to this increase.
66. The consequent leverage is the most distinctive feature of our financial era.
67. Constantly guarding their rather distant borders of self, they become emotionally disconnected, often enduring the consequent loneliness for a lifetime.
68. The consequent adverse publicity was widely held to be damaging to the Labour cause.
69. We describe in detail in the next chapter the consequent growing controls on local spending.
70. Wage growth will be low, unemployment high, with consequent feedback effects on the economy.
71. If the returns from farming dropped more time could be spent in the forest with consequent improvement in the level of management.
72. Any curvature or flaw in the line of its keel must be countered by a rudder, with consequent loss of energy.
73. Secondly, we need to consider the consequent impact on finance departments.
74. He emphasised the consequent need for schools to ensure that adequate opportunities were provided for improving accomplishments in speaking and listening.
75. This is due to its inflation and consequent unemployment.
76. His financial embarassment is consequent upon his careless spending.
77. The consequent collisions with state power weakened its impetus.
78. Compared with involution which lays particularly emphasis on economic process, especially agricultural economic process, Lewis Model lays stress on describing consequent phenomena.
79. All our wines have only light filtering, and consequent loss of varietal fruit.
80. The desire for further increases in cycle conditions and consequent increases in the cycle efficiency, led to the addition of steam reheat during turbine expansion.
81. The rise in price was consequent on the failure of the crops.
82. This paper presents a fast and efficient algorithm for discovering exceptional rules from data sets. This algorithm permits that the consequent of a rule is a conjunctive normal form.
83. Using lactic acid as monomer, L- lactide was synthesized by condensation polymerization and consequent depolymerization steps.
84. This defect or distortion of attitude was consequent on his past experience or his present situation.
85. Once such an equation is build up, the algorithm can be designed to extract iso-surface from range data and the consequent application of multi-view range image integration.
86. At last the thesis details the consequent software development work of the tool management system.
87. Any consequent profit margin compression has been offset by volume gains.
88. Although this will naturally contribute to global demand if it takes Chinese workers off the unemployment line, the consequent increase in production may easily counter this gain.
89. the lowering of taxes and the consequent increase in spending.
90. His consequent distortion of the arrangements disturbed the German Naval Staff.
91. The pledgor shall bear civil liability for the consequent loss of pledgee or the third party.
92. Imaginative joinder of offenses is different from normative joinder and aggregated consequent.
93. An association rule is still uninteresting if are negatively correlated items in its antecedent or consequent.
94. The resulting length of path is greatly increased, with consequent increase in resistance.
95. The conceptual structure as representation of stored knowledge in the mind is as it were a network: Once some node is activated, adjacent nodes and connections can be triggered as a consequent.
96. Application: Skin bothered by intractable chloasma, sunburn, butterfly rash, cyasma, age pigment and freckle and consequent problems like fleck, color spots, rough skin and dark skin.
97. It's this re-experiencing and consequent re-definition that reduces the emotional charge of an event.
98. However, the use of enteral feeding in patients with gastrointestinal intolerance is associated with underfeeding and consequent malnutrition.
99. Arnold Toynbee has said that all progress, all development come from challenge and a consequent response.
100. D . The consequent was too bad he could bear to see it.
101. The fuzzy probable rules are proposed to the fuzziness in the antecedentthe probability the consequent parts.
102. The connection between the assumption and the question or alleged consequent is remote.
103. Sedimentary loading with consequent thermal blanketing will become major factors.
104. The announcement came shortly after a leading cleric warned that women who dressed immodestly disturbed young men and the consequent agitation caused earthquakes.
105. Congenital preauricular fistula is a common abnormality consequent on deficiency of embryonal development.
106. After initial sediment and consequent concentration, the formation of the phosphorite is related closely to the paleogeography.
107. The key techniques in the analysis of caproic acid fermenting liquid and organic acids in yellow water are effective distilling of organic acids and the consequent analytic methods.
108. In 1621, King James I directed the Privy Council to establish a temporary committee to investigate the causes of a decline in trade and consequent financial difficulties.
109. This can lead to something called an epidural haematoma, where blood builds up between the outer covering of the brain and the skull, with consequent pressure on the brain itself.
110. When fuzzy production rules are used in approximate reasoning, there are interaction influences on rules that have the same consequent but different antecedent.
111. Alcoholic drinks decrease saliva production resulting in a dry mouth and consequent bad breath.
112. This has contributed mightily to China's high rate of saving and low rate of spending(), and its consequent reliance on exports.
113. But disasters are similar to battlefields in their degree of confusion and complexity, and in the consequent unreliability and incompleteness of the information available.
114. The Law of Effect states that practice alone will not generate an association: the pairing of stimulus with response must be followed by a consequent, or effect.
115. The central government at Nanking had allowed the Northeast no import quotas and all produce came from ports below the Wall with consequent high extra transport charges.
116. Although these conditions are rare, left unchecked they have the potential to cause recovery log collision and consequent loss of data integrity.
117. The uplift concomitance with strike-slip faults is consequent on restraining bend in plate oblique collision.
118. A severe flood struck the city and there was a consequent shortage of food.
119. Despite its low initial capital investment, the single-layered modified bitumen roofing system exhibited high life cycle costs due to its short service life and consequent replacements costs.
120. The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
121. In case the contract goods are not insured in time owing to the seller having failed to give timely advice, any and all consequent losses shall be borne by the seller.
122. It could also avoid oversupply and the consequent economic problems.
123. The rise in price is consequent upon the failure of the crops.
124. These findings imply that sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine should be used with utmost caution in early pregnancy as this regimen can lead to folic acid deficiency and consequent pregnancy wastage.
125. His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work.
126. People have usually believed the former, claiming that because pig meat was so easily prone to spoiling and trichinosis, the consequent human diseases led them to avoid the meat.
127. Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors.
128. After several thousand years' of patriarchic society and the consequent male-dominant culture, the existence of "Feminist Art" in its true sense in China is questioned, as it should be.
129. The earth temperature rised 0. 6 centidegree last century, the consequent many visitation of providence was gemination increasing by storm, flood, and drought.
130. Another benefit of reducing the amount of process chemicals is the consequent lowering of production costs.
131. If we got an if then statement are we asserting an antecedent, an if clause or the consequent, Q the then clause, or are we saying if P then Q.
132. The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable.
133. Serial bronchoscopy is valuable not only for evaluation of airway pathologic change, but also for decreasing possible consequent pulmonary complications by removing bronchorrhea.
134. No action pursuant to this paragraph shall affect any subsequent Event of Default or Potential Event of Default or impair any right or remedy consequent thereon.
135. Both of them joined the consequent stream at approximately the same point.
135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
136. The stiffness matrix is approximated by a product of time-dependent diagonal matrix and a time-independent longtimestiffness matrix , and the consequent unbalance forces are eliminated by iteration.
137. This is a clear example of the logical fallacy called " affirming the consequent".
138. Objective To determine the clinical value of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) imaging in detecting VUR consequent upon benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH).
139. The check valve avoids refluence of air in pipe- lines and consequent pressure loss in which compressed air is intended to flow in one direction only.




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