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单词 Be considered as
1. Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man.
2. Nevertheless, green manuring should not be considered as a means of stimulating quick plant growth.
3. High-bay warehouses, as a single volume, can normally be considered as being single storey buildings.
4. In short, unemployment must be considered as the primary agent causing and maintaining urban deprivation.
5. The proposal will be considered as Qantas reviews all aspects of its business over the next few months, Dixon said.
6. Posts which can not be filled should be considered as to their suitability for a job-sharing arrangement.
7. This group can be considered as three elements of communication.
8. Therefore we suggest that platelet activating factor should be considered as a global mucosal activity marker.
9. For this, the particles must be considered as point particles, i. e. having one-dimensional world-lines.
10. The following species can be considered as those popular among aquarists.
11. Beryllium, bismuth, and bromine must be considered as well.
12. The cyclo converter station can be considered as a harmonic source with characters of voltage source.
13. The Yugoslavian Revisionism during the 60's might be considered as an earlier experiment of this.
14. Esophageal manometry may be considered as an important method of earlier diagnosis of diabetic autonomic neuropathy.
15. INTERPRETATION: Trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy can be considered as a new standard option for patients with HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer.
16. The Xisha Islands may be considered as a "specimen" of deposition and diagenesis in modern times. The Rock Island there, which is in the process of lixiviation and deposition, is a case in point.
17. Paul Cezanne, usually categorized as a Post-Impressionist, can be considered as their predecessor .
18. This commentary is not to be considered as a reduplication.
19. The time harmonics can be considered as voltages of higher frequencies applied to the windings.
20. The disclosure letter usually will start by reciting that certain matters are to be considered as generally disclosed.
21. A federal judge will decide whether the miles should be considered as assets and confiscated under forfeiture laws.
22. They frequently offer useful ideas and strategies, but should usually be considered as examples only.
23. The clinical grading structure is such that enrolled nurses should never now be considered as a cheaper alternative.
24. Against this we have to set the disadvantage that re-investigation might come to be considered as a disciplinary review.
25. This may lead one to think that simplicity should not be considered as just paucity of initial data.
26. Especially the appropriate use of simile skill in image element can be considered as his specialty of painting in flowers and birds.
27. All of four aromatic amines inhibited acetylation of isoniazid, but amides did not. 4-Aminobenzoic acid can be considered as a combined-drug for increasing and prolonging the blood level of isoniazid.
28. In case that a player doesn't want to take part in a press conference he will be considered as part of unsportsmanlike behaviour.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. If an English noun which means a tool is used as an English verb in the phrasal verb, it may be considered as an adverbial of manner or doing something "with the help of the tool".
30. The least square problem of the convolution result and real seismic data can be considered as the solution of a huge rarefactional matrix equation, which can be solved by singular value decomposition.
31. No matter how high the density, solar matter can be considered as an ideal gas.
32. The increase in ? ? - globulin and immunoglobulin may be considered as a helpful diagnostic index.
33. Rotary de-scaling downstream of the tunnel furnace may be considered as an alternative to the conventional high-pressure de-scalers with stationary headers located in front of the hot rolling mill.
34. Such compounds might be considered as a special type of antioxidant and classified as inhibitor regenerators.
35. And it can be considered as an index block which is set up in the massive data sets. Using CDL can easily deal with massive data sets.
36. The eventual denunciation of a failed withdrawal, even after consecutive solicitations from the clients, will be considered as proof with regards to the bank's unsuitability to operate.
37. In Chapter Two, a survey of'Abstract Individual' will be conducted, and it will be considered as the background of basic theories concerned with Marxian theories about human beings.
38. The problem of radar - ESM correlation can be considered as a pattern recognition problem.
39. The value of transition point can be considered as a measurement of network communication ability, which is much affected by the topology of networks.
40. Students are to work independently and without special aids that may be considered as an unfair advantage over others unless explicit prior permission is obtained from the instructor or TA.
41. This can be considered as a typical example of integrating theory with practice in the projection geometry teaching.
42. So, the perihelion cannot be considered as a verification of Einstein's theory although it does suggest that his theory would be in the right direction.
43. Whether a work is to be considered as a landscape, a design or a sculpture, a cup or a performance – this decision should not be looked on as the point of departure in the creative act.
44. Circular cylinder is a basic move along a straight line trajectory can be considered as a collection of the same diameter of the circle, if the horizontal section of film, then it is a straight line.
45. In this paper, the ultimate solution to after-sales service should be considered as a systematic problem, we must introduce the "service engineering" concept.
46. An NPN transistor can be considered as two diodes with a shared anode region.
47. About the noxiousness report of oxalic acid stone and iron bear excessive, also be considered as baseless .
48. Income Tax and the Net Wealth Tax that should be considered as complementary to Income Tax are levied on individuals.
49. An organization use a job evaluation tool to make decision of compensable factors, that is, what kind of factors should be considered as payment factors.
50. When we define selling out and buying in as the end of the least transaction and the beginning of the next transaction correspondingly, such a change should be considered as a completed transaction.
51. The complex noise generator has more than one kind of power consumption, each kind of power consumption can be considered as a pattern.
52. The transferred information can be considered as a kind of dynamic storage and the network can be considered as a large storage device.
53. After the evaluation by the unit-denying theory, one-member company belongs organized crimes, it should be considered as natural person.
54. Conclusion Peripatellar retinaculum contracture can be considered as one of the pathological factors of knee extension stiffness.
55. For the same reason, we may leave out of consideration those backward states of society in which the race itself may be considered as in its nonage.
56. Rectus abdominis flaps ought to be considered as they lower the wound complication rate.
57. One-member company belongs to company in criminal law, can be considered as unit.
58. To prevent this it would require some foreign subsidiaries to be considered as separate corporations for US tax purposes.
58. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
59. The discrete Fourier transform ( DFT ) and discrete Hartley transform ( DHT ) can be considered as special cases of DYT.
60. Conclusion Coating floating beads made by Alginate-Na and liquid paraffin can be considered as a gastro-floating formulation releasing drug consistently and locally.
61. Coprocessing can be considered as a transitional technology between heavy resid upgrading and coal liquefaction.
62. Any process where the main focus is on transforming data from one form to another should probably be considered as a candidate for functional transformation.
63. The UM system can be considered as a special information storage platform.
64. The results show that the phase difference and the amplitude variation can be considered as the criteria of seam tracing.
65. CONCLUSION Using iodoform sponges and injecting dexamethasone may be considered as preventing dry socket af...
66. Hybrid photopolymerization technique could be considered as a hopeful solution to overcome the drawbacks of pure systems, which contained two different systems, mixture hybrid and hybrid monomer.
67. Bankability will cause a sudden effect on the clients perception of the product- the producer's products will be considered as high quality.
68. The ultimate bending capacity of CFRST joints can be considered as branch tube flange effective width failure mode.
69. If an English noun which means a tool is used as an English verb in the phrasal verb, it may be considered as an adverbial of man...
70. In production, on-line monitoring, off-line diagnosis and field maintenance should be considered as part of all-round quality control measures.
71. All natural objects and phenomena used to be considered as having kami.
72. When you look round you see friendly faces smiling at you there is no hint of anything like blame for what elsewhere might be considered as brusqueness.
73. The experimental results obtained revealed that waxy maize starch paste with pseudoplastic characteristics could be considered as a shear-thinning system.
74. Eight-petaline pattern of maximum shear stress and four-quadrant pattern of the mean stress, centered the weakening segment of fault, may be considered as possible sign of the seismogenic fault.
75. The basic position should be considered as the skier's work position.
76. Changes of proline content and exosmosis conductance rate were significant, which could be considered as the physiological index of identifying cold resistance of Mag...
77. The pharmacophore can be considered as the largest common denominator shared by a set of active molecules.
78. The legendary drama in modern times witnessed a phenomenon in practice, which could be considered as traditionalism .
79. Broadsword of Ming dynasty style, can be considered as the avatar of practice of steel and art.
80. The disappearing of the centriolar adjunct and proximal centriole in succession might be considered as a sign of being mature completely of the spermatid.
81. The ordinary transmitter-receiver input circuit may be considered as a particular case of the hybrid input circuit studied in this paper.
82. Finally, we demonstrate the networks have special advantages by simulations, stochastic wavelet neural networks can be considered as a generalisation of wavelet neural networks in essence.
83. The author emphasizes that the former should be judged in the procedure of arbitration and the later should be considered as consolidating the hearings of related cases.
84. All of those Physiological indexes would be considered as the, system of heat-resistance selection for the hosta , and at the same time, as a theory reference for the other ornamental plants.
85. Members which abstain from voting shall be considered as not voting.
86. If we start with elastic wave equation, surface wave energy can be considered as well.
87. At last, determined whether it beyond the confidence line by the test data, if it beyond the confidence line, it could be considered as mesophilic proteins.
88. The Indo-Chinese Peninsula and Malaysia may be considered as two modern centers of diversity of this genus .
89. MacArthur surmised that competition equations should be considered as first elements of a Taylor series.
90. Conclusion: Spastic paralysis with intact of superficial sensation in the lower extremity following TIPSS should be considered as HM.
91. An approximation function of the fractal image regardless of black and white or colour can be considered as a fuzzy set. So the research of iterated fuzzy set system(IFZS) is necessary.
92. Conclusion: Extended thymectomy is an effective surgical procedure for patients with myasthenia gravis and it should be considered as early as possible.
93. Thus, ba can be considered as a shared space that serves as a foundation for knowledge creation. ...
94. Free radical, in especial reactive oxygen species, can be considered as normal vital process product for organism, however free radical in high concentration could do harm to human or other organism.
95. S - type granites should not be considered as the evidence of plume magmatism.
96. In 2005, a 56 kilograms blue catfish was caught in Alton in America. The fish was used to be considered as the world's largest catfish.
97. P75 of medical expense of each disease can be considered as upper control limit.
98. The legal nature of leasehold droits should be considered as beneficial right in rem.
99. When a painful small soft tissue mass is found around the knee, a glomus tumor, although rare, should be considered as a differential diagnosis.
100. Even if encounter administrator perambulatory, be considered as very easily also to be in get online normally browse.
101. The decohesion of the weak interface between particle and matrix may be considered as the origin of toughening.
102. A photostat copy of this authorisation shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
103. CONCLUSIONS: As far as the angiogenic potential is concerned, Huangqi might be considered as an alternative or addition agent to VEGF.
104. Squirrel monkey vocalization can be considered as a suitable model for the study in humans of the neurobiological basis of nonverbal emotional vocal utterances, such as laughing, crying, and groaning.
105. The intellectual property management based on the industrial colony will be considered as a whole issue to study.
106. They add, however, that "if proved, renal anemia might be considered as a new indication for parathyroidectomy in patients undergoing long-term dialysis. Arch Surg 2007;"
107. His position is something like that of a chief steward on a baronial estate, a very useful person whose services are indispensable but no to be considered as a social equal.
108. Hybrid photopolymerization technique could be considered as a hopeful solution to overcome the drawbacks of pure systems, which contained two different systems, blend and hybrid monomer.
109. They add, however, that "if proved, renal anemia might be considered as a new indication for parathyroidectomy in patients undergoing long-term dialysis."
110. The data show that the three series of granitoid rock are different in nature and characteristics, and can be considered as three types of petrogenesis.
111. The action of the magnetic force moment and the magnetic force on the bar magnet in the magnetic field can be considered as that of wire circles through the magnetic field.
112. To steal the magnetic stripe information from credit cards should be considered as preliminary crime.
113. All terms and conditions appear on the Sales Contract Note and its reverse side shall be considered as a part of this agreement and shall be binding on both parties.
114. A Photostat copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
115. A lone wolf can be considered as either independent or socially awkward.
116. They may be considered as having a so - called " option demand " for wilderness.
117. The second step of bamboo pyrolysis could be considered as the pyrolysis of cellulose and lignin to volatile matter and char, and well described by a parallel first-order reaction model.
118. Anterior lobe of transverse mesocolon and pancreatic capsule should be peeled, and radical resection of Omental bursa should be considered as routine operation in these patients.
118. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
119. Accordingly, the above three characteristics can be considered as the diagnostic indexes for small-testicle intersexual kids.
120. Superficial thrombophlebitis must be considered as a risk factor of deep vein thrombophlebitis are pain, reddening, swelling and induration.
121. Based on chorology, fossil records and dominant woody habit, the family may be considered as a fairly old one and probably originated in the Late Cretaceous or the Early Tertiary.
122. Some parts of the equipment can be considered as out-of-date but won't be changed in the near future due to their high reliability.
123. The given maximum required overload can be considered as the input condition for overall designs of long-range missile, such as, the available acceleration, the coef...
124. Conclusion Endoscopic mucosa chromoscopy is effective in detecting LST. EMR or EPMR may be considered as a good treatment method for early colorectal cancer.
125. There is a clear transition of the disciplines from generation to generation. Also Hu Feng's literature theory could be considered as a summary of Chinese polyphony novels.
126. The Dynamic Thermal Circuit Rating (DTCR) of the transmission lines can be considered as the calculation basis for the increase of the transmission line capacity.
127. M derivative method can be considered as extension of L derivative method.
128. The value of transition point can be considered as a measurement of network' s communication ability, which is much affected by the topology of networks.
129. In order to simplify calculation, the chain with buckets can be considered as a flexible rope with uniformly distributed load, so that it forms an ideal curve of suspended chain.
130. This paper analyses the working condition of crane reducers recommends for it a new lubricant, e. g. semifluid grease lubricant, which may at the same time be considered as a sealing.
131. Reformatting of material to make it accessible should not be considered an infringement of copyright and should be considered as reasonable access.
132. Does this imply that the hyperlink can be considered as commercial communication if I have to pay for the hyperlinks and not if it is for free?
133. Bids should be considered as the base pay rate with flexibility to go higher.
134. The crooked intermediate signal should be considered as another abnormal cartilage sign.
135. The private lives of film stars should not be considered as fair game for newspaper reporters.
136. Sprout regeneration should be considered as the first choice for black locust reproduction and reclamation of low productive plantations.
137. Under certain hypothesis a heuristic search can be considered as a random sampling process. Thus, it is possible to transfer the statistical inference method to the heuristic search.
138. They should be considered as a potential source of introduction of an exotic disease or parasite.
139. From the result, thyroglobulin could be considered as good marker for diagnosis of tumors of thyroid follicular cell origination.
140. The analysis of intrinsic value of Weiqiao can be considered as a reference for applying discount cash flow method on evaluation of investment values of China companies listed in Hong Kong.
141. CONCLUSION Using iodoform sponges and injecting dexamethasone may be considered as preventing dry socket after extraction of teeth.
142. In order to achieve the design ideal shape under completion status,(http:///be considered as.html) the temperature must be considered as sensitive factor to monitored and modified in real time under the construction status.
143. Biosystematics may therefore be considered as the taxonomic application of the discipline known as genecology.
144. Perspective reversion can be considered as the theoretical foundation of photo rectification.
145. Conclusion The common carotid arteries ischemia may be considered as small intracranial aneurysm formation.




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